Me: Next Zexal story :)

Kotori: So, what goes on in this story?

Me: Well, it isn't a romance story. It centers around you, though.

Kotori: Why me?

Me: Well, the mayor of heartland has the same hair as you. So yeah.

Kotori: Okay...Bebe doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's.

-Kotori's POV-

Do you know how it feels, to have a secret that you really want to tell somebody, but you can't? How it eats you up from the inside, until you feel about ready to explode out your misery array of feelings?

Welcome to my crazy life. My name is Mizuki Kotori, nice to meet you.

I'm thirteen years old, fourteen next year. And I know about everything with the Numbers. Suprise, no?

Well, that's the secret. I know everything about Astral, where he comes from, and who Tenjo Kaito really is. I know about Haruto's condition, things that Yuma doesn't even know yet.

How do I know?

Simple. My father is the one responsible for keeping the whole city from knowing about it. Mr. Heartland, his name is. Yeah, the one that is giving orders to Tenjo-san direct orders from Dr. Faker (what a name) about the numbers.

So why is my last name Mizuki, you ask?

My Mother gave her maiden name to me. I was a child born out of wedlock.

Love child? More like a bastard.

My Father soon tracked me down, and threatened me, saying if I didn't keep an eye on Yuma and his 'entity' Astral, then I would never see my Mother's face again.

I don't want to be the bad person, I really don't.

Yum anad Tetsuo-kun are my best friends! How can I keep betraying them like this? It's not fair!

As much as I wish I could tell Yuma and Astral about what I know, I cannot.

I really cannot.

So, Yuma. If you can read thoughts, please read mine. Then I wouldn't be eaten up by this guilt anymore.

"Kotori! Come on, it's time for more Kattobingu, neh?" Oh, is that the time already? Better go meet up with Yuma.

"Moh, I'm coming! Wait up!" And as I run, I put on a fresh mask of just the clueless girl who effortlessly follows her friends around, supporting them all of the way. A girl with a secret, a girl with a mask.

Time to go.

Me: Have you noticed that Kotori is present at EVERY numbers duel, someway or another? Infact, the only duel she hasn't been present at is Kathy's, but she still had involvment. Also, she has a really wide knowlegde on computers. That's another thing to keep in mind And yes, Mr. Heartland and Kotori DO have the same hair.

Kotori: Okay, review.