The final performance is here! I think this is also the final chapter! I am so sad that it is over! But if you guys have any requests for a few more chapters, just let me know. Thank you for reading the story so far and I hope you enjoy. Review!

I do not own the songs Love Story by Taylor Swift, Romeo and Juliet by S.O.A.P., or E.T. by Katy Perry. Enjoy!

The long skool day finally ended and Gaz couldn't wait to get home. Earlier in the day, Dib offered to give her a ride and, to Dib's surprise, even more to her's, she accepted. She assumed he wanted to talk about what happened between her and their father the other night. She had been avoiding it but decided she could not ignore it forever. Though, it was the worst day possible to discuss it. For later that night, the final performance of Romeo and Juliet was scheduled. She stepped into the car and slammed the door shut, fidgeting with her fingers, skull necklace, and anything else she could get her hands on. Dib closed his door and started the car, occasionally glancing at his sister. The first five minutes were drove in silence as the two awkwardly glanced out the window.

"You want to listen to some music?" Dib offered.

"Sure." She was so nervous about the play that she would settle for anything that could serve as a possible distraction. He pushed the button and searched for a clear station. He stayed on the first station that arrived. Gaz shifted nervously in her chair as she listened to the lyrics.

That you were Romeo, you were throwing pebbles
And my daddy said stay away from Juliet
And I was crying on the staircase
Begging you please don't go, and I said

Romeo take me somewhere we can be alone
I'll be waiting all there's left to do is run
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story baby just say yes

She sighed and scratched the back of her neck.

"Could we listen to a different song?"

"Okay." And he turned it to the next clear station in line.

It's a lot like Romeo and Juliet It feels like
Something's happening to me
In the summertime I met a guy
He was so fine, He blew my mind
My friends are telling me
Girl he's a looser
But they can't see
It's a lot like Romeo and Juliet

Gaz sighed and eyed Dib as if saying "Please change the song."

He nodded and changed the song.

Take me, take me
Wanna be a victim
Ready for abduction

Boy, you're an alien
Your touch so foreign
It's supernatural

"What the heck!" She yelled before quickly turning the radio off. Dib stared at his

sister in confusion, but decided to drop it and focused on his driving. She drummed her fingers nervously as the play refused to leave her mind. Dib cleared his throat and tried small talk.

"So the play is tonight, huh?"

She nodded, but all she thought of was the kiss. How would Dib react? He was aware that Romeo and Juliet were to kiss in the play and that Zim was Romeo and Gaz was Juliet, though she knew he would not take it lightly. Why hadn't he talked to her about it; freak out like he usually did?

"You nervous?"

She didn't answer. He sighed and put a hand on her shoulder to which she stiffened immediately.

"It's okay to be nervous, Gaz. Everyone gets nervous. I'm scared out of my mind right now!"

She faced him slightly.

"You are?"

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be? We have all worked really hard for this one night."

"But you don't seem nervous at all. How are you so calm?"

He shrugged.

"I guess my mind is just too focused on other things to be worried about the play."

"Oh." She quickly faced the window again, bracing herself for the flood of questions that were sure to come, either about Zim or her dad.

"Gaz, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Here it comes…

"Why were you and dad fighting when I came home the other night?"

"Oh, that." She replied as if she had not expected the question. "I guess I just got sick of him not paying any attention to us."

"Oh, okay." She saw his eyes grow sad.

"Don't you ever wish he would actually notice us instead of paying attention to his career?"

They arrived at a stop light and he slowed the car to a stop. He tripped over his words, repeating the excuse he had given him for years.

"Well…h-he's busy…I mean, I know he's an important man and…" Though, he could not finish. He just couldn't excuse him anymore. Dib knew that his dad was missing out on many important parts of their lives; times he would never be able to get back. Whether he liked to admit it or not, Dib really missed his dad. He wanted him to be home more often. But his dad was also his hero. The reason being why he never complained about his never-ending absence. He wanted to change the subject and fast.

"So what time are we supposed to arrive before the show?"

She knew he was trying to change the subject, but she wouldn't allow it. They had lived their entire lives avoiding it.

"6:30 and don't change the subject Dib. I miss him too."

