Edward and Ling were thoroughly engaged in conversation and had been for quite some time when Lan Fan finally showed up.
"I reckon Mustang's going to make a bid for Fuhrer soon, what with Grumman retiring," Edward was saying. "He'll make it, too. The country's hyped up about the vote, and he's a favorite with the younger crowd and the Ishvalans. And with your support and mine... bastard's got it easy." Ed snorted in disdain, unimpressed.
Ling was grinning. "I'm sure he was betting on it," he said. "Amestris's first democratic vote, huh? This will be historic."
"You should see the atmosphere there," Edward agreed, recalling how it had been before he'd left for Xing. The newspapers and radios were buzzing with excitement, and quite often he'd found himself surrounded by reporters and people all wanting to know his opinion. "It's hard enough trying to keep things quiet at home for the little one and Winry!"
Ling smiled, but whatever he was about to say was interrupted by the sudden arrival of none other than Lan Fan herself. She looked slightly flushed but mightily pleased, and she carried a long object wrapped in decorous cloth. She bowed as she arrived in the center garden. "My lord, it is finished," she said, her voice low with excitement.
Ling's smile became a full-fledged grin. "Excellent," he said. "Ed, we have a gift for you. We meant to have it completed before you arrived, but the finishing touches took a little longer than we thought."
Edward was surprised. "You didn't have to-" he began, but Lan Fan interrupted him by pulling aside the cloth with a flourish.
In her hands was a gorgeously crafted sheath. It was about the length of a short sword, colored deep black, and it was decorated with many red Xingese characters and the carving of a golden dragon. The hilt that protruded from it was of similar make and design, though a little more practical for use. It had a gleaming ruby in its pommel. Then Lan Fan pulled the sword out, and Edward saw that the blade itself was luminous silver in color, curved ever so slightly but marvelously balanced. The whole thing was obviously very newly made and seemed to shine in the sunlight.
Edward's breath caught in his throat as Lan Fan presented both sheath and sword to him with a smile. "A mark of our friendship," she said. "You are forever a friend to Xing, and now you have a symbol of that."
"Since you don't have your alchemy or your automail arm anymore," Ling added, "we figured you'd be needing a proper weapon... you know, just in case."
Edward took the weapon and its sheath almost reverently and found himself quite unable to say anything for a moment. "Thank you," he murmured finally and bowed his head. "This means more than you can imagine. I never expected to be given such an honor."
"Lan Fan made it herself," Ling said with undisguised pride. "In addition to being excellent fighters, her family are renowned weaponsmiths."
Edward turned a wide-eyed glanced to Lan Fan, who smiled and merely brushed it aside. "This is a little different from an automail blade or even a regular sword," she said. "I may need to teach you how to use it."
"Lessons, too?" Edward asked, quite humbled. "Now I feel inadequate. I didn't even bring anything."
"Your presence here is more than enough," Ling said. "It's been too quiet without your loudmouthed, obnoxious ways. I have an idea!" he added quickly, before Edward could deliver a retort. "Why not have a lesson now? It'll pass the time until those slow pokes finally decide to show up."
"Um... sure," Edward said, startled. "If you don't mind," he added to Lan Fan.
She shook her head. "It will be an honor to teach you."
Lan Fan had been right - the new sword was different from what Edward was used to. However, the differences were not all that much, and he quickly caught on, finding a comfortable rhythm soon enough. Lan Fan seemed delighted to have so talented a pupil, and they went through the basics very quickly. She was even considering moving on to some more advanced techniques when the news arrived.
Ling, Zhou, and a couple of off-duty soldiers were the audience, and Ling and his advisor alternated between watching Ed and Lan Fan spar and discussing other matters in low tones. It was during a brief break that everyone heard footsteps, and one of the advisors who'd been following Ling earlier ran into the training area, out of breath. He started speaking in rapid Xingese, flailing about. Ling seemed to grow confused, but nodded, and the advisor ran back the way he had come.
"I heard Al's name in there, and I think I heard the word for 'calamitous'," Edward said, sheathing his sword and hearing a satisfying ring as he did. "Please tell me that my brother did not cause any disasters."
"No, that was the word for 'enormous'," Ling said. "Hai is of the opinion that something quite huge is approaching the palace that may or may not spell great fortune for us all, and apparently your brother is involved. Shall we investigate?"
