Is this okay? :D I have each chapter planned out, and the end planned. I don't think you'll like the end very much, but I think it'll be good. :D (I've probably said that before but I don't remember honestly XD) I'm still in the process of writing the other chapters and trying to improve the previous chapters, so yeah... XD

Zim jerked awake, feeling movement behind him. He turned his head and looked, seeing Dib resting on his elbow.

"Good morning." Dib smiled at Zim.

Zim roiled his brows. "Why are you smiling? What have you boobie-trapped?" Zim jumped off the bed and glared at Dib. "How'd I get in your bed?"

Dib's smile faded. "I… I haven't done anything. I just woke up."

Zim studied Dib's face.

"And I have no clue how you got in my bed." Dib sat up and shrugged. "You were there when I woke up."

Zim dropped his guard. "Oh… Okay…" He muttered, nearly inaudible. He turned and picked up the Memory Drive from Tak's ship.

"Hey, Zim." Dib stood up.

"Eh?" Zim looked up at Dib.

"How is it you were able to kiss me last night?"

Zim suddenly remembered last night, how he and Dib were kissing and touching each other, and how the Dibsister barged into room."I don't know what you're talking about."

Dib roiled his brows. "When I kissed you the first time, your lips swelled up, having a reaction to the water in my saliva. How is it you were okay afterwards?"

"Eh? Uh…" Zim looked around the room. "Eh, don't worry about it, Dib-human. Zim's secret…" Zim smiled, hoping that would please Dib.

Dib roiled his brows, then shrugged. "Alright, as long as we get to do that more often…" He smirked.

Zim blinked, his smile faded. "Why do you… Like that?"

Dib cocked his head to the left, confused. "Huh?"

"Why do you enjoy it when Zim kisses you? Doesn't it…" Zim walked up to Dib, who continued to sit on the bed.

"Zim, I like it because it feels good." Dib grabbed Zim's shoulders and turned him around. He pulled Zim up to him and hung over him a bit, crossing his arms on Zim's chest, his face to the left of Zim's face.

"And, I just do." Dib smiled.

Zim roiled his brows, his eyes darting nervously over at Dib.

Dib began to play with Zim's antennae, conjuring a groan, and some purrs, out of the alien. "And I know you do too…"

Zim closed his eyes as Dib continued to play with the antennae, eventually beginning to lick one of them. Zim visibly shuddered, a gasp escaping his mouth. "Ngh… Dib…"

Dib smirked and continued to lick the antennae.

"Ngh! Shit! Dib! Gngh!" Zim started to squirm.

Dib relinquished the antennae. "What?"

Zim began rubbing at his head. "Your… Saliva…"

Dib's eyes widened. "Shit, I'm sorry…"

Zim's head quit steaming, but the base of his antennae swelled a little bit. "Ngh… Zim is going to… ngh… Work on the PAK…" Zim walked away, holding the sore base of his antennae.

Dib sighed. He saw the bloodied pajama top and sheets laying over in the floor, and he stood up and picked them up. He looked around, then rolled them up as small as possible. "I'm going to go trash these. I'll be back."

Zim nodded, sitting down on the floor and looking at the parts around him. "If the human expects to do that more often… Shit…" He stood and walked over to Dib's computer. He peeked out the door to see if Dib was on his way back yet. When he was satisfied with the result of 'no', he shut and locked the door. He began furiously typing on the computer. "I've got to make more of that liquid… Aha." He smiled, clicked print, and snatched the paper off the printer when it came out. He looked over it, then folded it up. He nearly jumped when someone knocked on the door.

"Zim? What are you doing?" Dib called from the other side.

Zim hid the paper in his PAK, then opened the door. "Nothing."

"Nothing?" Dib roiled his brows. "Why was my door locked?"

"Because. It was." Zim smiled innocently at Dib. "I REQUIRE THE USE OF YOUR KITCHEN!"

Dib's brows roiled even more. "Why?"

"Because…" Zim's eyes darted around. "I'm… Hungry. Yeah, that's it."

"There aren't any leftover waffles." Dib blinked.

"Oh… Well… I REQURIE IT ANYWAY!" Zim darted past Dib and ran down the stairs.

