Chapter Thirteen: Rightfully Mine

A black three passenger van sat parked outside of Holly's house. Hans, Imelda, Simon, Theo and a few men sat waiting. They had been watching the house a few hours. The sun was beginning to set. Letting them know it was almost time to act. They sat in total silences; the only noise was Theo putting together a portal phone and headset. Simon sat quietly looking out the window while the other men sat there staring off into space. Imelda turned to Hans who she was sitting next to and took his hand into hers.

"Your sure you want to do this?" Imelda asked.

"Yes I'm sure, this has to be done" Hans turned his gaze from the window and looked at Imelda. "This is the only way it can be."

Theo finished his project he had been working on for the past few hours. He checked over his work one finally time and then handed it over to Hans. Hans took the portable phone and headset. He put the headset on his head and the phone on his lap.

"Alright the phone and the headset will allow you to call Holly" he gestured towards the house. "This little black tip on the headset you speak in to will disguise your voice" Theo explained.

"Will I sound like her husband?" Hans questioned.


Hans nodded and dialed Holly's number. Everyone that was in the van was silent as they listened to the phone ring. After about six rings someone picked up the phone."


"Holly" Hans said in John McClain's voice.

"John, I'm glad you call I wanted to talk to you."

"Well I've wanted to talk too."

Holly hesitated for a moment trying to think of what to say next. "How about you come by the house so we can talk."

"I don't think so, the kids. Come by the motel, we can speak there."

Holly sighed and gave into his demands. "Alright where are you staying?"

Hans pulled out a piece of paper and read it to Holly. "I'm at the Swiffer Motel on 343 Baker RD room 110. Do you know where that is?"

"Yes, I'll be there in twenty minutes. John please try and hear me out."

Hans didn't say anything he just hung up the phone. He pulled off the headset and handed back to Theo.

"Why did you answer her back the last time?" Simon asked.

"Because her husband is still upset with her. I can't make him sound different or she won't take the bait."

"Well she said she would talk to him" Theo said.

"Yes I heard what she said Theo" Hans snapped.

Everyone sat back against their seat and was silent again. There was a little tension in the car. Hans continued to stare out the window and wait for Holly to show. He didn't say a word he was deep in the thought so no one dared to disturbed him.

Twenty minutes later Holly came out the house. She turned and locked the door behind her and headed towards her little white car. She got in and drove down the street. Hans turned to Imelda and whispered. "You know what to do."

She nodded and opened the car door. Imelda slid out the car shout the door. She walked toward McClain residences. She was wearing a gray business suit along with black high heels and a small little briefcase. She walked up to the house and gently knocked on the door. A moment later the door swung open revealing a middle ago Hispanic women.

"Hi I'm Jessica Thomas. I was wondering if you could help me" Imelda said putting on her best American accents.

"What is that problem?" Paulina asked.

"My car broke down" Imelda guesting randomly to a car parked on the street. "Would it be possible to use your phone?"

Paulina looked the women up and down unsure what should she do. After a moment she nodded and turned to show her into the house. Before Imelda stepped inside she turned back and nodded to others back in the van. Imelda turned back and hurried inside. She closed the door behind her but left it unlocked so they could get in. She followed Paulina into the kitchen.

Hans, Simon and two men got out of the car and slowly walked towards the house. Hans moved up to the front door and opened it carefully. The four men stepped into the house and locked the door behind them so no one could escape. Walking down the front hallway they heard two people talking in the kitchen. They slowly tip toed so the nanny wasn't alerted to their presents.

When Hans reached the kitchen the nanny had her back towards them. Imelda was facing their direction. She could clearly see them standing there but kept the women occupied. Hans reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun with silencer on the front. He aimed it at the nanny's head and pulled the trigger.

Blood splattered on the kitchen sink and counter top. The women landed on the floor and face down. Hans didn't even look at the women as he stepped over her lifeless body and continued to venture further into the house. As he pass Imelda gave Simon a strange looked. Simon just shrugged his shoulders and followed his brother.

Hans slowly walked through the narrow hallway to the bedrooms. There were four white doors, two on each side of the hallway. Hans looked at the doors unsure which one was his son's room. He slowly tried the first one on the right which turned out to be a spare bedroom. He tried the next one and it was a little girl in the room. He stepped inside. The child was in her bed sleeping. He slowly closed the door and turned to the room on the other side.

Hans turned the doorknob. He pushed the door open it giving a loud creak. Hans slowly crept into the room his feet echoing on the hard wood floor. The bedroom was decorated in blue. It had little brown bears painted on the walls along with golden stars. In the corner of the room was a standard size crib. Hans moved towards it and looked down at the sleeping fifteenth month year old baby. He simply stared at the child unsure what he should do next.

