Werewolves and Spies

AN: I am sorry this chapter took so long, I wanted to cover a lot in one chapter

This universe belongs to JK Rowling, I am not her

Beta: Fiction over Reality

The Ossupov family has always been a family with a reputation for courage, loyalty, wisdom and ambition. It was these four values that they carried with majestic pride. Descendants of Viking princes, they soon rose to power after aiding the Tsars in several battles which earned them the glory and nobility that Imperial Russia had to offer. This allowed them to gain the rights to territories of the Konstantin Oblast which remained in the family for seven hundred years, being passed down from father to son until it came into the position of Count Ivan Ossupov, whom was just six months old and an orphan in 1850.

Ivan was raised by his ambitious uncle, whom arranged for him to have the best education to serve the Tsar so the uncle can have an influence in court. Ivan's greatest influence however, came from his godfather, Konstantin Alexeev, whom was Ivan's deceased father's best friend. As a lawyer, he did everything he could to help Ivan and was a father to him. However, the uncle seeing Konstantin as a growing threat, took advantage of Konstantin's legal bound to the land through his parents serfdom and arranged for him to be executed. As a result, when Ivan was able to figure out a way to gain control of his birth right and overthrow his manipulative uncle, he took the position as Count.

One day, when Ivan was forty, he was playing poker at a cigar club when he met Duke Peter. During the poker game, the Duke explained he had a young, very pretty nineteen year old illegitimate daughter named Katrina and then put her hand in marriage on the table. Ivan, being a lonely count, was glad that he won. The young woman agreed, looking forward to finally having a title. This made Ivan very happy, even happier when he found out that his wife was expecting. He found his family for the first time when his son, Konstantin was born in 1890.

Life at the manor with his wife and son was so peaceful and blissful that Ivan was able to ignore all the misery that seemed to be rising in Russia. When Tsar Alexander the Second was assassinated, he disagreed with Alexander the Third on having stricter laws among the peasantry but followed through without a second thought.

Knowledge is power, that is something that his family will come to value in future generations. Ivan followed through with orders and maintained a tighter control on what was in the libraries his mother founded, burning the books that needed to be burned. He even expelled the Jews in the May Laws; this caused a mass number of businesses and employers to leave. He then followed Tsar Alexander's second order in appointing land captains to keep the peasant communities under strict control. All this only created more misery among an already unhappy people. The Ossupov, living in their humongous house, far away from the wretched villages, were oblivious to their plight. They barely even noticed the sad servant girl, Margarkia who became a background to their house.

Count Ivan couldn't help but admire Konstantin's ambitions. When the Great War came about, like all young Russian nobles, Konstantin was eager to join the fight. Like all elder Russian nobles, Ivan went to great lengths to ensure that his son had a high ranking position far from the trenches. Konstantin enjoyed this position, mainly because it meant living in Petergrad. His life revolved around sporting off his uniform, keeping ballerina mistresses and going to fancy balls. However, that was cut short when Ivan heard of riots breaking out and about military officers getting killed by their own men. So Ivan arranged for Konstantin to go visit the Romanov princesses despite them being stricken with measles. At first he was annoyed due to Anastasia and Maria having a crush on him. He followed duty, making sure he remained by Tatiana and Olga's side as they did their red-cross volunteer work. Afterwards, Konstantin found himself with the measles and was sent home.

Shortly after Konstantin recovered, the misery in their country exploded into a hellish fury that changed the fate of the family forever. Once word reached the manor that Ivan was killed by his own men, the Ossupov's knew it was time to get out. The servants who informed them how their appointed officials were lynched and the crowd of pitchforks were coming for them next. They were able to scrounge up a boat ticket to England. Katrina, not wanting the family jewels in the hands of those whom she considered filth, sent Konstantin to grab a servant. He went out to the courtyard, finding Margarkia, who stood staring at the smoke piles in shock as the stables burned. Konstantin grabbed her arm and took her to the manor as the rest of the servants buried the family Icons. Even though they had far more loyal servants, Margarkia had this enchanting beauty, so he picked her. Katrina was happy with this choice, she made Margarkia dress as a countess while Konstantin dressed as a servant so if they were caught, Margarkia would be the one taken. Shortly before they were able to get out, a green flash came through the window from the angry mob, causing Katrina to instantly fall to her death. Margarkia grabbed Katrina's ticket and lead Konstantin through the servants passage to the stables. The two survived together.

Konstantin always felt guilty that he wasn't with his friends the day the Revolution broke out and angry at his father for having arranged to it to be so. It wasn't until his firstborn, Iris came into this world that he understood. When his second child, Tulip was born he forgave his father. It was when his third child, a son, was born that he thanked his father for the gift of this life and named him Ivan. He thanked him when he saw the faces of his children and grandchildren. They came from the family that lived.

Ivan Ossupov was the most cherished to his father, even though nobility was a long forgotten dream, a son still meant an heir and a barer to the name he took much pride in. Ivan was a smart child from the beginning and was adored by his older sisters. During his toddler years, he would go with his mother to the library for her secret English lessons and pick up on what was being taught. As a result, Ivan started school off as both bilingual and literate. This resulted in him being bored in school and turning into the class clown.

Konstantin was now Head of Office at the time. The families who've been working on the docks for generations were angry that a Russian immigrant was now in charge. So the children hearing their parents anger caused the Ossupovs to received backlash from the ignorant villagers. This caused Ivan to become quicker and better at dodging bullies. He excelled at hiding with his slingshot and shooting at his sister's harassers, then quickly disappearing in a wink.

The start of the Second World War caused Ivan's world to change. First, his eldest sister, Iris was sent away and his second eldest sister started volunteering at the hospital. Then his mother was given orders to work at the factory. To add to these changes, he could no longer have sweets, or camp out under the stars with his flashlight. He then had to share his room with an evacuee named Yuri. When his parents questioned the decision that this was a good placement for a Ukrainian boy, Ivan wanted to point out that it was because the lady in charge didn't know the difference between Russian and Ukrainians, but kept quiet as Yuri was making Tulip so happy.

Ivan found ways to amuse himself like collecting tin. While his classmates went from house to house asking for bottle caps, Ivan went to the pubs, ice cream parlors and soda shops. Plus, Iris would send the tin from the Riddle House, resulting in him having more tin than all his classmates combined. This story he would later tell his grandchildren.

Shortly after the Nazi started to retreat from Britain and it became safer to travel, Konstantin came home with exciting news. He enrolled Ivan in Dumfries Academy and Ivan was accepted and placed into a house upon his arrival. At the academy, he was required to take up a third language, with the school believing English and French to be the first two. Ivan enrolled in Russian and was able to fake it for a long time until his father wrote him a letter and the Russian teacher accidentally found it. When Ivan was pulled into the Headmaster's office, Ivan explained that he grew up in a Russian speaking household, which was why he was performing so well in the class.

Instead of expelling him, like Ivan feared, he was given a place of honor. Weeks prior they had noticed his charismatic personality and how he was quickly able to talk himself out of trouble and hide from bullies. They first wrote to his father asking permission to train Ivan in a special military program. After getting Konstantin's proud approval, they told him he was actually being trained to be an operative in British Intelligence. After the war had ended, a bitter curtain had fallen between East and West Europe along with tension between world powers. Ivan's knowledge in Russian language and culture, along with being able to sneak around easily, in addition to his charisma was all valued to them.

Ivan's first mission happened in 1949 at the age of seventeen. He was sent to the Fehérgyarmat District in Hungary on a student tour. There Ivan found out the majority of the people were in favor of a communist government. He then met with a Gypsy whom informed Ivan of the secret whereabouts of a captured spy being held at the capital. He then gave Ivan an envelop to give to the right authorities. The chaperone didn't think anything of it and thought the boy naive for talking to a Gypsy about directions. Ivan put the paper in the copy of his Hungarian-English dictionary and hid it in his underwear on the way back.

When Ivan got back, he found out it was actually a test mission but doing what he was told and the reports from the Gypsy told them Ivan was ready. He would be on one top secret mission after the other throughout Europe, mainly in different parts of the Soviet Union and few trips to Northern Ireland, and in some cases China. He told his family that he was a traveling business man.

As a result, Ivan missed much of his family events. He made it to Iris's wedding, but missed Tulip's pinning ceremony from Nursing school. He showed up to Tulip's wedding ten minutes before the ceremony started. He was away on duty when he received word that Iris's first baby, a son, Gabriel Evens was born sleeping.

This saddened the family, making them shattered. Iris was in such grief, she swore she never wanted to be a mother. It was in 1957, the exact fortieth anniversary of their first arrival in England when it happened. Konstantin was having his morning tea going over papers when the secretary transferred a call from his wife, who was staying in Cokesworth. As Margarkia informed him of the news he turned to watch the sun rise over the ocean, feeling a tear. When he asked Margarkia to give mother and daughter his love. He went to a secret stash and poured a shot of vodka. He raised it in the air. "To Petunia Colleen Evans," he toasted. "May you see yourself as anything but ordinary."

Ivan was contained when Petunia was born; he was almost tortured by the Secret Police until a spy within the organization freed him. Shortly afterwards, he received a telegram, letting him know that he was an uncle. By the time he had made it home, his family was there. He came straggling into the party that he assumed was in honor of Petunia. That was when his mother awkwardly informed him that Petunia was already three months old. The family gathering was being held for Tulip's daughter, Zinnia.

