A/N: 2/5 for the Action Item!Klaine fics. (This is my favorite song on the EP. It was so cool to watch it concert!)

Marching Band

Kurt really didn't like these college football games. He only went because it was mandatory for all cheerleaders to go for routine purposes. But really, since his little stint as kicker for McKinley, he just didn't find it appealing at all.

Curse that cheerleading scholarship.

He flipped Quinn high into the air as the routine ended, and clapped his hands with fake enthusiasm until he could sit back down. It was half-time, so they and the marching band were given small intervals to perform simple half-time shows. The cheerleaders were done, so now it was time for the band to play.

Kurt jogged back to his seat, grabbing the nearest water bottle, and slouching against Quinn's soft hands, which began to press roughly into his back.

"I hate Alice. These routines are absolutely brutal," Kurt complained, wincing at a particularly tough knot Quinn worked out.

"Well, we're done for the night. It's just the band kids, then we can go to Mercedes' house for movie night, okay?"

Kurt sighed happily, almost falling on Quinn. "Q, you're an absolute angel."

She smiled a little, kissing her friend's head. "So I've been told."

Then, the band began to play. but something seemed off. There were guitarists instead of brass players, and the xylophonists were playing the symbols. All that was left was the drum line and the color guard.

The single unoccupied microphone had a spotlight shining on it, and a minute later, Blaine Anderson, Kurt's friend from History of Theatre, came out to stand in front of it.

"Blaine?" he whispered to himself.

"You know him?" Quinn asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kurt just nodded dumbly, still staring at Blaine.

His curly-haired friend wasn't wearing his usual thick glasses, and wore a black blazer with rolled up sleeves over his white T-shirt, blue suspenders, and cuffed yellow high-water jeans. His hair wasn't gelled down like it usually was, and although he usually played bass drum in the drum line, he had no instrument strapped to his chest tonight.

If Kurt was being totally honest... Blaine looked positively gorgeous.

"Hey there, Michigan! Go Blue!" he shouted to the crowd, and they roused with glee and shouts of praise. Blaine smiled until they finished. "Before we finish up this game, there was just something the band and I want to do first."

Everyone went quiet, and Kurt leaned on his knees, listening intently.

"As you know, there is a serious divide between a lot of social cliques in our school, especially with the band nerds versus the cheerleader elite." The crowd murmured their agreement as Blaine continued. "Well, I hope to bridge that gap tonight." He turned to the cheerleader pit, and beckoned to Kurt. "Kurt Hummel, would you join me, please?"

Kurt's eyes went wide, and he sat frozen for a moment. He must have been taking a while, because Quinn pushed his up out of the chair and towards the field.

As Kurt got closer to Blaine, he could see that his friend was much more nervous than he appeared. His eyes were wide and wary, and his smile kept faltering slightly.

"Kurt, sit down, won't you?" Blaine asked, ever the gentleman. Kurt complied, sitting gingerly on the edge of a chair set out in front of the band.

"Kurt," Blaine started, taking a deep breath. "I've been kinda-sorta friends with you all year, and although I like knowing you, I think it's time I told you something that could change a lot..."

Kurt's eyes widened as Blaine cued the band and began to sing.

"You don't know, how hard,
I tried, to get you off my mind,
It's true...
But all I do is think of you.

Get outta my head,
Send me a sign,
Give me a reason,
Bring me back to life!

I can see lights when I'm with you,
I can feel my heart beating like a marching band!"

At that line, the drum line beat out a fast-paced tempo beat, and the audience cheered. Blaine continued.

"I hear a symphony when you're speaking,
The world stops turning when you touch my hand!
Can you feel it?
Do you hear the marching band?"

The drum line started up, playing throughout most of the song. At the very end, when Blaine dropped the mic and walked toward Kurt, they played an elaborate and fast-paced beat. Kurt thought it slightly resembled the beat of his own heart.

At the last few beats, Blaine grabbed Kurt up out of his chair by the arms, and kissed him.

The audience screamed with delight.

Kurt's mind was reeling. Here he was, a boy kissing another boy of a different social status.

And the crowd was roaring.

Kurt smiled when Blaine pulled away, and nodded brightly to the unasked question lingering in Blaine's deep hazel eyes.

Blaine's elated smile took Kurt's breath away, and he had no choice but to kiss him again.

A/N: I just adore this song. When I saw it on stage, the band actually pulled out a bunch of bass and snare drums and created a little drum line of their own. It was so perfect, and it was the first song I ever heard by them. Definitely a good first impression.

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