"Zim, wait! My-" Dib ran after Zim.

Zim stopped and stared as Professor Membrane, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room, staring back at Zim. Oh shit… he… he's going to want to dissect me now! Shit!

"Dib, what is your little foreign green friend doing?" Membrane looked at Dib, who now stood behind Zim.

"He's uh…"

"Role playing." Zim said. "I'm acting like a very not NORMAL alien, and Dib is acting like his normal HYUMAN self. I'm NORMAL!" Zim ran into the kitchen.

Dib laughed nervously. "He's really thrilled…"

"Yes… I can tell." Membrane nodded. "Son, come sit."

Dib nodded and sat down next to his dad.

"I'm tired of your Para-science… It irks me."

Dib blinked. "But-"

"Shh… I believe it is now time for you to join me in REAL SCIENCE!" Membrane stood up, his fist in the air.

Dib sighed. "Um… Well… I don't want to do your science. I like the paranormal."

"Son, listen to me. You've been reduced to chasing your foreign green friend around the house, acting like he's an alien. ACTING." Membrane shook his son. "Please, my poor insane son…"

Dib opened his mouth to answer.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY SODA?" Gaz shrieked in the other room.

"NGH! !" Zim screamed, running into the living room.

Dib stared at Zim as the steaming Irken ran up the stairs, still screaming his head off. "Um… let me make sure he's okay." Dib stood up.

Gaz walked into the living room, a crushed can in her hand. "Dib, if Zim ever touches my soda again, he'll regret it."

Dib turned and ran up the stairs, still hearing Zim screaming. "Zim, what happened?" He ran into his room to see Zim writhing on the floor, steam coming off the alien.

"That monster!" Zim growled, raking his claws into his face, trying to relieve the burn.

Dib sighed. "You can't touch her soda." He tossed Zim a towel. "Dry off with this."

"But Zim needs it!" Zim growled, glaring at Dib. "You do too, Dib." He buried his face in the towel.

"Huh? How? How do I need it?" Dib asked, sitting down on his computer chair.

Zim's face re-emerged, covered in blisters. "It…" His eyes darted around the room. "It… Makes Zim… Able to… do… stuff…"

Dib seemed wary of Zim's answer. "Really Zim…" What on Earth are you talking about…

"Really." Zim nodded.

"Just don't piss my sister off, please." Dib sighed. "How are you coming on the Memory Drive?" Dib changed the subject.

"It's coming along." Zim looked at the Memory Drive. "Hey!" He looked at Dib. "Why aren't you going to school?"

"Huh? Oh, no school today."

"Oh… Okay." Zim shrugged. He tossed the towel aside and began working on the Memory Drive.

Dib stood up and left the room, muttering something about "bathroom".

Zim stood up and watched Dib go into the bathroom. He darted down the stairs, stopping before he was in view to make sure Membrane wasn't sitting on the sofa, watching TV. He heard a maniacal laugh coming from down below, so he believed it was safe to assume that Membrane was in his lab. Zim ran into the kitchen, grabbed another one of Gaz's sodas and poured it in a canister produced from his PAK. He discarded the can and hid the canister as he rummaged around the kitchen.


Dib returned to his room and saw Zim was missing. He roiled his brows. "Where could he have gone?" He walked down the stairs, hearing rummaging in the kitchen. "The kitchen…" Dib sighed and walked through the livingroom. "Zim, what are you doing?"

Zim turned around, a loaf of bread in his hand. "Erh…"

"You're not going to eat that whole thing, are you?" Dib smirked, raising a skeptical eyebrow.

"No. Never!" Zim tossed the loaf onto the table, munching on a slice.

Dib shook his head and tied the loaf shut, putting it back in the breadbox. "So, waffles and bread huh?"

Zim shrugged and finished the slice. "Hey, after we get through this whole mess of tricking the Tallest with my actual PAK, we should take a trip to FoodCortia."

"Food-a-whatta?" Dib roiled his brows.

Zim wiped the crumbs off his face. "FoodCortia. An Irken planet of pure fast food." Zim's mouth drooled with the thought.

Dib stared at Zim. "You'll be 'dead', Zim. Anyone who sees you there will know you're supposed to be dead."

