LAST Chapter! I'm happy but sad. I hope you guys like it! And Thanks for making my day with all of your reviews! You guys are the Best! I hope I don't disappoint!

I Own Nothing...but I wish I did.

Chloe POV

This kiss was a bit more heated. I could feel the change as my body moved closer to be pressed up against him.

I guess Alek took this as a sign cause a few seconds later I felt his tongue gently slide across my lips. When i didn't draw back, he explored a little further with his tongue, sliding it briefly into my mouth while still kissing me. He was going slow and I was great full for that that, I had never done this before, he was always thinking of me. I slowly started to respond and I felt Alek smirk. Our tongues started to explore each other and I swear I heard Alek moan. I was my turn to smirk, taking that as me doing some thing right, I slowly started to rub my hands through his hair and down the back of his shirt. I slightly gave his biceps a squeeze while we continued to kiss. Still holding on to his arms I pulled myself closer to him which resulted in his hands tightening around my back, making our make-out session steamier.

When air become necessary we pulled apart, Alek rested his forehead against mine and smiled, "Wow." he said looking me in the eye. I smiled back, "Yeah. Wow."

Alek leaned in again and we started all over.

"I think you're trying to make up for last time." I said as we pulled apart again. Alek just smirked, "Maybe." he whispered as he took my hand and lead me to the couch. Once we were seated, Alek took his left hand and placed in on my check turning my head to the side, "You still have a bruise." he said as he lightly touched it with his figures. I shivered. Alek dropped his hand, "Sorry. It must still be tender." he said. I shook my head and smiled, "No. That was a good shiver." I whispered. Alek smirked and lightly kissed my faded bruise.

When he pulled back his eyes were serious, "If he ever touches you again. I'll kill him." Alek said looking me right in the eye. I looked back, "He won't. (I smiled) And I don't think you'll have to worry about killing him, I think my mom might do that when she gets back." I said continuing to smile.

Alek smirked at that one, "Just tell her I get to help." he said.

"I'll pass that along." I said laughing.

Then I was my turn to grow serious, "Alek. This weekend has..." I started to say Alek stopped me, "Has been one of the best of my life." he said. I smiled, "Even with Paul?' I said. Alek glared at me and sighed, "Yes. Even with Paul. If I have to deal with him to be with you. Then I'll do it." he said rubbing my left check with his fingers tips. I smirked, "Really? So what makes me so special that you'd do that?" I asked looking at him. Alek sighed, "I thought that was clear." he whispered. I shook my head.

Alek dropped his hand and leaned in, looking like he was about to kiss me, instead he looked me in the eye, "Chloe. You are the most stubborn woman I have ever met. And I thought the two women I lived with were, but you take the cake. You stress me out to no end, that only time I can sleep is when I can hear your heart beat, even if its only through your roof. You take on other peoples problems that puts you in danger and of course I have to come with you to keep you safe. (I tried to interrupt but Alek held up his hand to stop me) Your friends ask the Strangest questions and your mom is one of your best friends, which just isn't normal. You give so much and ask for so little in return. Its because of those things. Because of the way you are. (pause) I think it made me fall in love with you." Alek said still looking me directly in the eye.

I was speech less. "Wow." I thought in my head.

Alek continued to look at me, waiting for my reaction.

I smiled, "And you, Alek, are the cockiest bastard that ever graced our school. You have girls falling all over you and you flirt a lot. (Alek's face dropped) But you never do any thing about it. All talk and no action. Except when it comes to me. I have never felt so safe in my inter life, some times it drives me nuts on how much you watch me, but I know that you do it because you care. (Alek's smile came back) I never thought that C.B., the hottest guy in my school would ever give me the time of day. And now, I consider you one of my best friends, Amy and Paul came first but you and Jasmine know what its like, what I go through every day. You know more about me then I could ever describe to Amy and Paul. You keep me safe but you also protect my love ones, they are my life! So when you protect them, you protect me. And that is what helped me. (pause) Fall in love with you." I whispered.

Alek's eyes went wide. "Really?" he whispered hoping against hope.

"This thing with Brain (Alek growled) (I smiled) made me realize that you have always been there for me. All in the shadows making sure no harm came to me. This weekend opened my eyes. You are the one for me Alek." I whispered.

That's when Alek's lips crashed against mine. This kiss was full of promise and hope for the future. I have always believed that actions spoke louder then words, but Alek's speech made my heart beat faster, and now with this kiss, I felt like it was going to burst.

When Alek pulled back he smiled, "Chloe. Will you do me the honor of allowing me to call you my girlfriend?" he asked.

I laughed, "Yes Alek. I will allow you that honor! As long as you allow me the same honor." I said back.

Alek looked at me, "You can't call me your girlfriend! I think Amy and Jasmine would get mad." he said smirking.

I rolled my eyes and smiled, "Ha Ha!"

Alek smirked and leaned in for another kiss.

