A dream I had. XD

He was bored. Very bored. He didn't have to do anything to any brewing potions; he couldn't really be bothered to make any potions just to throw them away, he'd finished marking all his papers...

he was bored.

Severus Snape was not really renowned for his patience, and this was no exception. It seemed that as he got more and more bored, he got more and more angry.

He'd read all his books; and each time he went to reread one the ending would flood into his mind, ruining the book.

He honestly could not think of anything to do with his Sunday.

He paced his office, not really wanting to go outside. There would be people. People equalled students, students equalled trouble. Teachers were just annoying.

"Ah, Severus. I thought I'd find you here." Minerva McGonagall poked her head around his door. HIS door to HIS PRIVATE dungeon. What, wasn't the Gryffindor tower cold enough? He sneered at the thought.

"Um, Headmaster has ordered all teachers to take part in a charity run." She admitted nervously.

"What?" Severus drawled, then turned to face the enchanted stained glass 'window' "What charity?" He was honestly confused.

"Um, honestly? Not sure. Personally I think its just so paying students get to watch us embarrass ourselves." Minerva fidgeted nervously.

Severus sat down at his desk. "Well you can tell the headmaster to stuff his charity run-"

"Good. So you can stay and look after Sybil." Minerva interjected. "She's been at the sherry again and-"

Severus abruptly stood up. "You know- I like running." His face twisted into something resembling a smile. "Just let me go change." A disgruntled self-pitying frown came over Severus.

"Ummm." Minerva reached out a hand after Severus. "Not necessary. Albus kindly has stuff for us to wear. Great, ay?" Minerva had a similar expression of fear and hopelessness as the potions master.

"as long as its not too colourful." Severus said, 'manning up' and leading the way out of his nice, comfortable dungeons.

Oh, boredom was a delightful, non active, hobby Severus wished he could continue.

In the staff room, Filius and Remus were already wearing gaudy swimming shorts. Remus's were blue and had white palm trees on, Filius's were rainbow stripes.

Severus dreaded wearing something like that.

"Ah, Minerva, you managed to entice Severus then?"

Severus gave a weak smile.

"Here's your outfit Minerva, my dear." Dumbledore handed her a white something folded up, "and Sev, yours." Albus held out a black something, that when Severus took it, turned out to be genie-type, tulle fabric, sheer trousers. They had a black cotton waistband, and elasticated ankles, but were sheer everywhere else. EVERYWHERE else.

Severus raised an eyebrow. "Pray, what do I wear underneath?"

From behind him, Rolanda Hooch smothered a giggle. "I think these, Sevvy."

Severus turned around, and saw Rolanda picking up what looked like an incredibly small legged pair of underwear.

"Uhh-?" Severus turned around, and Albus nodded.

The potions master reluctantly took them, "Speedo's?" He read off the side.

'What is this?' he mouthed to Minerva, as he got dressed behind a chair, feeling like a child in gym class.

'nooo idea' Minerva mouthed back from behind a sofa.

Minerva looked down at herself, then up at Albus. He raised an eyebrow.

Severus walked out from behind his chair.

He scratched his head as he looked in the full length mirror.

His chest was bare, and underneath the sheer trousers his speedo's were tight, and visible. He blushed, then looked at his body in general. He looked like a male genie. Sighing, he took the hair band that had been folded into the trousers, and put his hair in a low ponytail. He looked like a flipping twat.

"No, no Severus!" Albus called from across the room.

Looking up in the mirror, Severus saw a man with a long white beard in a hawaiian (too) colourful shirt and swimming shorts walking over to him.

Yanking out the scrunchie, Albus gently finger-combed Sev's hair into a high ponytail position. He then put the hair-band on painfully tight until Severus was sure that his hair had fallen out, he'd felt so many strands break.

"There, that looks much better." Albus gave an umbridge-like smile then went over to torture someone else.

Minerva stiffly walked over in a white tennis outfit, her hair curled in tight ringlets so it framed her face, with bright pink eyeshadow and dark red lips.