The light turned green, but he did not move. Cars began honking and insults were thrown out the windows of the cars behind them, but the Membrane siblings ignored them. Dib gripped the steering wheel tightly and adjusted his glasses, finally pushing the gas and moving the car. Gaz sighed and decided it was her turn to be there for him. Their entire life, Dib had to be the parental figure to her. Now it was her turn to be there for him.

"It's okay to want dad to be around Dib. Trust me, I would love to be able to come home from rehearsals and tell him everything about what happened; just really talk to him about life, my problems, Zi—" She caught herself too late. She had gotten too comfortable talking and had accidentally slipped up and almost said Zim's name. She silently prayed that he did not hear it but of course, being Dib, he heard it loud and clear.

His head jerked around to face her. She peered down at the ground, more absorbed in her shoes than the conversation. He wanted to say something, but instead he remained silent. She did not like the silence, though it was certainly better than yelling. When he finally spoke, she was shocked by what he said.

"If you want to talk about life, or your problems, or even," he hesitated, "Zim, I am always here to listen, if you want."

She could clearly see the battle he was having with himself. He wanted to protect his sister, yet he wanted her to be happy also. It was certainly a big step for Dib to listen to her and not vomit or pass out while she gushed on and on about Zim. But the entire time she talked, he listened and nodded, occasionally asking her opinion on a matter or voicing his thoughts. And not once did he judge her, even when she spoke of Zim. When she finally finished, he leaned back in his chair. He sighed deeply, awkward but content. Their conversation had lasted longer than the ride home so they had decided to grab a bite to eat at Bloaty's Pizza Hog and eat out in the car.

"Can I ask you something now?"

She eyed him suspiciously but nodded anyways.

"H-have you two…um…" He looked sick as he used his hands to display kissing. Gaz shook her head and thought, What is up with every guy having to show girls what kissing is instead of just saying it? But she blushed at his question for she knew what he meant right away.


Her lack of answer answered it completely for Dib. He grew pale and leaned against the window.

"I see." Was all he could whimper.

She laughed and he turned around suddenly, staring at her intensively. She was beginning to wonder if she had sprouted a third arm out of her forehead with the way he was looking at her.

"What?" She asked.

"You just laughed."


"I haven't heard you laugh in… actually, I don't remember the last time I heard you laugh."

She shrugged.

"He really does make you happy, doesn't he?" He questioned, sadly but also happy that she had finally found someone.

She nodded.

"He does. I can just be myself around him. I don't feel like I have to put on a fake front just to impress him. He likes me just because I am me." She smiled at the thought of the alien. "It's just nice having someone like that around."

"Then I'm happy for you."

It was her turn to stare.

"If Zim makes you that happy, then I am happy for you and I…" He gulped as he struggled with his words. "I approve." He finally wheezed.

She watched him in disbelief before hugging him harshly. He gagged as the air rushed out of his body.

"Thank you, Dib." She repeated over and over.

"I'm….hurting…!" He gasped.

Gaz gathered any possible items she may have needed for the performance. Dib stepped into her doorway.

"You ready?"

"Almost. Is it okay if someone rides with us? They're performing in the play tonight, too."

"Yeah, sure." He smiled.

Though, she had a feeling he would not be smiling soon.

"Thanks." She could hear the doorbell ring downstairs. "That's them." She said before running to the stairs. Dib was a bit taken aback by her sudden, cheerful mood but shrugged it off and followed her downstairs. He grabbed his car keys and waited behind Gaz as she opened the door. All at once, his jaw dropped and his eyes widened.

Zim looked up at Gaz and smiled, glanced over her shoulder and smiled, but faltered and repeated Dib's actions. Gaz eyed the two boys before raising her eyebrow.

"Are you two going to stare all day or are we going to go to the show?" She questioned impatiently. Dib tried to speak, but all that came out was a faint squeak. Zim cleared his throat and straightened out his uniform nervously.

"U-um… are you coming with me or the Dib-worm, Gaz?" He still watched his enemy awkwardly. She shrugged.


They both looked at her and said "Huh?"

"We're all riding together."

"B-but I can't ride with him, he is an alien—"

"His head is too big!"

"He has green skin!"

"His pointy hair is too…pointy!"