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"
As you shoot across the sky-y-y

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go "Oh, oh, oh"

You're gonna leave 'em all in awe, awe, awe'

My phone started to ring.

Alek leaned back and sighed, "Well at least she waited awhile before she interrupted." he said as I got up and answered.

"Hey Amy."

"Hey! I got all my homework done so I thought I'd print out those pictures we took. Which ones did you want again?" she asked.

"I'd like one of each. Oh wait, could I have 2 of the group shot, 2 of the one of just us girls, and. 2 of the one of me and Alek." I said turning to him. Alek raised an eyebrow. I smiled.

"Ok 2 of the group, 2 of us girls, but why 2 of you and Alek?" she asked.

I smiled, "Just cause." I said shrugging.

"Me too!" said Alek.

"What was that?" asked Amy.

I bite my lip. "Alek." I said.

Amy squealed. "He's there! Guarding you or? Oh. OH! Nice job Chloe!" Amy said squealed again.

"Amy." I said trying to calm her down.

"Ok. You go! I'll see you tomorrow." Amy said. "Oh! And I want details!" she added.

"Wait!" said Alek as he got off the couch and came to my side.

He leaned in and spoke into the phone I was still holding to my ear.

"Can I have 2 of me and Chloe also?" he asked looking me in the eye.

I bite my lip smirking.

Amy squealed, Again. "No problem." she said. "Night you 2!" she said and hung up.

As I hung up the phone I looked at him, "So why do you want 2 of the same picture?" I asked.

"Why do you?" Alek asked back as he rapped his arms around my waist.

I smiled, "I asked you first." I said.

Alek smirked, "Same as you. To show the school that Chloe King is off limits." he said leaning in to kiss me. I smiled and met him half way.

After our make-out section we decided to see what was on the TV.

"Back to the real world tomorrow." I said as I laid on my side in front of Alek on the couch.

Alek brushed my hair behind my ear, "Yeah but we'll face it together." he said as he wrapped his right arm around my waist.

I smiled and snuggled into him.


Beep! Beep!

My alarm went off.

I leaned over and turned it off.

Looking around I realized that I was in my room, in my bed, with Alek with his arms wrapped around me.

As I realized this Alek woke up.

"When did we come up here?" I asked looking down at him.

Alek starched and shrugged.

"You fell asleep on the couch. I carried you up here." Alek said.

I raised an eyebrow.

"What? The couch was comfy by why sleep there when you have a bed?" he asked smiling.

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed.

"Do you have to go home to get your stuff?" I asked.

Alek just shook his head.

"I asked Jasmine to bring my books to school, we stayed in our pajamas the whole weekend so I have clothes here." said Alek as he grabbed his bag.

"I'm going to take a shower." I said as I walked into my bathroom.

Alek grabbed my hand, gently, and kissed me on the lips smiling.

"Good morning." he whispered.

I smiled back, "Good morning." I said.


Once we were ready. I locked my house door and we walked down the steps to the sidewalk.

As we were walking Alek took my left hand, intertwining our fingers. I smiled.

We walked to school like that. Making small talk and just enjoying being together.

As we were about to open the doors to the school, I whispered under my breath, "Here we go."

Alek smirked and held the door open for me.

Walking down the hall hand in hand, I could tell Alek and I turned some heads but I stayed focused on reaching my locker. Alek just smiled at me.

When we neared my locker, we saw Amy, Paul, and Jasmine already there.

Jasmine handed Alek his backpack and looked down at our hands smiling. "So? Fun weekend huh?" she asked.

Alek smirked and looked over at me. "Yeah. One of our best." he said. I smiled.

Amy squealed again and handed us envelopes, Alek let go of my hand and wrapped it around my waist so I could look at the pictures.

I flipped through them, when I came to the one of me and Alek I smiled as did Alek.

"I'll see you later." said Jasmine as she wandered down the hallway.

Amy took Paul's hand and started to lead him away. "I want details later!" she said over her shoulder as she and Paul followed Jasmine.

I smiled and turned to open my locker.

Alek leaned against the other lockers as I opened mine.

I placed 3 of my new pictures in the spare places of my locker door, making sure the one of me and Alek was died center.

I turned to face him smiling. "So?" I asked looking back at locker and then at him.

Alek smirked, "Perfect." he said leaning in and kissed me.

Wrapping his right hand around my waist pulling me closer I smiled into the kiss.

When he pulled back and looked at me, I whispered. "Best Movie Weekend Ever!"

And that's a Rap!

So? Good? Bad? Did I end it well? I have Never Completed a story before.

I just wanted to say THANK YOU to all who have reviewed. I am beyond Proud. You guys make my day! My cheeks hurt from smiling so much! lol

I had a BLAST writing this! Thanks again!

Lots and Lots and Lots and LOTS of Love!

Boy Crazy and New WHAT are my other should check them out. Lol