Okay, so this is a re-upload because long story short, never leave your computer open lol. I wasn't sure I was going to upload this again but thank god for document manager here on ff...plus I really wanted to.

I'm uploading the first 5 chapters in quick session and then will hopefully publish the sixth one today as soon as I finish it and updates will hopefully be every other day.

A/N: This story is AU from Grilled Cheesus(but in a world where duets happened before cheesus). Um, I've never actually written anything like this before so I'm not sure if it will be any good. But if you like it, please let me know so I can continue writing it. I don't have a beta, so all mistakes are my fault


Ever since he had been pulled out of class, Kurt had been avoiding this moment for awhile. Almost everything he had done in the past week had been to avoid this.

He had gone to class, hired an acupuncturist, gone to church, anything to make sure that he wasn't alone with his father for too long. It wasn't that Kurt didn't want to spend time with his father. His father was his everything. It was just that Kurt was worried that if he had a moment alone, to really process what might happen, he feared he may lose it. But now, it was unavoidable and his fears were proven right.

As soon as he had taken a seat by his father's bed side. Kurt couldn't stop the words from coming out of his mouth. His father had looked so calm, almost as if he was sleeping. So it had started of simply enough.

It was almost like when Kurt would come home from school and tell him about his day. Kurt informed his father about what had recently been going on in his life. However, he soon remembered that his father wasn't just sleeping and that he wasn't about to answer or offer advice.

It was this revelation that made Kurt delve into the subjects that he didn't want to touch. Immediately beginning to apologize for his attitude days prior and his selfish reaction towards his friends praying.

Kurt knew he was doing it because he was guilty and worried. He was guilty because he knew he had acted unkindly towards people who were only trying to help him. However he was worried because he almost felt as if this would be the only time he would be able to say those things to his father.

He had wanted to keep his emotions in check, but after almost a week of fear and loneliness, he couldn't help it. Soon the tears were welling up in his eyes and he was clutching at his father's hand as if he was scared that he was going to disappear at any moment. "I don't believe in God dad. But I believe in you." He squeezed the hand he was holding once more before continuing. "I believe in us. You and me. That's what's sacred to me." Glancing up to look at his father again, the tears finally began to fall and he fumbled for words. He felt like a bit of a cliché. Like in one of those movies, where the child is talking to their father and apologising for everything that had happened, but it was all that Kurt felt he could do. "And I... I am...I am so sorry I never got to tell you that."

He sobbed quietly for after he finished speaking, trying to take deep calming breaths. His hands were shaking badly and for a moment he almost thought that he had felt his father's hand move against his own.

That was supposed to be the moment in those feel good movies, where everything finally works out for the protagonist. The moment when all the hardships and heartbreaks were worth it.

The moment when his father would wake up from his coma and properly hold his hand. The moment when everything would be okay and they would be okay. This was supposed to be the moment when his father would be okay again, and Kurt in turn would be okay.

Except it wasn't. Kurt was suddenly hit with the realization that this wasn't that kind of moment.

Instead, he was shook out of his trance like state by the sound of his father's heart monitor beginning to beep uncontrollably. Suddenly his seemingly lifeless body surrounded by doctors and nurses as the scrambled around the body, speaking in hushed urgent words, before all becoming silent. And soon, the only sounds that remained in the once chaotic room, were the unforgiving sound of a flat line and the sound of the tears Kurt didn't know he was crying.

This was a moment alright. It was the moment when Kurt lost the little he had left. He'd lost his father.

And that was that, everything began to move quickly, erratically and everything changed.

He was an orphan. That was the first major change that Kurt experienced. He no longer had parents. First he lost his mother and then he experienced the misfortune of losing his father as well. He had family still. His mother had a sister, who lived in Texas and of course there was his grandmother. They both came up to support him in this hard time, to help him plan the funeral and of course figure out what would happen to Kurt until he was of age.

