Don't own Detective Conan or Magic Kaitou.
Shinichi Kudo, Detective of the East, was annoyed and angry. Annoyed that he, Kaitou KID, Heiji, and Hakuba had been caught while at Kaitou KID's heist; angry that he could not do a damn thing to prevent it or escape it. His arms where securely tied behind his back with his ankles which made it highly uncomfortable to move and from what he could see the others where in similar positions with the exception of Kaitou KID who was mostly naked and bound with gag included. The door to the room slammed open and he noticed he was the only one awake. Their captors came into view and Shinichi noticed with some amusement that they wore all black.
"Well, looky if the wittle detective isn't awake." The one who came in first said with amusement.
"Can we shoot 'em bro?" The other one asked as Shinichi looked on in slight confusion.
The one who came in first shot the other one a look and said, "Nah, too many policemen, they would notice the gunshots. I say we feed 'em Sherry's poison."
"Shall we start with the Kaitou?" The other one nodded. Shinichi struggled against his bonds more, even if KID was a thief he did not deserve to die, the Kaitou was supposed to be caught by Shinichi. The one who had come through the door knelt by the unconscious Kaitou and fed him the poison. Being unconscious the murderers had to pour water down his throat to make him swallow. Next they fed the poison to Hattori and Hakuba; finally they turned to Shinichi and sneered. "Stupid detectives." Then Shinichi too was fed the poison even as he tried to resist. After they had made all four of the boys digest the poison they left and completely missed what happened next.
It all started with Kaitou KID, Shinichi watched with morbid fascination s the thief started smoking and shrinking. Once wisps of smoke had started coming of the thief he had awoken with eyes in panic. Shinichi did not see much after that as he felt immeasurable pain and then nothing.
His first thought upon awaking was, 'Who am I?' He did a quick scan of the room and noticed the other three children. He wondered who they had got there and who the other three where. One of the other boys, who looked a lot like him, woke up. His violet eyes scanned the room in a frenzied manner. His eyes landed on the only other awake person in the room.
The violet eyed child opened his mouth and asked, "Who are you?" After a couple of silent seconds he asked, "Who am I?" in a very quiet voice. His voice was louder when he asked, "Who are they?" The blue eyes child shrugged.
Then the blue eyed child said, "I don't know, I woke up here with you and them." He gestured to the two still unconscious children. Suddenly one of the two unconscious children stirred and both violet and blue eyed children paused. They watched the other two for a couple more seconds and confirmed that, yes; it was the blond one who stirred.
Blond one woke up and stared at the two and then stared some more. He then said, "What in the bloody hell happened?" British the blue eyed child's mind supplied him and he ignored it. "And why are you two in clothes to large for you? Are you twins?" The blonde child had now stood and was surveying the room with interest. "Who are you two?" He paused for a second the cursed, "Who am I?" He seemed quite horrified he could not remember who he was.
The last child suddenly stirred and sat erect, "Could ya be quite fer a sec, aho?" He shouted. He glared at the blond then turned towards the other two, "Who are you?"
"I was hoping you could tell us." Both the violet and blue eyed child said at one. They glanced at each other then shrugged assuming the blond was correct in his statement that they where twins.
The blonde spoke up once again, "Do you think we where kidnapped or something like that? It would make sense, we are covered in blood and these clothes are way too big for us. They probably dressed us in them to hide the fact they were actually children." He trailed off and the dark skinned child picked up his train of thought.
"The kidnappers must have been compromised as we can't remember anything, so they prolly hit us with the intention of killing us or knocking us out for very long."
The blue eyed child frowned then said, "I don't think so, the door is unlocked and the kidnappers are absent. If the cops had found them we would have been taken to the station."
The violet eyed child then spoke up, "So four children in an unlocked room, in clothes to big, covered in blood, and they can't remember their names." His blue eyes companion nodded.
"Maybe the cops will know." The dark skinned child said.
The violet eyed boy frowned, "I get the feeling we are on the wrong side of the law."
"I get the same feeling, as though we can't trust the cops. I think me and my twin at least should avoid the cops. But we'll need names." The blue eyed child trailed off at the end.
"Nanashi," The blond said and at the others imploring looks expanded his idea, "We could all have the same family name of Nanashi meaning,"
"No name." The dark skinned child interrupted.
"Are you from Osaka?" The blue eyed child asked.
The dark skinned child gave the blue eyed twin an extremely strange look, "How should I know?" He snapped.
The violet eyed twin rolled his eyes, "You have an accent." He pointed out bluntly. The blond child was wondering how the conversation had gotten derailed so quickly.
"Names," the blond remined the other four children.
"Nanashi Lupin." The violet eyed child said immediately.
"Nanashi Arsene." His twin folled his brothers idea.
The blonde grumbled but said, "Nanashi Arthur."
The dark skinned boy then asked, "So we're all using the family name of 'Nanashi'?" At eveyones' nod her shouted, "But only Lupin and Arsene look alike!"
Arthur rolled his eyes, "If anyone asks too closely we can say we are orphans."
Lupin grinned and added his two cent, "It's not like we are lieing, we are just bending the truth slightly." Arsene grinned a matching grin at this and both Arthur and the dark skinned boy backed away slowly.
"I think your assumption that you belong on the wrong side of the law was correct." The dark skinned boy commented dryly. "I guess my name can be Nanashi Doyle."
"Now," Lupin said rubbing his hand together while his twin crackled evilly in the background, "We leave."