I still remember the day that I met the host club. I thought they were the strangest and egotistical boys I had ever encountered. But even after all this time I still find myself reminiscing about their antics. Like the way that Kyoya would always sneak Tamaki "ideas" to use, or how Honey and Mori played so well it's as if they shared a bloodline. I find myself laughing every now and then when I think of the twins antics. But what may make me smile most of all is how Tamaki would get excited over every small thing that I did. But high schools over, it's all over, and it has for a while.
So this is why, I, Haruhi Fujioka am on a quest to find them all. Whether they are the head of a major cooperation or basking on the beach wasting time away, I will track them down. Now I am not entirely sure how this idea came to me, but it had something to do with a late night staring at my Instagram feed (though I can't say it's something I find myself using often).
So how am I going to start my journey? The internet. It must have at least someone's location. It doesn't matter who. It was expensive and gleaned from how well kept well made it. The computer has been a gift from Kyoya. He thought it was a 'reasonable' and 'useful' gift to give someone for their graduation.
At that thought, I typed in his name. Kyoya Otari. The name popped up quickly along with a picture. He changed too much. He looks taller and more muscular. If I hadn't already known him I would have thought he was a douchebag. Next to his name was the words Perfect Publishing. Of course, he would use the word perfect. I scanned the pages and pages of accomplishments and got the information I needed. I quickly scribbled it down on a piece of paper as if someone was going to take it out from under me.
When I finished I leaned back and stared at the ceiling with a loud sigh. I was so happy I didn't even realize the giant smile on my face. This was so going to work. It just had to, I needed to see them. No matter how many times I had said that the host club was a waste of time or useless, I secretly liked it. After years of being there, watching as they widdle away and graduate I grew sadder. I knew something was wrong. That I was depressed and anxious. That something within me was gone. It was them.
I guess it would be easiest if perhaps I explained it all. I am now 23 years old and live in a flat right outside of my university. Medical school has slowed down and I am awaiting acceptances for a residency. Besides that, nothing else has truly changed. It's been boring.
Attempting to put all am thoughts aside I got up and walked across my apartment and into the kitchen where I began to open the cookbook full of recipes my mother left me. They were held in a pink and white plaid binder, the pages are laminated and perfectly typed with pictures and notes on it. Yet another gift, but this one was from Honey. He said "Sweets are nothing to mess with! You better keep these recipes safe.". I flipped to some ramen recipe I had made a thousand times. I know I probably didn't need the recipe, but reading it just gave me the satisfaction of thinking about mom. I sat to eat and I thought about how I was going to get to where I needed. Medical students aren't exactly wealthy.
What was I going to say? "Oh, hey, Kyoya! What a surprise! Fancy meeting you here in your company building, in your office, in your chair!" or maybe I could say "Kyoya! We should get everyone back together!" Either way, I'm going to sound like a reminiscent soccer mom missing her sorority days. But what if he doesn't even recognize me? I mean years of school does change things, but I don't look that different. I let my hair grow into a bob with straight bangs. I still don't dress up but I do wear a little make-up here and there. (by makeup I mean chapstick and mascara)
But even worse than him not recognizing me is maybe he doesn't want to see everyone again? There's still the possibility that he may just reject me and tell me to leave. I must admit this plan is a lot harder than I thought it would be-
I jumped and leaped for the phone hanging on the wall. I panted as I answered "Hello?"
"WOAH HARUHI! You naughty girl what are you doing? I must truly take your breath away" Of course. Renge.
"Don't be ridiculous," I said to her. I heard her snicker on the other side of the phone. But I guess I should explain. Renge followed me to school still thinking I was a guy. One night she came to my room in an attempt to seduce me, for what felt like the millionth time. I guess I thought that was the best moment for her to find out. So I told her. She wasn't too happy that I had kept this secret from her, but she accepted it. Funny enough, I still have a scar from the stiletto she threw at my face. Now we are friends and she lives in the apartment above mine. She's the only one left of the club that I still talk to, and honestly, I am grateful.
"Sex life aside I'm coming over." She said on the other side of the phone. I heard both through the phone and my ceiling a door slam followed by some frantic running. My door slammed open and a panting Renge appeared before me. She still had her light hair. But now it was in a long ponytail in a white bow. She wore sundresses and heeled sandals. She figured it would make her seem more 'innocent' and 'gentle'. It didn't. Her seashell necklace beat against her neck as she jumped to hug me. She threw her purse onto the brown leather couch and flopped in the suit. He feet made their way onto my coffee table and I slapped them down.
"Haruhi darling, do you want to get me some tea? Pleaaase?" She drew out with a pouting face.
"Fine," I said and walked off to the kitchen. You can say Renge and I are pretty close now. We see each other just about every day. Which usually cuts into my precious study time. I brought out her tea to see her texting rapidly. If there was an insurance plan for carpal tunnel due to texting, Renge would have it. I set the tray down on the table and looked at her. She glanced up, sighed, and dropped the phone.
"Haruhi. What are you wearing?" She cocked an eyebrow and took her tea. I examined my outfit. A black tank top with a blue sweatshirt over top and gray shorts, they were my indoor clothes.
"They're just my clothes. It's nothing special. And plus I haven't done any laundry".
"That's always your excuse. 'I haven't done my laundry'" she states mockingly. "We should go shopping or something!"
"I can't Renge I will be going on a trip soon. I need to save up money."
"Oooooh, where are you going?" She leaned in tea to her face.
"I'm going to go find the hosts and try to have a reunion or something..."I mumble, cheeks growing warm. I could feel myself blushing before her. She probably thought that I was joking.
"Then I guess I will be going shopping for you if you can't pay. When are you leaving?"
"Tomorrow night, around nine."
She frowned and took another sip. She stood up and walked in my room. She sat on my king bed and raised her dress slightly.
"R-R-Renge what are you doing?" I cover my eyes to both respects her privacy and our friendship.
"Oh, hush Haruhi. Just give me pajamas."
She slipped off her dress, and I found myself envious of how perfect her body was. She could have any man she wanted. I was honestly a bit jealous. Not enough to workout or have cosmetic surgery or put any effort forth, but enough that I could stare at her and wish the same for myself. Maybe that's why I was so fine with the whole 'dressing as a male thing'- I didn't have to try hard. It was easy to be a male.
I handed her shorts and a tank top similar to my own. They slid over her curves with ease. Even when she first came and went after Kyoya I had found myself a tad jealous. I wouldn't show it butt when she walked in with cookies or was hanging all over him I would find myself heating up. But now all of those thoughts have subsided and were friends. Actually, we are really close friends. She started to wave her hands in my face in an attempt to get my attention but I didn't really care.
"HARUHI!" She shouted. I jumped backward flying into the dresser and onto the floor. We both laughed. Renge enjoyed seeing me mess up and being like every other human on this Earth. She liked that I could be clumsy and nerdy, despite my stoic appearance.
Our night was like every other one we've ever had, a blur of fun times. We stayed up watching anime and eating biscuits. She was such and otaku, but it was endearing.
We went shopping the next day and of course, I objected and lost to every outfit she picked out. Like I had a chance. Nothing too special, but far more feminine than I would usually choose. Now I find myself on a plane to Canberra, Australia to track down Kyoya and his publishing company. Hopefully my crazy and eccentric plan will work out. Wow, am I beginning to act like Tamaki?