Fuzzy: Me and Fluffy were roleplaying so warning: This has a lot of POV change.

Fluffy: TIS MAH IDEA! oFTo

Fuzzy: Also, any mentions of "Malik" are "Mariku" because Fluffy wanted to use Malik for the yami.


Ryou sighed, sloshing along the wet sidewalk. How could he have forgotten his umbrella? Especially on a day like today when he KNEW it was going to rain? Now his backpack was soaked, all of his school things surely ruined. He'd have to replace it all. That would take days! All of the homework and general schoolwork gone. And he couldn't do anything about it.

He turned a corner and looked down the street, streetlights lighting his way. He still had quite a long walk to go until he got home. He shivered, his drenched hair cold and wet against his neck and face, and his clothes that weren't any less dry making him even colder. He was surely going to be sick tomorrow... It would give him time to replace all of his work. Ryou groaned.

I'm going to be home sick and have to work. Oh joy.

Bakura glanced out the window, it was pouring hard, his hikari would be drenched in the downpour. Bakura had hidden the umbrella to hide the evidence of... er... bullet holes put there when he and Malik had been doing target practice while Ryou was out with the Pharaoh's midget. Bakura hoped his hikari wouldn't be too sick. Not that the yami minded taking care of his hikari, secretly he loved the small boy, he'd be mocked if he told anyone though.

Bakura sighed and waited, towel ready, for Ryou when the small boy got home.

Looking around nervously, Ryou continued his miserable walk. It was dark out and that put him on edge. Not because of the dark itself, but what could be lurking in those pitch black allies that he kept passing... He jumped as a cat ran out from one right in front of him, then put a hand over his heart. He felt the quick thumping there caused by a mixture of getting himself worked up over nothing and the slight scare from the cat.

Finally, after another forty-five minutes, he reached the door of the small apartment him and his yami shared. Sighing again and pulling out his key, Ryou unlocked the door and stepped inside.

Bakura turned around when the door opened tossing his hikari the towel. He looked at the form that shivered because of the cold rain. Bakura sighed and stood from his seat on the couch, walking upstairs into the bathroom. He turned the faucet on and waited until it was warm.

"Ryou! Come upstairs!" He called, his voice showing little emotion, if any at all.

Ryou caught the piece of cloth out of reflex and looked down at it, frowning slightly. Bakura was being... considerate? At least slightly. He sighed once more and plopped his soggy schoolbag by the door, stripping himself of his jacket and shirt, but deciding to leave his pants and boxers on until he could get to his room and change.

Obediently, Ryou went upstairs to where he heard Bakura's voice coming from, shivering slightly again at his chilled condition.

"Yes, Bakura?"

Bakura stepped away from the tub. "Warm up okay? I'm going to go get you clothes from your room..." Bakura walked off, leaving Ryou to take his bath.

The pale yami felt so soft right now, it irritated him, but it was his fault that Ryou was going to get sick, might as well make it up to him as much as possible. Bakura rummaged through Ryou's drawers, pulling out Ryou's favorite light blue PJ's.

"I'm going to regret this later aren't I?" Bakura sighed, walking back for the bathroom.

Wide brown eyes blinked in disbelief. Bakura... He filled up a warm bath for Ryou. After Bakura left, Ryou carefully shut the door and proceeded to remove his pants and boxers.

Frowning softly in slight confusion he stood there, looking at the tub. Searching the water for some trick. Had Bakura left an electrical wire in the water? Put some sort of acid in it? Jacked off in it? Ryou shuddered, still contemplating whether or not to get in, not even hearing Bakura's approaching footsteps.

Bakura entered the bathroom without knocking, thinking Ryou had gotten in already. Instead, he was greeted by Ryou's ass. Bakura flushed slightly red, shaking it off before setting the clothes on the countertop.

"What are you doing?" Bakura said after he had recovered from his blush.

Ryou whipped around automatically, forgetting about his current naked state. Just as fast, he turned back around, whole body flushing red, and quickly got into the tub.

"N-nothing!" he squeaked. So far so good... No electrical shock and there was no painful burning... Though that didn't leave out the "Bakura jacked off into the bathwater" option. He swallowed, still red, and looked at Bakura. "Th-thanks."

"No problem." Bakura said, acting as if seeing Ryou like that hadn't affected him, when in reality, he was glad he had worn loose pants today. "Just... call if you need anything." And Bakura left Ryou alone.

What... the... hell? Bakura thought, practically running down the hall. I had no idea he was so... sexy! Was Ryou always like that? He'd just seemed cute before... I'm going to hell for this. I swear... Bakura sighed and walked into the kitchen. He grabbed a few things from the pantry, things Ryou had taught him how to make. Stuff like soup and toast... but still, soup was good when you were cold, and Ryou would be sick anyways...