"Yeah… But! I've got a great plan!"

Dib blinked. "And what is that?"

"You go get the food!"

"What? Are you insane Zim! I can't – I'm a human!"

"Yeah, so?"

Dib blinked again. "You don't get it, do you?"

"Yeah, I do. You don't get that you'd have a disguise on you." Zim chuckled. "Silly human."

Dib narrowed his stare. "We'll talk about that later." He turned and walked out of the kitchen.

Zim smiled to himself. "Victory!" He held his mouth shut after his sudden outburst, watching to see if Dib returned. When he didn't, Zim smiled again, then pulled the canister out of his PAK. He shook it up, the sound of ice clinking around in it. He winced when he opened it – the smell hurt his antennae, and he drank an eighth of it. He closed the canister, holding his urge to scream at bay, and put it back in his PAK. He coughed, gasped for air, and fell to the ground, holding his throat. "Oh it burns!" Zim screamed as quietly as he could. When the burning subsided in his throat, he walked over to the sink, turned it on, and tested the resilience to water. The water didn't hurt him – His skin didn't even react with it. He smiled, turned off the water, and proudly marched through the living room, his antennae high, ignoring the faint warming feeling in his squeedily spooch.

"Zim…" Gaz stepped into the living room.

"What does the Dibsister want?" Zim growled.

Gaz crushed the empty can she found in the garbage.

Zim blinked, screamed, and ran up the stairs.

"Zim!" Gaz yelled after Zim, the can still in her hand.

Dib stood at the top of the steps, waiting for the screaming Zim.

"Dib-stink! Help me! She's full of lies!" Zim screamed, then jumped in between Dib's legs, crawling up onto his shoulders. "YOU LIE!" Zim screamed at Gaz as she stopped and glared at the duo.

"Zim… you drank another one of my sodas…" She threw the can at Zim, hitting Dib on the head.

Dib rubbed his head and growled. "Zim… did you?"

Zim shook his head hard. "LIES!"

Dib looked at Gaz. "I'll buy you more soda Gaz, okay?"

"You won't always be around to protect your boyfriend Dib… I will have revenge…" She grumbled as she stomped down the stairs.

Zim blinked, then looked at Dib. "Boy…friend?"

"A term for someone who's dating someone else." Dib ignored the fact Zim was still clutched onto his shoulders and walked into his room.

"So, I'm your boy-friend?" Zim jumped off onto Dib's bed.

"Look, Zim. If you piss off my sister again, I won't protect you." Dib growled, irritated.

Zim roiled his brows. "What's wrong with the Dib-human?"

Dib shrugged. "I'm just tired, Zim…"

"Dib, you're lying." Zim growled, glaring at Dib.

Dib looked astonished at Zim. He opened his mouth to speak.

"What is really the matter, Dib?" Zim stood up on the PAK legs.

Dib stared at Zim. "How could you tell I was lying?"

"Zim has known you long enough to know when you're lying." Zim smirked.

"But, most of those times you just said it to get out of something. Like with Gaz."

"YOU'RE LYING!" Zim screamed.

Dib's eyes narrowed. "Like that."

Zim blinked. "Erh… You are right! Zim does that only to trick you!"

"Zim, stop."

Zim roiled his brows. "In all seriousness, Dib-human. What's the matter?"

Dib shrugged. "It's hard to explain.

Zim smirked to himself. He walked over on the PAK legs and shut the door.

"Zim, what are you doing?"

Zim began to advance on Dib.

Dib backed away onto his bed.

"Zim knows what's wrong…" Zim ejected himself into the air, the PAK returning the legs. He fell onto Dib, forehead against forehead. "And Zim can fix it…"

Dib blinked and smiled. "Oh really now?"

"See? Zim is fixing it already!" Zim leaned up and laughed. "VICTORY FOR ZIM!"

"Not yet Zim," Dib grabbed Zim and kissed him.

Zim's eyes widened, then closed as Dib rolled onto the bed.

"This time, Zim. Be gentler with the claws." Dib muttered as he began to play with Zim's antennae.

Zim purred. "I… Will try…" He bit on Dib's bottom lip, drawing blood.

