Muggle Dreams
N/A: Snape never dies of course, and the title is a twist of Katy Perry's Teenage dreams. For now, the story is in Hermione's POV.
It has been 5 years since the war. After the war I moved to London, England and enrolled at a local university. Since I had no real transcripts I told them I was home schooled and challenged the entrance exams because they didn't believe I had sufficient knowledge to enroll in the school. Wizards learned everything muggles did, just in a different way. When the test results came back in, I had achieved the highest score any home schooled student had gotten. Of course I was accepted, and I listed my major as medicine and my minor as chemistry. I found a place in residence and slowly but surely found friends.
The first day of classes was a wonderful experience for me. My first biology course was very entertaining. The words muggles used amused me highly, but I knew I had to get used to it. I was no longer at Hogwarts and I no longer had Harry and Ron with me to laugh at it. I glanced around the room and saw Dudley Dursley. I giggled a bit to myself. He won't last, it's surprising enough he was accepted to this school anyways. I glanced around some more and saw men eyeing me so I smiled. I then turned my attention back to the front of the classroom and took notes for the remainder of the time.
My next class was chemistry. I was most excited for this class. I didn't know why but I just was. I sat in the front row with my notebook out and looked around the class. No one I knew. I then heard a door open and close.
"Turn to page three hundred and ninety four."
N/A: tell me what you think! Plus if you have any ideas I'd love to know them. I'm slowly but surely getting back into writing. What do you want to see more of? Less of? Who do you want in the fic?