From: Krac
Title: Dark Knights: Descent
Series/Sequel: Second in the Dark Knights series. Follows 'The Fallen'
Author: Krac
E-mail: [email protected]
Rating: R
Summary: Buffy baiting…Surprising PDA's...gerbilcide…Willow
impersonating a baseball…ball crushing…laughter and tears. But above
all Buffy baiting.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the BTVS Characters, Joss Whedon, The
WB and Mutant Enemy own them, etc, etc. I only own the story and any
original characters I create along the way.
Distribution: Ask me first.
Feedback: Does Riley love cows? Hell yes!
Spoilers: None I've ignored this season, Buffy gives me the heebie
jeebies. I'd go so far to say I despise her so when she appears it
won't be pretty.
Author's Note: No actual Gerbils were harmed in the writing of this fic…stunt gerbils were
Dark Knights: Descent
Something wasn't right in the universe and it seemed that he was the
only one aware of the shift, he and his brethren that was. There
seemed to be fewer vampires circulating tonight in the crowd at the
Bronze than normal. "Are you all right, Spike?" Buffy chirped in his
ear seemingly unaware of the ripples moving in the darkness.
"Just fine, Ducks." Spike drawled and took a drag of his
cigarette, "Why don't you join, Willow on the dance floor?"
A bright smile flashed across her face, "Okay, wait here for me?" She
leaned in and planted a kiss on her lover's cheek.
Accepting her sign of affection Spike watched her trot off into the
throngs of people and continued his speculative thoughts. On the far
end of the dance floor people fluttered like startled birds and the
movement made its way slowly towards the area where Buffy and Willow
were dancing. Sitting up and craning his neck Spike felt a lurch in
the pit of his stomach-the presence of true evil-but all he could see
was Xander approaching his friends.
Peering closer, Spike blinked at the changes in his friend. Xander
was clothed in black from his heavy boots and dark dress pants to his
sweeping leather jacket and tight black t-shirt. Despite the fact
that he wore a sliver cross around his neck Spike could not detect a
heart beating in the boy's chest. As Buffy and Wilow turned to
measure the changes in him, Spike rose from his seat and began making
his way across the dance floor. Suddenly a small shape streaked past
him and lunged at Xadner wrapping her legs around his waist and
kissing him forcefully. Spike blinked again- it was Dawn.
"DAWN!" Buffy and Willow shrieked in unison, their faces draining of
blood as they watched Buffy's sixteen-year-old sister strive to
remove Xadner's tonsils with her tongue.
Reaching his destination Spike graspd Dawn's shoulders, pulling her
roughly away from Xander. The pair of fangs and angry yellow eyes
common to all vampires met him, accompanied by Dawn's outraged
hiss. "Bloodly hell!" Spike roared as he stumbled back.
Xander's face remained immobile as Dawn turned and wrapped her arms
around her sire's waist, smiling she morphed back to her human
face, "Hey guys, what's up?"
"What the fuck?" Buffy gaped as Willow sputtered and stuttered
incoherently, "You're a vampire Dawn!"
"That's my sister the rocket scientist," Dawn snapped as she nuzzled
closer to Xander, "Sharp as a spoon aren't we."
"Umm Xander…" Willow choked out, "Vampire Dawn is hugging you…"
He smiled darkly at his childhood friend, "Thank you for the insight
but I perfer to be called Alex. Or the Vampire formerly known as
Xander, I considered using a symbol; but that would mean way too much
drawing. Besides art was never my strong suit and a stick man with
fangs just isn't scary."
Buffy's face scrunched up in disbelief, "But you're wearing a cross?
How can a vampire wear a cross?"
"I think she needs some Ex-lax," Dawn snickered, "She always looks
constipated when she's trying to think. Settle down now, Buffy. If
you push at it too hard, you might give that gerbil behind the wheel
a heart attack. Then where would you be?"
"Now, now Dawn." Alex purred to his childe, "There's no need to
insult your sister, Dawn. She won't understand it anyway."
"Hold on!" Buffy snapped feeling her heart sinking into her platform
shoes. My god, her sister and her best firend were both now
vampires. It was simply too much to deal with…better to face this
threat, then react when she was safe and alone. A slayer could not
afford to let the monsters see her cry.
"Let the gerbil go to the light Buff, it's had a hard life." Alex
mocked, "Wait, you'd like it more dead than alive- wouldn't you?"
"Hey!" Spike growled not liking this turn in his evening.
"How many people can actually say they've slept with a vampire…and
not just one. No, that would be an error in judgement. But to do it
again with a different vampire that's a lifestyle choice if you ask
me. Even where I come from they frown on that sort of behaviour. "
A small but strong voice called from behind Buffy and Willow as a
small mousy coloured girl appeared from amongst the crowd. "I mean
why sleep with the dead when there are live, `breathing' options
available- ones that are infinitely…tastier?" The woman purred
eyeing Xander hungrily. "But you know what they say, Bunny. Your
loss is always someone else's gain."
"Who the hell are you?" Spike growled sensing intuitively that this
newcomer was more than just a simple demon- but a real threat.
