It has been brought to my attention that for you guys over the pond, today is Black Friday. And I happen to have written a story called "Black Friday". I seem to remember I talked about a little epilogue…. Here it is.

My Gratitude to all the betas of this story: Lunar Penguy, Mack The Spoon, and Dog_In_The_Manger. Thanks particularly to you, my favorite Dog, for the support, ass-kicking, and the SO huge amount of time you gave me in betaing my crappy English.

"Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it." Jacques Prévert.

Mesquite TX, 28th January 2012.

The car stopped on the parking lot, outside a gymnasium. The air was chilly, and snow was covering the surrounding grass. The night was lit with the full moon, and the outside lights around the large banner saying, "Welcome, class of 1987!"

"I still can't believe you graduated at seventeen, you know."

"There are lots of things you don't know about me, Mary Shannon... [you] ready?" Marshall held his hand out to the woman, sitting in the seat next to his. Smiling, she put her own hand in his, and he took in the opportunity to kiss the palm, before opening his door. "Very well, then. Let's go steal the High School reunion!"

They had spent the previous evening at the Mann's house, before heading to their hotel for the night. Mary had, as always, enjoyed Lynn's cooking, but didn't feel comfortable enough to sleep in the Mann's house as the new 'daughter' in the family. She needed time to adjust to this new status and guessed that Marshall's family needed it too, having to deal with the news of his break-up with Abby and this new relationship with his long-time partner. And apart from the Mann and Jinx, they had succeeded in maintaining it a secret – for the moment [at least], although Marshall was pretty sure Stan had guessed something.

Holding out his hand, he still was surprised, when he felt the warmth of her palm in his. She didn't like public displays of affection, but when they were alone, she allowed herself to let go a little. Marshall was sure she would fall into step next to him as soon as they would enter the gym, but for now, for the few yards they had to walk, she was there, so close to him.

He was also glad they didn't stay at his parents' house, as he had sensed a bit of tension between himself and his mother. She had always liked Mary, when she was just his partner, but now that the relationship evolved, Lynn Mann had a bit of trouble adjusting. Marshall was sure deep inside that Abigail would have been the daughter-in-law his mother would have wanted for him, and that she was disappointed their relationship didn't end well. He sighed, grasping Mary's hand tighter.

"What's with the sigh, doofus? You've dragged me here, made me put on a dress!"

"It's not you, Mare. I was thinking..." he turned his head to look away, not wanting Mary to see his eyes. Feeling the reassuring pressure of Mary's hand in his, he went on. "I was thinking of my mother. Nothing to worry about. And you look stunning in this dress."

"Yeah, I guess it could have been worse. Still, it's always hard to carry a gun in a dress. Thigh holsters are pain in the ass."

Marshall stopped dead in his tracks. "Please tell me you're not carrying! This is a high-school reunion."

"You know me. Better safe than sorry. But I'm not wearing any panties." She gave him a sultry look over her shoulder. "You comin'?"


"There he is! Didn't I tell you he was handsome?" Betty Sue gushed, standing next to her daughter. Alice followed her mother's gaze, taking in the lanky man who walked inside with a blond woman on his arm.

"He always had been, Mom. But I'm glad he got rid of his acne. Who's the woman?" she asked, interested.

"That's the one I told you about, dear. They posed as a couple in Hawaii, but I saw them. They are in some sort of Law Enforcement, and believe me, they are just work partners. Anyone could see that," Betty Sue lied, seemingly having forgotten that she had believed Mary and Marshall were indeed a couple, when she had saw them a few months back. "Would you look at them? They aren't even close! No, he brought her here, so he wouldn't feel ridiculous coming alone. I've heard, from none other than Lynn Mann herself that Marshall broke up with his girlfriend a detective from the Albuquerque PD. So he's all yours, Alice, dear!"

"Mom, please, you know I'm not ready... and Marshall, he's old history, you know … I have changed… "

"Tsss, I'm sure there is still something between the two of you, honey!" Grabbing her daughter's arm, Betty Sue made her way through the crowd, waving her hand at the people she knew. "Can you imagine? The Prom King and Queen together, twenty-five years later..."

"And, look who's coming our way..." whispered Mary. She had spotted Betty Sue as soon as they had made their way into the gym, the old woman wearing a very bright orange dress. Suspecting strongly that the woman in her early forties next to Betty was her dear daughter, Alice, Mary stepped closer to Marshall, just to show the two women he was hers.

"Marshall, Mary! How good to see the both of you! You look absolutely beautiful, Mary, I'm sure you are going to turn the heads of all the men here! Marshall, I was so sorry to hear about your breakup with your girlfriend, I hope you're okay... I'm so glad you could make it, cowboy. Why don't you dance with Alice? For the sake of the good old days?" And Betty Sue literally pushed her daughter to Marshall, before turning to Mary and taking her arm, "Come with me, dear. Let's get a couple sangrias, Mary? I want to show you the pictures of Hawaii!" The blond marshal exchanged a look with her partner, who nodded slightly to her. "Too bad we left the pictures at the hotel, sugar, we could have showed them too!" he added, reprising the role he had in Oahu, and taking a great pleasure at seeing Mary jump at the use of the endearment.

