The Bond of Silver and Gold
Chapter 26: Inuyasha, my love
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of the original characters, plot, or storyline. I only own my fan-made character and her story.
"Are you serious?" Kagome gasped, "He said that?"
As always girls were doing what they do best, "Well," Chelsea blushed, "He said I want you forever…"
"Oh my god!" cried Kagome with a bright smile, "Do you realize he proposed to you?"
"You think that's what he meant?" Chelsea asked doubtfully.
"Of course," Kagome settled down, "He adores you. The very thought of losing you sends him off in this whirlwind of depression…"
Chelsea's face grew redder, "I suppose you're right…"
"Promise I can be your maid of honor?" Kagome giggled.
As Chelsea sat back with her gang of friends, they seemed to be patiently awaiting the absence of one of their members. Kaede wished to speak with Kagome alone, so the rest decided to take a break after traveling for days with little luck with their pursuit of the jewel shards, "So… I thought about something…" Chelsea murmured.
"What is it Chelsea?" Inuyasha wondered.
"Well," Chelsea began, "What about the jewel shards Koga has… it's not like he's going to just hand them over."
Inuyasha chuckled sarcastically, "We could just skin the mangy wolf."
"Let's try a less hostile approach… maybe they're better left in his care," Chelsea shrugged.
"We did not come this far, just to leave the jewel incomplete. If some demon smashes that wolf, then they might fall into the wrong hands… we have no other choice than to get them back," Inuyasha argued.
"I doubt Koga will hand them over willingly. It will probably take some persuasion, but I bet with Kagome's help we might be able to get them back," said Miroku.
"What do you guys plan to do once the jewel is complete?" Chelsea asked.
"I'm going to rebuild my village that was destroyed by Naraku. After that, I plan to live there with Kohaku," Sango stated, flashing a small smile Miroku's way, "Miroku and I discussed starting a family but the decision is still up in the air."
Miroku grinned in response, "What about you two? Are you going to start a family?"
Inuyasha choked on his spring water at the monk's comment.
Chelsea lost all breath, "What?"
"You two are engaged, aren't you?" Shippo asked innocently.
Chelsea's eyes shifted to Inuyasha, but her body was stone stiff.
Inuyasha looked away and took another sip of water to clear his throat, "It's a bit early to be making plans for a family isn't it?"
"He didn't deny that we were engaged," Chelsea's eyes widened with surprise, "I agree with Inuyasha," she spoke up, "We're taking our time… and we'll make decisions based on when we're both ready."
Inuyasha was happy Chelsea didn't deny that they were in fact engaged. There was still apart of him getting used to this warmth in his chest. This happiness he had never felt before with anyone else.
Kagome approached her group of friends and sat down quietly.
"So," Chelsea started, "what happened?"
Kagome silently held out her hand, palm up, and opened it. Inside it, was the final jewel shard, minus the two Koga still had left in his possession. Everyone was shocked at this site, "Apparently, Kikyo dropped this off to Kaede, claiming to give it to me once we returned back to the village."
"Wonder why she'd do that…?" Inuyasha mumbled.
Chelsea's eyes turned to Inuyasha yet again, "Maybe she wanted Kagome to be the soul decider of whether Inuyasha and I would be together… once the jewel is complete, we can finally start living our lives together…" her eyes turned sad, "We still have to collect the two shards Koga has."
"Leave it to me," Kagome flashed a smile, "don't worry Chelsea. I'll make sure to get them back," she stood to her feet, "Sango, can I borrow Kirara?"
Chelsea was confused, "You don't want us all to go?"
"I think I'll have a better chance trying to convince him if it's just the two of us," Kagome replied, hopping of the two tail's back, "See you guys in a little while!" with that she was off again.
Kagome was trying really hard to make sure nothing would tear Chelsea and Inuyasha apart. She was so selfless like that. Seeing the two of them together, seeing Inuyasha and Chelsea that happy, it filled her with happiness. Plus, she really wanted to be a maid of honor.
The wolf den was quiet that afternoon. Koga had returned back to his clan after catching wind that Naraku had been defeated. It bothered him that it wasn't by his own hand that Naraku was killed, but it was alright since Mutt Face didn't finish him off either.
"Hey Koga," Kagome called, pulling herself off of Kirara, "long time no see."
Koga was expecting her to come by sooner or later, "Hey Kagome," he greeted.
As she approached him, he held his hand out to her, revealing the two jewel shards in his possession, "You want these right? I figured the Mutt would have you come by and collect them after Naraku was defeated and all."
"Yes," Kagome nodded, "but I also wanted to talk to you Koga… if you don't mind."
Koga raised an eyebrow, "Sure, whatever you want."
The two decided to take a walk together. Koga was confused as to why she wanted to talk, but he was always willing to listen. She was his woman after all, "I was wondering… could I visit you more often from now on?" she asked, "after the jewel is complete I won't have much to do," she left out school, because she doubted he'd understand, "but I want to keep coming here..." here being the feudal era, "but I want the others to get the alone time they deserve so…"
"Did Doll Face and Mutt Face hook up?" Koga wondered.
"Yeah, but that's not why I'm saying it," Kagome smiled, "I want to get to know you more, that's all."