What on earth had Alphonse gotten involved in? Edward nodded in curious albeit slightly apprehensive anticipation, and he, Lan Fan, Zhou, and the inquisitive soldiers followed Ling outside of the barracks and through the inner palace, traversing the path they'd taken from the garden but changing directions halfway in order to emerge into the main courtyard once more. As they neared the front of the palace, Edward thought he heard cheering and shouts. Something had stirred the village that lay outside the imperial palace, and from the sounds of it and from Hai's earlier distress, it was indeed something enormous.
When they reached the main courtyard, several guards ran up to Ling. They weren't talking quite as fast as Hai had been, and Edward was able to follow their conversation for the most part. Apparently, they had been sent by Hai to search for Al and the others and had met the missing group halfway... with one extra member.
"I didn't catch who it was," Edward said, frowning at the stunned expressions on the Xingese faces. "Who's with them?"
"I... don't know," Ling said, astonished. "That can't be right."
Edward didn't get a chance to inquire further, because at that moment the missing group entered through the main gates, and his question was promptly answered.
He became absolutely speechless, gawking as the group approached. There was nothing quite like seeing one's brother for the first time in over a year, when said brother was accompanied by a massive white tiger. It walked with its body pressed to Al's legs, and Alphonse's hand rested uncertainly on its head. Ed's first instinct was to attack out of sheer alarm, but it was apparent that the tiger had no intent to hurt anyone. In fact, it seemed rather attached to Alphonse, as crazy as that sounded.
"Hey, Ed," Alphonse said rather sheepishly, as he, the tiger, Mei, Zampano, and Jerso came to a halt before the dumbfounded spectators. "Um... long time no see?"
"Al... you," Ed spluttered, completely at a loss for words. "A tiger... what?"
Alphonse sighed. "It's a long story."
"Obviously!" Edward finally found his voice. "You have got to stop bringing home stray cats, Al!"
This did the trick in easing the shocked silence, and everyone started talking at once. Alphonse laughed, and Ed pulled him into a tight hug. Damn, it felt good to see him, even if he was in questionable company. Ed heard the tiger growl and pulled away to glare at the giant cat. "Shut it," he said. "He was my brother first."
Al looked rather amazed. "You're taking this better than I thought!"
"Yeah, well, I'm tired, and honestly... this does not surprise me. At all. Not after you brought home that massively fat tabby that Matthew refuses to let me get rid of." Edward grinned and clapped his brother on the shoulder. "You're looking well, Al!"
"You too! Is that a sword?"
Meanwhile, Mei had been chattering to Ling in Xingese, relating the story in a relatively paraphrased form. A huge grin slowly but surely made itself known on the scheming Emperor's face. "This is definitely a good day," he said and beamed at Alphonse and the tiger. "We need to have a proper discussion about this. Hmm..." He looked at the tiger, still curled around Alphonse. "You think it'll be okay indoors?"
"She," Alphonse said firmly. "It's a female. And she'll be fine, I think."
The tiger's tail merely twitched back and forth as she observed them all and yawned.
They were all seated in one of the palace's receiving rooms, usually set aside for the entertainment of whatever nobles happened to be visiting. Alphonse was at their center, and the tiger had situated herself halfway across his lap, despite his protests. Ling, Edward, Mei, Zampano, Jerso, and Lan Fan were present, as well as Hai, Zhou, and Dao. Dao had been drawn by the commotion and had offered to translate for Hai and Zhou, as everyone else agreed to speak Amestrian for Edward's sake.
When Al, Mei, and the chimeras had finished relating the entire story, there was a contemplative silence, and all eyes were on Ling, who was beginning to look deliriously happy. He took his time to speak, and when he did, his tone matched his expression.
"Alphonse," he said. "Have I ever mentioned how thrilled I am that you live here?"
"You're welcome," said Alphonse.
Ling nodded, beaming. "My entire plan for stronger unification will be more advanced by this than by any efforts I could have made over a year, possibly two. That creature is the sign of change, and she came at the perfect time. You have no idea how much credit this lends me. Also..." here he smiled even wider, "Mei, Alphonse... whenever you want to get married, just say the word."
The reaction this brought about was amusing, to say the least. Alphonse choked on his surprise in much the same way Ed had upon seeing the tiger, and Mei's shocked face turned bright red. One got the feeling that they hadn't talked expressly to each other about it.
