Lemme hear ya say heeeeeeeey!
So, I've been working on my new story, Smile (inspired by Avril Lavigne's song), and I have been working a lot on it, so I decided to fool around a bit on the computer typing random stuff and looking at my other stories for inspiration for a Channy one-shot. However, I looked through the reviews of "That's So Sonny" and saw that there were some people that wanted me to write a sequel.
So here it is, around a year later, coming up with a sequel.
Anyways, if you haven't read it, you can go to my profile, scroll all the way down to my stories and look for "That's So Sonny" if you wanna check it out.
Just so you know, this story takes place in the midst of "Cookie Monsters". Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this!(:
Chad's POV
"Fine!" a brunette screamed at me.
"Fine," I sneered back.
I watched as she stomped away as a dramatic exit. I should've called security on her, because ironically enough, the Mackenzie Falls set is a drama-free zone.
Excuse me, I haven't properly introduced myself. I'm Chad. Chad Dylan Cooper, to be exact. I'm sure you've heard of me. Well, of course you've heard of me. Who hasn't heard of America's Bad Boy? Obviously you have. I'm only the greatest actor of our generation for that matter. If you haven't… oh who am I kidding? That's not possible.
Oh, the brunette I was talking about a short while ago? That's Sonny Munroe. You may know her as America's Sweetheart. Or may not know who she is period. She's from that lame excuse of a show called So Random! which was also known as Chuckle City (which again, it's questionable as to whether or not you know it). I almost felt sorry that she worked there… almost. That would mean caring. But of course at one point she did have talent. Pity she threw it all away by joining that childish show.
Sonny? Talent? Nah… that didn't work. She was a Random of all things.
I guess Sonny Munroe was different though. I figured she must be different if I had a designated time just to fight about some pointless topic she would come up with. It was hard to be mad at her though. With those big brown, child-like eyes staring into your eyes all the time, and her hair always smelling of strawberries, paired with her sickeningly sweet smile… dang she was cute.
Whoa, did I just say she was cute? Surely that was a mistake, a simple slip of the tongue. Why am I talking about her so much anyways? She doesn't matter. She's a Random. Ew.
All that matters at the moment, is me. After all, I am the greatest actor of our generation.
So after my daily fight with Little Miss Exploding Ball of Sunshine, I went into my dressing room. Not to change or anything, but just to watch me on that lame excuse of a plasma screen TV. Condor Studios has been really cheap with my lately. Sixty-five little inches wasn't enough. Of course, it was satisfying enough to watch me. I plopped myself down on the white leather sofa, trying to get myself in the right comforting position.
It took a good twenty minutes to be comfortable, but it was worth it. I figured I was going to be here a while. Other than the TV size, the lights were dimmed all the way and the curtains were closed, so it made the perfect mini-theater. There was even a popcorn maker on the side of the room.
"But Portlyn, I need to be free…" Mackenzie said from the screen, aka me. Dang I was good at acting. No wonder I was the greatest actor of our generation.
I started clapping for myself right then and there, something I always did when one of the most dramatic parts of the episode (this certain episode was the Christmas special… in the end he realizes he had a wonderful life). "That's good acting right there," I told myself, chuckling.
"I agree," a little voice chirped. I jumped slightly, because I knew EXACTLY whose voice it was.
The voice was clearly a little girl, probably around the age of 8. When you thought of little girls around that age, you probably think about that little girl in brown pigtails skipping around all happy, being so cute and innocent.
But this wasn't the voice of just any 8-year-old girl. This was the voice of the evil Dakota Condor.
Dakota Condor is the bratty, self-centered daughter of my boss. One thing you do that she doesn't like, and with a single word, your job can be taken away from you before you can say "Mackenzie Falls". Therefore, she pretty much got everything she wanted. Chocolate chip cookies? Done. A bike? Done. A house? Done. Whatever she wanted, she got. It was pretty scary.
"Hi Chad," she said in the most sickeningly sweet voice she could.
"Hey Dakota," I said nervously, but I kept my cool about it. One toe over the line, my job's gone. That was the drill. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh nothing… just selling cookies," she said casually. I finally decided to look at her and noticed she was wearing a small pink uniform. A Blossom Scout uniform. With a box of Blossom Scout peanut butter cookies in one hand. "Cookies," she pointed. "5 bucks a piece. Buy. Now."
"Dakota," I said, trying to word this very carefully, or not my job was done. "I don't want any of your cookies."
"Buy them or else," she growled.
"But I don't even like peanut butter!"
"Today you do. Buy," she said sternly. "If you wanna keep your job of course."
That was just plain evil.
"I can't believe I'm doing this," I grumbled as I pulled 5 dollars out of my wallet which was in my butt pocket.
"Believe it, Cooper," she snapped.
"Watch it… you don't want me to tell your dad," I threatened.
"Not if I terminate your job first," she giggled. "I can be grounded for a week at most. YOU on the other hand can be on the side of the street picking up trash in ORANGE."
I gasped. As if there weren't a trashier color to wear than orange. "It'd clash with my eyes!" I exclaimed.
"That's right," she smirked.