"Shit Zim…" Dib growled, licking the blood. "What is it with you and biting my lip?"

Zim smirked, "Because it tastes better like this." Zim engaged in a deep kiss with Dib.

Dib leans up into the kiss, sticking his tongue in Zim's mouth.

Zim bit on the unwelcome tongue, and its owner retracted it.

"What, am I not allowed to do that?" Dib growled.

Zim smirked. "Nope. Not yet." Zim froze and looked at the door. "Shit…" He muttered.


Professor Membrane opened the door and looked at Dib.

"I'll destroy you, FILTHY HUMAN!" Zim shrieked and grabbed Dib's neck.

Dib, confused, just stared at Zim.

"Don't you want to try to stop me?" Zim growled, shaking him.

"I will always stop you, you ugly space monster!" Dib caught on and growled.

Membrane blinked. "My poor insane son…" He sighed and shut the door.

Dib jumped up and looked at Zim. "That was great thinking Zim!"

Zim held his stomach. "Ooph…"

"You okay?"

"Did you have to throw me off?" Zim growled, sitting up. He jumped when a cable protracted out of his PAK and connected to the Memory Drive next to Zim. Zim gasped and froze.

"Zim? What's going on?" Dib kneeled in front of the frozen Irken.

Zim didn't even blink.

"Zim?" Dib stared at Zim. "Are you okay?"

After about fifteen seconds, Zim fell over onto the floor.

Dib grabbed Zim. "What the hell is going on?"

"The Memory… Drive… Works…" Zim smiled as his PAK disconnected from the drive. "I think we can download my personality into it soon!" Zim's smile widened ever more so as the possibilities came to light.

Dib smiled also, happy for the Irken. "That's awesome… When do you want to do that?"

"After the PAK is done. I don't want to screw up and erase my personality." Zim stood up and picked up the drive, which was only as big as a CD.

"Alright. What do you need next?"

"Well, the PAK has an atmospheric processor and a charging cell."

"Charging cell should wait until last. That processor will be hard to do."

Zim nodded. "It will."

"Okay, lemme look on the computer for anything that could be of use." Dib sat down on the computer and began typing, looking up information on Google.

Zim raised up on his PAK legs and watched from behind Dib. He rested his head on Dib's, pushing the scythe down.

Dib's eyes flickered up then back at the screen, smiling. He really enjoyed the peaceful side of Zim, especially when Zim didn't mind the contact between the duo, like at the moment.

Zim's arms fell onto Dib's shoulders, and he found himself reaching down the front of Dib's shirt, scratching.

Dib hissed. "Ow."

Zim smirked. "Deal with it."

"I'll have to." Dib shrugged, and continued working.

Zim's hand retracted from Dib's shirt, resting again on the human's shoulders. He stared at the screen for a few minutes, then smirked, an idea coming to mind. His tongue snaked out of his mouth, and he tried to avoid moving at all as he extended his tongue long enough to lick Dib's ear.

Dig gasped and shuddered. "Zim, I've got to work."

Zim chuckled. "I don't."

"Exactly." Dib smirked to himself, then went back to working again.

Zim's eyes closed, and he decided he was bored watching Dib work on looking for info. He decided to lick the other ear.

Dib gasped again.

Faster than Zim knew it, Dib had turned around and grabbed Zim and pinned him down onto the bed. Dib sported a smirk as he stared at the Irken. "So you wanna play huh?"

Zim smirked also. "Dib-human finally caught on…"

"I guess the Atmospheric Processor can wait until later…" Dib leaned down and kissed Zim.

Zim began to protest.

"No, I'm taking charge now." He smirked, but stopped and stared at Zim.

Zim quit struggling. "What?"

Dib got off of Zim. "Wait… There has to be something we could use in Tak's ship for the Charging Cell."

Zim growled. "Is that what you humans think about all the time? Work?"

"No, I just had an epiphany."

"A what?" Zim sat up and glared.

"An attack of the brain." Dib walked out of the room. "C'mon."

Zim stood up on his PAK legs and followed. "Do these 'epiphanies' hurt? What part of your body does your brain attack?"

"No, not a literal attack Zim. I should've worded it better." Dib thought for a moment as they passed through the kitchen.