DISCLAIMER: I'm not rich enough to own Danny Phantom.

A/N: There seems to have been some confusion, so I'm gonna clear it up. Everybody in this fic is human. Although Maddie and Jack still ghost hunt, you won't be seeing any actual ghosts in here. Hope that helps! =)

Also, I'm gonna go ahead with the TuckerxSpectra couple. But that leads to another vote:

Should I make Spectra younger, so she will be a student?


Should I make it like a naughty teacher-student romance? ;D *SHOT*

Also, in regards to the DannyxSam/Vlad vote, that won't be until a while. Vlad will have to be introduced, him and Danny will have some interaction, and Sam(and most likely Vlad too) is going to have her own snippet. So all of that will need to happen before ya'll vote.

Now, on with the story! :D


After she tried to convice her parents for about an hour while they ate dinner that she wasn't dating Ember, Jazz gave up in frustration and just stayed in her room the whole night.

The tutoring session had gone horrible, but she wasn't suprised. Girls like her and Ember just didn't mix. Add in a wacky family and you get an equation full of disaster.

Although, Jazz did have to admit, when she thought back to how Ember practically bolted out the house like a bat out of hell, the situation was somewhat funny. And ofcourse, it had to happen to her. Her family had a lot of bad luck it seemed. With her dad's ghost hunting weapons always exploding, her mom's inability to make any actual friends(kind of like Jazz), and her brother's aura that pretty much screamed 'BULLY ME!', Jazz had to wonder if they ever had any good luck.

Besides how funny the situation was, Jazz was going to be completely embarrassed when facing Ember tomorrow. And there is no way they were going to have another session at her house. The idea of having it at Ember's, though, made her cringe. What kind of family did she have? If they were all like Ember, then she would probably shoot herself.

Feeling tired, Jazz thought that maybe they could have it somewhere else besides either of their houses. She dropped her mental debate and got ready for bed.


The next morning, Danny asked her what really happened with Ember while she helped apply his eyeliner. She told him everything(which really wasn't a lot), and he seemed relieved.

"So, you're not dating Ember?"

"NO. I don't even like her."

"Good. For a few seconds, I thought you'd lost it."

She playfully smacked him in the back of the head when she wasn't doing the liner, and he just laughed at her.

When she added the final touches, Jazz told him she was done. He seemed happy with the result.

"How long are you gonna wear this stuff anyway?" She asked.

He shrugged and replied, "I don't really know. Sam seems to think it's awesome, though. Gave me a big compliment right when she saw it. Tucker, on the other hand, looked at me like I was crazy. Dash saw it, laughed, and pushed me into a locker again."

"But it only mattered that Sam said she likes it, right?" Jazz smiled all-knowingly.

Danny flushed and told her to shut-up. She chuckled and left to finish getting ready for school.

After she got her day clothes on, brushed her hair, and put on what little make-up she wore, Jazz left the house. Danny had been slow, so she walked alone today. The girl then thought about what to say to Ember when they saw each other again. It was going to be majorly akward now that her parents thought they were(cue shudder) dating. Oh God, she hadn't thought about it before, but what if her Mom or especially, her Dad had opened one of their big mouths and spread this lie? The thought made Jazz nauseaus. It was bad enough that her parents thought she was dating Ember, but for everyone to think that was gut-wrenching. All she could do now, though, was hope that her parents' small social life would not have that happen.

Jazz was lost in her thoughts. Too soon, though, the school came into view. She collected herself, walked up the concrete stairs, and into the double doors. Other teens buzzed through the hallways. Some collected their books at their lockers; other just had idle chatter with friends. She got to her locker eventually, and undid the lock to take her things out.

"'Yo, Jazz!"

The redhead looked about as her name was called. She saw a large figure pushing other people out of the way so he could reach her. If it was almost anybody else, then those students would have surely complain. But when your Dash Baxter, star quaterback and top bully, then most kept their mouth shut.

On the inside, she narrowed her eyes, but she forced a smile on the outside. It irritated her the way he acted. Being a big problem in her brother's life didn't help her feelings toward him. Still, she had to be understanding. Her inner psychologist told her that everyone had their reasons for acting the way they do.

"Hi, Dash. What do you need?" She asked.

Dash fixed the bag on his shoulder before he replied, "I'm having trouble understanding what we're learning in science. Think you could help me today after school?"

He tried to lure her with a charming smile, but Jazz would never fall for such a thing. Despite this, she would normally help him, but-

"I can't today, Dash."

His smile faltered, "Oh, okay...Why not?"

"I have to tutor Ember everyday for a while. Mrs. Cordell's making us do this because...of something we did."

As if on cue, a black gloved hand pushed Dash out of the way. A pale body stood inplace where Dash's tan one was, and electric green eyes bore into Jazz's own. Like she thought earlier, most people didn't mess with Dash. Ember Mclain was definantly not most people.

The jock glared all it was worth at Ember, but the rocker's attention was all on Jazz.

"Listen, babypop, we need to talk about yesterday." She snapped out.