Ivan's adventures confused the rest of the family about why he was never around. It upset Iris and Tulip how their brother would weave in and out of their daughters' lives and each time, the girls would be asking 'where did Uncle Ivan go'. The two were scared that he was part of some kind of mob.

One cold January morning in 1960, Ivan came back to the UK after a ten-month assignment. He first went to Tulip but as she was upset that he never sent anything for Marigold's birth, Christening or Christmas, she turned her brother away. So Ivan went to visit Iris. It was January 13th on the morning of his arrival when Ivan showed up and surprised Iris. Iris was far from happy with this, here she was, seven months pregnant with a toddler and her brother whom she barely even sees shows up at her door unannounced.

"Come in!" she ordered in Russian, which she only spoke when angry. He walked in, and suddenly felt a tug at his leg. Ivan looked down to see Petunia in her blonde pig tails with her jumper dress reaching up, excited to see her beloved Uncle. He picked her up.

"How is my beautiful niece?" he asked kissing her on cheek.

"Miss you," Petunia said, putting her arm around his neck

"I missed you too," he smiled nuzzling her cheek as she put her sticky hands in his stubble and kissed his noise. He chuckled and looked over, noticing Iris struggling to bend over and pick up Petunia's discarded toys with her third trimester belly.

"Let me help you," He said.

"No, you won't," Iris muttered still in Russian. "What are you doing here? Showing up unexpectedly? What's it been, five, six months since I last saw you? And you just show up here at random? How long has it been since you spoken to any of us? Do you know how much you worry Mum and Dad with this?" she asked again.

"I can't explain where I go," Ivan said in Russian as Petunia just looked at them confused. "But please do believe me when I say that I work for the good of all."

"You better not be doing anything dangerous or something that will l get you in jail," Iris snapped.

"I'm not," Ivan rebutted

"Then what?" Iris said, storming towards him and suddenly stopped, feeling sharp pains. She wobbled and began to collapse. Ivan quickly rushed towards her. Iris then clutched her stomach, feeling a band of pain around it. As soon as Ivan had her propped against the wall, he rushed to the phone and called for emergency services. When the ambulance arrived, Ivan tried to go but Iris ordered him to stay with Petunia and call Harry.

Iris went to the maternity house, were they revealed that she was in labor. She cried at the thought, it was too early, they tried everything to postpone it but by the time the doctor came the baby was in the birth canal and suffocating, causing Iris to hemorrhage, forcing him to do an emergency c-section. Iris saw a plastic tub being rolled in as the nurses gave her an anesthesia mask.

Harry left work right away, speeding to the hospital. Harry felt his heart drop when he looked into a window and saw the doctors and nurses surrounded by a tiny, frail infant with the name 'Baby Girl Evans' written on the side of an incubator.

Harry's first reaction was to go to Iris, she was in tears looking at their new girl still in her hospital gown. They both blamed themselves, thinking it was there punishment for having such a wish for a boy. 'She's so tiny,' Iris kept muttering as her as Harry held her hand. Iris collapsed to his chest and buried her face in him in tears. The nurses and doctors promised their new daughter would get all-round care. Even though Iris was supposed to be in a bed in her room, weak from surgery, she refused to leave her new daughter's side.


Harry went home, exhausted from the day's troubles only to find the house a mess with Ivan sleeping on the couch. He quietly followed the toilet paper mess along with tiny hand prints of food and glue all leading to a sleeping toddler. Harry sighed, picked up Petunia, and placed her still sleeping body in bed. He then went to bed himself but couldn't sleep. Of all the times he had ever been scared, this was the worst. It made battles seem like a simple walk.

The next morning, Harry was exhausted as he woke up to the sound of the door bell. Ivan invited Margarkia and Konstantin to help. Harry welcomed them in, causing Petunia so much excitement she quit asking about her mother. Margarkia instantly volunteered to take care of Petunia, while Harry escorted Konstantin to the hospital.

There, Iris stood, still awake staring at her daughter trapped in the box. She fought very hard when Konstantin and Harry tried to convince her to go home and get some sleep, even though she needed to recover too. Finally, Konstantin pointed out that Petunia was asking about her. Not wanting her daughter to worry, Iris agreed to go home.

"Will you call me if the doctors give us anything?" Iris asked, with tears in her eyes. "She's so small."

"Of course," Harry said.

"I named her, I hope you don't mind." Iris said with her hand on the incubator as the baby lied there wrapped in pink.

"What did you name her?" Harry asked.

"Lily," Iris answered. "Lilies always come up early and tend to thrive. Lilies, the flower of mothers. She is in a tomb so I gave her a name of resurrection." She said, putting her hands along the plastic box and squatting down to where she laid. "Lily, you are so loved, so loved. Daddy loves you, Mommy loves you. Be safe, be strong." She then kissed the plastic box and left. She went home and slept while Petunia went to the park with her uncle and grandparents. It was a Sunday, Tulip called but Margarkia advise her to remain with her two girls.

Later, Konstantin brought Margarkia to see Lily. Despite all odds, she was still thriving somewhat.

"She's a strong one, this little thing." Margarkia said in Russian.

"Comes from a line of strong women," Konstantin said, looking at his wife wearing all white and gloves, while holding the baby that could fit in the palm of his hand. He then handed her to Margarkia.

"Lily,' She said, looking at this two pound girl with her eyes closed, barely flinching, covered in more wires than a Christmas tree while her tiny hand clutched onto the tip of Margarkia's finger. "Lily, the flower of resurrection, flower of the mother. May you be granted with the future of your choice. May you live to see a thousand reasons to rejoice." The two smiled at each other, Margarkia than carefully placed Lily back in her box. She couldn't help but get a special feeling, a strange spark. It was then Margarkia realized then that Lily will be the granddaughter to do the things she couldn't do and go to the places she couldn't go, Margarkia smiled at this.

On there way out, Konstantin and Margarkia were shocked to see Ivan waiting for them outside the hospital. After Ivan explained he had to leave, the couple couldn't help but become angry. Konstatian took Ivan aside and suggested he show were his true loyalties lie.

Ivan, knowing that he had disappointed his family, stood there, waiting. He waited until his parents had left and then drove off. He sped to London, where he met with a doctor, Elena Motter, who specialized in premature babies. Ivan had saved her husband so she owed him a favor. As soon as he explained about his niece, and the helpless situation that the tiny baby was in, she agreed to travel to Cokesworth and look at the baby.

The Evans, along with the maternity house staff were surprised that a well established doctor came in to see Lily. With Elena's permission Ivan held her for the first time. He was surprised at how fragile Lily was, and was almost scared he would break her. He swore she was so tiny that he could have snuck her out in his pocket.

When Elena spoke with Harry and Iris, she explained that she was repaying her debt to Ivan and would not leave Lily's side until she was safe to go home. Iris still felt strange holding Lily for the first time, the miniature two-pound baby whose head fit right on her heart while being connected to a machine for breathing.

Doctor Elena first suggested Lily get a blood donation and tested her blood type. Iris and Tulip were the first eliminated since they gave birth within the last year. So Margarkia, Konstiaten, Ivan, Yuri and Harry all got tested, all hoping to be a match. Even Tulip's in-laws, Svetlana and Arnold also got tested. Harry was even surprised that some of his fellow union men got tested to see if they were a match. However, Lily's father, Harry, was the best match.

Iris brought Petunia with her on the day of the donation. She was a little shocked to see her father with a needle up his arm and blood flowing out of him. He let Petunia sit on his lap. Once the blood donation was done, Elena arranged for it to be injected in Lily. Harry watched Petunia's reaction to seeing Lily, it reminded Harry of the way he would watch Anthony, who like Lily was the sweet and innocent second born. Since no one ever used middle names, Iris nodded with a smile and let Harry place his departed younger as Lily's middle name.

Shortly after, to the family's delight, Lily opened her eyes for the first time. They were so big, with her head still very small. 'You have your father's eyes,' Iris thought, seeing Lily looking up at her. "No wonder you are such a fighter." Harry, however looked at them and thought of his brave mother.

Lily's life did get better. Soon, in mid February they were finally able to take her home. To celebrate, the family gathered for Lily's baptism, with Ivan as the godfather. They asked Elana to be the godmother but she refused to the lack of her own religious beliefs, so Margarkia volunteered. Despite their disapproval in Iris's religious choices, they found reason to celebrate. For it was a true miracle: despite all odds, Lily lived.

Shortly after Lily was baptized, Ivan was sent on another secret mission, followed by another one. He was a good spy, something that no one could ever doubt. Mainly because he was able to blend in and outsmart the enemy..

In 1965, Ivan was sent to Yugoslavia to uncover information about Josip Tito and what his people thought of him. There, he met with a Serbian librarian, named Danica, who was part of the resistance and agreed to house him for the night. Danica, never having met an Englishman, was intrigued. He showed her things she'd never heard of, like the Beatles and Lord Byron. He even gave her magazines showing women adorned with makeup and beautiful clothes. She couldn't help but find herself in a flutter. The two developed a short-lived romance during his time there and even spent a few nights together. One morning, Danica came rushing in, through her own connections she was informed there was a surprise police search at her flat scheduled for that morning. Shortly afterwards, Ivan went home for his goddaughter's sixth birthday. Ivan was long gone by the time their son was born; she named him after his father. For he showed her a world that she longed for and dreamed about. A world that her son would one day join.