"I think Trelawny might get a babysitter after all." She said, her head jerking stiffly as she spoke.

"Heh. And don't you look nice." Severus put extra emphasis on 'look nice'.

Minerva glared at him, tugging on her skirt as if willing to to grow longer. "my knees are showing, my legs are awful, and this bloody top is no more than a bra." she complained, "though at least i'm not minnie mouse."

severus had a sudden mental image of Mineva in red polka dots with giant circular ears atop her head.

"SEVVY! WE MATCH!" Rolanda hooch screeched across the staff room. She walked over every bit and Arabian belly dancer.

Her face was hidden by a pink sheer veil, and she wore a pink bra that had a veilly thing on it, so her midriff was slightly obscured. She wore the same type of genie pants as Severus except hers were pink.

"Your hair...?" Severus asked, seeing as it was loose in soft brown curls to her waist, instead of her usual white cropped do.

"Filius." She waved away the question.

"Naaw," Rolanda giggled, "Look at you." she then rubbed his bare, hairless chest, then blushing heavily and giggling; she ran off to annoy someone else.

"Firewiskey." Minerva and Severus concluded at the same time.

Shaking their heads at each other; and inside laughing, the two reluctant teachers made their way out of the staff room, and allowed themselves to be herded by Dumbledore to the great hall.

"I still think our other fund raiser was better." Severus admitted to Minerva, as he attempted to ignore the laughs of onlooking students and the giggles of Rolanda as she kept trying to hug him and ...*shiver* worse.

"Yes Severus." Minerva sighed, disapproving, "yet not everyone is as at ease as you with charming students outside at half past midnight only in their bedclothes and making them all pay a galleon to get back in or leave them to stay the night outside. Some might even call it cruel, you know?"

Severus smiled, "My dear Minerva, you have so much to learn." He patted her on the arm, then walked up the Dumbledore.

"Hello Severus." Albus said, smiling, blue eyes twinkling mischievously. He then turned around to address the teachers, and the student body that appeared to have apparated out of no-where.

"Right. This is what will be happening." He clapped his hands. "Teachers, we will be running along the forbidden forest to the gates, then along the wall, well. Obviously not along the wall, but beside the wall then around to the Quidditch pitch, then we will swim a section of the lake. Okay? Okay! Students, all whom watch us will be paying three galleons. We're a charmed procession so you'll be dying to pay tomorrow when we come around with the collection boxes at meal times. Anyone who sees us, will turn blue." Albus then swung his wand around his head like a lasso, and Severus could see the students closest to him had indeed turned a light cyan shade. "So there'll be no denying you watched us." Albus laughed.

In a general grumble of 'I'm gonna kill albus' and 'come on, this'll be fun' the teachers set off. Not at a particularly fast rate, more of a jog than anything; but still fast enough to establish who was fit and who wasn't.

Up front were the werewolf, the animagus and Severus; lacking at the back were Flickwick and Ponoma. Rubeus Hagrid was thundering along in the middle with Dumbledore and even Poppy Pomfrey was joining in. Aurora Sinestra, Rolanda Hooch and Irma Pince were keeping good speed together, not really conversing, but keeping up just behind the front three.

"Hey, Sev-" Minerva said between breaths, "How come … you're keep... ing up?"

Severus looked from her to Remus, who seemed interested.

"Running away... from people... has proved... use...full. Where'd … this bloody... hill come from?" He answered and asked.

Minerva laughed, trilling and high, then sprinted ahead.

"Bloody...athletic... kitten" Remus muttered, moving over the run with Severus.

"Oh, I may- have edited our path, a bit!" Albus voice shouted forward with annoying innocence.

Severus turned around and run backwards, attempting to glare at Dumbledore. It rather failed, as he couldn't sustain his glare when half a dozen students that had spontaneously joined in the run started gossiping at the sight of his bare chest and general appearance.

Severus turned back around and cast a worried glance at the werewolf who seemed fine half naked.

The dungeon, in all it's cold glory, with his multiple layers of clothing and clocks seemed very enticing now; never mind how bored he was.