So Bakura started making dinner.

"Okay," Ryou responded. He was finally alone.

And Bakura had seen him naked.

Well, he only saw my backside, didn't he? He didn't see anything else... What about when I turned around? Was I quick enough or did he see something? Ryou had no idea why he was panicking about this so much. They had shared a body for several years after all. Ryou's body. So anything Bakura had seen he would have already seen before, right?

Downstairs he could hear Bakura in the kitchen. Ryou muttered to himself, "If there's nothing in this bath that'll kill me, his cooking sure will..." He sighed then leaned back, attempting to relax.

Bakura kept going, it wasn't hard to make soup, yet for some reason he tried extra hard for Ryou. He knew he really liked Ryou, but... he was actually trying?

"Ra, there must be something wrong with my head... I'm acting almost... Lovey!" Bakura choked out the last word, pausing from the stove to take the toast he managed to not burn and put it on the plate. "Ryou better really enjoy this... or I swear to Ra I'll..." Bakura stopped there, he knew he couldn't hurt Ryou, poor hikari had been through enough without his help. Bakura wouldn't beat Ryou like the Pharaoh and his pep squad thought, he couldn't beat Ryou! He just couldn't! Especially when Ryou looked at him with his big brown doe eyes, even more so when those eyes collected with tears.

Bakura grumbled to himself about being weak and continued fixing their dinner.

While it was true that Bakura had never laid a hand on him, Ryou still found himself slightly afraid of his yami. He'd seen him kill other people and beat people within an inch of death... What made him so different? Ryou just knew that one day he'd do or say something wrong that would set Bakura off and then poof! No more Ryou Bakura.

He honestly never knew why his friends thought he was beaten. He never had bruises on him and he only refused to take off his school jacket because the entire building was freezing! The one time he had a black eye, he had tripped over something Bakura left lying around and fell into a wall. Ryou was just clumsy.

He sunk lower into the tub, closing his eyes and blowing bubbles. Wanting to feel the warmth on his face, too, he completely submerged himself, holding his breath.

Bakura turned the burner down so the soup would only stay warm and made his way back up to the bathroom. THIS TIME however, Bakura did knock on the door.

"Ryou are you almost done?" He asked, hoping he didn't sound as stupid as he felt.

Ryou didn't hear the knock or his yami's voice underwater. He enjoyed the feeling of warmth all around him, especially after his little stroll in the pouring rain.

To Ryou, he was just relaxing, but to someone else it may look like suicide.

Bakura slowly opened the door, peaking in, he was glad that he couldn't see all of Ryou this time... he panicked when he saw Ryou sinking himself under the water. He didn't want to look stupid... but he didn't want Ryou to die... so he settled for the next best thing.

~Ryou? Are you okay?~ His voice across their mind link was panicked and rushed.

Ryou jumped a little at the voice in his head. Bakura's voice. He frowned, sitting up and looking at him.

"I'm fine, why?" Confusion showed on his face. Bakura had never been this caring before, what makes now any different?

Bakura sighed in relief. "No reason. I was wondering if you're almost done in there." DAMMIT! NOW I REALLY LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT! Bakura thought, mentally hitting himself. I REALLY NEED TO GET A FUCKING GRIP!

Ryou continued looking at him curiously.

"Almost... Just a few more minutes, okay?" He grabbed the shampoo and lathered some on his head, the vanilla scent floating around the bathroom. He inhaled it deeply, liking the smell, and continued washing.

Bakura nodded. "Alright," Bakura inhaled as well, Ryou always smelled like vanilla, it was comforting and Bakura liked it.

The pale yami made his way back downstairs, and sat on the couch. The scent of vanilla lingered around the house as it always did when Ryou used his fancy oils and soaps. It was calming to Bakura and when Ryou smelled like that all the time... it sent his libido wild. That's another thing the Pharaoh had accused him of: Rape, though Bakura could hardly stand the word. He remembered back in ancient Egypt when he'd been raped, it hurt like hell, emotionally and physically. There's no way he'd put Ryou through that, especially when Ryou was way smaller than Bakura had been back then.

The Pharaoh was really stupid sometimes.

After washing himself, Ryou stepped out of the tub and wrapped himself in a towel, enjoying the fuzziness. There was nothing like the warmth and comfort of a warm towel after taking a nice, relaxing bath.