Ivan Junior remembered very little of his mother, except the books she hid under their flat floor. They were Mommy's private, special books. Even though he was too young to comprehend, Danica read them to her son. This was what created a deep, emotional connection to books. She would tuck Ivan in at night, kissing his forehead, then opened up a book to read. When Ivan was four, he asked why the books were a secret. Danica explained in a way a four year old would understand that knowledge was power, knowledge was something that can never be taken away. Knowledge is what makes the world turn, knowledge brings hope to the hopeless. That is why knowledge must be kept a secret, so it will help others learn too. Knowledge is something that can never be taken way, for it is the most abundant and sacred resource.

When they showed up and arrested Danica, she told her son to hide in the closet, be very quite and don't come out until there was no sound. This is exactly what Ivan did, he remember hearing yelling and screaming. His mother was making a commotion and putting up a fight mainly to wear the men out and keep them distracted. The officer that arrested Danica swore that he felt as an invisible force throw kitchen utensils at him. Little did the officers know, it was because of the small wizard hiding in the closet. They took his mother away, leaving the child alone.

Later, Ivan's uncle, Damir came. He explained to the four year old that his mother was dead and the place they planned to take him was terribly wretched place. He also explained to Ivan that his father was going to meet him and take him to a beautiful place, a place that inspires many stories. Damir took Ivan to meet his father for the first time. Ivan Sr. was a bit shocked at how much his son looked like him and the fact that he had one. He informed his superiors, calming that he wasn't going back to Britain without him. Sure enough, British Intelligence made arrangements with immigration, Ivan Jr, having a British father was granted full citizenship before his arrival.

Both Ivans arrived in England just on time for the Russian Christmas in 1971. This shocked everyone, a grandson and nephew growing up behind the iron curtain without anyone's knowledge. Ivan Junior still remembers it, seeing a decorated tree for the first time, with brightly decorated crumpets. Lily and Marigold tried to play with him while Petunia and Zinnia were gazing over teen magazines. He didn't remember the conversation because it was before he learned English, but he remembered making an ornament spend and his cousin Lily quickly stopping him before Marigold noticed. One of his other cousins, Marigold remembered that particular Christmas because it was the last Christmas she was allowed to eat sweets freely.

After the family left, Margarkia went to tuck her grandson in and not knowing Russian, he just smiled. The turn of the century woman was dumbfounded when Ivan didn't know how to say his prayers. But she made him learn.

That evening, Ivan Sr opened up about his career to his parents, he swore that his father went grayer when he openly talked of all the times he was almost killed. Ivan explained that his job and his career was important not just to him, but for the free world in general. In the end, the couple agreed to raise their grandson. Ivan Sr. was gone the next day.

Margarkia and Konstantin looked at their poor grandson, whom had seen nothing but poverty, who had a murdered mother and was abandoned by his father, now left among strangers. They decided then that Harry Evans would be a perfect godfather. Since the Evans weren't Russian Orthodox, Tulip served as his godmother.

Ivan not only remembered his native Serbian language, he picked up on his grandparents' Russian. He then went to school and started to learn English.

Like his father, the teachers figured he was smart. When Ivan was six he started to write to his father, and his father would write him back along with providing money to his parents. Ivan never understood why his father couldn't be with him, but was never angry about it. Harry Evans was after all an excellent godfather, he'd show Ivan how to fix things and took him fishing.

When Ivan was eight, Lily came to stay wth them for a month to take on a job as a house sitter to save money needed for a new wand for her fifth year. One day, while Lily was babysitting, Ivan showed Lily how he could make bubbles come out of his coke just by moving his hand around. That was when Lily casually told him that he was a wizard.

Iris then came in and Lily told her mother about a wand given to her by a strange warlock. Iris smiled and asked Lily to kindly help get the room ready, Tulip and her daughters were coming. When Iris left, Lily explained the importance of keeping magic a secret, a concept he understood all too well.

That spring, as Ivan was walking back from grammar school, he heard arguing. He watched from a distance as he saw his grandmother arguing with a man in Russian. An unusual man, with a majestic black beard, dressed in magical robs. The nine year old swore he saw him evaporate when he caught wind of him watching.

The phone rang in the dark of the night. Margarkia woke up, too tired to answer, and nudged Konstantin to answer it. It was Harry Evans, calling to inform the family that Iris was hit and killed by a drunk driver early that evening. Margarkia's screams still haunt Ivan to this day.

When Ivan Sr. heard of his sister's death, he came home instantly and insisted on helping with the funeral. Harry instantly rejected this offer and suggested he spend time with his son instead, which he did. Eileen Snape helped out as much as she could. Lily and Petunia both ignored everyone, including their grandparents whom they would later realize were suffering the most grief. They hid in the back of the closet and cried. Marigold and Zinnia served as shoulders to cry on.

The entire family was in a state of shock. Lily wanted to remain home for the rest of the year, but Harry didn't allow it. She returned to Hogwarts the same day as her Charms OWLs. Later, Harry found out that Lily broke off her friendship with Severus the same day she returned. Their parents, thinking this decision was made from grieving, figured it would pass.

It was June of 77' when Horus Slughorn came to visit the Ossupovs and explained that Ivan was a wizard to the Russian grandparents, who of course had a lot of questions and were cynical. Margarkia didn't seem all that surprised and Ivan sensed that she'd had prior knowledge. Luckily, Lily made sure she was at her grandparents that day to show she was a witch and even showed them a little magic. Lily was also surprised that her grandmother already knew about magic. She asked her grandmother in private how she knew, but Margarkia told Lily not to ask such questions.

The next morning, Konstantin informed Lily that she would take Ivan shopping for his school supplies. No one argued with Konstantin. He then called Petunia, informing her that she would host her sister and cousin at her London flat while they got their school supplies. Again, no one argued with Konstantin.

Ivan first went to stay at the Evans house in Cokesworth. Lily was working at a restaurant that summer and took an extra shift for more tip money towards school shopping. Harry took Ivan to the car garage where he worked part time. There, Harry introduced him to Severus Snape, whom Harry had helped land a job as a tire stacker that summer. Ivan was excited about meeting another wizard, but Severus who was smoking a cigarette during the encounter, basically ignored him.

Late the next morning, while Harry and Ivan were eating breakfast, an owl came to their window. That was when Harry explained about the mail and introduced Ivan to Lily's owl, Meg Murry. He then let him read the Daily Prophet. Ivan came across a horrible story about a Dragon Pox outbreak in Essex, killing many of the residents. Among the interviews was a wizard financial investor whom was being nursed by his seventeen year old son. Ivan, showed the article to Lily asking if she knew this James Potter. She said he was an acquaintance at school. She looked at the paper, folded it up, feeling bad for his situation. She then told Ivan to get ready while her and her father got the car packed.

After stopping for gas, Lily used a payoff and called Petunia to inform her she was on her way with the kid. During the conversation, Petunia made it clear that she only agreed so her sister wouldn't be out on the streets. She also reminded Lily that their cousin Zinnia was planning on staying at her flat to present her pictures before a counsel-so all freakish items had to remain hidden. This annoyed Lily at the thought since Zinnia had a history of being just as selfish as Petunia.

Petunia made sure she was at work when her sister arrived. Zinnia however, made sure she was there to greet her relatives happily. Lily and Ivan looked at Zinnia's pictures, both impressed with the beauty and depths she found in the Lancaster countryside. Petunia came home a few hours later, not as enthused to see her sister, but faked it so Zinnia wouldn't suspect anything.

Petunia brought home takeout and the family ate without saying a word. Lily, curious about her cousin's constant grin interrupted by asking Zinnia about her summer. That was when she started talking about William Creevey, going into a little too much detail by informing the table he was a virgin, unlike her, but doing everything else just right. Lily rolled her eyes, thinking Zinnia was the same shallow girl. Especially, after Petunia and Zinnia went to the pub for a drink, leaving Lily to care for her younger cousin.

Petunia made sure she left for work before the two got up.

Lily took Ivan with her to Diagon Ally. While Lily was shopping for herself, Ivan wondered away.

He looked at this new world in a splendor of awe and excitement.

After many turns, Ivan didn't know where he was, and ended up in a dark ally full of strange people. He started going around, asking for directions and the people were ignoring him. He explained that his family was a muggle to a few strangers but they laughed and left. Finally, a young man approached him.

"Are you lost?" Ivan looked over and recognized the boy from the article. Ivan explained that his parents were muggles and that he was shopping with his witch cousin and had decided to ditch her, but now he has not a clue where he is going. The boy introduced himself as James Potter and offered to help Ivan, spending most of the day with him. James first led him to Diagon Ally to see if the boy was able to point her out. Ivan then described Lily but not in a very appealing way claiming she 'has a bunch of dots on her face and carrots for hair'. He also explained that she had the money his grandfather provided for him. While Ivan talked the entire time, eventually Lily found the two of them.

James was a bit shocked that he was helping her cousin. Lily apologized to him about the loss of his father. Lily said she couldn't wait to see him at school, James smiled and said the same. Lily then surprised herself by turning around and asking him out.

When Lily went back to Petunia's flat, she told him about her date and asked if Petunia could watch Ivan that night. Petunia said no, because she had a date already scheduled with Vernon, and he wasn't going to be responsible for some freak. After finding out that 'this boy' went to her school, Petunia rejected any evening. She wasn't going to let her little sister date 'someone of that nature' this made Lily angry which caused the two to argue. That was when Zinnia came in and volunteered to 'stay an extra day and watch the kid'. Zinnia then excitedly asked Lily if she could do her hair and makeup, which Petunia somewhat participated in. During that evening, Zinnia taught Ivan how to take pictures and went on about how William was such a gentleman. She then sent Ivan to bed when Lily came home.

