A/N: Sooooo sorry for the wait, loves. I truly wish I had a reason for not writing but I don't. I would still like to thank petrocksrcool and again to my very awesome and loyal reviewer MalikaiDragoSlayer who has reviewed just about every chapter of mine! I hope you enjoy this chapter and follow MalikaiDragonSlayer's lead!

Chapter 8
Adult Talks


"We'll talk to you soon okay?"

"Alright Uncle Harry bye."

"Bye." Then me and Claire clicked the lockets shut.

Rose's pov

Once the necklaces fell silent with no more noises or crackling I saw James literally sigh with relief. Then he turned to Devon, who was intently staring at a spoon and glared at her.

"I knew it" he grumbled "she is the devil in baby form."

I laughed "James you had it coming for you. She repeats everything you, Fred, Claire, and Olivia say."

This time Lily laughed "Oh no that one was all me." She said, still giggling

James turned away from the 'devil baby' and glared at his sister. "What do you mean it was all you?"

Lily finally regained her composure and looked at James "That was for getting us stuck in a completely different time zone!" she shrieked a bit at the end.

"It is your fault that we're here" My red-head cousin continued "so I told Devon to tell 'mommy' what happened."

James smirked "What if Devon never talked to Aunt Elaine huh? What would you do then?"

Lily shrugged "I knew you were going to put it on Devon. Aunt Elaine has always had a soft spot for her and Ricky." James glared and Lily smiled at him smugly.

"Alright enough of that!" Victorie scolded "let's just eat then go to bed. We'll figure this out in the morning."

Everyone nodded and began to eat. I took in the surroundings of the kitchen and realized how much work Uncle Harry put into it to make it a fit living space. Though he didn't even live here in the future.

"So?" Sirius asked a little while later, taking a swing of firewhiskey "what happens to this dump once I die"

Harry flinched at the words that came out of Sirius's mouth, but no one noticed. No one except for Elaine who rubbed his arm comfortingly.

"Well" James started while shoveling food into his mouth. Lily looked at him disgustedly and Al rolled his eyes and cut across James.

"Dad kind of're builds' it you could say." Al said, not looking quite sure of his answer "he repaints it, redecorates. It looks more like a Gryffindor house than anything. But he said he did it all right after the war."

Harry looked pleased with himself and smiled at Sirius, who was almost bursting with happiness.

"And that damned portrait of dear mother?" he asked again. Remus rolled his eyes but didn't say anything.

This time Teddy answered, with a smile I might add "Well Grandma and Harry kind of shared the responsibility of me, so I was part of the reason he redecorated. But he just couldn't get the painting off, so one day when I was about 2 I tripped and fell and it woke the painting up so she started screaming again. Then Harry, who was taking a nap, came in and just hexed it." He finished with a laugh.

Harry smiled again and Sirius was fake crying "Oh thank you Harry, I thought I would never get rid of her!"

Grand mum smiled and shook her head "Well now that you're fed off to bed all of you!" There were many grumbles and complaints about this but the glare cut it all off.

"Now" she continued again "I don't want to hear any noises coming from up there. And Fred, George if I even think that you're spying, you'll be on Gnome duty for a month next summer."

The devious looks on the older twin's faces instantly dissolved at the threat of De-Gnoming the big garden.

Before me and Charlotte left; as we were the last I saw her granddad give a look to Roxanne. She just took a deep breath and got into a new conversation with Kingsley.

I though nothing of it and couldn't wait to hear stories of my mum upstairs.

Roxanne's pov

I knew that Regis was watching me. I knew that he had been since the moment I walked in. I knew that it had been through all the explanations and introductions, and all through dinner. I also knew that he was going to want to talk to me.

Right before the rest of the time travelers trudged up the stairs I saw him give me a look. I knew that look. It was the look that he used to give Olivia if he wanted to talk to her in private. It was the look he would give Sirius as if to tell him to shut up. And it was the look that he gave me to tell me that I had some explaining to do.

