The morning came and despite Shino's best efforts, he had drifted off asleep, only to be aroused to a lack of heat and tangled blankets. Tenten was gone, no doubt in search of food in order to get her chakra levels up for the long day back in the harsh winter weather. He dressed quickly, packing up the tent and the rest of his supplies and made it over to the fire, where Tenten was in front of it, sitting on a log looking quite drowsy and exhausted.
Yamato handed her a mug of soup, and she took it with a half smile and a thank you, too tired to give much by way of conversation, and Yamato slipped back into his tent much to Shino's delight. Tenten's eyes glazed over as she looked into the depths of the fire and sipped on her soup. She looked haggard; dark circles under her eyes, hair nearly falling out of her twin buns so that large chunks were starting to wrap carelessly around her long neck, frame becoming a little too thin from lack of food. Despite all of this, she had a glow about her that Shino just couldn't put a finger on. She was still beautiful. Yamato came back out of his tent, brandishing a blanket and wrapping it around Tenten. If she thought he lingered just a little too close, it never showed on her tired visage. She was probably too fatigued to be aware that the man was flirting with her and was probably just happy to share in his body's warmth.
Shino's destruction bugs were nearly as possessive as he was and they rattled against his chest and limbs with rancorous protests.
Anko climbed out of her tent with a loud stretch and a yawn. Another half smile and a garbled "good morning" from Tenten, and Anko had decided to pull her aside exclaiming that she needed to wash up and Anko had a pitcher of hot water and a towel with her name on it. Nearly dragging the kunoichi with her by the arm, they disappeared away from camp. They didn't reappear until they were ready to head out, Tenten with emaculate twin buns on top of her head and clean, and Anko looking pensive about the day's journey. Anko lingered almost protectively about her, using the copy nin as a deflector and shield if anyone approached them.
Shino wasn't sure what to make of all of this, and decided not to bother the motherly and scary as hell ninja and fell in line by Yamato as they took off.
This was a bad idea on his part, because the helmeted man stole glances in her direction enough times that Tenten should have noticed his strange behavior. The journey was taking up more energy than she was willing to admit, and all of her concentration was used towards moving. She didn't have the mental energy to notice his oncoming advances. This worried Shino greatly.
It wasn't long before the kunoichi was stumbling behind and soon stopped altogether, falling into a trunk of a tree for support.
"Anko," Tenten panted, "I need a break." She slid down against the bark, chest heaving and gasping for air. With an unsteady arm, she brushed sweat from her forehead and rested her head against the tree.
The group came to a halt, Ino checking her vitals and Anko offering her moral and physical support by way of sitting right next to her and letting her lean against her as well.
"The poison is still running in her system," Ino announced, "she is still fighting it out, but running isn't doing anything but making it progress faster."
"She is also burning up," Anko stated as she pressed a hand into the pale girl's forehead.
"She can't run anymore," Ino shook her head decisively, "she won't make it to Konoha if she does."
Before there was another word on a plan of action, Yamato offered to carry her, already leaning down to pick her up and slinging her over his shoulders. Anko looked like she wanted to object, but didn't and Shino looked on, stiff with horror as his love interest was being carried away by what Shino could only perceive as competition.
This was not good.
Kakashi stepped up, knowing his buddy's calf had taken a blow in battle and was still healing, and stated that in an hour they would have to switch out. Yamato gave a nod of approval, and the group headed out again, Tenten slumped unceremoniously against Yamato's shoulder. He smirked at her as he turned his head, chuckling low to himself at her drowsy head being so close to his.
Shino was fighting homicidal tendencies at this point. He never thought of himself as the jealous type, but seeing Yamato carry the kunoichi so affectionately made the deluge of emotions stir his kakkai into a frenzy. It took all of his strength to keep them from attacking the wood user and stifled the killing intent rolling off of him as he hurried along side Anko.
The hour went by very slowly, and Shino couldn't help but notice how Yamato's hand kept reaching up to her face or wrist every now and again, all which aggravated the Aburame, but he could do nothing to stop it. He supposed logically it was just to adjust her weight on his back, or to check to see if she was still feverish, but how his hands lingered and the way that he touched her was near maddening.