She sighed in aggravation at the conversation that took place all at the same time. She slapped her hand over Zim's mouth, Zim yelping slightly, and thumped Dib in the forehead. Dib whimpered and rubbed his now-sore head.

"If you two can't get along, then stay home and fight it out here. But I have to leave now if I am going to make it in time for the play that ALL of us are supposed to be performing in tonight!"

She walked past the two and they silently followed. She pretended not to notice when they began tripping and shoving each other. She sighed and grabbed the keys from Dib and opened her door in the back.

"Aren't you going to sit in the passenger side, Gaz?"

"I'll sit back here. Zim, come here."

His eyes widened as she pointed to the passenger's seat. He backed up, shaking his head frantically.

"Why don't I just sit in the back with you?"

She showed him the bulky bag she was carrying.

"Because I have to put this in the back with me. This is all of our costumes and there is no way you will fit back here with the bag and me. Just sit there," she pointed, "right beside Dib." The pair eyed her, their eyes saying "You set us up." She smirked wickedly and her eyes replied "Yes I did." But due to time, they complied and took their seats. She chuckled to herself in the back seat as the two avoided eye contact, Zim staring out the window, Dib staring at the road. It was certainly a memorable car ride. They practically lunged out of the car when they arrived in the Hi-skool parking lot. Gaz struggled to carry the bag and Dib and Zim, both being gentlemen, reached to grab for it at the same time. Their hands barely brushed, but they quickly released the bag. Zim jumped back like he had been burned and rubbed his hands harshly across his pants. Dib whipped out a bottle of hand sanitizer and drowned his hand with it.

"This is going to be one long night." Gaz predicted. And boy was she right.

The students raced around the stage, nervously finishing the last preparations. Gaz opened the bathroom door and stepped out, in costume and looking like Juliet. Zim casually sauntered by and glanced at Gaz, smiling, looking forward, but backing up quickly. He faced her and his eyes grew wide. She put her hand on her hips, acting mad.

"Are you just going to stare or are you going to come over?" She teased.

He walked over and gently placed his hands on her shoulders, pulling her back and observing her beauty.

"You are beautiful."

"You don't look half bad yourself." She observed.

Seeming to forget that he was in costume, he glanced down. He shrugged while pulling her closer. He leaned his face closer to hers, tugging beneath her chin, but she held a finger up to his lips.

"You're gonna have to wait for the balcony scene." She winked playfully before walking past him and slowly making her way to the auditorium, gazing shyly over her shoulder back at the star-struck Irken. It was odd flirting so openly, especially considering Dib was in the other room, but it felt good. Waking from his trance, Zim followed her.

"Okay, students, gather around!" Mr. Elliot hollered. He stood on the stage waiting until all of the students stood around him.

"Tonight is the final performance. We have been working for many months for this one night. Now I know you are all very nervous, but remember: you have all worked very hard for this and have earned this night. We have rehearsed this and passed with flying colors each time. So remember to have fun and make this a play the audience will never forget!" They all clapped, Dib, Zim, and Gaz eyeing each other.

When the crowd scattered to finish the last adjustments, Dib walked over to his sister and smiled.

"Look at you, Gaz. A few months ago, you were being forced to audition for this and you couldn't wait for it to be over. Now you have the main part and you certainly deserve it."

"Do you really think so?" She asked hopefully.

He nodded.

"Dad would be proud." He smiled sadly.

Her smile faded and she nodded. He patted her on the shoulder before leaving to put on his costume. Zim faced her confusedly.

"Your parental unit will not be present tonight?"

She shook her head.

"No, Zim. He's not." She bit her lip and shrugged the thought of. "Who cares? Come on, let's go get ready. It's almost time!"

The seats were being filled quickly and people flowed through the doors in large numbers. Many more people showed up than Gaz had expected. Her heart beat as she peeked out into the crowd. She was not used to being nervous, but then again, she was not used to acting in a play, being in love with an alien, or being friends with her brother. So much had happened since the play began. She often imagined what her life would have been like had she not been forced to audition. Most likely, she would be stuck at home, playing her Game Slave and ignoring her brother's rants. Yet her she was, dressed like Juliet, waiting to give the performance of her life. She felt a presence behind her and quickly dropped the stage's curtain when she felt someone grab her hand. She spun around and sighed in relief to see Zim standing there, grinning.