Betty Sue couldn't help but smile at the mention of the hotel... they're not staying at the Mann's, she thought, that's what I thought. They are not together !

Mary didn't miss the smirk on the old woman face.

"Really, it's too bad, pumpkin… you look too good in that pair of pink shorts you bought."

"Nothing compares to you in that coconut skirt, Mare… Now, Alice, shall we?" Marshall gracefully turned and led his ex-girlfriend to the dance-floor, saluting old friends on the way. Mary watched him as he was dancing and talking with Alice, as always amazed to see his lanky form moving fluidly with the music. She forced her best smile on her face, turned to Betty Sue, and whispered softly, "Now I want to know everything about Marshall's childhood. Lynn didn't want to tell me everything last night… she told me I had to wait for Nathan and Ted. But as we won't see them before Frederick's baptism… I thought I could just ask you! A sangria, Mrs. McCausland?"

Mary didn't miss the smirk disappearing from Betty Sue's face.


Mary was sipping her sangria, watching Marshall talking with his old friends. She was happy just to look at him, smiling, laughing, and enjoying his time. It had never occurred to her than apart from her and Stan, she didn't know whether he had other friends in Albuquerque. Of course, he was taking a lot of classes at UNM, but he had never mentioned going out for a beer without her. Strange how you think you know the people who are the closest to you… It suddenly came to her that she never asked him whether he had friends here… she didn't even know he had minored in geology...

"Hey, Mary, can we talk for a few seconds?" Alice's voice took Mary out of her thoughts. She turned to the brunette, taking in the beautiful blue dress, the perfect make-up and the Louboutins, noticed the woman was alone.

"Sure," Mary answered.

"Great. Do you mind if I sit down?" At Mary's sign, Alice sat on the chair nearby, so close to Mary their knees were almost touching. "It's so good to see Marshall... You know it's been so long since we've seen each other... And you, Mary? Where are you from?"

"New Jersey."

"Oh, really? I live in Linden! Where from in Jersey?"

"North Jersey."

"Is it really serious between you and Marshall? I mean, it's not a charade, you are really a couple?"

Mary turned to face the brunette, taking in the sparking eyes, the red lips, the curled hair, and feeling her knees being grazed by Alice's. She looked down to see what was happening when she felt her hair being pushed away by a graceful hand, before she heard a whisper, "Because if you're not interested in him, you have other... options?"

Mary's eyes opened as she realized what was really happening, and before she could stop herself, she started to laugh. Alice jumped away from her, a clear look of shock on her face. The blonde composed herself quickly, having realized she had drawn Marshall's attention. Alice seemed to be on the verge of the tears.

"Oh, Alice, no, that's not what I meant! Crap! I'm really flattered that you find me attractive, but I have to say, me and Marshall are a couple, a real one. I can show you the marks he left..."

"Then why did you laugh?"

Mary turned her eyes, searching through the crowd where Betty Sue was, before she looked straight into Alice's eyes. "Your mom, you know... she tried to convince me for half an hour that you and Marshall were the perfect match... I guess you didn't tell her?"

"No, not yet. She's had enough trouble dealing with my divorce. I wanted to, you know... wait for a bit."

"Everything's fine, ladies ?" Marshall joined them, his right hand coming to rest on Mary's back. Alice smiled, taking in the happy couple, before answering. "Nothing, Hot Lips. We were just talking, you know."

"Somehow, I dou..." Marshall started, before cut in.

"Hot Lips! What the heck? That's your nickname?"

"Well, it was a long time ago, isn't it better than the 'doofus' as you call me?"

"You call Marshall Doofus?" Alice asked, letting out a startled chortle when she saw the look on Mary's face. "I used to call him Hot Lips, because, well I guess you know, he can kiss..."

"Not sure whether we should tell him that, you know… he'll go make a fuss out of this."

Alice and Mary shared a look before bursting into laughter together.

Marshall was looking at the two women in front of him, when he felt someone a presence beside him.

"Your ex and the new girl are bonding, you're in trouble, son," Seth said, a smirk on his face. There was no secret that unlike his wife, he really appreciated Mary, not only because she was his son's girlfriend, but also because he knew that she would give her life for him. They really were two of a kind.

"Don't I know it, Dad... But sometimes, trouble is good..."

"Oh yes... Guess old Betty won't be too happy about this!"


"And over here, we have the science lab!" Marshall opened a door to a dark classroom, only lit by the rays of the moon darting through the windows.

"Really? The science lab? I knew you were crazy, but - a science lab? That's where you took Alice?"

"Remember, she went to school here too – she knew where the science lab was!"