Edward sighed. "Ling, you couldn't have waited? What if Al wanted to do a fancy proposal, huh?"
"Oh," said Ling, just realizing this. "Sorry. I got excited."
There was much chuckling going around, and Jerso patted Alphonse on the back. "Way to go, big guy. Can me n' Zampano be in the wedding?"
Ling was having the best day ever. Both Edward and a blessed white tiger had arrived, and to make things even better, the look on Mei's face put Ling so far in the lead that she'd have to work doubly hard at startling him to catch up. Not to mention he'd get to have Ed and Al as proper brothers-in-law, soon! Indeed, the only thing that could make things better at this point was if he could get rid of the tradition of taking wives from each clan. Oh, yes, he thought, glancing at Lan Fan. He couldn't wait until that was abolished.
Edward was grinning. "Since Ling ruined things so nicely," he said to both Alphonse and Mei, "when do you want to have the wedding?"
"What makes you think we want to get married?" Alphonse and Mei demanded in perfect unison.
There was a round of laughter. "Well, there's that," Edward said. "Doesn't get much more obvious."
Alphonse and Mei glanced at each other, then Al sighed. "We'd have to think about it," he said and looked at Ling. "When would be a good time?"
"Give it a couple of weeks, maybe a few months," Ling said. "Enough time for nice little rumors to spread and people to start talking about you. No one will be able to question if Mei wants to marry you now."
"So... people are going to be talking about me?" Alphonse asked rather nervously.
"For years and years," Ling said with a purposefully irritating smile. "You and... hmm. What do you call her?"
Alphonse looked down at the tiger, his tiger, whose head lifted briefly to meet his gaze. "I hadn't thought about it," he murmured. "What do you want to be called, eh, girl?" He gently stroked the creature's head, much less hesitant now, and she purred contentedly. "Tian," Alphonse said suddenly. "Her name's Tian."
No one questioned his sudden choice, only nodded approvingly.
"Wait a sec," Ed said, deciding to be the practical one, for once. "Where are you going to keep her? And feed her? And what about when you come home to Amestris?" He became slightly agitated. It wasn't like he could be entirely benevolent about the whole situation.
Alphonse sighed. And Brother had been dealing with everything so well. "While we're here, she'll stay with me, I guess," he said, glancing at Ling, who nodded.
"I'll supply food," the Emperor said smugly. "I can do that, you know."
"And Amestris?" Ed demanded. "I don't think inspection officials are going to appreciate the transport of a live tiger into their country."
Alphonse frowned. "I guess... she'll stay here whenever I'm in Amestris," he said, rather reluctantly. It was strange how that prospect made him sad; Tian was, ultimately, just a large cat, and he was already growing attached to her, as he usually did with such animals.
"Or you could just bring her to your house in Resembool," Ling said. "It's not like you live in the actual town. No one will notice or mind."
Edward had the appropriate fatherly concern. "I'm not putting my-" He stopped dead, eyes growing wide. "Crap! I completely forgot to tell you, Al! Winry's pregnant again!"
This produced an excited reaction, as the only ones who knew were Ling and Dao. The rest of the gathered individuals either hugged Ed or shook his hand or, in Hai and Zhou's case, stiffly congratulated him. "I'm finally going to be an actual aunt," Mei was saying to anyone and everyone, looking a little misty-eyed. "Of two!" As such, things took a little while to calm down. Tian seemed excited by the frenzy and rose to her massive paws, tail twitching in anticipation. This did a lot to calm everyone down.
Talk started up once more, in all different directions, and things were decided soon enough. Edward conceded that they would work out the problem of bringing or not bringing Tian to Amestris when the time came. It was also decided that the wedding would be held next year, after Winry had given birth and was recovered enough, as well as the baby old enough, to travel to Xing. And if Roy was Fuhrer by then, he could attend as well and turn it into his first official foreign visit. All this and more was excitedly, loudly, and sometimes argumentatively discussed as the 'meeting' quickly lost any hint of formality.
The three who felt like outsiders, Hai and Zhou and Dao, merely observed, and the elderly advisors turned to the younger translator, shaking their heads. "His Majesty certainly has strange friends."