"I thought you were one of the teachers." She gasped.

He chuckled.

"Perhaps I should take you in to one of the teachers for peeping into the crowd and being nervous." He looped an arm around her and she laughed at how easily he could read her.

"I guess I just didn't expect such a big crowd."

He could feel her fear and it made him jump into protection mode. He pulled her from behind, holding her body close, and tilted her head until she was looking up at him.

"Don't worry about the crowd. Tonight, we are living for you and me. Not those people out there, your brother, or your dad; just you and me." She smiled at his reassuring words. He gently ran a hand along her face and down her neck. "And when I kiss you tonight, I will not be kissing the crowd or anyone else. I will be kissing you and you alone." He rubbed his face along hers, taking in her smooth skin and soft scent. He moaned in delight as she kissed his neck. Zita walked out of nowhere and giggled when she saw the pair. They looked up quickly, obviously embarrassed by the sudden intrusion.

"It's time." She giggled.

Zim and Gaz looked at each other one last time and nodded, following the giddy girl out of the room and getting into position. After giving the machine to Mr. Elliot and explaining how to use it, Zim rejoined Gaz and stood by her side as the teacher fumbled with the odd contraption. He finally found the first setting for scene one and was amazed by the realistic effects it displayed. Gaz and Zim shook their head while the teacher droned on and on about "what a great little machine this is. It is just perfect!" What an odd teacher… they both thought simultaneously.

Gaz caught sight of Dib and he smiled before leaving to get ready. Mr. Elliot walked up to Gaz and Zim.

"This is it, you two. Are you ready?"

They nodded.

"Then on with the show!" He stepped out onto the stage in front of the crowd and the students flocked to the corners, in the shadows and out of view. Gaz could hear him begin the narration. This is it, she thought, no going back now. The curtains crawled open gracefully and the crowd instantly "Owwed" and "Awed" over the realistic setting. A few students walked to the center of the stage and began their lines. Gaz watched the performance for five minutes before she left and went to a room in the back. Her part wasn't for at least another ten minutes so she decided to relax a little and be alone. She knew it was not wise to be by herself for long though, because soon her mind began to wander and when her mind wandered, it often led to the doubts and worries she would constantly push away. What if I forget my lines? What if Dib interferes at the last minute? What if I make a complete fool of myself in front of the entire school? What if… What if….

She shook her head and ran a hand through her hand. I wonder if mom would be proud?

"Dad certainly isn't." She angrily said to the room. She could hear someone approaching and quickly relaxed.

"Your part is coming up soon, Gaz."

"Thanks, Zita. I'll be right there."

She brushed her dress off and took one final look in the mirror that occupied the corner and smiled. I'm living for me tonight.

She walked up to the sidelines and waited. She watched as Zim marched onto the stage, completely confident and carefree. She laughed as he proudly gave his lines and secretly shot a glance her way. In the play, Romeo was at a party and was soon about to meet Juliet. It was going to be one of the most difficult scenes for Zim and Gaz. They all ready had so much chemistry personally that it was hard to act as though they had never met before. Still, Gaz walked onto the stage with her pretend father and was introduced to the other party attendees. The father handed Juliet over to a young man and they began dancing. 'Romeo' glanced across the room and his eyes remained glued to Gaz. It was all she could do to not blush.

"What lady is that which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight?" Zim asked one of the party servers. Gaz interpreted the old Shakespearian language to modern and knew he was saying basically, "Who is the girl on the arm of that lucky fellow over there?".

"I know not, sir" The server replied.

Zim spoke his next lines, which was many, going on about Juliet's great beauty. Though when Gaz saw the way he looked at her, she had a feeling he was not just acting. The student she was dancing with released her and she stepped over into the corner to which Romeo crossed the room and reached for her hand. She smiled as he wooed her with sweet lines, no matter how rehearsed they may have been. And that was it: Romeo and Juliet had officially met. As for Zim and Gaz, though, they had much, much more chemistry.

The play was going according to plan and the balcony scene quickly arrived. Zim held Gaz a moment longer before he stepped onto the stage, searching for his love. Gaz climbed the balcony and was amazed herself by how realistic everything was. The whole play had come alive along with the romance. She heard Zim's desperate cries for his Juliet and opened the balcony doors, stepping into view.

"Ay me!"

"She speaks! Oh, speak again, bright angel, for thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as is a winged messenger of heaven!" He recited as he crossed the stage over to her. She glimpsed down and could see their first, real kiss repeating itself. He climbed up the fence that rested against the wall and came closer and closer. Her heart sped up dramatically and she could feel her face turning red. It did not help that she could see Dib and the rest of the hi-skool students watching in awe from the sidelines. She reached her hand over to which he gently took. He climbed higher and higher until he was face-to-face with her. She glided her hand across his face, not receiving the usual purr of pleasure, but instead he leaned over and whispered, "Thy need not mind thy crowd. We livest for ourselves this night." She smiled at his poorly translated Shakespearian language, but shook her head in agreement. He wrapped his claw behind and around the nape of her neck and drew her closer. Dib held his mouth tightly to prevent himself from interjecting. Zim gazed at her lips and just before they met, whispered "For us…". He pressed his lips lightly against hers, inviting her to progress or stay as they were. She ran a hand up his arm, inviting him to continue. He pulled her closer, digging his claws into her hair, and she gasped in pleasure.

The crowd suddenly broke out in applause even though the play was not finished. To them, they thought they had two teenagers who really knew how to act, but to the students on the sidelines and to Gaz and Zim, they knew the kiss was not part of the play. True, it was in the script, but it meant so much more. To the pair, it was a sign of their love, a promise to always remain side-by-side, no matter what may come their way. He broke off and wrapped his arms protectively when he heard the 'nurse' coming. Dib will not take her away from me, he hissed in his mind. Dib walked up behind the pair and Juliet eyed her nurse nervously. Juliet eyed him in fear because the nurse was to warn her if her parents were coming; Gaz eyed him in fear because he could decide right then and there not to approve of Zim. Even if he did not, she refused to leave him. She was shocked when he continued with his lines and warned Juliet that her parents were coming. She nodded hastily and kissed her lover once more before allowing him to descend. She could have sworn she saw Zim give her that familiar, reassuring smile, but it could have just been the lighting messing with her eyes.

Gaz stood beside Romeo's lifeless body and grasped his dagger. Romeo was dead. Juliet no longer had a reason to live. Without her love, her life crumbled and fell apart. Dib was shocked when he realized that real tears streamed down Gaz's face as she crouched over Zim who laid motionless on the stage, a bottle of poison at his side. The entire body of students watched in amazement as Gaz cried. They had never seen her that way before, acting or not. You would have thought her love had really died. You were perfect for the part, Gaz, Dib thought proudly, you really were…

"This is thy sheath; there rust, and let me die." She cried as she raised the dagger. She stabbed the knife into her chest, gasped and limply fell beside Romeo. In her last moments of life, Juliet extended her hand and grasped Romeo's.

"Thy love is my savoir, my escape of this cruel world." She whispered faintly before dying, her hand still clutching his. The words had not been of the script, Zim knew that right away. He felt a feeling grow inside that he had never experienced before: love. He could tell that Gaz truly loved him and he smiled as he realized he loved her too.

The crowd jumped up and a roar of applause echoed throughout the room. The curtains hid the stage for a moment, allowing Gaz and Zim to stand and the scenery machine to be turned off. When the curtains were drawn again, the entire body of performers stood on the stage. Every single person in the crowd applauded and cheered. Gaz couldn't recall a moment in her life where she was happier. Dib hugged her tightly before releasing her to Zim. She laughed and jumped into his arms. He grinned, but pulled back and pointed into the crowd. Her smile disappeared when she saw her father standing in the crowd, clapping silently and staring at his children. Dib saw their dad too and instantly froze.

As the children jumped off the stage to meet with their families, Dib and Gaz made their way through the crowd and finally found him. Dib hugged their father first and nodded as he took in his father's comments of approval. He glanced over his shoulder at Gaz and stepped to the side, allowing her to step up. "You have been waiting for this for a long time" his eyes told her. Her smile thanked him.

"I…I didn't know you would—" But before she could finish, her father embraced her tightly.

"I am so proud of you, Gaz."

Her mouth hung and her eyes filled with tears. He remembered her name and he said he was proud of her. She refused to contain the tears while she clung to her dad and caught up on all of the years they had missed in a single embrace.

