Author's Note: Okay everyone this is my VERY first Emogen fic and it's going to be pretty surprising I'm excited to get this going and I'm excited to hear everyone's feedback! I honestly want ATLEAST 80 reviews for this whole fic, so can you guys please make that happen for me? Lol, well let me explain a few things.
This fic takes place after the whole "Did you erase me from your memory" outburst, and a few weeks after that. Imogen is going to be VERY OOC, well compared to the previews I've seen of her. Just so you know, I DO NOT write smut (pornography) but there will be intimacy in this fic. Enough rambling, enjoy AND REVIEW! Thanks!
Eli's P.O.V
I sat at the desk in the Drama Club, the lights dimmed low. Everyone was gone; it was just me, a pen and a piece of paper.
It was my job to write an outstanding play for the production, and I never thought it would be this much pressure. I looked on the ground at the many crumpled up pieces of paper that contained my many bad ideas.
I sat my head down on the desk. I didn't know what to do; the deadline is next week and I'm supposed to pitch my idea to the Drama Instructor by then. I looked at the clock and it was 7:00. I sighed angrily and attempted to write again.
The elderly woman and her three grandchildren go missing in the month of August. When the woman's daughter embarks on a journey to find them, she realizes that similar stories have been discovered-
"Gahh!" I screamed, crumpling up the paper and adding it to the paper ball collection. Out of nowhere, I heard footsteps, heels, clanking toward the door. I stayed seated, as I was confused as to who would be here this late. A minute later, Fiona walked in. She was wearing a black tank top with silver sparkles and a black mini skirt with black panty-hose.
"Eli?" she questioned.
"Where are you going, a little under aged to be getting into the club, now aren't you?" I joked. She giggled sarcastically and walked over to the wardrobe.
"I just came back from a date, if you must know." She said, taking out pieces of cloth from the wardrobe.
"Ahh, well while your having fun, I'm here slaving over an idea." I admitted. She turned to me and frowned.
"I thought you were going with the Murder at the Masquerade idea? I already started the pre-costumes, that's why I came back so I could get more cloth." She whined. I shook my head.
"It doesn't feel right Fiona. I can't write to my fullest extent with that idea. I can't relate to it." I confessed. She stomped her foot and folded her arms like a three year old. I sighed.
"Come over. You can't stay here for too much longer and I need to be with you once that million dollar idea pops into your head so I can start on the costumes." Fiona said, gathering up the rest of the Cloth.
"Okay." I said, gathering up my stuff and stuffing it into my back pack. I grabbed the paper balls from the floor and trashed it. As me and Fiona exited the Drama room, I snapped off the lights and locked the door behind me. We walked out of the school, into the dark blue sky, threatening to turn purple any second now.
"My cab is over here." Fiona said, walking toward an orange vehicle. I followed after her and climbed into the car after her. The car pulled onto the road and Fiona and I sat in silence until the cab pulled up to her loft. She paid the fare and we exited.
"Make yourself at home." Fiona said, unlocking the door and guiding me in. This wasn't my first time here, but I had only come swiftly while she was dating Adam. I had only stayed for like five minutes.
We walked into the living room and I sat my bag on the reclining chair. I sat on the main couch and grabbed the remote. She swiped the remote from my hand and slammed it on the table.
"What do you think you're doing?" She questioned.
"You told me to make myself at home!" I responded back innocently.
"Don't you have a play to work on?" she yelled.
"Oh right…the play." I said, frowning.
"Elijah Goldsworthy…" she said, walking off. I snickered to myself and walked over to my bag to get a pencil and piece of paper. I walked back over to the main couch and took a deep breath.
"I'm going to take a shower!" Fiona called from her bedroom.
"Kay!" I replied. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Come on, hit me with a good one." I whispered to myself.
2 hours later
Fiona sat in the reclining chair, wearing white silk pajama pants and a pink spaghetti strap. The house was completely quiet, other than the reoccurring sounds of my pencil writing, and then the paper crumbling. She sighed as my 50th crumpled piece of paper hit the ground.
"Do you have anything Eli?" she asked, tired. I shook my head, ashamed.
"Nope." I sighed. "I never had this bad of a writers block before."
"Do you think…do you think that it has something do with Clare?" she asked slowly, biting her lip. My eyes widened at her name. Clare. A wave of sadness washed over me and I knew it was time to re-medicate.
"I uh- I have to go." I said, gathering the paper balls in my arms. Fiona walked over and helped. We threw them in the garbage and she turned to me.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have brought her up." She apologized.
"It's fine. It's just getting late and my mom will worry. I'll try again tomorrow." I reassured. She smiled apologetically and walked me to the door.
"I should call you a cab." She said, getting her phone out.
"No. My house isn't too far from here, I'll walk. I could use the fresh air." I said. She raised her eyebrow but didn't protest.
"See you tomorrow." She said before closing the door. I started on my way walking home. Secretly, I was hoping that someone would pop out and stab me to death. It would make things in my life much easier.
After about twenty minutes of walking, I arrived home. I opened the front door and I saw Cece sitting on the couch, watching the news.
"Hey honey. Did you come up with an idea for the play?" she asked.
"Not yet." I mumbled, storming up the stairs. I ran to my room, slammed the door and then collapsed on the bed. Hopefully I'd dream up an idea for the play, but odds were that I'd only dream about Clare.
I arrived at school pretty early the next day. I walked up the steps of Degrassi and opened the doors. The halls were pretty empty, except for some of the teachers and Student Council. I walked past Sav, and he nodded at me so I nodded back.
I walked to my locker and opened it, grabbing another notebook since I didn't have anymore paper in the other one.
I looked down at my leg. The small brown bandage wrapped around my ankle was useless because my leg was just about healed. I sighed and walked off toward the Drama Club and I stopped when I saw a girl standing at the doorway talking to the drama instructor.
"When can I audition?" the girl asked.
Audition? There was no play to audition for yet. I walked over to them and both eyes turned to me once I stopped in front of them.
"Excuse me, but I overheard her asking about auditioning, and we're not having auditions. There isn't even a play!" I said. The girl giggled and I eyed here confusedly. I didn't find anything funny.
"Mr. Goldsworthy, I am using an old play written by one of the older students so that we can audition people. Once you turn your play idea in, then we can cast people. Does that sound good to you?" the instructor asked, an edge of attitude in her tone. I didn't respond, I just stared at the girl beside me. She had 2 sloppy buns on each side of her head, and she wore white framed glasses. Her skin tone was beautifully tan, which complimented her white teeth. Her style was dramatic, black and red polka dot tights with blue bangles and a green side bag.
"Umm…who are you?" I asked her. She smiled and held her hand out.
"Imogen Moreno, pleased to meet you."
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