Without answering Adesina moved soundlessly to the vampire's side and
kicked him squarely in the nether regions. "Eep!" he gasped and fell
to the floor holding himself.
A laugh escaped Alex's lips; "So I guess Buffy doesn't keep those in
a jar by her bed. I feel your pain, Spikey. That must've really
hurt. Des, when I called you a ball buster I meant it with sheer
"Of course you did," Des shot back staring at Buffy down her nose, "I
had yours in my hand at the time."
Disentangling Dawn's arms from his body, Alex moved to the demon's
side and pressed close to her body, "But I enjoyed it far more than
Spike, it appears. I guess after months of Buffy a real woman is a
shock to the system."
Regaining the power of speech Buffy crossed her arms and stared
darkly at the evil beings before her, "Okay enough pot shots, you
guys want a fight-you got one."
"If we wanted a fight, you'd have one." Alex smiled, "But luckily for
you, Slayer… I'm having some real fun for the first time in years. I
can truly understand and appreciate, why Angelus tortured you now."
Seeing red Buffy snapped her arm out to punch Xander, only to have
her fist caught by the thing he'd called, Des. "You're awfully slow,
for a slayer."
"What are you?" Buffy gasped as Des clasped her hand tightly.
A smile creased the plain face and the eyes flashed an unearthly
green, "The real question should be- what are you going to do about
Buffy's eyes flicked behind the demon to Willow, who was already
chanting a spell to save her from its clutches. As the energy left
the witch's hands it moved toward Des in an arc. Alex pulled Dawn
out of the path and watched with glee as Des, lifted her free hand
and absorbed the energy into her being. The Demon turned her head
and flashed her eyes at a startled Willow. "If you're going to play
with the adults you should bring your big kid toys, little girl."
Stifling a yawn Des, gestured towards Willow sending her sprawling
through the air, "I'm getting bored." She crushed down on Buffy's
hand until the bones cracked and the slayer writhed in pain.
"Why don't we dance, then?" Alex suggested leaving Dawn's side once
more to nuzzle his demon closely.
"Fine, by me." Dawn led the way into the oblivious crowd and away
from her fallen friends.
Watching the pack leave Spike, inched his way to Buffy's side, "What
are we going to do now, luv?"
"You do know they're gonna call Giles and Angel, in to hunt us down,
right?" Dawn pouted wrapping her arms around her sire, not liking the
way he moved away from her and closer to Des.
Leaning down Alex kissed her forehead, "That was the plan. Now let's
Title: Dark Knights: Descent
Series/Sequel: Second in the Dark Knights series. Follows 'The Fallen'
Author: Krac
E-mail: [email protected]
Rating: R
Summary: Buffy baiting…Surprising PDA's...gerbilcide…Willow
impersonating a baseball…ball crushing…laughter and tears. But above
all Buffy baiting.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the BTVS Characters, Joss Whedon, The
WB and Mutant Enemy own them, etc, etc. I only own the story and any
original characters I create along the way.
Distribution: Ask me first.
Feedback: Does Riley love cows? Hell yes!
Spoilers: None I've ignored this season, Buffy gives me the heebie
jeebies. I'd go so far to say I despise her so when she appears it
won't be pretty.
Author's Note: No actual Gerbils were harmed in the writing of this fic…stunt gerbils were
Dark Knights: Descent
Something wasn't right in the universe and it seemed that he was the
only one aware of the shift, he and his brethren that was. There
seemed to be fewer vampires circulating tonight in the crowd at the
Bronze than normal. "Are you all right, Spike?" Buffy chirped in his
ear seemingly unaware of the ripples moving in the darkness.
"Just fine, Ducks." Spike drawled and took a drag of his
cigarette, "Why don't you join, Willow on the dance floor?"
A bright smile flashed across her face, "Okay, wait here for me?" She
leaned in and planted a kiss on her lover's cheek.
Accepting her sign of affection Spike watched her trot off into the
throngs of people and continued his speculative thoughts. On the far
end of the dance floor people fluttered like startled birds and the
movement made its way slowly towards the area where Buffy and Willow
were dancing. Sitting up and craning his neck Spike felt a lurch in
the pit of his stomach-the presence of true evil-but all he could see
was Xander approaching his friends.
Peering closer, Spike blinked at the changes in his friend. Xander
was clothed in black from his heavy boots and dark dress pants to his
sweeping leather jacket and tight black t-shirt. Despite the fact
that he wore a sliver cross around his neck Spike could not detect a
heart beating in the boy's chest. As Buffy and Wilow turned to
measure the changes in him, Spike rose from his seat and began making
his way across the dance floor. Suddenly a small shape streaked past
him and lunged at Xadner wrapping her legs around his waist and
kissing him forcefully. Spike blinked again- it was Dawn.
"DAWN!" Buffy and Willow shrieked in unison, their faces draining of
blood as they watched Buffy's sixteen-year-old sister strive to
remove Xadner's tonsils with her tongue.