He took his clothes off the sink and examined them closely. His favorite set of light blue pajamas. Nothing seemed to be wrong with them. He turned, dropping his towel to put them on, and noticed that he had forgotten to drain the tub. Sighing, he set his clothes on the porcelain edge and leaned down to unplug it, accidentally knocking his clothes into the water.

"Oh no..." Sighing again, he picked up the wet garments and set them on the sink as he wrapped the towel back around himself. Grabbing the soaked pajamas once more, he opened the door and headed towards his room.

Bakura heard a soft splash and Ryou's voice in a soft frustrated tone. Bakura stood up and made his way to Ryou's room. "You alright?" He asked sort of grumbling it out. Ryou was the clumsiest person in the world, knowing him he probably dropped his underwear in the bath tub

This was turning out to be one of the worst days ever for Ryou. Now, as he stood searching through his drawers for something to wear, he realized that he had forgotten to do laundry.

"Um, yeah. Hold on a sec!" Wrapping the towel around himself once more, he opened his bedroom door. "Um, Bakura, could I borrow some of your clothes? I dropped the ones you got me in the tub..." He talked quietly, looking at the ground.

Bakura couldn't help from laughing, but it wasn't harsh or teasing. "Sure, though they might be a bit big..." Bakura wandered into his room and dug out a white shirt that would end up hanging low on Ryou. Mainly because Bakura's pants and boxers would end up falling off Ryou...

Don't think dirty! You can't afford to jack off when he's home! Bakura thought and hurried back to Ryou's room, handing him the oversized shirt.

"Here you go. Sorry but I don't think I have anything that won't fall off your waist." Bakura said.

Ryou blushed a little bit at the embarrassment of it all.

"It's okay if they're big... I just need something to wear other than a towel." He waited for Bakura to come back, leaning against the doorframe and sneezing.

When Bakura came back he seemed to have a very light pink flush on his cheeks, but Ryou ignored it, taking the shirt from him and smiling. "Thanks!" He closed his bedroom door and quickly put it on, making sure it covered up everything important. Then he opened the door again.

Bakura smiled after Ryou went back into his bedroom, feeling very accomplished. Ryou had already started sounding sick, and again it made Bakura feel worse about ruining their umbrella. He reached down and pressed his hand to Ryou's forehead when the boy had returned.

"Great, you already have a fever..." Bakura sighed. "C'mon..." Bakura grabbed Ryou's hand and began tugging the smaller boy downstairs. Ryou's hand was soft and warm, and it fit perfectly with Bakura's, the pale yami smiled again, hoping Ryou hadn't seen it.

They entered the dining room and Bakura left Ryou to go get the soup and toast, serving up two bowls and walking back into the dining room.

"I tried," Bakura said, setting the two bowls down with the single plate of toast that was stacked in the center of the small table. "It's not really much, but soup is supposed to be good when you're sick right?" Bakura was trying to remember what Ryou told him back when Bakura had gotten sick for the first time. His hikari had taken the day off just to take care of him, something Bakura didn't ask for but enjoyed anyway.

Ryou blinked when Bakura pressed his hand against his forehead.

"How do youknow how hot a fever feels, Bakura?" he asked softly, willingly going with him. He caught just the slightest glimpse of a smile on Bakura's face, but brushed it off for the fever starting to make him see things.

When they reached the dining room and Bakura left, Ryou stood there for a moment, confused. Then he shook it off and sat down, waiting for his yami's return. Bakura almost seemed to be guilty about something. I'll bet he lost a bet to someone and the bet was over my soul or something, Ryou thought, sighing. All he knew was that this uber nice Bakura couldn't last for long.

His eyes widened in awe as he looked at the food placed in front of him. Bakura had managed this?

"Thanks!" Ryou said, still kind of in shock. "What kind is it? Oh, and yes, soup is good for you when you're sick. And if the stomach isn't upset, so is juice. And tea is good for almost every illness." He cocked his head at the soup in front of him. It certainly smelled good.

Bakura grinned, taking his hikari's words as praise. "It's that one with the noodles, as for knowing what a fever feels like... Malik had one, one day and I remember he was really warm." Bakura sat down at his place and started eating the food he'd made, proud of himself. He glanced over at Ryou, expecting the boy to eat it. But when he didn't, Bakura looked hurt and confused.

"Ramen? Yum." He kept just looking down at it, unsure of whether or not he wanted to eat it. He nodded at Bakura telling about Malik, still looking at the noodles. Ryou glanced over to look at Bakura, and the look he got was just so hurt looking he had to take a bite. His eyes lit up. "Mmm!" He smiled and continued eating.

With his mouth full of food, he couldn't talk, so he finally decided to try and use the mind link for praise.

~Um, Bakura?~

Bakura nodded, then grinned at the look on Ryou's face. He felt a lot better and continued eating.