Jazz nodded and sent a meaningful look at Dash. Said boy met her stare. He seemed to get the message as he huffed in annoyance and stalked away, pushing some poor kid into a locker on the way.

Jazz turned back to Ember who was still looked annoyed.

"Your parents," she started, "Do they still think-...?" Ember trailed off, not wanting to say it outloud incase someone heard.

Jazz looked guilty, "I tried to tell them that it wasn't what they thought, but they wouldn't listen!"

"Gah! Your parents are so dense, Fenton!"

"Hey!" That offended her, even if she knew it was true.

"Whatever! Just...just try again later, okay?"


The homeroom bell rang at that moment. Before Ember could walk away, Jazz grabbed her arm and said, "Meet me at the school entrance. I really don't think we should go to my house."

Ember looked at her for a couple of seconds before she replied, "See you there, sweetcheeks."

They parted ways and headed off to their own classes.


School went by normally for most of the day. The only difference being when Mrs. Cordell asked her to come up to the her desk during the class she had with her. Mrs. Cordell had lowered her voice when she asked how the first tutoring session went. Jazz was nervous as she explained that something happened at her house that upset Ember, and thus ended the session early.

The teacher had raised a curious eyebrow at the non-detailed answer, but merely said, "I guess that's to be expected, but I don't want that happening often. Do you understand?"

Jazz curtly nodded and had hurried back to her seat, though relieved she wasn't asked to explain exactly what happened.

Now, school was over, and Jazz and Ember were walking down the street together. They had both agreed on having the session at the park today. Both girls finally got there and took a seat on a bench near a small pond.

"We're going to work on math again, since we didn't get to finish yesterday." Jazz informed.

The girls got their books out and started their second session together. Jazz made sure to go slow and explain everything, so Ember wouldn't get lost too much. Ember even started to ask questions about certain things, not letting herself get side-tracked. While the rebel worked on a harder question, Jazz thought about how weird it was. The two hadn't made comments about each other the whole time. It was almost like they were getting along! Just two days ago, Jazz wanted nothing to do with her. They would never be friends, but maybe they could be atleast associates.

"I know I'm unbelievably sexy, but you don't have to stare so much."


Screw it, she hated this girl.

Jazz glared at Ember for her remark before looking out into the pond. The sun was starting to go down early(daylight savings and everything), and the pond looked so pretty shimmering with the sun's reflection. It almost reminded her of how diamonds sparkled. She then starting taking everything around her. The gentle, cool breeze on her face. The light smell of freshly cut grass. The park could really be a nice place sometimes.

She don't know why she said what she did next. Maybe it's because the surrounding peaceful area put her in the mood. Maybe it's because she wanted to show Ember she wasn't a bad person or 'manipulator' as she put it. Or maybe she really felt that way. But whatever the reason, as Jazz stared into the pond, she spoke to Ember,

"I'm sorry for hitting you."

Silence followed for a while, and Jazz started to worry she did something wrong. Hearing Ember's soft reply, though, put her at ease again.

"I'm sorry too."

Jazz didn't have to ask what for.


That night, Jazz sat on her bed in her room. The events of what happened that day played slowly in her head.

She was happy that her and Ember had made up for that fight they had. It would surely make spending time with her easier. A book she once read said that apologies are like gold when it comes to fixing any kind of relationship.

Loud knocks erupted from her door that startled her.

'Jazzy-pants!' was heard from the other side

Jazz got off her bed and opened her door. Her father stood there, a huge grin almost split his face.

"We're visiting your Uncle Vlad and Cousin Danielle this weekend!" He yelled.

"...Who?" Jazz had never heard of this uncle or cousin.

"Oh, Vladdy's not your real uncle, but he is practically family! Me and your mother were the best of buds with him in college! He's a billionare now who lives in Wisconsin, and he wants us to visit him and his adopted daughter this weekand! It's been years since I've seen my best friend, I'm so excited!" He suddenly called down the stairs, "MADDIE! REMEMBER TO MAKE SOME CHEESEBALLS! VLAD-MAN LOVED THOSE THINGS!"

With that, Jack went to Danny's room. Probably to tell him the 'exciting' news, also. Although, Jazz did have to admit, going to a billionare's home did sound exciting. Really, though, why is she just learning about these people who are apparently important? She then remembered who her parents were and got her answer.

She made a mental note to tell Ember and Mrs. Cordell that she couldn't do the tutoring sessions this weekand. Then she closed the door and returned to her bed.


A/N: And we're done with chapter four! *dances*

Aw, Ember and Jazz made-("out" lol) up!

Thanks to all those people who gave me more reviews and alerts! You guys have no idea how good that does for my self-confidence! *cue tears of gratitude*

I just looked up on wiki that Vlad is like almost fifty. O_o

I thought he was in his late-thirties, early-fourties. But no, he's almost fifty.

(Come on, my mom and step-dad are only in their early-thirties!)

So, to ease my guilt about what I'm about to do, I'm going to pretend Vlad's in his late-thirties. (You don't have to do this, though.)

Although, that doesn't make the situation any less taboo, does it? Pffffttttt...

Review and vote, please! 3