Watching on from the sidelines and doing nothing about it was unacceptable, but honestly Shino didn't want to make a scene, and Yamato was only trying to help. Tenten looked like she was in a fitful sleep, still fighting off the poisonous drugs. Her head lulled from side to side as they moved, and Shino was not liking how pallid she had become.
Finally the group slowed down in a clearing, and Kakashi ordered everyone to take a break and hydrate. Yamato released her reluctantly, and Ino checked her over again.
Kakashi ordered Shino to take over for Yamato, who wanted to voice his dissent, but thought better of it and held his tongue. Shino brought Tenten to her feet, and she gave him a febric, half smile of approval, weather or not it was the poison making her so giddy to see him, he didn't care. She wrapped her small body around his, as if clinging for dear life and the group headed out again.
The gates of Konoha finally came into view. The group headed to the Hokage tower to report quickly, because most everyone needed some kind of medical attention or another. Tsunade had Shizune write up a report short hand while everyone took turns answering questions and the shinobi were shuffling out of the room and down the halls within fifteen minutes. Shino was helping support Tenten by the shoulders along with Anko, and they finally checked Tenten in at the hospital and had her in a bed before either would leave.
Shino needed some minor medical attention himself, and knowing that the hospital would be crammed pack full of wounded shinobi right now, he opted for a clan member with medical training to heal him instead of staying at the hospital. Heading off to his complex, he checked on Tenten one last time before nodding to Anko on his way out.
Mr. Exhausted wanted to be his best friend after a hot shower and the young Aburame couldn't resist his bed calling out to him. Being healed was great, but it always seemed to sap him of his energy. He fell on his bed and let sleep overtake him, wanting to be refreshed to see Tenten the next morning.
Shino woke in the late morning, groggy still, but refreshed from a full nights sleep. He was determined to see Tenten, knowing she would still be in the hospital, hopefully doing much better than the day before.
Team Gai seemed to be crowding over her, and Shino wasn't sure if he should join in the mix. She looked much better, the color had returned to her cheeks and her face did not look as sallow. Neji seemed to be praising Ino's skills as a medical kunoichi, and Gai and Lee were busy making a training regimen for the Weapon's Mistress once she recovered.
To her credit, she sat patiently enduring it all, as if such a thing were a regular occurrence in her life. Shino wasn't sure if that amounted to insanity or patience, and decided to go grab her some more flowers at the Yamanaka shop in order to bide his time until her team left.
While daisies spoke of innocence, he picked tulips, bright yellow ones, complete with a tall vase to compliment them. No mason jar, no messing around. Shino meant business. It was about time he amped up his game, especially since Yamato was an eager competitor for her affections. He needed to let her know exactly just how he felt. However by the time he had come back to her room, she had been discharged. Getting thoroughly frustrated, he set off for her apartment, more determined than ever to set things straight. Tension was growing with every step, the flowers bouncing around jovially as if to ease his nerves.
He knocked on her door instead of leaving them on her door step. Buzzing in his ears from the kakkai's apprehensiveness, and the pounding of his heart made it almost impossible to distinguish her tiny footsteps, padding their way to the door.
She opened the door in a rush, and then a smile, and invited him inside. Taking off jacket and shoes and depositing them by the entry way, he walked in to the tiny apartment.
He placed the tulips in her kitchen, adding a splash of color to her décor. Everything was simple, yet had the distinctive Tenten flare: silk screen in the corner, potted plants, weapons of various sizes, shapes and cultures littered the walls and shelves.
She smiled shyly, fingering the flowers with a whispered thanks, and asked him if he would like some tea.
With a nod, he watched her ease around the kitchen, placing the kettle on the stove and then reaching into a cupboard to the top shelf, trying in vain to grasp for a mug with the tips of her fingers. Brushing up behind her, he carefully pulled a mug down, and if Shino hadn't been looking for it, he wouldn't have notice her breath catch in her throat.
His other hand acting of its own accord, gently came to a rest on her other shoulder, as he grabbed a second cup down from the tall shelf.
She muttered another thanks, a little flushed, and Shino's hand couldn't help but play with the tiny tendrils of hair that had emancipated themselves from the confines of her dual buns.
She shivered.
Placing both hands on her shoulders, he asked her if she was cold.
