Title: Heart of the Sky
Pairing: Lord Elrond/ Lady Eolande (OC)
Rated: M
Summary:Lord Elrond finally finds his true life mate; there is only one problem. This she elf has no heart and does not know that they are life mates. Too afraid to tell her, but to in love to leave her what is Lord Elrond to do, and how can he possibly get her heart when she doesn't even have it?
Disclaimer:I own none of the characters or places but those I have created.
Chapter Four:
Of Confessions and Family
Lord Elrond could not believe the turns that the Council meeting had brought with it. The meeting had started off fairly simple; after all they only held meetings to make sure that all the Kingdoms where well off, but this time it seemed, for himself at least, this trip would not go as smoothly as he had wished. Then again it might be a bit off to look at it this way; you see the meeting had gone by just fine, it was after when the trouble started.
King Thranduil had approached him after the meeting and requested a private audience with him before his departure. Lord Elrond had agreed without hesitation, thinking nothing of it, but now he had wished he had found a way to turn down the offer. King Thranduil had instantly started off their conversation by informing him that Legolas had written to him, informing him of a very beautiful she-elf that had come from the skies. Now you can imagine Elrond's response to this since he already knew that the young Mirkwood Prince held an attraction for Eolande. Stiffly he had nodded in agreement and then explained the situation; mind you, he did leave certain things out. It was after this that another elf joined them in the King's office.
Lord Elrond could not believe the trouble that he could be facing with the upcoming problems. The elf who had showed up, claimed to be a Prince and heir to the Azure Sky Kingdom; he had come to retrieve Eolande and take her back to her people. After hearing this alone, Elrond had frozen and instantly started to try and figure out a way to get back to Rivendell in time to warn Eolande of the arriving Sky Warriors before they arrived to take her away. He had just found his mate, finally, and was now about to lose her! He would surely fade if something could not be done!
His only option at the time was to send a messenger bird and pray to Valar that it made it to her first.
Lord Elrond had been gone for only a couple days now, but even in that time Eolande grew to miss him as if he had been gone for years. She had thought over it very deeply and had come to except the thought of him being her mate. It actually excited her slightly; her actual mate! She couldn't wait for him to return. For the time being though, she had been spending more time with Arwen and her family. Now that she knew about Elrond, she started to accept them as her family more so than she already had been. She did spend time with Haldir as well, she and the warrior elf shared a sort of bond seen between comrades of battle.
Thinking on it all, she began to miss the little family she still held in Azure Sky. She had left her brothers and sisters all without a single word to any of them. The only one to even know what she had done and why, was her ada. She loved her ada dearly; he was one of the few who didn't scoff at her desire to be grounded. She missed him the most out of her family. She had several siblings, but all of them where happy to live the life of an Azure Elf, and only her father had ever been to the ground before. He told her many stories of the grounded races and it only fueled her desire to join them. Eolande had to wander at times if her ada hadn't been pushing her to the ground in a way…
Looking to the sky, she continued to lose herself in thoughts of her old home. It wasn't until a hurried and panicked voice reached her ears, which she pulled herself back to the ground. Looking up she watched as Aragorn and Arwen rushed towards her with worry on their faces. It was a curious sight for Eolande and she had to wonder what had gotten to them so.
"Eolande!" Arwen threw herself into the older elves arms. "We just received a letter from father!"
"Lord Elrond is headed back as fast as he can, but feared he would not beat the coming guest here." Aragorn rushed out. "An elf claiming to be a Prince of Azure appeared at the Council meeting and stated that he was here to take you back!"
Eolande set there holding Arwen in her arms as she was frozen in surprise. She hadn't thought anyone would actually come after her! Who was it, was something wrong, had trouble came; so many questions filled her mind and she didn't know whether to expect the worse or not. She felt a sense of dread fill her as she thought of all that could be wrong…
"My Lady," Aragorn placed a hand upon her shoulder. "Please, do you know why they would come for you?"
Looking up she gave a deep sigh. "There are lots of reasons, but I know not why they have come at this time…"
"Don't leave us." Arwen just couldn't imagine Eolande leaving; not only would she be losing the woman who has become a mother to her, but her ada would surly grieve himself to fade away as well. "Please… don't leave us."
"Oh, Arwen…" Eolande tightened her hold as she placed her head upon the younger elves own. "You know I want if I can help it. I love you all, your ada even more so. I would not wish my mate to fade because of me."
Arwen and Aragorn both startled and looked at her in confusion and shock.
"I've known since the day he left." She admitted with a gentle smile. "I came back to invite you two to join your son with me and overheard you two talking. It took me a while to understand, but I have come to like the idea of Lord Elrond as my mate. I care for him greatly and it only seems to grow with time; pain or no pain, heart or no heart, I still feel the pull and recognize him as my life mate. Besides, you've all grown on me."
"You mean it!" Arwen was so excited at the thought of her ada being happy. "You'd stay and be with ada?"