I heaved a deep sigh and tried to ignore it, so I started a conversation with Kingsley. But as the door closed Dumbledore spoke again and everyone fell silent.

"So" he started with a twinkle in his eye "it seems we will be having more guests for a while."

Everyone chuckled slightly "But" he continued "there must be caution with the new arrivals. And not just in the matter of speaking or saying things that not ought to be said."

This brought looks of confusion to all our faces. "What do you mean sir?" Bill Weasley asked.

"If Voldemort" insert flinch here "was to find out about them. The results would be nothing short of disastrous."

We all nodded, and he smiled slightly "As you all know Miss Roxanne Abbot is with us again. And I do hope one of you will fill her in. Well! I must be off." He made to leave the room but then stopped and turned back at the new Order of the Phoenix.

"And remember. Just because of the new arrivals, Harry still mustn't know of what we are protecting" he said this just above a whisper, then exited the kitchen.

Regis got up, and I already knew what he wanted. A minute after he had left the room I followed. I eventually found him in the drawing room staring at the Black family tapestry.

"I remember Olivia used to have one of these at her mums house. When Clarissa was born, the first thing I did was go into that room and watch as her name appeared there." Regis was whispering now.

I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder "I'm sorry Regis. She was too young to die, both her and Olivia." I felt myself get choked up at the end.

"I can't believe she lied to us about her sister though, she could have told us. We would have understood"

I shook my head at him "You wouldn't have." I said simply then added "I barely did. I guess it was part of the prophecy though wasn't it?"

This time Regis shook his head "It's not supposed to affect anyone but the girl in the prophecy or the husband who will die."

"But you know most of the Carter descendants were single daughters. I guess Auntie 'Rena broke that streak."

He sighed "Maybe. It would make sense, Evie was the one in the prophecy." Then he shook his head again "I wish she needn't be the one who has to fight. I'll always think she's too young."

I smiled slightly "She's brave. Brave enough to spend 14 years with you alone and her siblings. I dread to think what would happen if Claire hadn't taken care of them."

This time he turned to face me. I saw a flash of hurt and anger cross his face. I sighed "I'm sorry. But I couldn't stay. I just couldn't!"

"Why?" he asked thickly.

"Because I didn't want to be a mom Regis and I knew that was what I would become, a parent to you and Olivia's children." I said defiantly.

He laughed humorously "And you had to move to Paris to figure that out?"

I sucked in an angry breath "No. I just had to get away, start over.i wanted to get away from where my uncle, cousin, and practically sister died. Where I wasn't judged because of what I am." I snorted lightly at the end of that statement.

"And what, Remus judged you? Is that it? Because he had no idea what was going on and what was happening every full moon." His voice was rising to a slight yell.

I shook my head furiously; I could feel tears coming at the back of my eyes "You don't think I regret that? Leaving him! You don't get what it was like."

"And I don't?" he was yelling now.

I felt the first tear slide down my cheek. "No! you don't know what it was like. Olivia always blamed herself for every bad thing that happened. Anything to do with werewolves that is. The only one who really understood me, the one who told me everything, and I mean everything Regis! I didn't want to stay were my best friend was murdered. She was the only one who understood me! And now…" I started crying "And now she's dead."

Regis stopped yelling, but still had a low dangerous tone to it "Do you have any idea what it did to Remus? He was broken, just like me."

More tears fell and Regis looked at me, and I saw something like pity in his eyes. He took a step towards me and I was engulfed in a hug.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, pressing my cheek against his shoulder.

He nodded "I'm sorry" I whispered again. Regis pulled back.

"It's fine" he said and I hugged him again.

A/N: Sooooo I hoped you like this chapter. I didn't know what to do for it so I decided to put some Roxanne drama in there. Sorry if it was a little cliché, but next chapter is going back to the kids. You better review and take my new poll or else….