
A/N: Hey guys me again I hit a major writers block with my other story so while I try and get other PoV's on it I decided to kill time with this story hope you all enjoy -Cobra.

Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Kung Fu Panda they belong to Dreamworks SKG.

"Good Morning Master." The five bowed as they greeted their master a good morning.

Viper looked towards the dragon warrior's door before sighing softly "Master, Po isn't up."

Shifu smiled before replying "Actually Viper he is, he is preparing breakfast while preparing himself mentally to train the new interns to Kung Fu." With that Shifu chuckled 'He's going to need be prepared.'

"Tigress it is your turn to train the new teenagers into Kung Fu and no buts! This will help you prepare for the future when you will teach others." Shifu gave his evil smile knowing Tigress loathed teaching the teenagers in the past she nearly kicked one down the thousand stairs for being lippy with her. Shifu could laugh at the memory and looked Tigress who sighed softly.

As the masters dispersed to the kitchen Tigress was deep in thought trying to prepare for the arrogant, foul-mouthed adolescents. Breakfast was simple other than Po psyching himself up which was amusing at the end of breakfast Po charged out of kitchen ready to face the small bunnies and geese. Tigress wished she could of had the younger ones they both had their downsides though the young children were easily controllable but asked like a million questions (most of them dumb) which annoyed Tigress to no end but it was better than teenagers that wouldn't do what they were told, come out with witty remarks and an awful attitude everything Tigress despised.

As Tigress walked to where the teenagers were waiting the feline's ears could pick up their conversations.

"I hope we get the Dragon Warrior, he's nice and lenient unlike the others."

After that remark Tigress could hear the others grumble in agreement. 'Well they're going to be in for a shock' Tigress slammed open the door to the courtyard where they all gathered making all the heads in the courtyard spin to her. Once they recognized the master of the tiger style they all gasped and formed up in a straight line in silence in fear of what she could do to them. As Tigress watched this she thought 'Hmm this is going to be easier than I thought...' "KAI! You will go in there and learn to respect others!" "YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO; I'M NOT GOING TO LEARN KUNG FU!" Tigress walked to the main door that leads to the stairs as she opened she saw a couple of geese waving their wings at a white tiger that looked around 17. As Tigress got closer she placed her hand on her hips and narrowed her eyes at the white feline that was oblivious to her presence however the geese was aware and stared at Tigress in fear.

"I'm not a cub anymore! You can't make me do this!" the white tiger was adamant that he was not going to learn kung fu.

"Kai please your temper and strength need to be controlled!" the geese obviously had this conversation before.

"Why! I'm a tiger and this place is full of bunnies and geese, I'm naturally strong I always will be it's not like I've hurt anyone." The white tiger obviously has said that numerous times.

"What about that time where you put your fist through the wall hmmm?" Having enough of waiting Tigress cleared her throat.

The white tiger huffed and turned around to meet eyes with Tigress who was giving him a glare that would make most people crawl into a hole.

"Get a painting, it will last longer." With that the white feline turned around to his shocked foster parents.

" just insulted M-master Tigress." His parents' eyes turned to the orange feline who walked a pace forward so she was literally standing behind the white feline.

Before the white feline could respond Tigress turned to the foster parents. "Is he here to learn Kung Fu?" the tone was cold all the parents could do was nod hoping not to anger the tiger further. Without anymore words Tigress grabbed the white feline and dragged him into the courtyard and then dropping him next to the other students that didn't say a word. Tigress then walked to the front so she was looking at all of them they we're all bunnies and geese except the one she dragged in who now got dusting himself before snarling. Tigress responded with a snarl back but the young feline didn't back down.

'Is he challenging me?' Tigress walked up to the young feline so her muzzle was near his while glaring at him but he didn't flinch or back down.

"You want to get out of my face?" the young feline kept snarling at Tigress.

"You are aware of Tiger traditions aren't you?" Tigress was snarling back at the young feline as she was definitely not back down to what she saw as a cub.

"Most of them. Why?" he lied the young tiger kept up with the snarling

"Students form a box around the courtyard." With that the geese and bunnies created a box around the courtyard with Master Tigress and the young feline in the box.

Tigress then walked to the other side of the box before turning around growling baring her fangs. "I gave you plenty of chance to drop out from your challenge." With that she dropped into her stance.

Kai just stood there dumbfounded 'challenge? What challenge?' he looked at the orange feline that was ready to strike at anytime "What challenge?"

Tigress just growled "You challenged my authority! As a tiger you should know what happens when you snarl at another. But seeing as you don't know I'll give you the chance to back down."

Kai never backed down from anything in his life however this was his first time facing another of his kind and this was Master Tigress leader of the Furious Five. 'no I'm not a coward' Kai walked to the opposite side to where Tigress and looked her dead in the eyes.

"You're either really brave or incredibly stupid; I think the latter suits your case more cub." Tigress was going to make short work out of him.

"I'm not a cub." Kai snarled and bared his fangs while his claws unsheathed in rage. If there was one thing that could set Kai off it was being called a cub. Tigress noticed his claws unsheathed and knew he was now in a fit of rage.

Tigress launched first throwing a straight punch to his head which connected and sent Kai flying into the group of students. 'That was easy' Tigress heard a few groans and Kai staggered back into the courtyard space with a bloody muzzle from where punch had caught him, he was obviously disorientated before he knew where he was he felt a sharp pain in his abdomen and was now eating dirt from where Tigress punched him in the stomach and swept his legs as he tried to get back up his vision was starting to go hazy and his arms were starting to buckle. Tigress looked at sight of the white tiger with blood covering his muzzle and dripping on the floor. Trying to get up his arms started to buckle but seeing there was fight left in him Tigress growled walked up to him kicked him in the stomach so he flipped onto his back and put her foot on his chest showing her dominance.

"Maybe next time cub you will learn to respect your elders' hm?" Tigress could help but a condescending tone into it.

He tried to squirm out from underneath her foot before she put more pressure on his chest "Haven't you got no smart response, growl or snarl?"

The young feline stopped squirming knowing it was futile he lost by four strikes he almost whispered "No." And closed his eyes in shame.

"No... what?" she placed a little more pressure on his chest making him cough until she heard the correct answer.

"No...Master." with that she lifted her foot of his chest and looked to the other students who stared at her in fear mostly.

"Will there be any more issues?" Tigress looked around each of them seeing their heads shake.

"Good, now we have a lesson to do." With that she walked to the centre but not before noticing that the young feline started to get up and limp his way to leave.

"Where do you think you're going cub?" she walked her way over to the feline who was doing his best to limp faster but to no avail as Tigress was catching him up.

"H-home" was all he said before trying to reach out to open the gate.

Before his paw touched the gate he was grabbed by the scruff of his neck like cubs were but more painfully he involuntarily yelped.

"No, you are going to learn kung fu whether you like it or not." Tigress then turned his face around to see the blood still trickling out of his nose staining his white muzzle.

Getting some of his attitude back "You going to make me?" however his smug reply was cut short when he saw Tigress actually thinking about it before replying. "Yes." With that she brought her free paw up and flicked him on the nose. By how displaced his nose was. She knew it was broken and flicking it would cause him a great deal of pain.

"You can make it easier on yourself and do exactly what I tell you or you can keep this attitude up and keep getting hurt unnecessarily, your choice." Once she said that he went limp in her grip showing his submissive side.

"Good...I can't wait to get started."