Reaching his destination Spike graspd Dawn's shoulders, pulling her
roughly away from Xander. The pair of fangs and angry yellow eyes
common to all vampires met him, accompanied by Dawn's outraged
hiss. "Bloodly hell!" Spike roared as he stumbled back.
Xander's face remained immobile as Dawn turned and wrapped her arms
around her sire's waist, smiling she morphed back to her human
face, "Hey guys, what's up?"
"What the fuck?" Buffy gaped as Willow sputtered and stuttered
incoherently, "You're a vampire Dawn!"
"That's my sister the rocket scientist," Dawn snapped as she nuzzled
closer to Xander, "Sharp as a spoon aren't we."
"Umm Xander…" Willow choked out, "Vampire Dawn is hugging you…"
He smiled darkly at his childhood friend, "Thank you for the insight
but I perfer to be called Alex. Or the Vampire formerly known as
Xander, I considered using a symbol; but that would mean way too much
drawing. Besides art was never my strong suit and a stick man with
fangs just isn't scary."
Buffy's face scrunched up in disbelief, "But you're wearing a cross?
How can a vampire wear a cross?"
"I think she needs some Ex-lax," Dawn snickered, "She always looks
constipated when she's trying to think. Settle down now, Buffy. If
you push at it too hard, you might give that gerbil behind the wheel
a heart attack. Then where would you be?"
"Now, now Dawn." Alex purred to his childe, "There's no need to
insult your sister, Dawn. She won't understand it anyway."
"Hold on!" Buffy snapped feeling her heart sinking into her platform
shoes. My god, her sister and her best firend were both now
vampires. It was simply too much to deal with…better to face this
threat, then react when she was safe and alone. A slayer could not
afford to let the monsters see her cry.
"Let the gerbil go to the light Buff, it's had a hard life." Alex
mocked, "Wait, you'd like it more dead than alive- wouldn't you?"
"Hey!" Spike growled not liking this turn in his evening.
"How many people can actually say they've slept with a vampire…and
not just one. No, that would be an error in judgement. But to do it
again with a different vampire that's a lifestyle choice if you ask
me. Even where I come from they frown on that sort of behaviour. "
A small but strong voice called from behind Buffy and Willow as a
small mousy coloured girl appeared from amongst the crowd. "I mean
why sleep with the dead when there are live, `breathing' options
available- ones that are infinitely…tastier?" The woman purred
eyeing Xander hungrily. "But you know what they say, Bunny. Your
loss is always someone else's gain."
"Who the hell are you?" Spike growled sensing intuitively that this
newcomer was more than just a simple demon- but a real threat.
Without answering Adesina moved soundlessly to the vampire's side and
kicked him squarely in the nether regions. "Eep!" he gasped and fell
to the floor holding himself.
A laugh escaped Alex's lips; "So I guess Buffy doesn't keep those in
a jar by her bed. I feel your pain, Spikey. That must've really
hurt. Des, when I called you a ball buster I meant it with sheer
"Of course you did," Des shot back staring at Buffy down her nose, "I
had yours in my hand at the time."
Disentangling Dawn's arms from his body, Alex moved to the demon's
side and pressed close to her body, "But I enjoyed it far more than
Spike, it appears. I guess after months of Buffy a real woman is a
shock to the system."
Regaining the power of speech Buffy crossed her arms and stared
darkly at the evil beings before her, "Okay enough pot shots, you
guys want a fight-you got one."
"If we wanted a fight, you'd have one." Alex smiled, "But luckily for
you, Slayer… I'm having some real fun for the first time in years. I
can truly understand and appreciate, why Angelus tortured you now."
Seeing red Buffy snapped her arm out to punch Xander, only to have
her fist caught by the thing he'd called, Des. "You're awfully slow,
for a slayer."
"What are you?" Buffy gasped as Des clasped her hand tightly.
A smile creased the plain face and the eyes flashed an unearthly
green, "The real question should be- what are you going to do about
Buffy's eyes flicked behind the demon to Willow, who was already
chanting a spell to save her from its clutches. As the energy left
the witch's hands it moved toward Des in an arc. Alex pulled Dawn
out of the path and watched with glee as Des, lifted her free hand
and absorbed the energy into her being. The Demon turned her head
and flashed her eyes at a startled Willow. "If you're going to play
with the adults you should bring your big kid toys, little girl."
Stifling a yawn Des, gestured towards Willow sending her sprawling
through the air, "I'm getting bored." She crushed down on Buffy's
hand until the bones cracked and the slayer writhed in pain.
"Why don't we dance, then?" Alex suggested leaving Dawn's side once
more to nuzzle his demon closely.
"Fine, by me." Dawn led the way into the oblivious crowd and away
from her fallen friends.
Watching the pack leave Spike, inched his way to Buffy's side, "What
are we going to do now, luv?"
"You do know they're gonna call Giles and Angel, in to hunt us down,
right?" Dawn pouted wrapping her arms around her sire, not liking the
way he moved away from her and closer to Des.
Leaning down Alex kissed her forehead, "That was the plan. Now let's