Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters and I am not making any money from this story.
Pairing(s): Theo/Harry, Oliver/Harry, Roger/Harry, Cedric/Harry
Warnings: chan (fourth year), sex scenes, creature!fic, Completely AU, hint of mpreg (last chapter, last sentence), voyeurism, slash
A/N: This is for the 2011 Porn in the Sun fest. This kind of got away from me. I wanted to make the story more in depth, but I ran out of time even with an extension as well as had some creativity problems, so I had to leave out some plot points I wanted to include. I just barely made it for the deadline. I had a wonderful beta. Also, there is more plot than porn, but the story does earn its R rating.


Giggling erupted from behind a tree. Harry's emerald eyes sparkled mischievously. He lunged towards the tree and caught sight of his twin brother. Harry tackled his twin and they let out peals of laughter.

A black, barking dog came lumbering towards them and with squeals of "Padfoot!" the two nine-year-olds hugged the dog tightly to their small chests.

The dog morphed into a human. He stood up, took a small hand in each of his own hands and they wandered back to the cottage that was their home.

Sweet smells wafted through the house. Lily Potter was busy in the kitchen. Although Lily was a witch, she preferred to cook the Muggle way for her family.

Two pairs of scampering feet sounded behind her. "Don't touch the brownies!" she ordered, knowing just where their sticky hands were headed.

"Mum!" Simultaneous whines were uttered.

"They're for after dinner, boys."
"Yes, Mum."

Chairs scraped against the floor, alerting Lily that they would be staying for awhile. "Your tenth birthday is next week…double digits. What should we plan?"

Harry pouted. "Who cares? It will just be ruined by people who want to take Evan's picture while I'm shoved to the side."

"Harry," Evan quietly protested.

"No! It's not fair. It's my birthday too, and you always get all of the attention," Harry screamed. His chair fell backwards because of his fast escape from the kitchen.

Lily's worried eyes followed her youngest son before she turned to Evan. "Are you okay, sweetie?"

"I know Harry is sometimes ignored, but it's not my fault."

"I know it's not your fault, honey. And deep down, Harry knows it too. He's just upset right now, but he loves you very much."

"I love Harry too, Mummy. I hate it that people ignore him or sometimes forget that I have a twin."

Lily's smile was slight. "I know that, Evan. Hopefully things will get easier as the two of you get older. For right now, just be his brother and best friend, and don't get too upset when he blames you."

"Yes, Mummy."


After telling Evan to go play, Lily went on a search for her husband who was with the last remaining Marauders. "James, we need to speak to Harry."


"He got a bit upset…with good reason in my opinion, but unfairly took it out on Evan."

Lily debriefed him on the way to the twins' room. Even though they had enough rooms for Harry and Evan to have their own, the two of them still preferred to share. Lily knocked lightly before entering along with her husband, knowing there would be no 'come in'.

Harry was lying on his bed, back to them. The bed shifted as James sat down. "Prongslet One?"

"What?" Harry's voice was muffled, but James could hear the tremble in it.

"We know you're upset, and both your mother and I understand that. You had no right to yell at your brother though. It's not his fault."

Harry turned onto his back and James and Lily saw the red rimmed eyes; their heart yearned for their little boy. "I don't like being in the spotlight, but I don't like being invisible either, especially not by my family."

Lily's heart stopped at the implied meaning. "What do you mean, sweetie? You have never been invisible to us, your uncles, or your brother."

"Most of the time," Harry corrected. "When there are people with cameras, you're always more worried about Evan. I guess it's my fault for not being famous."

James and Lily exchanged glances. Had they really neglected Harry? They hadn't meant to, but obviously their son felt like they had. That was good enough for them to decide that changes had to be made.

James attempted to smooth down Harry's wayward hair to no avail. "Harry, we never meant to make you feel unimportant compared to your brother. When cameras swarm around Evan, we're worried about making sure Evan isn't hurt or made to look bad to the public. We want to protect him as much as possible. That doesn't mean we love you less. You're our son, but you need to understand that we're not perfect and we sometimes make mistakes concerning you boys. We will try to do better though. Can you forgive us?"

Harry bit his lip as was his habit before throwing himself into his father's arms. Lily hugged him from behind and they basked in the warmth of each other.

That night after dinner, Harry and Evan played Exploding Snap as if nothing had happened while Lily, James, Remus, and Sirius watched on with smiles on their faces.

It was decided that their birthday would take place at a Muggle theme park with four of their friends. They would worry about explaining the Muggle world to their friends. It was the best chance they had of not being interrupted by reporters.

Their birthday went off with minimum problems. There were no reporters and Harry glowed with happiness.

The adults were extra careful when it came to giving attention to the boys. They didn't want Harry to feel unloved and made sure he was as treasured as Evan.

Evan and Harry really were best friends. They had their squabbles like most brothers, but nothing kept them apart for long.

The next year passed and their eleventh birthdays came. A day that should have been filled with joy as their Hogwarts letters were to arrive was filled with dread. And, this is where our story really begins.