Okay, I need people to help me out with this fanfiction. It's a truth or dare thing, and five truths/dares make up a chapter. You can also set a record for how many truths and dares you submit AT ONE TIME.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Diary of a Wimpy Kid characters. I own their responses to the dares and truths, and a few of the dares/truths. I will let you know if a dare/truth is someone else's idea.
Greg- I dare you to tell Rodrick your crush.
Mom: Gregory Heffley!
Rodrick: Yes!
Greg: Oh well. Fine. Holly Hills.
Rodrick: HA HA! I will go tell her about it right-
GH: Sorry, Rodrick. Everything is confidential in here.
Rodrick: WHAT THE F-
Mom: Ahem.
Rodrick: Uhh, flip?
Greg: *starts singing a happy song*
Rowley- I ask you, what is your most embarrassing childhood memory?
Rowley: Umm…
Greg: Oh! I know!
GH: Greg, is your name Rowley?
Greg: No.
Rowley: mumblemumble.
GH: Speak up.
Rowley: When I ate the Cheese, okay?
Everyone: *screams and runs away*
Rodrick- I dare you to play Manny's Discovering the Alphabet video game.
Rodrick: No way!
Manny: Agree with Bubby.
Greg: Don't call me that!
GH: Rodrick…
Rodrick: *starts video game torture*
Video Game: What comes after two and rhymes with 'tree?'
Rodrick: SAVE ME!
GH: *in happy video game voice* Wrong. You lose. However, it did rhyme with tree. Good job!
Greg- I dare you to tell everyone in the school that your brother calls you Bubby.
GH: Rodrick, shut up.
Greg: *shuffles off to school* Um, I am Greg, also known as Bubby by my little brother.
Kids from school: *laugh uncontrollably*
Holly- I dare you to throw away your purse and everything in it.
Holly: NEVER!
GH: Okay, I'll do it for you!
Holly: *flings her purse away from GreekHuntress, resulting in it flying into a conveniently placed trash can*
Holly: *rushes over to trash can to save her stuff*
So I hope you were laughing so that people gave you funny looks ;) Have fun! Look on my profile for the current truths/dares record! Try not to kill me, this is a dangerous occupation.