I handed her the 5 dollars. "You're almost as bad as Sonny. So persuasive," I said, jokingly of course. I half-smiled. Maybe I was just easy on giving her stuff. Either way, Sonny got her way with me whether she wanted a part in my movie, or basketball tickets (though I'll never make that mistake again), or if she would ask me, maybe a hug…
"You mention that pig again, I walk."
"What did you just say?"
"No one calls Sonny a pig," a growled.
"Why do you care?" she growled back.
"Because I DO," I said threateningly, though it was a really stupid reason.
"Watch it Cooper. Your job's at stake."
"Try me."
She stared at me. "Look, I like Mackenzie Falls. It'd be a shame to replace my Mackenzie. Now, I'm going to give you ONE MORE CHANCE. You help me sell these cookies or else your job is as good as gone."
"Fine…" I said angrily.
"And I want an apology," she pouted.
"Fine. I'm sorry for defending Little Miss Exploding Ball of Sunshine. Happy?"
"No. At least ACT like you're sincere."
"Dakota," I widened my eyes to make the effect more dramatic. "I am truly sorry that I disagreed with you and I really hope you do come of forgive me."
She stared at me for a minute and said, "Okay, fine, I forgive you. I can't resist your Chadlyness charms… you're the greatest actor of our generation after all."
I sighed in relief. Then she added, "I expect you to be out of here in five minutes and outside Condor Studios."
I groaned, then she threw me a pink uniform as if she were expecting this to happen and a purple cast. "The cast really pulls on the old heart strings by the way," she winked.
A wink? Was this 8-year-old trying to flirt with me? Ugh.
"Okay, okay, I'll meet you outside in five minutes," I assured her.
Without another word, she took herself, her little wagon of bookie boxes that I had just noticed now, and the five dollars I gave her, out the door with a little grin on her face. She had won.
Dakota: 1 The greatest actor of our generation: 0 (plus 1000, just for being the greatest actor of our generation)
I groaned while a threw myself on the couch with my back down. I blinked once. Blinked twice. Then… it was absolutely blank.
The warmth from sunshine pouring in the room from the window found its way to my face, waking me up. I yawned and sat up. I rubbed my eyes and opened them, just to make a great discovery. I wasn't in my dressing room. Or on a couch.
I was in a rather elegant room, just to my taste. It did show similarities to my dressing room and my apartment, except this room was more spacious and bigger. I found myself on a rather comfortable bed, again very big. I liked this place. Problem was, I didn't know where the hell I was. And this fact frightened me half to death. I jumped out immediately. I looked down and noticed I was shirtless (since when did I sleep shirtless?) with nice but unfamiliar blue long pajama pants. This whole thing was completely foreign to me.
"Daddy!" a heard a voice of a young boy. I heard running steps, then a blonde boy with familiar brown eyes slightly opened a door on the side of the room that I hadn't noticed until now. "Oh good morning, Dad," he said politely.
I raised an eyebrow. Dad? I'm not a dad. Not a virgin, I admit, but not a DAD.
"DYLAN," a girl with familiar brown hair and beautiful, deep blue eyes came into the room. "THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT," she said looking at him accusingly. "I do it better than you."
"Do not."
"Do too."
"Daddy…" she cooed, staring at me, "Can you pretty, pretty please take us out for ice cream to breakfast?"
"He's not going to -" the boy started.
"SH!" the girl turned around to him then stared at me with pleading eyes. The way she was pleading was so familiar, like someone was pleading to me like this before. I couldn't put my finger on it.
Seeing that I wasn't answering, she added "Before mom wakes up?" then pointed to the bed.
I glanced back to the bed in which I was sleeping in to find a woman I hadn't noticed before, around 25 or 30, very… attractive (because it'd be inappropriate to say "hot"). Brunette… pink lips… so familiar in a way, though I probably had never seen this woman in my life. I turned back around to look at the children.
These children, whether they were mine or not, had my blonde hair and blue eyes. Okay, so they might be my children. Or an REALLY uncanny coincidence. The boy looked like me. Except for the large chocolate brown eyes which were quite beautiful really. The girl resembled more of someone else, my blue eyes were a nice touch, but other than that, she had different features resembling another person…
Brunette hair… brown eyes…
I heard a loud sigh of relief come from behind me, a large yawn.
"Good morning. Mommy!" the children greeted her and ran over to the side of the bed. I turned around to watch what was happening.
"Good morning guys!" she chirped back in a melodious voice. She got up and started walking toward me, with a smile on her face. "Good morning, Chad," and she lifted herself towards me using her toes and delicately kissed me on the cheek.
Wait a minute, everything came rushing back to me, as a quickly put two and two together. I had just learned THREE things. First of all, these were MY children. Second, I was their father. And lastly, the one and only exploding ball of sunshine, Sonny Munroe, was their mother.
So yes, now it's CHAD'S turn to visit the future. ;D
And because you stayed here until the end, here ya go. *hands out boxes of cookies* :D These cookies are free though. Not 5 bucks a piece. :S
I know, it's sort of similar to the original story, but I promise to change it up soon! Tell me what you think by reviewing and I hope that you enjoyed it. Thanks!(: