Fluttershy's Nightmare Pt 15


by Neoraichu

This story is rated M for Gratuitous Kink. FluttershyX'OC'.


On the third day, Moon-Shadow went to Canterlot to accept the final judgement of Princess Celestia. All of the stars of harmony were coming with her, especially Fluttershy. She feared the worst possible punishment from the Princess, in spite of Fluttershy's assurances to the contrary. As soon as she was within the boundaries of Canterlot, they were all surrounded by dozens of Royal Guards, who were escorting them to the Palace. They didn't seem hostile, but they were keeping their guard up. There were a few more ponies on the fringe of the group carrying manacles and chains that made them all worry somewhat.

"Will she banish me to the Dream Realm after all this?" asked Moon-Shadow quietly.

"I swear I'll go with you," said Fluttershy as quietly, "I won't let you go anywhere alone ever again."

"I don't even deserve your kindness."

"I'd give freely without expectation of repayment, even if I didn't love you."

"I deserve your love even less than your kindness."

"But I was the one who chose to give it to you. I will live with whatever consequences that entails."

"Thank you so much."

The Guards were herding the group of mares into the Palace, heading for the main hall where no doubt the Princess Celestia herself would be waiting for them, and most likely Princess Luna as well. She would want to be there officially this time should Moon-Shadow/Nightmare Queen be banished to the Dream Realm or some other horrible punishment. The sunlight glinted and glittered off the golden armor of the Royal Guards. While the sunlight no longer bothered Moon-Shadow, she could still feel the harsh sting of the sun down on her.

They passed the gates of the Palace as they moved by yet another group of wary Royal Guards. Moon-Shadow gulped as she felt their gaze upon her. Moving onto the Courtyard, it only seemed a short while before they would be at the Gates to the Palace itself. They walked the cobblestone path between the areas of perfectly manicured green lawn and flowers. The sweet smell of manicured grass and well tended flowers wafted everywhere as they walked.

Then they arrived at the Inner Gates to the Palace, where they encountered yet another group of wary Royal Guards. They passed the Guards as they passed into the Grand Hallway, just across from the great doors to the Main Hall itself. It was the first set of doors they came across that was actually closed to them.

Moon-Shadow gulped, as she soon knew that her Fate would be upon her. She shivered as she thought about what her punishment would be. Fluttershy sensed Moon-Shadow's nerves, but said nothing about it this time.

The Guards opened the doors to the Main Hall, revealing the full splendor and regalia within. There was a huge red carpet running the length of the hall from the door to the Royal Platform where even from outside the door, they could see the Princess Celestia waiting for them on her most Regal Throne with Princess Luna on a slightly small throne next to her. On either side of the carpet behind lines of Guards and velvet ropes lay the Courtly Audience, who watched the proceedings and perhaps waited their turn to address Celestia.

There was a blast of trumpets, and then a particularly large Guard announced, "Presenting the Nightmare Queen for judgement by her Royal Majesty, Princess Celestia! Twilight Sparkle, number one pupil of Celestia, and her party of associates are also in attendance!"

The audience fell into a hushed silence as Moon-Shadow and her friends were led into the Main Hall. Moon-Shadow hung her head lower as she walked towards Celestia, her fear of punishment growing ever stronger with each step. The tension in the room was thick enough that one could almost cut it with their knife.

"Nightmare Queen," said Celestia, "Advance before me and receive your final judgement."

Moon-Shadow stepped forward with Fluttershy staying by her side.

"Fluttershy?" asked the Princess.

"I swore I would suffer whatever punishment you give to Moon-Shadow, and I meant it," said the pale Pegasus with quiet strength as she stood by Moon-Shadow. The audience passed around quiet gasps like a wave among themselves.

"Very well," she said, "I hereby sentence the Nightmare Queen, who shall be henceforth known as Moon-Shadow, to..."

She had to pause as the noise of the audience suddenly increased. Fluttershy stood shoulder to shoulder with Moon-Shadow to await her fate.

"I hereby sentence the Nightmare Queen, who shall be henceforth known as Moon-Shadow, to..."

Another burst of noise came from the audience. Some were heard to say things like "Mercy! Show mercy with justice!"

"SILENCE!" screamed the Guard at the door who announced them before, "The Princess is SPEAKING!"

"I hereby sentence the Nightmare Queen, who shall be henceforth known as Moon-Shadow, to living the rest of her life with Fluttershy and assisting her in every way. Fluttershy shall be your guardian and master, and you must obey her commands in all things and matters. This is the final judgement of the Nightmare Queen."

Everyone fell silent. Luna looked at her older sister and smiled.

She looked at Fluttershy and said, "You might have a small problem sharing that punishment with Moon-Shadow, wouldn't you?"

Fluttershy reared and hugged Moon-Shadow with her forelegs, and replied, "I don't know, I think I can be pretty hard when I boss myself around."

Everyone giggled at that.

"I gladly accept my fate," said Moon-Shadow, "and I shall serve Fluttershy to the best of my ability for all the days of my life."

The audience gave a collective sigh. Luna clapped her hooves, causing a small amount of copy catting from the audience.

"Very well," announced the Princess, "Then your sentence begins immediately."

Moon-Shadow reared into Fluttershy's embrace as she returned the hug, and the two shared a passionate kiss before Celestia, Luna, and all those gathered.

"Ah the joys of youthful love," sighed Celestia.