I'm having a horrible case of writers block on my stories: Touch of Death and One Night One Chance.
So, writing this just popped in my mind after watching 'Lunatic' about 5 times seeing as I bought it on iTunes.
Don't own anything. Especially nothing as totally wicked as Teen Wolf.
Scott sat uncomfortably on the wooden bench. His lacrosse stick was resting on his lap, the net hanging of the bench. His gloves where off his meaty hands and thrown aggressively onto the tile floor. His elbows rested on his high thighs. His thighs screaming at him to stop the pain from his sharp elbows digging in his maroon shorts. His hands found his sweaty hair. It was greasy, like it hadn't been washed in days. He tugged at it, influencing more pain on himself, as if it would evaporate his pain inside him.
The sweaty, half naked boys didn't pay a sec of attention to him. They walked around- either in their lacrosse uniform, or towels. The humid steam bouncing gleefully on the mirrors, fogging the boys' view. Danny strutted past him, glaring at him, but keeping his head up. His hand rested on his towel, keeping it up.
Scott looked up and stood. Many boys around them stopped and watched the two. Danny turned towards him and kept his contact on the floor. Scott squirmed. "Danny-" he started.
"I get it. You're adrenalin was rushing through you." He shrugged, but his facial expression told him otherwise. "You were just ticked, it's cool." He patted his shoulder, "see ya around, Scott." He walked past him.
Scott just looked ay him once more as he walked away. He cursed himself under his breath and turned towards his locker. Opening it and taking his cloths. He didn't even bother in a shower. It was, after all, the end of the day. He could take one at home and crash in his room.
Stiles walked past him. He was already clothed. His light gray blazer sleeves were rolled up to his elbows due to the heat. His backpack matched his jacket, that hugged his back and his shoulders. His face was blank. His vision straight ahead.
Scott turned and bumped into his shoulder doing so. He placed his cloths, that were wadded up in a ball, on the bench. Stiles glanced at him. He huffed, fixing his backpack strap that fell down his arm. He licked his lips and closed his eyes. His hands gripped his backpack, and he looked at his worn out shoes.
"Stiles it was the full moon-" he started.
Stiles looked up and shook his head, "No. You kissed her, Scott. You knew I liked her. Does she even like me? Did you even ask her?" He asked.
Scott hesitated, "... No I didn't ask her but-"
Stiles looked up at the dusty ceiling, smirking sarcasticly. He gripped his backpack tighter, his knuckles began to whiten. He faced him. His face read sorrow and pity. Stiles took a step back, "I don't know if you can get out of this one this time," he shrugged and walked out the locker room.
Scott pulled on his hair again. Tightening his grip, and pulling harder. His hands released his hair easily, his fists beginning to ball into a tight fist. He slammed them against the lockers, annoyed and stressed. Many boys stopped and raised a brow at him, but paid no affection at him.
Jackson snicked at his sight. Scott: his fists balled onto the white, dirty locker. His face was ducked towards the floor. His eyes scanning his shoes. His breath was huffed and heavy. Jackson walked past him, pushing the teen wolf onto the locker.
Scott's face met the cold locker. He could feel his sweaty neck getting colder with Jackson's minty breath. Jackson let go of his jersey, snickering once more as Scott was now adjusting his body to his usual position. Only this time, his breathing rate was faster and deeper. His teeth began to grind together. Jackson walked past him, a smirk never leaving his face.
"Don't hurt her," he muttered under his breath, Jackson stopped in his tracks. He looked up, grinning. He was only in a towel that hugged his waist. He looked over his shoulder and snickered at him.
"Like you have?" He chuckled halfheartedly.
Scott breathed out. His loud, hot breath made Jackson's pride grow at his anger. "I'll kill you if you do anything to her."
Jackson turned. He was about five yards away from his bleak presence. "Oh?" He took diminutive steps towards him. Deliberately inching closer to Scott's enraged body. "Like what you did to my girlfriend? Like when you practically had sex with Lydia? I could tell Allison."
Scott slammed his clenched fist into the locker. Getting angrier and angrier every time Jackson's voice ringed into his ear. What made it worse, was he was right. About Lydia, about kissing her. He was right; he could easily tell Allison, and she'd hate him more than she already had.
"I could tell the whole school about it. Then I could dump Lydia," he chuckled under his breath at the thought. Oh, he could see her face now. Begging and pleading that he'd stay with her. 'Please Jackson. I love you.' What a piece of shit. He thought, rolling his eyes.
"And move on." He smirked. "You know, I have my eye on this brunette. Curly hair, brown eyes. Illegally gorgeous." He chuckled.
Scott slammed his fist in his locker, denting in even more. "Does that make you mad, McCall? Are you angry? Are going to attack me?"
Scott growled at him, his heavy breath, however, masked it to Jackson's oblivion. "Don't make me, Jackson." He said. His voice low and heavy.
By now, the locker room was clearing out. The heavy steam deemed to a light fog. The humid air began to cool to a colder temperature. "Then maybe you should stop making me," he looked over him once more. Looking his lacrosse uniform up and down and chuckling: grass stains covered the white specs, holes on his white socks, and sweat falling.
Jackson turned and made his way towards his locker, leaving Scott to his angry thoughts, as he tried to calm himself. He was getting closer and closer to changing. He needed to kill this Alpha, and fast.
I'm currently at the beach. Though, I managed to squeeze a story. I hope I didn't waste your and my time... Surfside Beach, is beautiful.
Dear readers: should I continue this, or should I just delete it? Review and let me know?