Aragorn chuckled. "Well it seems Lord Elrond is in for a surprise once he returns. He feared you would reject the bond with him. We were starting to worry for you both."
"Don't worry, I am here to stay if I can help it."
Lord Elrond pushed his horse faster and faster; going as swiftly as he would without hurting the beast. He just had to get home as soon as possible! He had left in a rush after meeting with King Thranduil and the prince of Azure; after realizing that the prince was there to take Eolande home, he had lost all sense of propriety and left as soon as able. He had no desire what so ever to lose his life mate when he had only just found her.
The trees rushed by in blurs and if anyone where to see him they would almost say he was flying, so fast he was going, the horses' hooves didn't even seem to be touching the ground. It was almost like Death was on his heels, and in a way he was because if he lost her then he would be cursed to fade. He loved Eolande too much as it was, there would be no saving him if she chose to leave. Not even his love for his sons and daughter would save him this time, not without her…
Prince Furor hadn't been all that bad and in truth he had actually been respectful, but also a bit distant from the rest of them. It had almost been like the Elf didn't really want to be there or near them. He didn't show it disrespectfully, but the message had been received still; even King Thranduil had noticed it. In normal circumstances, King Thranduil wasn't one to hold his tongue at such obvious actions, but one did not just call out someone who was so close with the Valar. Prince Furor had been very adamant that Eolande return with him, but never once did he state why or the connection the two had outside of their home. None of it set well with Elrond, too many pieces of the puzzle where missing, and Eolande was the one with the answers.
King Thranduil wouldn't say he is the kindest of rulers, even he knew he was a bit strict, but there had been something about the Azure Prince that had made him wonder just what type of ruler they had for the young Elf to show his dislike for them in an almost obvious way. Sure, he knew that the Sky Elves didn't really care to be with the grounded, but any one of such status as royal and with such a close tie to the Valar should have been able to keep their calm and be civil. He couldn't say he honestly cared for the Prince at all and went so far as to hope that the next time he had to deal with the Elves of the Sky it was not that Prince again.
He had noticed the look in Lord Elrond's eyes when they had talked of the she-Elf of the Sky, and had even noticed the glow he gave off when talking about her. Any Elf with eyes would have known what those signs meant; this Eolande was the Lord's life mate… His son had not told him this and nor had Lord Elrond, this made him believe that the Lord had not told anyone of his discovery, not even his life mater herself.
King Thranduil had left to his library as soon as all his guests had left. He knew more than what others knew, a bit of information he knew in general that he felt would be needed was that of hearts and Sky Elves. It just so happened that he had a text that had been written by a former Sky Elf that had also been grounded and had found their mate. It was very detailed on the mated pair's troubles and how they had went about returning the others heart. It had required a lot, and a sacrifice that he wasn't so sure Lord Elrond or the she-Elf were ready to pay…
He would offer them his help once it came time but for now, even he knew the she-Elf must settle her business with the Sky, till then he would send a forewarning to his son. He could tell Legolas was attracted to her as well, but after his discovery about Lord Elrond, he knew nothing would come of it for his son. Legolas would be disappointed, but he would move on just as he had done in the past.
It had been a couple of days since word from Lord Elrond had reached Rivendell, and since then those involved had been on edge. There was little to gain from reassuring each other as they all knew everything would depend upon the arrival of their guests. Aragorn and Arwen were two of the ones most on edge and they had noticed that Gandalf and Haldir were as well; Eolande must have told the two. Eolande was the one that was the most nervous, as she still didn't know what to expect once the Sky Elves arrived. She feared the worse and was hopping for the best.
Today was a beautiful day in Rivendell, just like many others, but on this day Eolande couldn't find it in herself to feel at peace as she normally did. She could feel it in the air, the shifting of the wings and movement of the clouds all told her that their guest would be arriving sometime today; they would arrive only shortly after Lord Elrond himself would. Her skin was tingling at the thought of the Lord and her chest hurt with the need to see him. Lord Elrond had enchanted her without her even being aware of their connection, and it had only gotten stronger with the realization.
No matter what was to come, she would not be leaving without a fight or a good reason and even then she promised she would be returning. She might have been born a Sky Elf, but she felt she was meant to be grounded. Her heart wasn't in her chest, but it still beat like everyone else's and she could feel it even at this distance.
To clear her mind Eolande had decided to wonder along the outer rim of Rivendell in hopes of seeing Elrond as he returned. She desperately needed to see him, but she was having no luck. The sun was already falling from the sky as it was long past rising. With a deep sigh she mounted Moondust and headed back. Leaving her horse in the stables she had just reached Lord Elrond's home just as she heard the voice she had so hoped to hear, call out to her.
"Eolande!" Lord Elrond was right behind her, his hair was windswept showing that he had waited no time in return and had moved at great speed; his chest even heaved as he caught his breath, showing that he had ran from where ever he had left his mount. "We need to talk."
Eolande had just turned, with a smile on her face, and was about to run to Elrond when from inside the home came running Aragorn. "Eolande, they've arrived!"
To Be Continued…