On the way back to Cokesworth, Lily stopped and visited her Aunt Tulip and Uncle Yuri before they took Marigold to University. Marigold, who was still very overweight, covered with acne and spent most of her time looking down a microscope, was upset that Lily, Zinnia and Petunia were all hanging out in London without her. Lily said the weekend was an accident and suggested she come out of her own shell. Marigold's aunt, Svetlana interrupted by saying Marigold was in her own cocoon and would grow in time. Lily then promised Marigold that next summer, if things work out with James, she'd set her up with one of James's friends. Marigold liked the idea, the two wished each other good luck before they went on their separate journeys. On the way back, Lily explained to Ivan that Marigold was a Hufflepuff and expected everyone else to be that way.

A few weeks later, Harry escorted Lily for her last year along with Ivan who came with Konstantin and Margarkia all together at King's Cross Station. While there, Ivan noticed a really tiny family. He recognized what appeared to be an elderly goblin woman, along with a red-haired little woman, a brown-haired man who was at least four feet, miniature boy that resembled his father and a bitty-looking girl with orange hair. Ivan innocently turned to Lily and asked if Munchkins go to Hogwarts as well. Lily turned her head and quickly explained that was a professor. Unknowing that he caught sight of the large family and made his way over.

After inquiring if the dark red head boy was her relative, Lily introduced her family to Professor Flitwick. Flitwick then explained that his son is starting Hogwarts this year and then introduced Gimli Flitwick, who gave a shy smile. Ivan overheard Flitwick tell his wife something about Lily being a really good student, so he should be fine. When Konstantin innocently asked about the difference between Goblins and wizards. Flitwick's mother answered 'Goblins children know how to behave' which Margarkia replied 'so do Russian children' Ivan took that awkward opportunity to ask if Gimli wanted to sit with him on the train, which Gimli accepted. Gimli's mother kissed him on the head, Ivan couldn't help but sense her Southern Irish accent. It was followed by a pat on the shoulder from his father promising to see him when he gets there and a smile from his sister.

When the train finally started, Ivan asked Gimli the first question: was he named after the Lord of the Rings Dwarf. Gimli smiled and answered yes, his mother has always had a fascination with Tolkien for writing about short people going on magnificent journeys. Ivan then asked if his mother was a leprechaun which Gimli innocently said no, she was a muggle. At some point through the train ride, the young witch with the candy trolley came by and told Gimli that his father made arrangement with her to pick up tabs if he took anything from the cart. Gimli then introduced Ivan to chocolate frog cards and every flavor beans. Ivan introduced him to comic books.

Lily spent a great time explaining about houses, promoting Gryffindor to her cousin. Gimli pointed out how Ivan should be in Ravenclaw instead. It was a house meant for the really smart kids, which appealed to Ivan because he always liked school. Gimli went into detail about the Ravenclaw Tower, elaborating on the two magnificent windows allowing both morning and evening sun, it being the airiest of the four common rooms with views to both the mountains and the Forbidden forest. He described the silk couches, The Gray Lady and even having their own entrance to the library. This was more than enough to sell Ivan. It seemed like a friendly house, throughout the train ride several Ravenclaw students stopped by to wish Gimli luck.

When they arrived at Hogwarts, he was surprised on how Gimli knew exactly what to do, introducing Ivan to Hagrid, than going on the boat to check out the magnificence of the castle. Even Gimli was impressed for never seeing it on the lake. When they got to the castle entrance, Ivan couldn't help but notice how this McGonagall lady explained the houses and looked directly at Gimli when she said 'Gryffindor' when explaining the houses.

When Gimli's name was called, Ivan noticed how his father sitting with the professors sat up almost like he was holding his breath, anxious the entire time. The hat went back and fourth between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw. It took a good three minutes. Gimli explained to the hat that his father wanted him in Ravenclaw so it would be easier for him as house leader when he played quidditch. His father had also taught Gimli that abandoning a friend an ultimate dishonor and was very loyal to his family, making the qualities of an outstanding Hufflepuff. The sorting hat, curious about Flitwick's wife took advantage of Gimli to find out more about his mother, Bridget. She was a muggle who grew up with parents who had dwarfism like her, her father even made a brief appearance in the Wizard of Oz.

Because of their condition, there was lack of opportunities causing them to be in deep poverty. The family eventually joined the circus, being the only form of stable employment but still faced ostracism. Not wanting to be exposed to such ridicule, Bridget stayed in the back and read. In a world where size matters, she striked a passion with math. She was studying advance calculus in Denmark when she met Felius. Not wanting her children to be exposed to the same ostracism they faced, she homeschooled them until they could go to their father's school. She taught them that knowledge is infinite and powerful, for it is knowledge that changes courses of life. This caused the hat to finally shout 'RAVENCLAW'. This created a deafening cheer from the table while his father let out a sigh of relief with a simple clap.

When Ivan went up, he asked to hat to put him with Gimli or Lily. The hat explained it doesn't work like that, but it would come between Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. In the sorting it brought up deep memories of his mother being killed for hoarding illegal reading material. He remembered her saying that knowledge is power, knowledge can bring down corrupt governments and bring hope to the hopeless. The hat read about his early days in the UK, struggling to learn English and Russian while holding onto his native Serbian, which Ivan thought in when he remembered his mother. Ivan was very brave for all he had endured but the trials thrown at him were endured because of his love for learning. He was put into Ravenclaw. Gimli smiled and slid over, making room for Ivan.

Through the first day, Ivan was glad to have Gimli as his friend. He knew where all the classes were and introduced him to the professors, all who seemed excited to have Gimli in class. At one point, he lead the entire first years to Transfiguration.

It was a month into Ivan's first year when he got a surprise letter from his father. He sought Lily, to see if she could help him go home to see him. Lily was a bit hesitant, first asking to be quiet about being muggle-born. When Ivan asked why, she explained that danger is rising for muggle-borns, there were people who wanted to do them harm. These weren't strange concepts, flashbacks from his early years were still on his mind. All Lily could do was to warn him to be careful who to trust.

Ivan told Gimli about his father while walking through the courtyard, that was when an older Slytherin, Regulus Black, called him a 'scrawny first year mudblood.' Ivan had never heard that term, Gimli however, started to hex like crazy using charms he had seen his father use for years. Ivan also joined in, which scared Regulus away. That was how the two got their first detention. Later, Sirius Black approached them, finding it funny and promised to 'tell his idiot brother to not piss off the son of a charms professor'.

Around June of '77, a site where an ancient battle took place between the Celtics and Romans was discovered in Jersey. Marigold was one of the interns hired to look at the DNA of the bones and planned to stay with her grandparents that summer.

Around mid July, Gimli invited Ivan over for a weekend, but after reading his letters about Dumbledore arranging funding for the house leaders to get certified in special education instruction through Muggle university, meaning McGonagall and Sprout were now there all the time with Flitwicks doing the course work together. Ivan decided to invite Gimili to the cottage instead.

Margarkia and Konstatian were fine with it as long as his friend behaved and give Marigold the quietness she needed to study. During the visit, Ivan explained that Marigold was the ugliest of cousins, so don't stair. Shortly afterward, Marigold entered the cottage, after having a small debate with Konstantin after he insisted carrying her suitcases because 'thats what men do' . This time Marigold had shimmering blond hair, smooth skin and an iron glass figured, wearing a mini skirt and tight blouse to show off her new body. When she went to her room, Gimli asked if he can meet his prettiest cousin.

Shortly after Lily got engaged that August, Ivan Sr. came home. Lily brought James over to introduced her fiancé to the estranged godfather. Ivan smiled at James saying "You must be Severus, nice to finally meet you after all these years." This made Ivan Jr snicker in the background as Lily uncomfortably explained he is James. Ivan Sr not keeping things straight asked what happened to Severus. Marigold chimed in, wondering if he's available. Margarkia ended the conversation by pointing out it is Lily's life, she's with James and to focus on Petunia's wedding. Afterwards, Lily offered to set Marigold up with Peter Pettigrew, Marigold decline being too busy to even think about dating.

Lily was upset that she wasn't a bridesmaid at Petunia's wedding, it was Zinnia, Marge and another girl at her office. Ivan was relieved that Petunia ignored him, since he didn't like the couple. She did however make sure to visit her grandparents, particularly her grandfather for whom she always respected. She wore the locket Konstantin gave her.

Zinnia's wedding, a few weeks later was much more fun with the Creeveys country dances. James agreed with Ivan when he said it.

After Ivan was sent of to his second year, Margarita's brother visited him once more. She was at first shocked, not having seen him in years. She told him to get out, Evgeny was nothing but poison. She let Lily have the family wand in exchange that he leave her family alone. Evgeny then explained that the witches and wizards are after a wizard much darker than him, so he is able to escape to the country easily. He needs a horcrux. Margarkia, not knowing what a horcrux was told him to take what you want and go. Shortly after giving Evgeny the silver, he went out to the beach waited for Konstantin. As soon as Konstantin did his traditional route of stoping to stair at the sea. Evgeny ordered a dark wave to come up causing Konstantin to instantly have a heart attack. Margarkia rushed to him, and held her husband as he died in her arms.