Imelda came up behind him and looked down at the child. She could clearly see it was his. "Why don't you hold him" she suggested.

Hans reached down and carefully picked up his son. He held him against his shoulder. "Leave me alone with him for a few minutes" Hans whispered.

Imelda nodded and turned. She shoed the others away and closed the door behind her. Hans was left alone. He walked over the white rocking chair and sat down. He looked down at his son and studied him. He had the same dark brown hair and skin tone. He also had his ears, nose and lips.

Hans shifted the child a little bit to get a better look at him. By doing this he woke the boy up and he began to whimper. He started to rub his back in small circles to get him to calm down so he wouldn't start crying. After a full minute of doing that, the boy started to be calm down. The boy moved his head and looked up at Hans with his bright hazel eyes. Hans felt the emotion rise in his throat. He bit his lip to keep himself in control. While looking down at his son's eyes, he decided then what he was going to do.

Hans rose from his chair and moved towards the door and opened it. He stepped into the kitchen and found his men standing around the counter helping their selves to some food. Imelda stood in the corner watching them with discuss written on her face. They all looked up in when they heard Hans enter the room with the baby in his hand.

"I'm taking him with me" Hans announced.

Their months fell open well except for Imelda she just smiled.

"You can't take him with you, the risk that will bring us" Simon said way too loudly.

"Shh" Hans scolded him. "What does it matter? We already have every available law enforcement officer on our tails. I don't think kidnapping a baby is going to make a difference and I will not leave my son with these people to be raised."

Simon was going to say something else when a little girl walked into the room and looked up at them standing there. They all froze and looked down at her.

"Do you know where my mother is?" The little girl asked them.

They stared down at her in shock. One of them men began to move towards her pulling out his gun in his jacket. Hans stopped him by taking a firm grip on his wrist and giving him a hard look. The man stepped back and put his gun away. Hans gestured his head to Imelda. She walked over to him.

"Take her back into her room and put her bed."

Imelda turned to the little girl and bent down so she was level with her. "Hey what's your name?" she asked in a kind voice.

"Lucy" the child answered.

"Well Lucy, your mother just stepped out for a little while she'll be back soon."

Imelda took Lucy by her shoulder and began to steer her back to her room. "Come let's go back to bed, I'll read you a nice story whatever you want."

"Ok" the girls said.

Hans breathed a sigh of relief as the girls disappeared around the corner. Hans turned back to the others. "Pack everything a baby needs, where leaving in the next ten minutes."

The men started moving around collecting everything they needed. Only he and Simon were left standing in the kitchen. "Are you too good to help out?" Hans asked.

Simon shrugged his shoulders. "It's not my baby."

Hans frowned and marched out of the kitchen and headed back into his son's room. He placed him back in his crib collecting everything all the baby items in sight and stuffed it into the baby bag. He turned around and saw Imelda coming into the room.

"Lucy is asleep" she informed him.

Hans didn't say anything just continued to pack. Imelda walked up beside him and watched the little boy in the crib stare up at them. "Why didn't you allow Simon's man to kill Lucy?"

Hans sighed and placed the last item in the bag. "She's just a child. She's not part of this, so why should I hurt her?"

"He's a cute little boy" Imelda said. "He'll be a good big brother."

Hans stopped what he was doing and turned slowly to look at Imelda. "What are you taking about?"

Imelda bit her lip and looked Hans in the eye. "I'm pregnant, with your child."

Hans narrowed his eyes at her. "How do I know that it's mine? We haven't been together in a month."

"I was pregnant before we left Germany. I didn't get a chance to tell you because you were business with your planning. When the babies born I'll get a paternity test to prove it's yours."

Hans picked up his son from the crib and turned to walk away. "Will marry after our child is born?" she spoke up.

"Yes, but only if it's mine."

He and Imelda hurried into the kitchen where everyone was standing there ready. Hans gave his son to Imelda and walked up to one of his men. "Hand me that tape recorder, I would like to leave a message for Holly."

Ten minutes later the group was leaving the house. It was completely dark now and they were covered so none of the noisy neighbors could see them leaving. Hans sat in the back of the van and tightly strapped his little son into his car seat. Once he made sure that his son was comfortable he told the driver he could go. As the van pulled off down the road Hans didn't even bat in eye or feel sorry for what he had done.

Holly pulled up to the run down motel. She turned off her headlights and stepped out of the car. She locked her doors and surveyed her surroundings. She was in a rough neighborhood and by the look of the rundown buildings. There were hardly any street lights and the road was cracked and trashy.

