Title: My Will

Summary: Sasuke lured her into his kingdom in order to trap her with him forever. But he never expected Sakura's will to be as strong as his. AU, Based on the Labyrinth by Jim Henson

Pairings: SasukexSakura

Genre: Romance/Angst

A/N: So this is the final installment. This must also be the longest chapter I have ver written :) Thank you for the reviews, favorites and alerts. I can't believe SasuSaku Month is about to end...I hope you guys will also read my other stories. ^_^

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, or the Labyrinth and its manga sequel, Return to the Labyrinth by Jim Henson. But they inspired this story.

Chapter 3: And I'll be your slave

Sakura looked around, her invitation at hand. The place, 79 Sharingan drive, was a tall imposing edifice, with large looming windows and carved gargoyles guarding heavy oak doors. This seems to be of a place kids would sneak into for a test of courage rather than a venue for any respectable play. Sakura looked around her, there was no one, other than the autumn wind rustling the fallen leaves there was no sound. Deeply suspicious, Sakura looked at the address again. She never heard of Sharingan Drive before, honestly, but the map included in the invitation was thorough. Should she enter?

Sakura remembered the strange man who invited her. She remembered his dark hair and piercing coal black eyes. Her very instincts tell her to walk away, but something inside her compels to walk forward, to find exactly what is happening.

"Well, come on feet." Against her better judgment, she entered.

The moment the oak doors closed behind her, Sakura was transfixed. The inside was a far contrast to the façade. The room was lit by dozens of intricate chandeliers, the columns were marble and carved with greek nymphs, and the floor was tiled with an interesting mosaic design flanked by a rich red carpet. About a hundred people were inside in formal clothing and wearing masks, gliding to each other with polite chatter as soft classical music played in the background.

Sakura looked at the invitation and the simple dress she was wearing. The invitation did say that it was a formal event but Sakura felt out of place in her simple black lace dress among the stunning gowns and jewellery.

The lights flickered and the guests immediately paused before they headed towards another room. A hand suddenly guided Sakura with them.

"I'm glad you have accepted my invitation, Sakura."

"Uchiha-san." Sakura greeted. He was wearing a familiar dark blue tailcoat and unlike the other guests, he wasn't wearing a mask. He led her to a sit and with a sly grin, he told her to watch the play.

The curtains opened, and the crowd gave a polite applause. In the middle of the stage was a puppet with pink hair. As the narrator began, the different puppets assumed their roles. Sakura can't help but think that the story was familiar, it was a story she read a long time ago…

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a beautiful princess. Life was not easy for the young princess for her wicked stepmother her like a slave. The princess was forced to stay home and watch over her baby brother, so she can never leave the castle.

But what no one knew was that the King of the Underground had fallen in love with the princess and has given her certain powers. The princess knew that if she wished it, the King of the Underground would keep her brother in his castle forever and turn him into one of his creatures.

So one night, when the princess could take the burden no longer, she called to theKing of the Underground for help. The King granted the princess's wish and took the baby tohis castle at the center of his labyrinth.

Too late, the princess realized that she still loved her baby brother, and she pleaded with the King to return him. What was said, was said, but the King did not have the heart to refuse her so he gave her 13 hours to solve the labyrinth before he keeps her brother forever.

Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, she fought her way to the castle beyond the labyrinth to take back the child he has stolen. The King offered the princess her heart's every desire if only she would bow to him. But her will was as strong as his and her kingdom as great and he has no power over her.

The princess returned home with her brother, confident that she was free of the King…but was she?

Suddenly the puppets paused, and their clothes changed from the stereotypical royal attire into modern clothes. And the narrator began again.

Some time ago, there was a young girl with what was at first glance was a happy family. But her mother was a flighty woman who dreams of being a great actress, and left her young child. Her father, soon married another woman who promptly gave birth to a son.

The young girl spend her life pining into a world of fantasy, denying the mother who abandoned her, shutting away the father who ignores her, battling the stepmother she fancies as wicked and envying the half-brother who possesses two parents' love and taking it for granted.

