Hey people! I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I produced this anyway... I would like to try and make a proper crossover out of this, one with multiple chapters and everything! If you would like to see that happen, drop a review, also if you have any feedback (positive or negative) that you want to share. And, if you would like to beta this, please inform me. It would be a great help! Remember, I'm an author monster who survives solely on the reviews you feed me.
Oh, and I'm not quite satisfied with this, especially the payment part, but I don't know what else to add... so this is the way it stays for now!
Disclaimer- Unless one of the fine creators of Torchwood, Doctor Who, or FMA gifts me with their story, I will never own any of them.

Torchwood, Cardiff

The day was a normal one in the way it only can be in the Torchwood Building. Investigating alien technology, monitoring rift activity, tossing things, making sexual innuendos and cynical jokes, when suddenly it wasn't.

"Guys!" Tosh yelled to the rest of the team as her computer began to beep. "There is rift activity… and it's slightly different than it ever has been before. Much more energy behind it, and I don't think it's from here. I can't seem to find its origin anywhere… No where on Earth or anywhere else we have plotted. Where in the world is it coming from?"

The rest of the team had assembled behind her during her speech. "Well," Jack said, a smile wide on his face. "We'll just have to ask him."

Foundation, Asimov Galaxy

"Woow!" Rose yelled as she stumbled back into the TARDIS. "I thought you said these people were all scholars or something! You never mentioned they could make a mean cocktail!"

"They can do both!" the Doctor yelled back with a laugh as he stumbled in right behind her. He took a look at his precious ship and immediately sobered up. "Oooh," he said appraising whatever his screen was showing him. "That's not good."

"What?" Rose asked, blinking rapidly, attempting to sober up while she peaked at the screen from behind the Doctor. "What's wrong?"

"Something's come in from another universe," the Doctor said. "Rose, we're going to Cardiff." He pulled his lever and they were off again.

Central City, Amestris

"Al," Edward mumbled as he held what used to be his brother. "ALPHONSE!" He smashed his fist against the ground. "Think, think. How can you get him back? There has got to be a way!"

Edward took a look at everyone around him, watching him think. They were the ones who had never let him down no matter what, the ones who had risked their lives for him and Alphonse, the ones he loved. He had to find a way out of this, a way to move forward. For them. He could do it, if only he could just think…

And there it was.

He drew the circle quickly, his hands almost automatically creating the necessary shapes. He put his hands together and offered a final look to the worry faces surrounding him. "I'll be back." he said with a grin. Then his hands slammed against the pavement and he was gone.

Ed came back to himself in the sea of white that had been home to one of his most terrible memories. He looked at the timeless doors towering above him and then turned to face the bastard who had dealt him his despair with the same grin from before he disappeared from Amestris.

"Oh? So you've come again, Alchemist. But how are you going to pay for one whole being? With yourself?" Truth asked, amused.

"No," Edward said. "With an arm and some time." He smiled cheekily at the omniscient being.

"Hmmm… that ought to do. I think I'll be seeing you again." Truth waved his hand and, with a great deal of pain, Ed's arm was once again replaced with the automail. The doors behind him opened as he went to his malnourished brother. "Wait for me in Amestris," he said gently, placing his hand on his brother's shoulder. Al nodded slightly and watched his big brother's back as Ed walked through the reaching hands to whatever lay beyond.