While Ivan Sr. was on his way home to tend to his father's funeral, he was approached by Evgeny. Evgeny was determined to smear the Ossupov family. A name of Muggle nobility now among wizard-kind: the highest disgust. He was determined to smear the family name to the highest dishonor.

Not knowing whom he was nor that he was speaking to the man whom killed his father. Evgeny presented himself as a friend of the family to Ivan and pointed out that his mother will have a hard time functioning on her own and suggested to see if James has a friend that needed a well paying job. That was how Ivan hired Remus Lupin to take care of Margarkia. Remus lived there and did her yard and magic work in exchanged Ivan paid him a strangely large amount. Ivan Sr. decided to stay until his goddaughter's wedding.

Since Iris was deceased, Margarkia took her daughter's place as mother of the bride, being both Lily's grandmother and godmother. Which from her perspective including keeping complete control over the best man as he went about his duties.

It was a half hour before the ceremony, Lily was informed Petunia wasn't coming, leaving her without a Maid of Honor. Margarkia went to the Grooms side where Remus, Peter and Sirius were trying to calm James, since he was seriously consider going awol. Margarkia marched in and demanded Sirius come with her. Sirius, tired of taking orders from this elderly Russian muggle refused. Margarkia grabbed him by the tie and took him out to the hall. She explained the situation and informed him to find another bridesmaid or choose a Marauder to sit out.

The two went to the chapel, Margarkia spotted Tulip with her family sitting in the second pew on the brides side and ask one of Tulip's daughters to fill in. Quickly eyeing the gorgeous blonde, sitting confidently without a date, Sirius agreed to approach them. Zinnia and Marigold both would've have been honored to be in the wedding. Tulip suggested Marigold in hopes that she'd be come acquainted with James's single friends, which was whom Sirius was hoping for the moment he saw her. As Sirius was taking her back, he apologized for the last minute responsibility. Marigold assured her she didn't mind, she had been a maid of honor before. She still remembered the toast she gave at her sister's wedding and was calling upon her neurons to adjust it for her cousin. Sirius found that term amusing.

By the time Sirius brought Marigold to the bride's chambers, Sirius found himself completely and utterly charmed by this amazingly gorgeous muggle. Marigold went in and calmed Lily down who was panicking. Throughout the ceremony and the reception, Marigold cooperated with Sirius in hoping that all would go well and making sure all of Lily's needs were met, while he met James's needs. Sirius did get a chance to ask her to dance, where Marigold found him rather exciting.

During the wedding cleanup, Tulip approached Marigold, explaining that the family was leaving. Sirius, not wanting the evening to be over with her, asked if they could meet again. Surprised, she said yes and gave Sirius a piece of paper with a string of numbers.

When Ivan was coming home after his second year, he was sitting quietly reading Ronald Dahl and writing to Gimli, who normally went home with his father instead of the train. After getting off the Hogwarts train, he took another train to the coast to reach the ship to Jersey, were Remus was to pick him up. During this particular train ride, Ivan ignored the muggles and read 'James and the Giant Peach'. Mstsalv disguised as a muggle shared his department. He started to speak Russian and didn't seem surprised when Ivan spoke back. The two chatted and then he revealed that he was a wizard. Ivan was surprised and said another wizard was picking him up. Mstsalv asked if it was Remus Lupin, and proceeded to warn the young Ravenclaw not to follow him during a full moon.

That was how Ivan was attacked. He followed Remus, got lost in the dark of the night but was sure to follow the moonlight. He then heard a strange creature, not knowing what it was he followed the noise and suddenly was attacked by a strange creature, biting into his shoulder from behind. It almost took his neck when a powerful curse that attacked the creature came from nowhere. Ivan looked up to see Lily with her wand, warding the werewolf away as Ivan remained injured. She instantly took him to St. Mungos.

When Ivan finally regained consciousness, he woke up at St. Mungos. Healer McKinnon, husband of Marlene and father of their three children was treating his injuries. McKinnon, relieved, calmed Ivan using a special form of healer magic with his eyes and injected some muggle pain killers. Later, he revealed to Ivan and his grandmother that he was a werewolf now along with the symptoms and precautions he would have to take.

McKinnon changed his bandages, and left to give him some time. Lily asked Ivan what gave him the idea to follow Remus, he told him about the man on the train. That was when McKinnon contacted his wife to inquire more information about this dark wizard. However, with a much larger threat, Mstslav was lost in the shuffle. Her report still stays in file.

After Healer McKinnon left, Margarkia revealed to Lily and Ivan that she was a squab and about her brother, a powerful wizard wanting to harm her family. Lily and James went to find him, only to be confronted by Voldemort for the first time, whom took offense that Mstslav was trying to recruit dark followers in the British Isles. He tried to recruit the both of them, he figured Lily would be a great thief ion anything. James for the Potters business influence.

James came in and explained that Remus wasn't in his right mind when he infected him and asked Ivan not to say anything. Ivan agreed but requested to never see Remus again. Margarkia casually explained to her handy man that she decided she was better doing things on her own.

Dumbledore and Flitwick came to visit Ivan, informing him that they had made arrangements with Madam Pomfrey and about the Shrieking shack. During their visit, Ivan asked about Gimli, Flitwick explained that Gimli doesn't know due to confidentiality. Dumbledore promised to make an exception. The next day, Gimli came with his parents but didn't say much. Flitwick left Gimli alone and the two played a game of wizards' chess.

The day of his release, Lily came over with her godfather. This made Ivan Jr rather angry, at that point he hated his father for the years of neglect. He blamed his father for his infection, for hiring Remus Lupin without any sort of background. Margarkia however ordered the two to put it aside. Ivan Sr. got a little upset that his son felt more comfortable talking about his problems to Harry Evans than to him.

When Ivan started his third year, he was made seeker of the Quidditch team, Gimli was made Chaser. They kept his werewolf status a secret from the rest of the school, Flitwick and Dumbledore made arrangements to organize the Ravenclaws for not playing during full moons. Lily and her father came to one quidditich match that fall, mainly to speak with Flitwick. Harry waited until the match was over to speak with Ivan about his cancer.

Margarkia died that year, Lily came to tell him in person. She didn't tell him about her father's cancer. Ivan wanted to know if it had anything to do with her brother. Lily just nodded, she wouldn't go into much detail. Ivan sensed that Lily was angry about it, she held a hand of paper, written 'Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed' in her grandmothers writing. To this, Lily held with great value. Afterwards, Lily went out being able to see thestials for the first time. This dark wizard, was minor to you-know-who, since he was only after her family. It didn't erase that the man killed her grandmother and possibly her mother. She went to the lake, someone from her grandmother's line would eventually defeat him. She vowed that she would aid that witch or wizard even if it was after her death. She found the prophecy, which she put among her important papers.

The cottage was left to Ivan Jr, but Tulip was made his legal guardian due to Harry being unable to do it because of his cancer. Tulip was given the news that her brother was a spy, her brother-in-law had a deadly cancer, there was a whole world of magic that her niece was involved in, her nephew was a werewolf, and her diabetic daughter had been riding on the backseat of a flying mother bike all within a week after burying her mother, she kept calm and carried on. Yuri, had constant questions mainly based on curiosity.

The war took a toil on Ivan and his classmates as the danger started to increase. First hearing about deaths everyday in the paper, prejudice by students for being Muggle-born and other side-comments about werewolves. Part way through winter, he got a letter from Marigold and Lily, both explaining how Lily and James had to go into hiding, because You-Know-Who is after their unborn child. Lily asked Marigold to be Ivan's connection since she knew a lot about the magical world.

A few months later, after a Quidditch match in the spring of 1980, he spotted Marigold and Sirius in the crowd. Afterwards, Marigold pulled Ivan aside, wanting to speak with Ivan in private to let him know that his godfather, Harry had died.

The summer after Ivan's third year, Ivan was staying with the Marinovas. Due to the danger, Gimli and his sister were sent to their muggle grandparents in Ireland for the summer. Yuri tried his best to make Ivan feel at home. He would play wizard chess and curiously asked to look at Ivan's magical books. Tulip, being a well-trained midwife nurse, would meet with another nurse, Arabella Figg, who was a pediatric nurse in the infant unit at London's Children's Hospital. Tulip would meet Sirius Black, and he escorted them to Godric's Hallow. Tulip and Yuri considered Sirius to be another son.

The night of July 30th, 1980 Sirius Black arrived abruptly and let Tulip know it was time. Tulip grabbed her nurse's bag then put on a blindfold as Sirius took her away. Marigold stayed by the house and did her university work, showing Ivan her cell research which didn't bore him as normal. Meg Murry would come giving updates. In one note, Lily begging to be knocked out until the baby arrived. Tulip reminded her that she has Russian blood; she can tolerate pain better.

The labor took a good twelve hours. Tulip came back the next evening, Marigold left with Sirius to see their new godson. Tulip proudly poured champagne, even let Ivan have a glass, they then toasted Harry Potter. Shortly after, Marigold followed Lily's request and sent a picture to Petunia with a fake address through Muggle mail.

However, the joy was tiptoed around Zinnia; she was still grieving over a miscarriage from the previous April. To take her mind off this tragedy, Zinnia accepted a commission for a photography assignment in the Southern England's sea shores that August, since it would have been her due date. She invited Marigold to help her carry equipment and keep track of the lens as a sister road trip. The two planned to stop at Little Whining and see Petunia's baby.

