A/N: Hello! So this is my very first published fanfic. I have to say even though I have a little bit of writing background I'm still not very positive about the way that I write.
Well this is just a little intro into the story. I really hope that you guys like this because I will work really hard to make this as good as it can be.
Title: What Happened Once, Can Happen Twice
Author: PersonWithPenName (you can call me whatever you want ^_^)
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Naruto!
Sakura has had a though past, a rough present and what can she possibly expect from the future? Sakura, now 17, wants to enjoy life as much as she can becasue she knows that whatever the future is holding for her is going to be even worse! Sasuke has returned from Orochimaru and is once again a member of Team 7. Sakura says to herself that she has stopped loving him and decides to move on. She decides that it is best that the past remains the past and that the present stays the same. But can she manage staying in the present with Sasuke around? Pairings not decided yet.
Inner Sakura
Outer Sakura
Chapter I: The Past, The Present, And The Future?
Sakura's POV
I never really thought of how my life would go. Normally I didn't bother to think about the past, since my heart would always ache no matter how hard I tried not to. I thought that my life would go well. I would grow up surrounded by my loving parents, finish school, become a great ninja, find true love, get married, have kids, and die of old age. I was just thinking of what I would want from the future. Yet I never really did take into consideration what life was really holding for me. I guess I would have to enjoy my present as long as possible.
BRRRIIIINNNGGG! My alarm clock went off. I didn't want to get up. But I had to or else I would be in a lot of trouble. I groaned and got out of bed. I shivered as a breeze of cold air hit my warm body. My name is Haruno Sakura. I am a former member of Team 7. Our Sensei is Hatake Kakashi. My story with Team 7 goes way back around 5 years. We formed Team 7 when we graduated from the Academy. My former teammates are: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Sai.I am 17 years old and a former medical Nin.
I walked to my closet and picked out my normal outfit. Not my ninja outfit but my hanging-out-with-the-team outfit. I picked out my pink tank with a pair of jeans my ninja sandals. I brushed my long pink hair that reached now up to my mid-back. I walked out of my room grabbed my sweater, my keys and went to meet my team.
We would be meeting up at the Ramen stand. As I walked towards the stand that was not to far away from my house I heard my name being called out by someone way to familiar.
"Sakura-chaan! Wait up!" yelled the person. I didn't bother to turn around because I knew exactly who it was. Surprisingly I wasn't annoyed, at least not yet. As soon as the young boy stopped by me panting I greeted him.
''Good Morning, Naruto," I said and smiled warmly. He turned to face me and greeted me back.
"Good Morning, Sakura-Chan!" yelled the hyper blond.
"I would have guessed that you would be the first one at the Ramen stand. How come you're just heading there?" I asked while I started to walk again. The blond turned and gave me a smile.
"I guess I'm just running a little late. Did you see Sasuke-Teme on your way here?"
Before I could answer him another voice pitched in making me jump a little.
"What about me Dobe?" I knew exactly who it was I didn't need to look at the person who had just talked. Naruto turned around as soon as he heard him.
"Teme!" yelled the blond. Sasuke had been back from Orochimaru around a year ago.
"Hn," answered the now annoyed raven-haired boy.
"Good Morning, Sasuke,'' I greeted him and smiled.
"Mornin'" he answered back not even bothering to look at me. I was already used to this and it really didn't bother me anymore. I had stopped loving him a long time ago and I had also stopped calling him Sasuke-kun. We all walked in silence until we reached the Ramen stand. Naruto darted towards a seat and ordered a bowl of Ramen even though it was still early. We had agreed to meet here not eat. I decided to take the seat on Naruto's right.
Ne, Sakura!
Why did you call Sasuke-kun just plain Sasuke?
You heard me!
Well I… I don't really know. I guess because I don't like him anymore.
Yeah, I don't like him.
That's not true.
Um, yes it is.
No its not. You know deep inside your heart that you still lo-
Ne! Shut up! Never say that again!
You know its true.
How about you just go to bed, huh?
Fine! I'll be back though! Mark my words!
I sighed in frustration.
"Sakura-chan, are you okay?' asked Naruto. I looked over to him and smiled.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Hey where's Kakashi-sensei?"
"Late…" answered Naruto.
"As always,'' I mumbled. I looked down at my hands and studied them. There were some scratches and scars from previous battles. I was proud of all the scars it showed me that I wasn't weak. I didn't need the scars to tell me that I wasn't because I was already told that I wasn't weak and many people knew better than to mess with me. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice someone standing behind me.
"Ugly?" asked the voice. I almost jumped out of my skin. I turned around and saw Sai standing there with a fake smile of his.
"Hi Sai," I said. I was already used to his nickname and it really didn't bother me much. He pointed to a chair next to me.
"Nani?" I asked.
"Can I sit next to you?"
"Oh. Um, sure," I said and turned around. He took a seat next to me and I kept thinking to myself. Suddenly a 'poof' of smoke appeared behind us and greeted us.
"Yo!" came the greeting. The first one to react was Naruto who was currently finishing his 5th bowl of Ramen.
"You're LATE!" he yelled.
"Gomen, but I was helping around –" before Kakashi could finish his sentence Naruto yelled back,
A/N: Okay so that was the first chapter of this story. I'm still not sure about the pairings. Pleeeaaassseeee let me know if you like this story! R&R! Till next time! :D