In a spur of selfishness, she casts her brother away to powers beyond her understanding and realising her mistake undertook a journey that changed her, or did she.

Fresh from her adventure, she saw her world as mundane. She buried herself even more in fantasy, going into the bright lights of theatre. But one day, she receives an acceptance letter crushing her dreams. Reality it seems was far more difficult. Failure after failure, she threw away her dreams, forgetting the strength that made her overcome trials, contented to live a continuous life never pursuing more than what is needed…

Sakura didn't realize that the play was over until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked at the man in her right, she remembered him now. She remembered the illusion, the dance he led her in as he sang promises to distract her from saving her brother. He was wearing the same clothes now.

"Sasuke." That was his name, one of his subjects gave his name to her. "What happened to me."

Nodding, he wiped her tears. "You were a dreamer, Precious thing, but dreams have use here."

The room was now empty except for the two of them.

"So it was real after all…" Sakura cried, thinking about everything that went wrong in her life. She suddenly pushed him away. "Why are you here? Why are you tormenting me?"

"I torment you?" Sasuke held Sakura's shoulders tightly in anger. "For five years I have suffered while you lived your normal life! You have no understanding of torment!

"But-" Sasuke lifted his arm, showing her a glowing orb, his voice softer. "Our fates are bound, Sakura. I offer you a second chance."

"What is that?"

"A last wish, all that is left of my power since I abandoned my Kingdom. It isn't too late to live up to your potential Sakura, use this wish."

Entranced at the orb, Sakura shook her head. "I don't know what to wish for."

Smirking, Sasuke held out his hand. "Then let me be your guide."

Sensing a sense of courage rising in her, she faced him. "You just want me to surrender my will."

"I want you to thrive!" He took her hand. "Look at what I can give you!"

As the lights suddenly turned off, Sakura clung to him in panic. "Where are we?"

"The end."

"The end?"

"The end of you, Sakura. This place I have created is just a small bubble, the smallest of worlds, but together we can make it grow. Your desire will make it strong. You can have everything you want and all I ask is you forsake everything but me.

"Sakura, I will make a world for you richer than you can imagine." Scenes began to take shape, grasses, mountains, lakes and rivers swirled and grew around them, the stars and planets danced above them. "Is this not better than the world you left behind?"

"It's –"

"Don't say a word, I see the truth within your eyes and this is just the beginning."

"No Sasuke." Sakura broke free of his gasp, finally breaking out of his entrancing voice. "I cannot just leave my friends, my life behind. What about you, you rule a kingdom?"

"It is gone, Sakura!" Sasuke glared, obviously irritated. "They are nothing if I do not have you with me!" He grabbed her and her held her close. "When we last met, you ensnared my heart and left me broken. I will not let you leave me again. You are mine!"

Sakura cried once again. She remembered her adventures at the labyrinth. It fascinated her more than it frightened her. She met so many wonderful creatures and she would admit that even it's King has captivated her heart. She dreamt of him so many times, of his heartbroken face when she denied him. At that time, she really believed it was just another diversion to take her brother away, now she understands that it was not. But still she cannot do as he asks.

Taking the orb, she made her wish. "I wish for us to return to the labyrinth."

Sasuke and Sakura stood in the middle of the crumbling throne room. Face to face, her worried stare against his angry one.

"My Will controls this Kingdom." He explains. "And it has never been the same since you left."

Nodding, she stepped towards him with a determined gaze. "Through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered, I have made my way to your castle to return the heart you have stolen."

Sensing the words that changed, Sasuke looked at her in surprise.

"For your will is my will, and your Kingdom my Kingdom. And our powers are of equals."

He has ruled alone for more than a thousand years and soon he will rule alone no longer. By claiming his will as hers, his Kingdom has regained its balance and awaits the return of its Queen.

The foolish girl still refused to stay with him, insisting that she would attempt to make her dreams come true in her world once again and only after she sets her affairs in order would she return

He didn't just let her go that easily though, so she convinced him with a kiss.

Sasuke sighed, it was irritating to be in love with a woman a stubborn as he is, but he can wait.

The End