~Yes Ryou?~

Ryou grinned at Bakura through a mouthful of noodles.

~This is really good. Thank you.~

After swallowing a large mouthful, he picked up a piece of toast and munched on it.

Bakura's grin widened, Ryou had given him praise! He couldn't be happier. He laughed a little at the goofy grin Ryou wore. He repressed the urge to yell out in joy, instead taking a piece of toast and biting into it.

~You're welcome.~ And he smiled softly at Ryou, no longer caring if he looked weak.

Ryou giggled a little at the look Bakura had. He looked like a dog that had just gotten praised by his master. He could practically see Bakura's tail wagging.

Still smiling and eating toast, Ryou began to think that maybe Bakura didn't have an ulterior motive. Maybe he was just finally being nice. Ryou sneezed on his toast.

Bakura handed Ryou a napkin, finishing off his soupy noodles in the process. "You find the weirdest times to sneeze... your poor toast didn't see it coming!"

Taking the napkin and wiping his nose, Ryou giggled at Bakura.

"Thanks. And I know..." He sighed. "I just don't see how I could've possibly forgotten my umbrella this morning..." Shrugging, he continued eating his noodles.

Bakura sunk low in his seat guiltily. "Uh... Ryou... that's my fault... it kinda... has bullet holes in it." Bakura looked like a lost puppy at this point. "I'm really sorry..."

Ryou looked at him, shocked. "Bullet holes? How did it get bullet holes?" He was a little mad- after all if it didn't have bullet holes in it, he wouldn't be sick- but not too much. Especially after the guilty look Bakura gave.

"Malik and I painted a target on it and used the gun he got from Marik as target practice. I was going to buy a new one... but it started raining. And I'm really sorry." Bakura said, his voice sounding as sincere as he could get. He really was sorry, he didn't want to hurt the one he loved most, but the gun looked REALLY fun and he couldn't help himself...

Ryou's eyes widened more. He sighed, already forgiving Bakura. Never had he heard that tone from his yami or been given that look. He truly looked and sounded earnest.

"It's okay... Just tell me next time, okay? I need to know these things so I can bring a raincoat instead." Ryou smiled softly at Bakura, hoping to make him feel better...

... But at that exact moment, his body decided to send him into a coughing fit.

"Ryou!" Bakura hopped up from his chair and ran over to his hikari, in a complete state of panic. He didn't know what to do so he impulsively asked: "Are you okay?" He wrapped one arm around Ryou carefully, rubbing the small boys back as he continued coughing.

Once his cough calmed down, Ryou looked up at Bakura. "I-I'm okay." He gave one last cough, then sighed. "I think I got the flu..."

He then noticed that his yami's arm was wrapped around him. He tinged slightly pink at the close contact, but didn't say anything.

Bakura disregarded the blush in favor of picking Ryou up bridal style. "Then you shouldn't be up..." Bakura carried Ryou off to his room, enjoying just how close Ryou was, The shirt slid up Ryou's leg slightly, not revealing anything, but enough to Make Bakura color with his own pink hue.

Ryou's door had been left open; the yami used his foot to push it open, and gently laid the boy in his bed.

This made the hikari blush even deeper. He started to struggle impulsively, but relaxed after a moment. He looked up at Bakura with wide, shocked eyes and his mouth parted just slightly to give him an adorable surprised look.

Ryou swallowed and, still looking at Bakura, stuttered, "Thank y-you. But I can walk." when he was safely rested in his bed.

Bakura frowned. "You shouldn't be on your feet. That's what you told me. So I'm not letting you walk back when you're this sick." Bakura stood and made his way for the door. "You should rest..." Bakura's hand reached for the doorknob instinctively opening the door carefully, pausing for a moment to look back at Ryou before exiting the room.

Still looking up at him, Ryou nodded wordlessly. He watched Bakura leave, halfway hoping he wouldn't go. As of today, Bakura seemed to be warmer (Ryou didn't want to say "nicer" because he was never particularly mean to Ryou) towards his hikari and the little light liked that. His yami's company comforted him somehow; it made him feel safer. Before he could stop himself, he reached out a hand and called very quietly, "Bakura..."

Bakura barely heard it from the hallway, but turned around and walked back inside Ryou's room. "Something wrong Ry?" Bakura said, without much thought into the name he just called his hikari.

"There's nothing wrong, i-it's just..." Ryou looked away, blushing a little. "Never mind, it's nothing." With a sigh, the boy turned over so his back was facing Bakura, pulling the blankets up to his chin.

Why couldn't he just say that he wanted Bakura to stay?