You smirked at me.

You always did that when you were trying to cover up something,

That twitch of your lip was your tell…

And I should have known better.

But it was too late

I was already in love with you

.: The Beginning:.

I remember running into you that first day. My black hair trailed behind me as I ran through those doors, I was late, and you were most likely trying to skip class.

In an empty hallway, what where the chances? Ramming into each other like two trains at full force. I was never late, but for some strange reason my alarm didn't go off that morning, and you… you were you. In fact if not for this incident, we would have never met. I would have lived my whole high school life without ever uttering a word to you, and you…

Now that I think about it,

It always seemed happened to us…..

This chaos.

Pencils scattered across the floor, books splattered as papers danced in the air. My glasses clanked against hard stone as I fell. I could hear the glass shatter and waited for my body to join those shards on that damp floor. Whoever thought it was a good idea to create a boarding school in an old castle must have never heard of safety regulations.

But I didn't fall; arms grasped my shoulders, tugging my body closer to something warm…. Something alive.

My eyes shot open, what could this be, what this could be. Warmth was not something I was used too, and I didn't like it. It scared me. I tried to push you away, but your grip was firm. I could feel my own heartbeat… My chest thumping like a drum solo, but you were so strong. Your warm breath brushed against my neck, and still I did not know who you were. I was blinded by your hold and now I wish it was someone, anyone else holding me… not you.

The low vibrations of your voice tickled my chest as you finally spoke

"Calm the hell down and I'll let go"

I slowed my shoving obediently, and you kept your word, you back away….so I could finally see the perpetrator….

It was you, Sasuke Uchiha. As soon as I realized that, I bent down and picked up the remnants of my now broken backpack, not exchanging a word. I could feel it, feel your warm body right next to me, doing nothing but watching me with fascination, inquisitiveness and humor.

It scared me… I had to run. I had to hide. I had to get away from this spotlight, this attention.

I tried to escape you. All of my papers had been gathered, nothing was left behind. No proof of our run in ever happening, except you… and you were blocking the door, holding on to my broken glasses as if they were a yo-yo.

Your eyes locked on me. It was puzzling wasn't it? Confusing that for the first time, a girl did not want to talk, did not want your attention, and didn't throw herself into those warm arms. Was it scary? Or perhaps more of a reality check.

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha" his cold voice stated bluntly. Giving yourself that sort of recognition seemed to make you feel uncomfortable; I guess you were used to people introducing themselves first.

You didn't have to say a word though….

I knew who you were.

I couldn't take a step without hearing your name echoed in the hallways. Some said you were a strong fighter, head of your own gang… others said your older brother had the gang and you helped him out. You were smart, rich, and attractive. You supposedly slept with thousands of women, old and young… even a teacher once. You were a God to boys at our school, and to the girls you were a midnight fantasy. One they wished never to escape.

Words and rumors surrounded you like fog. Attention was something I tried to avoid, and here I was with a man who seemed have it in a chokehold.

And I couldn't speak a word…

"I've never seen you around campus." You continued, as if that little fact was interesting to you. As if it was something you believed I needed to know.

But I didn't.

I knew I never would talk to you. I knew words between us were never to be exchanged. I liked my quiet world… and yours, your world… was something I should never touch.

"O-okay" I managed to whisper, looking down to the floor. I was trying to think of an escape plan and at the same time praying that somehow, you would grow bored of me and let me leave. I could feel your hand gently push away some strands of my dark hair, to get a better look at my face.

You were probably hoping for some acknowledgment of your title, or of this little fact you shared, but I knew for a fact my face was unresponsive. It was easy for me not to show emotion, not to show the brokenness that surrounded me. I had perfected it.

"C-can I go now?" I questioned, looking up at this black-haired beauty. You coal eyes quickly took advantage of this and looked into my own. I could feel you leaning closer, that warm body radiating heat that no woman could escape, refusing to deal with my lack of interest a second longer.

"What is your name?" You asked me, your face nearing my own…. We were so close…. So close to kissing…. But even closer to something much more dangerous.

Slowly, as if you were testing the waters, your lips lightly glazed over my own. You scent over took me. It wasn't of any brand, but just… you. I lost myself in that scent, opening myself up to your talented tongue. Your warmth taking overtaking my cold body, it felt as if ice was breaking around me. I was letting you in and you grabbed onto my hair tugging me closer, as if you wanted more.

Then I realized what was happing… I couldn't be …

"w-what are you doing?" I shrieked shoving you away.

That when you did it. You smirked. "Nothing.. why? Are you scarred?"

And that is when I realize you'd won.

You got me to react…

And with that you let me escape…

I just prayed that it would stay that way…


Writer Notes

Happy Birthday Seria! I hope it is as fun as it is exciting!

Also, to readers, Do you like this story? Would you wish it to continue? Please review so i know