Holly moved away from her car and towards the motel. She walked pass the rental office. She saw the owner sitting in his office with his feet up watching a small television. She continued to walk pass the brown doors with the rusty numbers on them. She found room 110 and knocked lightly. She waited a moment; she heard footsteps come to the door. The door was ripped open and her husband stood there in black pants and white t-shirt. He didn't say anything just stared at her.

"I've come to talk" Holly said in a timid voice.

McClain stood back and allowed her into the room. Holly whispered thanks and went inside. He shut the door behind her. Holly stood in the room and took a look around. His clothes were thrown all over the room and beer cans littered the floor. Holly stepped over the cans and sat down at the desk chair the only place that seemed not to have anything on it.

McClain didn't sit down at all, he stood between the door and the TV set. He stood there with his arms folded across his chest and with a blank expression on his face. Holly took a deep breath and began.

"First of all I want to apologize for everything. Secondly I've been selfish" Holly stated.

McClain didn't say anything, but she could see he was thinking it over. She continued. "I want us to work things out, try and become a family."

McClain finally said. "Do you think after everything we can just go back like nothing happen? Do you honest believe that?"

"I know you'll never forget what I did and I'm not asking you to, but I am asking to give me a second chance" Holly pleaded.

McClain unfolded his arms and glared at her. "Why should I? You slept with another man behind my back."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean too."

"No you didn't mean to be caught. What happened two years ago you were never going to tell me" McClain shouted. "You thought what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, huh. Well hears a news flash Holly, it DOESN'T ALWAYS STAY IN VEGAS."

Holly sat quietly while John screamed at her. She guessed it was his way of telling her how he felt and she wasn't going to interrupted she was going to let him get it out.

"Plus you say how sorry you are. Before the day the court red the test results I went to pay Hans a little visit."

Holly looked up in shock. "You know what he told me. He said that while he held you captive you kissed him and you were going to sleep with him again if the FBI hadn't shown up that very moment."

Holly shook her head and tried to explain quickly. "He's lying. He kissed me. He held me in the kitchen and talked about how I slept with him the first time. He said I wanted him again. I told him that wasn't true. He got up from his seat and walked over to me. He pinned me against the wall and kissed me and that's all that happened.

Tears flowed down Holly's face. She was half telling the truth. Yeah Hans had kissed her and she kissed him back, he didn't necessarily pin her against the wall but her husband didn't need to know those details.

"What I want to know is why you slept with him in the first place?" he asked trying to stay calm.

Holly looked down at her shoes. "I thought you were cheating on me" she whispered.


"When I was in my hotel room in Vegas, I called to check up on you and Lucy. I heard another woman's voice in the background that belonged to one of your co-workers. I thought you were cheating with her. I was so furious I hung the phone and fled my room. As I was running I literally ran into Hans.

He asked why I was crying. I told him everything. How we had been fighting and we hadn't been intimate in two months. He listened to my story and pretended to care. He told me I was attractive and that I shouldn't blame myself for your mistake. I sucked his words in. I was already so angry and I wanted revenge. So I kissed him and then I dragged him up to my hotel room. I had sex with him several times that night."

"It seems without protection" John muttered.

Holly's checks burned and she turned her face away. John walked up to her and stood by her chair. "When I called you the next morning to explain everything, was he still there?"

John eye's bore right into Holly's daring her to lie. "Yes, he was there lying right next to me."

John face screwed up and stomped away from her. He picked up a nearby glass and flung it at the wall it breaking into a million pieces. Holly sat stunned too afraid to move. John after a moment turned back to his wife his face showing hurt.

"And you come by telling me this and you expect me to just go back to you just like that?" he said faintly.

"No, not just like that. I know it will take some time and I'm willing to wait and work it out."

"I don't know why you even came by today."

Holly raised an eyebrow in confusion. "You called me."

"No I didn't, are you lying about that too?"

Holly stood up to argue but stop when she saw something flash across the TV. John opened his mouth to say something but Holly waved her hand and pointed to the television. McClain grabbed the remote and turned up the sound so they could hear.

The news women came across the screen. "We have breaking news" the reported said. "Yesterday afternoon a group of men impersonated FBI agents and walked into the Federal Bureau of Investigations building. There they located and busted out notorious thief Hans Gruber. The men escape killing over one hundred men. If anyone has any information please contact the local police."

Holly covered her mouth and dropped back into the chair. She was in disbelief and looking over at her husband. It seemed he was as well.

"They let him escape" McClain whispered to himself.

Holly sat in her chair quietly thinking. "Wait if you didn't call me and Hans has escape." Her eyes widen and she gave a little screech. She flew out of her chair and raced towards the door. McClain stared after her confused. He then himself raced out the door after her.