"Come on, Marshall Mann, I'm sure you sneaked in a day together to have some fun in school- everybody does that!"

Marshall laughed. "Well, maybe it's a Jersey tradition to have quickies in high school, but here, not so much! We are quite old-fashioned, you know..." His eyes drifted to look behind Mary's shoulders, and he lost himself in the memories.

She sighed, moving around the room. "So after this classroom, can we be done? Cause I bet the history class has the same maps as the ones in NJ. And I don't think I need drawing refresher on the anatomy of the human's body. I got this covered."

She smiled as she realized what she had just told Marshall had no effect on him. He was still lost in his thoughts. Coming to Mesquite had dragged him down Memory Lane. He had seen long-lost friends, teammates, girlfriends, who were almost all pleased to see him. Mary made a mental note to remember the name of Jamie Carmineo, swearing that she would run a thorough research on him after the look he gave her boyfriend earlier this evening. And they all welcomed her as Marshall's girlfriend, every single one wanting to share with her the stories of Marshall's teenage years. She had actually learned a lot about his Sci-Fi addiction, as his first Star Trek convention was at the Dallas Comic-on, the number of clubs he was in, and why he hadn't been a valedictorian… and she would definitely have to find if this story was true. Police was supposed to keep records for a long time even if someone has asked to destroy them.

She had a few talks with Alice too, and discovered that she could be at ease around another woman, and maybe, who knows, become friends with her one day.

Suddenly, music filled Mary's ears. She turned to look at Marshall who was staring at the ceiling, his left hand on the switch near the doors. He was flashing a huge smile all over his face.

"I can't believe they did it!" he said, excitedly.

"What? Turn the lamp into a music player – how fun!"

"No. Come here, Mare." She came closer to him, sighing loudly. "And now, look up to the sky..."

Looking up, she took in the ceiling. Gone were the hideous standard white ceiling tiles. Instead, turning lazily, were displayed little dots of light. "Here, it's Ursa Major or the Waggon, and here, these dots here are Andromeda..."

"So that's all it takes to turn you on? Little stars?"

"Little stars and a gorgeous blonde, yes, that's all I need..." he added, before turning to kiss Mary. He should have known better… Mary soon turned the gentle kiss into something more heated, deepening it.

She pulled from him long enough to bring her lips to his ear, while tracing the muscles of his chest under his shirt with her hands, and pushing him slowly against the wall nearby.

"Guess it's time you discover the perks of a quickie in High School… you're always so eager to learn..." she whispered, before hungrily taking his mouth again.

Her hands were now undoing his belt, and reaching for the fly of his pants, when she felt two strong hands on her forearms, pulling her away from him.

"We shouldn't be doing that here, Mare", Marshall said, his eyes full of desire, and the evidence of said desire clearly visible from the bulge in his pants.

"I know we shouldn't. That's why it's going to be so good," she answered, her right hand starting to caress him through the fabric of his briefs.

Marshall suddenly turned Mary so that she was the one with her back on the wall and kissed her deeply. His right hand went to the hem of her dress, lifting it quickly, and started stroking the soft skin of her thighs. He could hear her moans coming from the depths of her throat, as he tried to silence them with his kisses.

But he couldn't stop the growl in his throat, when she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he realized that she indeed didn't have any panties on. The sound was primal, almost desperate, as his length came in contact with Mary's wet center. Urgency took over both of them and they quickly shed the remaining clothing separating them.

"Look at me, Mare." Marshall had slightly pulled away from Mary's lips, waiting for her to open her eyes.

She finally complied, urging him to come closer with her hips. It was his turn to whisper. "I want to see your eyes when I come in you... look at me, Mare"

Mary stared into her partner's eyes, taking in the baby blue-turned darker shade, the raw desire flashing in their depths, the sweet smile on his lips, and the little wrinkles around his eyes. She felt him come closer, until she felt him slide inside her, sending rushes of electricity through her spine, and waves of pleasure all over her body. She was so ready for him – she has always been, but never knew… and in his eyes she could see the depth of Marshall's love for her, as he started to thrust, winding her up closer to the edge, until she couldn't hold his stare any longer, and closed her eyes, letting the waves of pleasure rolled through her.

"You're so beautiful when you come, Mary, so beautiful..." and he was lost in his own pleasure seconds after.

Panting, they both extricated themselves from each another, and rushed to get dressed.

"So, I take this is the Jersey way of studying science?"

"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist."

Marshall looked fondly at his woman." I'd never known I would live the day when I would see you quoting Nietzche, Mare."

"Where would we go if I couldn't surprise you anymore? Come on, Doofus, we have a lot more anatomy lessons to cover, tonight."

Snowflakes were floating lazily in the thin cold air of Mesquite, as Mary and Marshall made their way out of the High School building and got into their rental car to disappear into the night.

Well, that's all, folks. And that will be most definitely be my Swan song in IPS. Thank you for sticking with me