During their visit at 4 Privet Drive, Petunia was disgusted with Marigold's long term romance with a wizard and was rude to her. Marigold, with her Hufflepuff personality, assumed that Petunia was jealous about being her nephew's godmother. Petunia, putting on a show for her cousins, placed Harry's picture on the mantel. Marigold, assuming Petunia knew, privately asked for a picture of Dudley to send to Lily. Petunia gave her one, but was blunt about it. Marigold wrote that there was no sign of magic in Dudley, which disappointed her.

Fourth year was rather busy, mainly due to the stress of the war. Gimli lost his aunt to Death Eaters along with her boyfriend, Fabian Prewitt, as well as his brother and his girlfriend. Ivan noticed even Professor Flitwick couldn't teach for a few days after his sister's death. After retuning from the funeral, Gimli said that his goblin grandmother was inconsolable and talked about the awkwardness of meeting his muggle grandmother for the first time. Later that year, Gimli came to Ivan upset about Benjy Fenwick, a half-goblin and close family friend that had exploded. Ivan then read about a group of werewolf rights activists being murdered. He comforted another friend who lost a father. Two of his classmates, the Bones twins, a boy and a girl both his year, went home on Christmas break only to be slaughtered. Near the end, Ivan read about the same kind healer who had aided him being killed along with his wife and their three little children, which outraged the entire wizard community.

That summer, Marigold came to pick him up from King's Cross. She too was aware of the toll, knowing these people through Sirius. She, however, seemed rather happy, and revealed that she was now an aunt to the cutest nephew in the world: Colin Creevey. She also told him things weren't looking good for Lily and James. Marigold was worried about how her godson would turn out, being raised locked up. Marigold took him up to Zinnia's house, where they served tea. During the time with the family, he didn't feel like a freakish outsider; Zinnia as always treated him with kindness. Petunia was there, which made Marigold uncomfortable after Vernon referred to her as a 'harlot for taking up with that sort.'

While the adults were talking, Ivan went up to play with little Colin. Marigold followed, treasuring every moment she spent with her little nephew and avoiding the Dursleys. It was then that they both notice how Collin summoned the bear Lily sent. Marigold, now finding the magical world as a simple norm, picked her nephew up and started to coo him as her 'brave little wizard.' Ivan wrote Lily a letter, which Marigold gave to Pettigrew, the new secret keeper. In the letter, Ivan asked what he could do to help. Lily wrote back asking him to protect Colin, and to make sure Zinnia's family remained oblivious to the threat. Part of Lily wondered if Colin was the one to defeat Mstslav.

Fifth year started off with a lot of tension due to Gimli getting extra pressure from his father to do well on the OWLs. Early morning on November first, Ivan was woken by Flitwick before anyone else. He pulled him into his office to deliver devastating and rather interesting news. His cousin, Lily, was killed by Voldemort himself along with her husband, James. Their son however, through something miraculous, had survived and it caused Voldemort to be defeated. He wanted Ivan to hear about it from something other than a paper. His aunt had requested him home.

Ivan Sr was in the USSR when he got an urgent message from his sister about his goddaughter and her husband. He instantly abandoned the mission to return home. When Tulip told him what had happened and what was going on, he became wrapped with guilt. Here he was, a well decorated spy knowing secret networks and having connections all around the world. If he had only known Lily was in danger... he out of all people should have been there to help her. He could have moved them far away with new identities. Tulip pointed out the hard truth: he was unreliable in her life, so why would she have trusted him with the life of her son when he barely looked after his own son.

After Zinnia heard of her cousin being murdered by 'a home invader', she called Petunia and asked if she needed help. When Petunia said yes, the couple drove to 4 Privet Drive to watch Dudley and Harry while Petunia went to Godric's Hallow to make funeral arrangements. During this, Zinnia placed Harry and Dudley together with toys between them in order to simulate positive play which worked. Zinnia then put Colin in the mix who excitedly crawled to Harry. When Harry looked annoyed, she pulled her overly happy infant away. Marigold then showed up mainly to collect her orphan godson, who excitedly smiled at her, being the first person he recognized.

When William asked how Sirius was handling this, Marigold answered that he was so broken that he hadn't even returned home and was worried about him. Marigold was getting ready to take Harry back to the flat that her and Sirius shared, but when Petunia came home, her red face covered with sunglasses, and simply said 'I need to tuck my nephew in,' Marigold knew it was the wrong time. They left that evening,

Zinnia agreed to watch the children during the funeral. William, knowing his wife was taking it hard, stayed with her. So Marigold stayed with Petunia during the proceedings. She asked about where Sirius had gone, but the people she knew never gave her an answer.

Petunia wore all black and was ignored by all the wizards. Very few put into thought that Petunia was the only Evans left. The guilt became too much. Partway through the service, Petunia got up and bolted away. While Petunia cried on the steps, she felt a kind hand on her. She looked up to see Eileen Snape, going out to comfort her. It was because of this that Eileen Snape became the only magical person Petunia respected.

Ivan spotted Remus with his parents at the funeral, keeping a distance, he remained silent the entire time and asked his father if he could leave before everyone. He made an excuse to leave the wake early. On there way home, Ivan Jr opened up to his father. The next day, Ivan Sr. announced his retirement as a spy. He still worked for British Intelligence but took an office job from home and raise his son.

That Christmas was the first that the father and son spent together. It was quiet, Ivan Jr could tell his father was trying so they made the best of it. They went to Tulip's house, where Marigold announced that she was pregnant and after much debate she decided to keep it. The two Ivans agreed that this made the Christmas more interesting. They watched as Tulip went barmy mad, mainly because Marigold was diabetic and pregnancy was a huge risk at that time. Marigold explained that she was told that she was most likely to only conceive once. This was her only chance to be a mother. She was still going to get her PHD and raise the child the best she could. She was holding baby Colin as she talked about the images of the baby, swelling with love. She explained how a few weeks after the night Lily and James were killed she was reading 'My November Guest' by Robert Frost, a poem about finding hope among such sad times. She realized then that she waned this baby.

Ivan Sr, finding civilian life rather dull, began to write to his son regularly, with updates on things Ivan didn't care about, such as relatives and muggle news. Marigold wrote once, after being completely ghosted by her lover, she pressed on to carry her pregnancy despited being put on dialysis. Ivan debated on telling her what really happened, but decided not to, thinking it would cause more stress. To top it all, the Dean of the University forbade her from presenting her research due to the 'bun in her unmarried oven being a bad reflection on the school' . Marigold went and told off the entire board of university and named all their mistresses. When Marigold left the building, she found Petunia standing there asking to take custody of Harry. After Marigold explained that it was really a bad time, Petunia made the mistake to say 'if his godfather could raise the child...' Marigold went bonkers, pregnant bonkers, on her. He ether left her or was killed. Either one caused Marigold heartache, she focused on the child she loved so much.

While Marigold was still in a coma, after childbirth. Ivan Sr. agreed to go talk to Petunia about reconnecting with the family. He took Ivan Jr and Gimli to Privet Drive, both hoping to see Harry's scar. Petunia being protective of the children in her care, forbade it. Knowing her uncle wasn't the best around toddlers, she monitored him closely. Ivan Jr and Gimli played with magical instruments in her backyard. Petunia went out and called them freaks and told them to get out before the neighbors could see. The werewolf and quarter goblin of course assumed it was an insult to them directly. This caused Ivan Sr. to cut contact with his niece. His son had a hard enough time seeking acceptance from the Magical community as a muggle-born werewolf, he didn't deserve that from family.

Ivan Jr. found out about Marigold's death and was rather annoyed. Being his seventh relative to die, it didn't surprise him. But to leave behind the child of a serial killer for her family to deal with, he thought was selfish of her. After her funeral, Zinnia came to him and hugged him close, still in tears. After losing so many relatives, including her father's uncle, Zinnia wanted the family to remain close.

Petunia however refused to show up, despite all the family did for her during Lily's death. Vernon agreed that Marigold brought it upon herself for becoming involved with such a man. When Yuri called, Vernon conveyed his opinion on Marigold and Sirius's lovechild to the distraught father. When Tulip called, Petunia agreed with her husband. This caused her aunt and uncle so much spite that they cut ties with her. Tulip and Yuri weren't only facing a parent's worse nightmare. They were now in a custody case with Sirius's mother over the newborn, they didn't need that kind of support from family.

Walburga's main argument was that magical children should be raised with magical relatives but revealed that she didn't have anyone else. Tulip and Yuri won, thanks to Alastor Moody, who was determined to break down on child abuse in pureblood families. After getting May to testify on the emotional abuse she put Sirius through and showing her own scars, the judge ruled in favor of the muggles. Walburga, knowing the infant's life could be in danger if word got out about her half-blood granddaughter, vowed to keep her a secret even from her murderous son. After word got that she died, Tulip felt safe enough to honor her daughter's will.

Petunia and Zinnia still kept in contact, mainly just phone calls. Both having two toddlers running around their house, they couldn't make plans to see each other. However, once Zinnia called Petunia all excited that Marigold's daughter would be coming to live with her. Petunia politely congratulated her. She then slowly and purposefully lost touch. Petunia knew that the toddler girl's father was 'of that freakish nature'. She feared that she would tempt Harry's talents.