"Heaters still warming up," She turned around and smiled sheepishly, and clearing her throat, she made her way to another cupboard and asked politely, "um, what kind of tea do you prefer?" She shuffled through a large ceramic bowl. "Looks like I am out of anything good," she muttered bleakly. "Black tea or green tea?" She spoke louder and looked up expectantly from the slightly disorganized container to look at Shino for a second, and, when he didn't reply, she shuffled some more tiny packs of individually wrapped tea aside, "I also have chai," she held up the square pack to the light, "but I don't remember the last time I even bought chai tea, so I don't know if it's gone bad." Placing the packet dubiously on the counter, she rummaged through the bowl some more. "And orange peko…and some Darjeeling, and I believe that is raspberry tea," she squinted an eye closed as if it were to help her remember. "Lee said it was good for something, but I forgot what exactly." With a big breath of air she smiled at him again, awaiting his tea preference from her modest selection.
"Tenten," Shino crossed to loom above her in two small steps. She peered with wide eyes up at him.
"Yes, Shino," she asked breathlessly.
Tenten cursed slightly under her breath as she rounded the corner to open the door. Lee was going to pay for interrupting her one on one time with Shino.
"Lee! I –Yamato?" she asked in confusion, obviously expecting her overly ambitious teammate to be on the other side of the door. "I'm sorry," She blushed with embarrassment, "I thought you were…"
"Lee?" he offered, and Tenten noticed a charming smile spread over his face. He looked a little awkward on her stoop, as if he knew she weren't happy to see him. Which of course she wasn't, not now at least, but she didn't want to be rude.
"I'm sorry," she flushed apologetically, "Lee just always seems to have bad timing, I thought it was him."
"Is this a bad time?" he asked innocently, straightening up from the subtle hint. He obviously didn't want to impose.
"Yeah, it kind of is," she rushed, "I'm sorry," she exhaled audibly and smiled. She tried again, "is there something I could help you with?' she asked anxiously, holding onto the door for dear life instead of inviting him like any sane, normal, polite person would.
"Just came to check on you," he shoved a hand into a pocket, "they said you were released not too long ago, and I just wanted to make sure you were doing alright."
"I'm just fine," Tenten clarified for the shinobi. "Just a little tired still; nothing a little rest won't cure." And some time with a certain goggled shinobi. Now, get the hell off my porch.
"Thanks for stopping by," Tenten smiled graciously to the jounin before he finally got the hint.
"See you tomorrow," Yamato spoke as she closed the door, waving the man good night.
Tenten threw the lock on the door with a forceful twist of her wrist.
I am setting fire to anyone else who bothers to set foot on my door step, she thought murderously.
She turned around, only to find that Shino had snuck up behind her, reaching for his jacket from the coat wrack.
"Perhaps it's best that I should leave, so you can rest."
"What?" Tenten nearly whined out her disapproval, "but you just got here," she reasoned, stopping his hand from taking the jacket with hers. She let him take hold of her small hand, enveloping the warmth of his palm over hers. "Don't go."
He used her hand as leverage to pull her into a hug. He kissed the top of her head and let his arms drape protectively around her. Tenten felt safe and warm, she hoped he still wasn't planning on leaving.
Her eyes were pleading, large with anticipation when she looked up at him.
"Stay?" she asked, pushing his goggles off of his face, "please?"
Shino nodded, and finally closed the distance between them, letting his lips fall over hers, slowly kissing her until Tenten became breathless.
She led the way over to the couch, letting Shino wrap his warm arms around her as they sipped their tea. When Tenten could no longer keep her eyes open as he drew lazy circles up and down her arms as she rest against his chest, he finally picked her up and placed her on her bed.
"Don't go," she pleaded once again, eyes half open, full of sleep.
He nodded, and took his place beside her on the bed, wrapping them in her quilt before drifting off to sleep.
Shino wasn't going to let Yamato share this spot with Tenten ever again.
A/N: Thank you to all my loyal reviewers and fans! My spelling is atrocious, and if I didn't mention it before, I failed spelling with every grade through out my life. Explains a lot, no? I am surprised that I don't spell my name wrong most days. You are all fabulous and purdy, and I am grateful to have such amazing support! Thanks for all the love!