Dao was displaying a rare smile again. "These are people who have been through much together. Can you not tell?" He seemed to be very satisfied about something. "This is the generation that will carry us to the future, carry us through the change that is already happening. I predict great things will happen in this country soon, very soon."
The advisors thought about this, even long after everyone had dispersed, and came to the conclusion that the seemingly grim and silent translator was at heart a hidden optimist... but maybe, maybe, he had a point.
It was only with the coming of night that things quieted, but Alphonse could feel anticipation take hold of him firmly. Things had changed very quickly with two mere arrivals, one of them completely unexpected. It didn't make any sense by any law of nature or any law he knew, and yet here it was, happening.
Tian faithfully by his side, he met Mei in the palace gardens when the sunset was sending out its last flames. She greeted him gladly, kissing him for several long moments, until Tian made her displeasure known.
Mei snorted and bent down to be eye level with the she-tiger. "Obviously we're going to have to work some things out," she said bluntly. "He's mine too, and you're just going to have to accept it." On her shoulder, Xiao Mei made a little squeak of agreement. The small panda had already accepted Alphonse some time ago and was quite fond of him now.
Tian and Mei proceeded to stare each other down, and Alphonse felt incredibly self-conscious. He'd known females all his life, yet they still did not make the least bit of sense to him, particularly not when they seemed to be having some sort of argument over him. It wasn't like he'd done anything to deserve it, sheesh. But to his surprise, the tiger and the Xingese girl seemed to come to some sort of agreement. Tian growled in acquiescence, and Mei straightened with a satisfied look and a nod at the tiger.
"Now that that's done," Mei said cheerfully, before Alphonse could even ask for an explanation for his hopeless confusion, "you still haven't proposed to me, you know."
"I know," Alphonse said sadly. "And the wedding is already being planned by everyone else." Ling, in particular, had taken great enthusiasm in starting preparations already. Al could somewhat understand the advisors' frustrations now.
Mei sighed. "I was kind of hinting that you should propose now, while we're alone. Well," she amended, with a glance at Xiao Mei and Tian, "mostly."
"Oh," Alphonse said, blinking. "Oh! Heh. Sorry." So he wasn't the best at picking up on hints like that. He had trouble understanding females sometimes, remember.
To his embarrassment, Xiao Mei suddenly leapt from Mei's shoulder to Tian's back. The two made a brief, cordial acquaintance, then disappeared into parts of the garden unknown... leaving Alphonse and Mei truly alone.
Alphonse took a deep breath and tried to remember what he knew about marriage proposals. His knowledge wasn't much, really. Wasn't there a tradition that involved going down on one knee? And what the heck were Xing's traditions? It was one of the few times in his life where his own knowledge was so woefully inadequate.
He decided to go with the one sure thing he knew - the asking. Trying to ignore his irrational nerves and Mei's growing smile, he faced her fully and took another deep breath. His face was burning now, and he just hoped she couldn't see it.
"Mei Chang, will you marry me?"
He felt mortified, at first, when she broke out into giggles. "You're so cute!" she said, throwing her arms around him. "Of course I will!"
Alphonse relaxed somewhat and held her close, breathing in the fragrance of her hair. It smelled like Xingese herbs, and it served to fully relax him. He smiled to himself and hugged her just a little tighter, sighing deeply.
They stayed that way for a long time.
"You may not be the runty little pipsqueak I once knew, but you have not matured one bit, Edward Elric."
"Looking who's talking, squinty eyes! Now shut up, or they'll hear us!"
Unbeknownst to Al and Mei, two eavesdroppers were lurking in a pile of thick bushes not far from the couple. Edward kept trying to justify such spying to himself; after all, he was the older brother, and it was his duty to keep an eye on his younger brother, no matter the occasion. That's right, duty. It helped that Ling was there and had come willingly, no matter what excuses the Emperor of Xing tried to offer.
"Whew," Edward said, as Alphonse and Mei held each other close. "He didn't screw it up. I was a bit worried there. Al's not the most romantically inclined."
"Neither are you," Ling said with a snort. "You're worse than him, and you know it. You're just lucky Winry finds you endearing."
"Shut up, Ling. At least I have made my move."
"You're not an Emperor! Things are complicating, being one!"
Edward snorted his disbelief, and as he began to herd Ling away as quietly as possible, he was just mature enough not to look back at the couple so enamored of each other in the sunset's last light.