Shortly after Ivan Jr graduated, Ivan Sr came a to decision that if his son wasn't good enough for the magical world, then the magical world wasn't good enough for his son. He sent Ivan to a rural university in Lancaster and paid for tuition. After Ivan got his business degree, he got a job telecommuting from home as a business administrator. It was simply looking at the books, making sure all was accounted for and mail the forms back. After working this job for six months and doing it well. He then did what his father hoped he would do: Ivan traveled.

First Ivan just traveled the UK. He went around the coast of England, going through Scotland and Wales successfully on a mope head, stopping at libraries and renting rooms at inns and pubs then mailed his work to the main office. His father would then deposit his checks in a bank and wire him cash. Once it was tested that he could travel and work at the same time. Ivan took off for a worldwide adventure with his father's proud approval. Ivan Sr realized his time as a traveler was done, it was his son's turn to take on the world.

Ivan first went to the Caribbean starting in Trinidad and learned about how the muggles used nonviolence to end slavery. He bought a boat and sailed away, meeting the local mermaids, whom were much friendlier in the warmer waters. They took him throughout the Caribbean Sea. He learned different types of magic from Jamaicans, Haitians, Puerto Ricans, the Virgin Islands, and so on. He went to whole magical colonies formed by escaped wizards slaves. After a work session in the Bahamas, Ivan went to a magical portal and asked about the remote islands where a witch casually asked if he was a werewolf the same way some would ask if he forgot sunglasses. She wasn't a werewolf but she took him to an island fully populated by werewolves who were largely successful, each with bustling markets, tiny schools of magic and happy families. Some of the island werewolves were even successful millionaires.

From there, Ivan went to Florida, got in a mope head and started to travel through much of the Southern United States. Ivan gained a few pounds from the amazing cuisine and hospitality. While there, he met with African American Civil Right leaders who told him stories about the movement used to bring mass change. He then hiked to Pittsburgh where he met his uncle Demir for the first time in seventeen years. He gave Ivan a picture of his mother and told stories. He then hiked his way to New York City and stayed in Alphabet City for a month.

That autumn, he rode a broom through New England and went to Prince Edward Island for winter. As Ivan hitchhiked through Canada he met First Nation Witches and wizards who saw Muggle Borns as a great honor to the tribe and were often given to magical families. They then gave him magical ways through Alaska, mainly Denali where he met a group of werewolves Inuit witches in Denali, who considered werewolves blessed. He found transformations much calmer among the Northern Lights. He also rode flying reindeer and dragon sleds.

Afterwards, Ivan went to Oregon, where me met muggle hippies that gave him a ride to Mexico. Upon introducing Ivan to new religious views and recreational drugs, they told stories of the sixties with anti-war protests and ideas of nonviolence. Once in the Southwest he met with muggle migrant workers' union and helped with his first protest.

Eventually, Ivan made his way to the Aztec Empire were werewolves were revealed as gods, he went through Central America were the idea of pureblood was unheard of and through South America staying with rainforest tribes where magical and muggle intermingled openly and freely. He even saw El Derodo, a wizard city made entirely of gold. Ivan then headed to New Zealand meeting the Mario wizards, who gave him a few tattoos. That was followed by Australia, ending his first year of traveling.

From there, Ivan island hopped across the Pacific Ocean visiting more successful werewolf colonies, along with magical tribes that welcomed muggle borns. He saw magical creatures and learned new spells. When Ivan finally made it to Japan, he met with Gimli for some Sake and watched his newly learnt Samurai charms and congratulated his success at trying to achieve the rank of Charms Master like his father. Ivan also went to a house of geisha witches who taught him the arts of fan magic.

Not staying anywhere for more than a few days, Ivan went from China were he met student protesters and learned how they were organizing themselves to bring more freedom. He then went to a wizard monastery in Thailand and a Werewolf temple in Vietnam. He rode a broom most of his way through Asia, learning new forms of magic and meeting people of both magical and muggle world alike. He stayed in India, taking notes and meeting those who knew Mahātmā Gandhi personally before taking on the Middle East and learning several forms of ancient magic then going up through UrAsia. Once Ivan was in Serbia, he reunited with his Maternal grandparents. They gave him his mother's old book collection which he found ways to store magically and sent to his father. Before going to the Baltic, he met house elves who were freed through protest. Afterwards, Ivan went to France and Ireland, returning to England for a brief Christmas and heading to the Mediterranean, gaining a few more pounds then down through Turkey and into Egypt. He went through Africa, going on safaris, working in villages. Meeting more werewolves sanctuaries in Ethiopia, muggle born scholars in Nigeria, civil rights leaders in South Africa. After that, Ivan decided to go around the globe again.

Ivan eventually decided to settle in England again after hearing news of Voldemort's resurrection. He confirmed it through the three children Zinnia raised, who were surprised their nomadic cousin was like them. Faced with discrimination again, he then joined the werewolf underground and many thought of joining him with the belief that life would be better. Ivan told the other werewolves in his travels, and tried to persuade them into gaining their rights back through peaceful protest. That was when the Werewolf Alliance was formed, with a few werewolves who liked the idea: it would be a longer, harder road but one that had been proven to work. Soon the numbers grew with the growing number of newly turned werwolves who saw their professional lives go to ruin. Some members of the group were parents of young werewolf children.

Ivan first wrote to sponsors from werewolf colonies and clans then invited werewolf leaders. Soon the group began to grow as other werewolves became interested in the nonviolence approach to their rights throughout Europe, coming up with petitions, sit-ins, and even a few picketing. It was during one meeting, they discussed ways to collect signatures on petitions to overturn the employment banned and others discussing ways to expose werewolf culture in a positive light when Ivan caught someone from the corner of his eye. He stood silently as the teenage hatred began to swell once more at seeing Remus Lupin penning his signature as a new member.

Ivan was curt to Remus when he first approached him asking to meet with him, Ivan didn't think of himself as the leader but the other members pointed Remus to him. It was when werewolf millionaires and members of a werewolf priesthood were visiting, so he needed to remain professional to get their support. Plus, it was an unwritten rule that when two known werewolves meet, to treat each other with curtesy. Remus asked Ivan if he could speak with the group about forming an alliance with The Order of the Phoenix to defeat the Death Eaters. Many who were bitten by Grayback and his gang agreed. Ivan was tempted to ask about his cousin's son, but he wanted to keep a distance for the Marinovas sake. Ivan thought that would be the end, but soon Remus became a faithful member, showing up at every meeting.

Shortly after the Ministry takeover, Ivan was wanted for being a Muggle Born. He also needed to protect the Marinova children. Which turned out to be harder than he'd thought when Colin revealed plans to hijack the ministry to break the age detection curse so muggle borns can defend themselves. Colin made contract with a minister worker, Percy Weasley who agreed to aid him. Colin waited for a distraction, once word got out that Harry Potter was in the Ministry, Percy signaled Colin who went through with it.

During this time, Ivan Sr. left for one last spy mission. It annoyed Ivan Jr that his father's idea of escaping danger is to volunteer for another danger but he bid him farewell none the less. He then let the Colin, Carnation and Denis come and use his cottage. He couldn't help but be relieved that Carnation took after her mother, especially after she set up a school schedule for her and her cousins.

The Werewolf Alliance agreed to defend the Muggle born werewolves but elected Remus as their proxy leader. Shocked, Remus accepted. He then asked Ivan about the time he spent with werewolf colonies wanting to know about Lycanthropy being passed on to children. Ivan bluntly told him from his observation it's through the mother. It was a common believed myth that it was through the father because werewolves often married each other. When Remus said he would hate the thought of affecting someone, Ivan made an excuse to leave.

Later that September, a young werewolf, Theodore Nott, suggested to the group that they pressure Hogwarts into reinstating Remus Lupin as Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Theo pointed out that he was an excellent teacher during his third year and later after becoming a werewolf it would have helped in confiding in someone who understands. Ivan told Theo he would think about it. Nott then went and spoke to McGonagall, it was an awkward conversation considering he was a Death Eater's son. McGonagall knowing the Slytherin Student was infected as a punishment by Voldemort for his father failing in the Department of Mysteries had her sympathies. She agreed. Theo then went and convinced parents of werewolves that a respectable werewolf on Hogwarts staff was needed to help guide their children. So when Theo presented the idea in front of the group, they all agreed that Remus should be the one to mentor werewolf children at Hogwarts. Ivan later tired to swindle his reputation by mentioning to werewolf women about his non-werewolf wife but that only got a few angry. In the end, Ivan agreed that werewolves should't isolate themselves.

Soon the group started to learn more defensive magic together and how to contact each other when faced with Grayback's army and how to cast a Patronus Charm to call upon each other in times of need. It was shortly after that that the group discovered the three muggle born teens living with him. During that encounter, Remus taught Carnation how to cast a Patronus Charm and she discussed with him her interest in becoming an animagus. After encountering Marigold's daughter with thick black hair and same striking grey eyes as his friend Sirius, Remus couldn't help but be suspicious and made a point to check in on her.

Once Remus got to speak with Ivan alone, he started probing Ivan about Carnation's parental origins. That was when Ivan finally showed enough annoyance and revealed the truth of his pique. Remus was shocked at first, first mad at himself then angry with James and Lily for keeping this from him. A few days later, the two reconciled. Ivan realized wouldn't have had the experiences or life he had if he was never a werewolf.