He caught up to his wife who was frantically searching for her keys in her purse. "What is wrong with you?"

"It was him, it was him" Holly cried.

McClain was still confused. "What?"

"If you didn't call and Hans escape he's the one who called and faked your voice."

"He wanted you out of the house" McClain finally putting two and two together. "But why?"

Holly found her keys and unlocked the car door. "The children" Holly stated her face showing fear.

McClain snatched the keys. "I'll drive." He jumped into the car and Holly in the passenger's seat. McClain started the car and flew down the road.

He reached the house in less than ten minutes. As soon as the car stopped on the sidewalk, Holly leapt out of the car and raced to her front door. She turned the doorknob which was unlocked; she flung the door open and ran into the house. The first thing she was met with was Paulina's dead body on the kitchen floor.

Holly started to hyperventilate. "LUCY" she shouted. She tore through the house back towards the bedrooms. She opened her daughter's bedroom door. She found the little girl sitting on the floor playing with her toys. Holly gasped and knelt down and hugged her daughter.

"Mommy" Lucy said.

Holly pulled away from her and looked her over. "Did they hurt you?" she questioned.

Lucy shook her head. "No, the woman was nice, she told me to stay in my room and she even read me a story."

Holly sat there still stunned. She heard John calling her through the house. She called back to let him know that they were in Lucy's room. McClain found them and quickly look down at his daughter to make sure she was alright. He went to the next room across the hall and kicked the door open. He froze in the doorway unable to move. Holly finally let go of Lucy and headed toward her son's room. She looked at husband frozen in the doorway. She quickly pushed him aside and fell into the room.

She fell to her knees in shock as she looked upon her son's empty crib. She couldn't speak the words chocked in her throat. She crawled over to the crib and placed her face on and it and gripped the bars.

"My son, my son, he took my son. WWWWHHHHYYYY" Holly screamed. McClain still stood in the doorway. He slowly slid down the wall brings his knees into his chest.

Gleason, Thomas and a few other agents rushed into the McClain residents. The first thing they found was the dead nanny in the kitchen. They drew their weapons. As they processed further into the house they heard sobbing come from one of the bedrooms. Gleason was the first one to discover the two grieving people. He carefully stepped into the room the other agents right behind him. He saw McClain in the corner crying into his knees and Holly clutching her baby's empty crib. It didn't take Gleason much time to figure out what happen. Thomas looked over them with a blank expression unfeeling. He looked over in the corner something catching his eye. He walked over and picked up the object, it was a video tape. He turned around and showed it to his partner. Gleason took it from him. He searched around and found a VCR and television in the other corner. He pushed the tape in and the screen came on.

The picture came on and showed Hans Gruber standing there holding his and Holly's child. There were others in the room but they couldn't make them out only their shadows. Hans began to speak.

"Now you know what I've done" he said slowly. "It was me who led you out of the house by impersonating your husband voice. It was me who killed your nanny and it was me who decided to spare your daughter's life."

Holly stopped cry and slowly stood up and stumbled over towards the TV. Hans continued. "Let me tell you this. This situation is your entire fault. Every single person I've kill is on your head. They would have never died if it wasn't for you. If you hadn't slept with me two years ago, you would never have become pregnant with my child. If you hadn't testified against me in court I wouldn't have outdid you to everyone about your infidelity. I wouldn't had to escape from the FBI building and kill all those people. If you had kept your secret about who was the real father to your son. I would be in your house right now."

Hans stopped for a moment letting his word sink in. "If you hadn't done all those things I wouldn't be standing here getting ready to take your son away from you." Hans shifted the baby in his arms and slowly walked over to the camera. "Take a good look at your son Holly because this is the last time you'll ever see him." There was a long pause to where Holly looked at her son. Then Hans spoke for the finally time.

"Goodbye Holly. Remember you brought this upon yourself." Then the screen went black.

"NOOOOO" Holly screamed one finally time.

Hans Gruber opened the door to his house in Berlin, Germany. He walked in the door carrying his sleeping son in his arms. Imelda followed him in carrying the rest of the baby things. Hans walked up the spiral staircase towards the rooms in the back. He walked into a bedroom, which was decorated in red and black. He carefully laid down the baby in the luxury padded crib. He stood over him for a moment then finally speaking.

"Welcome home Hans Jr."

He then turned and walked slowly out of the room closing the door quietly behind him.

There you go the end. Hans won hahaha. I was thinking to do one final story to the Vegas Series it's up to you guys. If you want me to do one more story or leave it here let me know. I hope you enjoyed. Remember to review.