Koga smirked, "You can come see me anytime you like Kagome. You're always welcome here."
Back with the others, Chelsea seemed to be walking around aimlessly looking for Inuyasha. Where could he have gone? He left without saying anything. Did he go to find Kikyo perhaps? Her heart sank at the thought. What would she do if she caught them together? Would she be able to handle it? Getting more saddened with each step, she reached a clearing with a giant tree. Beneath the outstretched branches was a grave with freshly picked flowers sitting on top. Inuyasha sat beside the grave silently, gathering his thoughts.
"Hey you," Chelsea cooed.
Inuyasha turned to her, "Hey," he said simply.
"Whose grave is this?" she asked.
"My mother's," he murmured gently.
Chelsea knelt down in front of the grave and smiled, "I bet she was a very lovely person."
Inuyasha smiled, "She was. She was gentle, kind, and beautiful. She always loved me… no matter what I looked like or how I acted… or the trouble I caused for her."
"That's a mother's job," Chelsea told him. She tried to read his blank stare, "So," she started, "What are you going to do with the jewel? Have you decided?"
He looked at her, "Do?" he asked.
"Full-fledged demon?" she asked in response.
He looked down at the flowers, "You want me to stay how I am right?"
"Well, I want what you want," Chelsea said.
"Which is?" he asked with irritation.
She stared at him, "I'll love you no matter what… that's a promise I intend to keep."
Inuyasha shook his head and smirked, "I already told you a while ago… I'm staying just like this… until you say otherwise…" he looked to the sky, "We'll keep the jewel back at the shrine in Kaede's village just as before. It'll be safe there. I'll make sure of it."
"Do you wish to live there?" asked Chelsea.
Inuyasha turned his gaze, "Well, the others had me thinking… it's a really safe village. I wouldn't have to worry about you getting hurt and the people are really nice," his face turned a reddish hue, "and you know," he started to trip over his words, "if we ever did decide to have kids, they'd be safe too…"
Chelsea's face matched his in color, "You really think about that stuff?"
"Well yeah," he growled, "it's our future you know? Is it wrong to think about that stuff?"
Chelsea smiled bashfully, "No," she cuddled up close to him, "Not at all…"
The red never vanished from his face as he pulled her closer to him. The two exchanged a silent moment and then, "We should get back to the others…"
"Yeah," Chelsea murmured, "with any luck… maybe Kagome's back with some sort of news…"
When they returned, Kagome was with the others, "About time you two showed up! Look!" she held up the completed jewel between her index finger and thumb.
Chelsea's jaw dropped, after all their hard work, it was over.
But she had no conception of just how far Inuyasha went to ensure the jewel was complete. The one who couldn't believe it the most was him. All that hard work, it finally paid off. A smile spread across his face, a rare sight for all of them, "Finally…" he breathed.
"Inuyasha, are you going to use the jewel to become a full demon?" Shippo questioned.
"No," he murmured in deep thought.
"I want these lips, those cute dog ears, those lovely golden irises, and the pure heart that goes with them… please don't change Inuyasha…"
He recalled Chelsea's words that night, "This is who I am… who I've always been. I'm not here, nor there… I'm right here," he looked back to Chelsea, "and that's where I always want to be."
I walked across an empty land…
Chelsea wrapped her arms around him tightly, "I love you," she whispered.
I knew the pathway like the back of my hand…
Some time passed…
I felt the earth, beneath my feet…
Sat by the river and it made me complete…
As the double doors of the temple opened, in came a girl dressed in a lavish dress, her hair designed to perfection. Her complexion pale as a newborn child. Chelsea took his hands in hers and smiled at him. Inuyasha always was the same person. Even now on their special day he dressed the same which made her laugh a little, but didn't bother her like it might most brides.
Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on…
Kaede smiled at the two of them, "Well, go on… ye may kiss the bride."
As they both gently kissed each other, both nervous having the audience, all their friends hooted and hollered at them.
And if you have a minute why don't we go…
Talk about it somewhere only we know…
Instead of picking Chelsea up bridal style Inuyasha whisked her away as he always did, on his back.
Behind Kaede there the jewel sat, complete once more. This is where it would remain, safely out of any demon's hands. It was no longer tainted, for it was unified by love. The love of family, the love of friends, the love of strangers who they might never meet again, and… the love of each other. Ultimately, it was love that saved the half demon boy from making a bad decision. Through the unconditional love he received from Chelsea, he found a part of himself he really did like. The part he was completely blind to until she came along. This blinding light could now be found inside the jewel, as it brought peace and happiness to the land, and to the group of friends— family, who put it back together, piece by piece.
Somewhere only we know…
Somewhere only we know…
Author's Notes: The stuff in italics is lyrics from a song called, "Somewhere Only We Know," By: Keane. I hope you enjoyed the final chapter… I might come back and write more little misadventures about these guys later, but for now I'm already working on my next story. Those of you who like FullMetal Alchemist, please be on the look out for my new story (once it's posted). Thanks again to everyone who was with me from the start, wrote lovely reviews and kept coming back to see what would happen next. I love you all. Have a wonderful day and thanks again! :D