dove in love: Of course you can send it to your mom! I hope it was a good kind of crying and not a bad kind.

JeffHardy724: haha you're awesome! I wanna punch her, too!

Alex's POV

"Are you going to visit your mom in New York this summer?" Olivia asks as we're sitting at the kitchen table in my apartment.

"I've been thinking about it," I tell her hesitantly. Although Olivia and I have become close friends this quarter, I still haven't told her about what happened to me last time I went to New York. It's a really sensitive subject and I'm not sure she'd understand. Whenever I tell somehow that Kylie was the product of rape, they don't know how to react. It's usually an awkward conversation and I know they're wondering why I didn't have an abortion. I'm just afraid Olivia is one of those people who won't know how to handle the subject of rape and why I chose to have Kylie instead of having an abortion.

I continue, "If I do, it will only be for awhile. Casey and I have to go to summer school to make up for the two quarters we missed this school year. It sucks, but I'm glad we took that time off. What are you doing this summer?"

"Probably just—" Olivia starts to say until we are interrupted by my wife.

"Babe, do we have any syrup?" Casey shouts from the living room.

"No, why?"

She comes over to the kitchen. "Elliot and I have been watching Super Troopers and we're going to have a syrup chugging contest to see which one of us is all that is man," Casey says as she flexes her muscles.

Casey and Elliot met each other for the first time an hour ago and they are already acting like best friends—or competitors; it's really hard to tell the difference.

"Elliot, there's no syrup," Casey says disappointedly as Elliot walks into the kitchen.

"We can always do the cinnamon challenge," he tells Casey. "I saw it online. You have to eat a tablespoon full of cinnamon without throwing up. Nobody can do it."

"What do you mean nobody can do it? Maybe nobody but Casey Novak," my wife tells him. "I bet you $20 I can do it."

"Babe! You're not chugging syrup and you're not eating a tablespoon full of cinnamon," I tell her.

"Same goes for you, Elliot," Olivia tells him.

"Geez, Elliot. How did we get mixed up with such boring women?" Casey asks.

"Boring, but beautiful," Elliot says to us. Good save.

"I don't know, Liv," Casey starts. "If I were straight, I'd totally give you a run for your money. Elliot and I would probably be getting married right now."

"And chugging syrup at your reception?" I joke.

"Aww, my wife made a funny," Casey says sarcastically. "Come on, Elliot. Let's go to the batting cages. A home run derby will let us determine which one of us is all that is man."

After they leave, Olivia and I get Kylie from her crib and lay her on a blanket with us in the living room. I can't believe how big she's gotten. My little girl is seven months old already.

"Can you believe those two?" Liv asks and starts to smile.

"I think they're cute together. By the way, Elliot is going to get his ass handed to him during their home run derby." I tell Olivia.

"Elliot could take on Casey any day," Olivia brags.

"I highly doubt that. My wife knows what she's doing."

"Don't you mean your husband?" Olivia teases.

I start to laugh. "That's what it seems like today. Seriously, though, are you and Elliot a couple now?"

"Not yet, but we're dating each other exclusively. We both want to take things slow," Olivia tells me.

"But have you done it yet?" I ask.

"No, like I said, we want to take things slow." She starts to blush. "But we've done…other stuff."


"Gotten to third base."

"What's third base?" I ask with a confused look on my face.

"Oral, Alex!" Olivia says as she starts to laugh. "I thought you'd know that, what with being married to Casey."

"Alex, look at your daughter!" Olivia says excitedly.

I look at Kylie and notice that she's on all fours. "Come here, Kylie. Come to Mommy." Kylie crawls a few inches and stops.

Olivia pulls out her phone and starts recording. "Get her to crawl some more. I'll send this to Casey."

"Come on, Kylie. You can do it, baby. Come to Mommy." After a few seconds of Olivia and I waiting anxiously, Kylie crawls another twelve inches to me.

"You did it, Kylie!" Olivia says excitedly.

I pick up my daughter and hold her up really high. "I knew you could do it, baby! Mommy is so proud of you!" Our excitement earns us a giggle from Kylie. "My baby. Mommy loves you so much!" I can't help but start to hold my daughter as close as possible.

Within twenty minutes of receiving the video, Casey comes bursting through the door. "I am all that is man! And where's my daughter?"

"You won by one hit, Casey. Just one," Elliot tells her, but Casey is too excited to pay attention.

"I love both of my girls so much," Casey says as she gives Kylie a kiss on the forehead and me a kiss on the lips.

"We love you, too, baby. Want to go with Mommy Casey?" I ask my smiling daughter.

"I can't believe you're crawling already, little one," Casey says to Kylie as she's holding her. "It seems like just yesterday I was holding you for the first time. Pretty soon, I'll be able to teach you how to hit. Hopefully, you'll be better than Elliot."

"I heard that. And must I remind you that you only won by one hit?" Elliot tells Casey.

"Regardless, I am still all that is man," Casey brags.

That's one of the things I love most about Casey. I never know what to expect. One day she's in heels and a dress at her sorority function and the next she's having an "all that is man" contest with Elliot. It's been almost two years since I first laid eyes on her, and she still takes my breath away. Casey and I have been through a lot together and it's allowed us to form an even stronger bond with each other. It's amazing how so much can change in just nine months. The little one in Casey's arms is proof of that.

I know our lives will get harder as time goes on, but that's all right. I honestly can't wait to be a junior!

The End.