The werewolves stuck together during the Battle of Hogwarts. Remus called them forward and like all of them, Ivan went to help defend the school. Partway through the battle, Ivan found himself battled against a ruthless Death Eater, Augustus Rookwood, in an insane struggle of constant spells. Luckily, someone from behind started striking powerful charm after charm. Ivan looked up to see Gimli also fighting in the battle and stepped in to defend his long lost friend. The Flitwicks of course proudly welcomed Ivan afterwards. Gimli even introduced Ivan to his wife, who also fought with them, and showed him pictures of his children. Afterwords, the two never drifted from each other again.

Ivan told the news to Carnation and Dennis of Colin's death. He then went and inform father, who agreed to relay the news Colin's parents and grandparents. All the injured werewolves were sent back to the cottage due to an overbooked St. Mungos. It didn't matter their side, any injured were treated, werewolves included. One of them was a young female werewolf whom no one had ever seen before, and only identified her as a werewolf through her blood test. She was about eighteen and given a bed since she was still unconscious, in a coma. Her name was Lavender Brown and she was missing half her face.

A few healers from St. Mungos came to help and take the most injured. Much to his son's discretion, Ivan Sr. contacted Tulip, who had recently retired from nursing to come help daily, which at first annoyed the werewolves but later the muggle came to be a great help. It also provided Tulip with a distraction from the recent loss of her grandson. People slowly recovered and soon it was just Lavender left in his house. After Ivan did some research on why no one had claimed her, he found out that both her parents were muggle born. After the ministry takeover, the small family had gone into hiding at a remote cottage in the Moors. The family was attacked on a full moon night, during which her parents were killed and she was infected. Since then, she drifted from friends to protect her secret, letting them think it was her grief. She was also enrolled in nursing school in Jersey.

When Lavender awakens, she was a bit shocked to be in the house of a stranger, but at the time she had no choice. Ivan offered her a home so she could attend Nurse school and a safe place for transformations. Lavender, knowing her only home was destroyed and being out of contact with friends, agreed, despite him being a stranger, as something about him was trustworthy.

Ivan, thought of traveling again until he was offered a place in the Ministry as the Head of Werewolf Affairs. He quit his muggle job, without having ever met his boss, and went to work at the Ministry. Having a politician's mind, he was present when Remus was honored with the Order of Merlin first Class, and shook hands with Remus's father, Lyall Lupin, who accepted it on his son's behalf, not mentioning their connection. He also went ahead with the majority werewolf request in making Remus's birthday Werewolf Pride Day, which happened years later. His first focus was to set on a reform and job skills program for the werwolves raised by Grayback.

Lavender, still having half a face, often shook the muggle community, but Ivan Sr, growing up in this area, knew it was a small-minded community. So in her Gryffindor spirit, she pressed on taking her classes, learning to ignore the stairs. Ivan Jr, pushing for further werewolf rights arranged for werwolves to have scholarship funding. Despite their thirteen year age difference, the two became fantastically close, learning to be friends. Lavender enjoyed hearing the stories of his travels. Ivan Jr claimed he thought of her as a little sister, which Ivan Sr called nonsense.

Soon Lavender moved out to attend the main campus for clinical but promised to visit. She then came back that semester, revealing she was pregnant by a one night stand with a pre-med muggle who charmed and seduced her on a dare. He was now embarrassed to be seen with the half-face girl in public. Even when Lavender told him she was pregnant, he wanted nothing to do with her and signed the papers to have no contact or responsibilities towards the child.

Ivan, however, surprised her by offering a room for the baby after she told the news.

Lavender was frightened by the thought, since it was believed that werewolf women always miscarried. Ivan knew this was untrue; he had met several werewolf children on his travels and all seemed happy and healthy. Not to mention, he was able to arrange for more money being given to research and treatment through his work at the ministry.

It was during Andromeda's final year as a healer that she helped Lavender, after suggesting to create protective charms over the foetus to protect it during transformations instead of giving her wolfsbane potion. Andromeda cast the first charms and it worked. The two continued the charms for every month until Lavender successfully gave birth to a baby daughter. She named her Gloria Philippa: Gloria for her mother, Philippa for her father. This caused a lot of media attention, for being the first werewolf in Europe to bring a child to full term. Andromeda, being her healer, stopped the press from entering her room, informing the papers that she wasn't a a sideshow, she was a mother.

Through all that happened, Lavender felt as if she matured a hundred years. Lavender was shocked when she realized that she slowly fell in love with a thirty-something Ministry worker. Ivan was a bit surprised himself, he had many romances over the years but all mainly flings. It wasn't the firework passion Lavender used to daydream about in her teens, it was more of a sunrise; their love simply changed as the seasons. Ivan began to think of the young mother and child as family. So, when Ivan proposed shortly before she started the Healer program, she gladly accepted. Ivan adopted Gloria as well. They then had another daughter in 2004, whom they named Lilac Danica.

Meanwhile, Ivan continued cooperating with the Ministry, while Lavender cooperated with St. Mangos which allowed the couple to get enough funding for a werewolf clinic to help other werewolves medically. Lavender wasn't made head due to not having enough years as a healer but worked closely with the team, mainly to help werewolf children.

Shortly after Ivan's father died, the couple had twins, one of each gender. Ivan, happy that he had rekindled the relationship with his father, was pleased when Lavender suggested they name their son after him, they gave him the middle name Harry, for his godfather. Their daughter, they named Daisy, for his grandmother and Tulip for his aunt.

A few years later, Gloria attended Hogwarts and was sorted into Gryffindor like her mother and befriended Molly Weasley, whom Gloria already knew through their fathers both working in the ministry.

It was soon Lilac's turn. Like her father, she had an adventurous and curios spirit. Everyone commented about how much she resembled her father in both looks and personality. She would often wander off and play pranks on her older sister. It reminded Ivan of his younger days, playing tricks on his cousins. As the family went to platform 9 3/4, they noticed a muggle lawyer, standing at the Platform 9 and 10, with his daughter and all her new stuff ready to go, wondering what his cousin meant by going right through the wall. The father and daughter saw Gloria go right through, which caused Dudley to flag the family down and introduce himself and his daughter. Not knowing he was the chubby infant he saw so long ago, Ivan gladly helped the muggle parent.

After both families got through, Ivan introduced himself and informed Dudley he had a daughter starting as well. Violet interrupted and asked if they could meet. After Dudley told her not to interrupt adults, Ivan did take note that the girl bared a striking resemblance to his cousin Petunia whom he hadn't seen nor heard from in thirty-three years. Violet was a little shocked at Lavender's face. Dudley, having worked as a prosecutor, seened worse. Lilac then invited Violet to sit with her which Violet accepted.

On the train, Lilac informed Violet that she was a werewolf, which made Violet confused, and asked Lilac like the kind in 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' or 'Blood and Chocolate' from her step sister's book. Lilac explained and Violet found it fascinating. She then casually mentioned having a godfather who's a wizard but their families don't keep in touch, for this reason Lilac didn't believe Violet when she first said her godfather was Harry Potter. Everyone knew Teddy Lupin's godfather was the famous wizard who had defeated the dark lord. Lilac assumed she was making it up to ease herself in the magical world. Not wanting to ruin her first non-werewolf friend, she didn't say anything.

Later, during the sorting ceremony, Violet didn't know what the houses meant nor what either of them represented. The Sorting Hat liked getting students like these. The hat read that she was ambitious; constantly competing with her step sisters for her mother's attention. She also picked up some qualities from her father who explained to her that she was going to a place that had denied her family for generations and to give it her best. Violet was ready to take on the magical world by storm. The hat, not caring that she was muggle-born, shouted Slytherin.

She smiled at Lilac as she went to the green and silver table. Lilac gave a fake smile back before she went up a few minutes later and got sorted into Ravenclaw. The next day, during charms' class, Violet went and sat next to Lilac and told her how surprised her housemates were that she when she told them both her parents were muggles. The two were two peas in a pod since then.

It wasn't until he was doing his work at the Ministry as usual when a letter came from his daughter that Ivan realized the full extant of his daughter's mischief:


I wrote to my loving godfather Gimli, expressing sorrow over the death of his father. As always, he keeps sending me chocolates.

I know I shouldn't be telling you this, but I fear danger may come if I don't. Please don't be mad at Violet nor I. Violet has been coming with me during full moons. We wanted to be like the Marauders. She has been trying to become an Animagus since September of last year. She already has a full blown Patronus. We normally go to the cemetery to practice but a lot of scary things happened there, so we go to that open area were the old shack used to be before Aunt Tulip's friend had it tore down.

Anyway, the other day, a wizard came to us. He seemed to recognize Violet and wanted her to come with him. He said his name was Mstslav and he threatened me Daddy, he threatened me! He said our family name is poison! I don't know what that means! Violet tried to curse him but he blocked us. He then told Violet that Vernon (Violet's brother) has a wand and will use it. He told Violet that her and Vernon are heirs to a powerful magical line and he won't stop harassing Vernon to join him until she agrees. He wants to take Violet and her brother from the country to be used for his own purposes! Violet plans to ask him to take her in his place!

Now, Violet is trying to get home to save her brother. She wrote to her godfather and informed her father. I am scared that one morning I will go to the Great Hall and she'll be gone.

Help me father!



Ivan sweated getting this in the mail. She showed Lavender, who remained at home with the children, and urged him to speak with Harry Potter.

He was on his way to the Auror department, and saw Eileen Heirsh, the mother of Severus Snape, already waiting.