Kurt's grandmother had been given custody of Kurt. However, there was a bit of problem with this. His grandmother was constantly travelling for work, while extremely wealthy, she did not actually have anywhere for Kurt to stay with her. So, when Kurt, his aunt, his Grandmother and Carole Hudson sat down to discuss Kurt's future, he was given two options.

"Dalton Academy." His grandmother had stated simply before handing a brochure to Kurt. "It's an amazing boarding school that is only about two hours away from here, so you would be able to visit all your friends." Kurt nodded once. "It has one of the best reputations for academic excellence and good student relations. I think you could be very happy there." Kurt knew she was wrong. He knew he really couldn't be happy anywhere, but he didn't need to inform her of that.

Carole had also given Kurt something to think about. "Kurt, you know I think of you as part of my family and that will never change." Kind, thoughtful Carole had informed him from across the table. She clutched his hand and smiled softly at him. "I would happily take you in to live with Finn and I, so that you could finish school at McKinley." Kurt forced a smile at her offer.

Kurt was blessed to have a great group of friends. They had been there for him through everything and he had always appreciated it. They each gave him something he promised himself he wouldn't want anymore. Mercedes gave him laughter and joy. Rachel's at all costs attitude gave him ambition. And Finn, well, Finn had become the closest thing he had come to a brother. However after all of this, after everything that had happened, it was becoming increasingly hard to be around them.

The New Directions were aware of every flaw, every break and crack on him and as much as they had never let it taint their view of him in the past, Kurt knew that nothing would be the same. This wasn't like his insecurities about being bullied; Kurt couldn't be the same after this. He didn't want to open himself up to anyone else and let anyone in. However he knew in his heart, that he couldn't do that to his friends at McKinley without feeling cruel.

It would be hard to be an ice queen, to refuse to left people in, when those people had already seen so much of him. However, he owed nothing to the students at Dalton. Not his friendship, honesty, not anything and that was exactly what Kurt wanted.

This was why he refused Carole's offer and took up his Grandmother's. He claimed that it was because he would never be able to get the kind of education that Dalton offered again. However, Kurt knew in his heart that that wasn't actually the case. Kurt consciously knew that he would be able to avoid everything he didn't want to feel at Dalton and approached the idea with open eyes and a closed heart.

So for the next few days, he was constantly surrounded by friends coming by. Each member of the New Directions, coming over at a separate time to say their goodbyes to Kurt. Each meeting was very similar to the last. His friends would come over, one at a time, and the two would sit together as they packed up the house. His friends would remind him that they were all still there for him, that they would visit him as often as they could, and Kurt would smile and nodded and tell them how much he was looking forward to it. Then the friend would give him a final hug and walk out the door. And that's how it was until everything that belonged to his was packed up and put into storage and Kurt and his bags were in his car and on its way to Westerville.

His grandmother was already off on another business trip, so Kurt had to drive the two hours to the new school alone. Kurt didn't mind that too much, he didn't want to be around people. However, he hadn't really been alone since it happened, so by himself in the car, he was having trouble escaping his thoughts. He cried the entire way there, but when he finally pulled into the school lot, he wiped the tears from his eyes and took a deep swore. He decided that this was the last time he would cry over this and that he'd have to get use to being alone from now on, because getting close to people wasn't worth this pain.

Pulling himself, and one of his smaller suitcases out of his car he made his way to what he assumed was the main entrance to the school. Pulling open one of the large wooden doors with one hand, he pulled his suitcase into the crowded hallway. School had probably just been let out here and the students were heading to their dorms. Reaching out slightly, he tapped the shoulder of the nearest person to get their attention.

"Excuse me?" Kurt said quietly, and the boy whose shoulder he had just tapped turned around and smiled slightly. The first genuine smile that Kurt had seen in quite some time. Not like the ones that everyone had been giving him that were laced with sadness. Kurt realised that he had gotten his attention and was now just awkwardly looking at his smile. "Um, Hi. Can I ask you a question? I'm new here." The other boy's smile grew a little as he stuck out his hand.

"My name's Blaine."

Please review Thanks for reading.