Fluttershy's Nightmare

by Neoraichu

This story is rated M for Gratuitous Kink. FluttershyX'OC'.


One day, Fluttershy was tending to the animals when Angel came to her. He seemed to be rather agitated.

"What is it?" she asked, "What's wrong?"

The bunny grabbed her foreleg and tugged.

"You want to show me something?"

He nodded as he kept tugging.

"Alright," she sighed, "Take me there."

He released her leg and ran for the woods. Fluttershy did her best to follow along. The bunny led her into the bushes, deep into the woods along an animal trail. He suddenly stopped and pointed at a tree.

"A tree bothers you?" she asked. He shook his head 'no'.

"There's something in the tree bothering you?" Again, head shakes 'no'.

"Is there something on the other side of the tree bothering you?" He nodded 'yes'.

Fluttershy quietly approached the tree and peered around it to see... a black mare laying on the ground.

"Oh no," gasped Fluttershy (quietly).

She approached the black mare and noticed that it was either deeply asleep or unconscious. Neither one seemed very good, since it was the middle of the day at the time.

"Angel," she asked, "Would you please go to Ponyville and get help?"

He shook his head 'no'.

"No? Why not?"

He shook his head 'no' again.

"Please," she pleaded, "for me?"

He sighed and ran off for Ponyville.

She waited for a while until some ponies showed up. It was Applejack, Big Macintosh, Dash, Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle. Spike was also there on Twilight's back.

"What all's the matter, sugar-cube?" asked Applejack.

"I found this mare in the woods," said Fluttershy as she stood over the black mare, "I need your help to get her back to my house. I can't tell if she's sick or not, and she's been unconscious since I found her."

"Well," mused Twilight, "I suppose we should build a travois and use it to drag her back to your place."

"We jus needs some strong branches and some ropes," said Applejack, "I thinks I got enough rope on me. I've been practicing rope tricks lately, so I has a couple of my lassos on me."

"A travois is best pulled by one pony. I can pull her all the way back to Fluttershy's house all by myself," said Big Macintosh, "Jus let me do all of the work."

The rest just nodded and got to gathering materials. Soon, Big Mac was hooked up to a jury-rigged travois, and the unconscious black mare was dragged onto it, and tied down to it. Fluttershy and Applejack went ahead to find the best path to use, Rainbow Dash flew overhead to see far ahead, and Twilight (and Spike on her back) and Pinkie Pie walked by the black mare to keep an eye on her.

"I don't think I've ever seen her around Ponyville before," mused Pinkie.

"I'm sure you don't know every mare in Ponyville," answered Twilight.

"I'm sure I know most of them," she replied, "They almost all been to one or another of my parties. Besides, I've never seen a coat that's so darkly black before. She appears to be fully grown, but she doesn't have a cutie mark either."

Twilight caught herself staring at the black rump, and realized that Pinkie was right: there was no cutie marks. She noted something else as well: Whenever the mare was exposed to the sunlight over a large part of her body, she twitched and jerked. The crowded trees kept most of the sun off her as they worked their way towards Fluttershy's house.

"Something's not right here," said Twilight quietly, "and I have every intention of finding out exactly what it is." It was concerning enough that she stopped the group at the edge of the woods.

The last hundred feet or so to Fluttershy's house was open and sunny.

"I know this is going to sound odd, but I'm going ahead to open the front door. When you're ready, Big Macintosh, I want you to run as fast as you can from here all the way to the porch. We have to get her into the house as quick as we can."

"Yup," he answered, "that all's odd, but I do it fer you."

"Why would that be needed?" asked Dash.

"I don't know for sure," replied Twilight, "but I have a hunch it's something we simply must do."

"Is it the sun that's bothering you?" asked Pinkie.

"No," she answered, "but I think the sun is bothering this black mare. I just can't shake the feeling that a lot of exposure to the sun is really bad for her."

"All right," said Big Mac, "by the time you open the front door, I'll be ready to run the distance."

"If I fly overhead, I can cut down on the exposure to the sun's rays," offered Dash.

"Me too!" said Fluttershy in an excited (yet quiet) tone.

"I'm sure that will really help," said Twilight as she trotted off for Fluttershy's front door.

As soon as the front door was opened, Big Mac started running. Dash and Fluttershy flew overhead, using their bodies to block as much of the sun's rays as they could. He ran hard, literally charging the whole distance across the open ground. He was extending his legs so much that his hooves nearly clipped the mare's head. In a matter of seconds, Big Mac had dragged the mare across the open area, and was pulling her up the steps to the front door.

Twilight looked down on the black mare as she said, "I think she's alright."

"I could use a drink," said Big Mac.

"Wait here," said Fluttershy, "and I'll get some fruit punch for everyone."

"That would be swell," he replied.

Fluttershy went into the house, and returned with several glasses, a large pitcher of fruit punch and a bucket of ice on a small trolley. Each glass had it's own straw. She poured the punch as everyone gathered around it, and the trolley was set so that Big Mac didn't have to unhook the travois to reach his glass. After everyone drank their fill, Fluttershy said, "I just need to get her to a guest room on the second floor. I'm really glad you all came to help me like this."

"You help us so much," said Dash, "We'd have to be total tools not to help you back."

They all giggled at that.

The group hauled the black mare up the stairs to the guest room, where she was untied and moved onto the bed. Once in bed, Fluttershy used the top of her pastern to check the mare's temperature from her poll.

"She doesn't seem feverish," she said, "but I'll use the rectal thermometer later to be sure."

"We should get Nurse Redheart or Nurse Tenderheart over here to be safe," said Twilight, "While you're totally good with animals, we should get professional opinions about ponies."

"I agree," said Fluttershy quietly.

"It's not that I'm questioning your..."

"There's no need to explain. I totally understand."

Twilight nodded at her friend's words.