The last of the audience crawled into their cars and began their drive home. Gaz gazed at the various bouquets of flowers that rested on the stage beside her. She let her legs dangle off of the side of the stage and stared into the now-empty auditorium.

"Hey, Gaz."

She smiled up at her brother.

"You did great tonight. I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks. You did good, too. Maybe we should consider joining the next play?"
He was shocked by her suggestion by smiled anyways.

"Yeah, maybe."

A moment of silence filled the air.

"Dad's ready to leave. You about ready?" He asked.

"I think I am going to stay here a little longer. You guys can go ahead home."

He rose an eyebrow in concern.

"But how are you going to get home?"

She glanced at the doors in the corner and smiled.

"I think I know of someone who will give me a ride."

Dib followed her Gaz and saw Zim standing in the doorway. He laughed and nodded.

"Okay. See you at home."

Dib walked out the door, but turned to the Irken before leaving.

"I have to admit, Zim: your performance was pretty good."

"As was yours, Dib-beast. I assume this does not mean you will stop following me or harassing me, though, does it?" He asked. Though, Dib could see him silently praying that it would not change anything. He enjoyed their constant bickering, no matter how often he may have complained.

Dib chuckled and shook his head.

"Stop harassing you? Hmph, now that you are with my sister, it means I am going to watch you even harder!"

Zim smirked.

"Good. I look forward to it, Dib-stink."

He shoved him harshly, but laughed. Dib shook his head and left the skool grinning at the odd turn of events.

Zim glanced across the room at Gaz who remained seated on the stage, waiting.

"Mind if I join you?"

She sighed.

"I was wondering if you would ever ask." She teased, moving over slightly.

He took a seat beside her and stared at the empty seats in front of them.

"It ended with applause. I suppose we gave a good performance."

"Huh?" She eyed him, wondering what he was referring too.

He inched closer to her.

"A good performance always ends in applause."

"Oh," she smiled, "that."

He grabbed her waist and turned her towards him.

"Do you know what that means for tonight?"

She raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"No, what?"

He pulled her face closer to his, his breath grazing her skin.

"A date always ends in a good night kiss."

She chuckled.

"I didn't know this was a date."

He ran a hand down her leg.

"Let's say it is then just for the heck of it."

She agreed and kissed him lightly on the lips. A shadow fell upon them and they broke apart quickly when they realized Mr. Elliot towering over them.

"Woops." Zim muttered.

Mr. Elliot tapped his foot impatiently.

"At least it is after-skool hours?" Gaz suggested.

"I think I can let it go just this once." He replied, smiling as always.

They let out a sigh of relief.

"Actually, I was hoping I would find you two. I cannot begin to tell you how many comments I got about both of your performances. And most of them were about the way you acted together.

"What do you mean?" Zim questioned.

"They liked your performances when you acted alone, but they said they noticed you were even better when you acted together. They said it was as if you two were made to act together."

Zim grinned, Gaz smiled shyly.

"So I was wondering, we are going to be having another play soon and I was wondering if you two wanted to maybe try out for it?"

They both looked at each other and immediately answered, "Yes!"

Mr. Elliot nodded excitedly.

"Okay. Be sure to keep an eye out for the auditions. I'll see you two at skool."

They waved to the teacher and relaxed when the doors closed. Zim hopped off of the stage and held out his hand.

"Shall we?"

"Where are we going?" She asked while taking his hand.

"I think Romeo and Juliet need to have some time alone after performing in front of a crowd." He suggested as they left the auditorium and left the skool. He clicked a button and the Voot Cruiser landed beside them soon after. He helped her in and took a seat beside her.

The Cruiser floated above the ground for a moment before lifting off into the sky. Zim put it on autopilot and reached towards Gaz, pulling her close.

"I love you." He whispered.

She smiled and gazed up at him.

"I love you too, Zim."


AWW! Well, I don't know about you, but I thought that was pretty sweet! I hope you guys liked the story and remember to check back for more stories like this. I was thinking of doing a Phantom of the Opera version! Let me know what you think and if I get enough approvals, I will probably do it! (Knowing me, I'll do it anyways though cause I love Zagr XD) Thanks guys and review!