Negative Sonic

"Face it 'Buttnick-it's over." Sonic grinned. He had the emeralds hidden in his quills, but he was waiting to use them for maximum dramatic effect. Robotnick was trapped in his Egg carrier, and was desperately button mashing, to no avail. "Just give up now."

"No quite yet rodent-I have one last trick up my sleeve…" Robotnick gestured to the ruin of the newest egg craft that Sonic had dismantled. "Does anything look familiar?"

Sonic took a quick glance around the mess. Suddenly, his heart leapt as he saw a half- familiar shape in the shadowy corner that he'd assumed empty. He racked his mind, trying to remember where he had seen the device.

"Forget already, rodent? Here's a hint-Gaia" Robotnick let a smug grin slip across his lips.

Sonics' head shot up in horror. Suddenly, he remembered where he had seen the machine…it was the one that had caught him while he was Super, and brought on the whole 'Werehog' incident. This wasn't good.

"Gaia is asleep-even your technologies can't wake him up now!" Sonic replied trying to sound more confident then he felt. The mere thought of the first transformation sent tingles down his spine-the electrical shock had almost made him pass out.

"Oh, I don't plan on waking Gaia again-what interested me was that machine could catch you! Now, my modifications are sure to-interest you…" Suddenly, the Doctor shot backwards and yanked a red lever.

"You've been a pain in my side long enough, rodent. Prepare to let your own powers destroy you!" Robotnick began a maniacal laugh that felt too loud to be contained in the small room. Sonic was pounding the doors, the emeralds forgotten. No use-the doors and walls were reinforced steel, and the crazy laugh bouncing off the walls wasn't helping his concentration any. Suddenly, he felt a tug from behind him like a magnet beam.

"What the..." Sonic felt his quills stand up, the emeralds almost falling out… That's it! I'll use the emeralds! But to his dismay, the machine had yanked them just out of his reach. The racer attempted to turn around to get a better perspective of what was going on, and when he did, his mouth dropped open. The formally creamy white machine had turned a menacing dark maroon. Sonic could see the light blue traction beam pulling him in, and, run as he did, there was no escaping it. He closed his eyes to attempt to block out whatever was coming.

"After all these years…I'm surprised I never thought of it before. All I needed to do was harness the chaos energy from your puny blue body-you're a gold mine of chaos power! Then, I thought I'd rather just kill you-so what better way to destroy my oldest nemesis then by using his own energy to rip him apart from the inside out? For me, this is wonderful-for you, this will be just painful…" the mad doctor chuckled. "Of course, in a few minutes, you may not even remember this-amnesia is one possible side effect…"

During this, Sonic was slowly losing the fight to the tractor beam. As Robotnick finished his speech, Sonic was locked in place by black beams, encasing him with many energy rings like a big target, with our hero in the bulls-eye. Suddenly, all Sonic could feel was pain. It surrounded him like the water he so hated. He was drowning in the torture. Sonic tried to scream, but his body didn't respond. It was like he was a puppet and someone had cut the strings. His body was a limp rag in the current of pure chaos energy. Sonic could hear mad cackling in the background, like when you're absorbed in a book and the radio is on low across the room. Then…it was over. He dropped to the floor, barely feeling the impact because his body was still numb.

"What the…" he heard Robotnick stutter. "It worked, but I certainly wasn't expecting that…"Sonic groaned, and managed to push his head up after hearing a clatter on the tile through the echoes of red-hot pain-and froze. The emeralds were lying gray and powerless on the floor, but that wasn't what he's seen. Sonic saw a pure black hedgehog in the mirror made by the doctor's dropped goggles. It looked like a combination of Shadow and Dark Sonic, with one difference-his eyes were red hypnotizing swirls. He felt rage building in his chest.

"WHAT. DID. YOU. DO?" Sonic growled in a deep voice that sounded like a chorus of a thousand devils. Robotnick began trembling.

"I-I transferred all the negative chaos energy to you. You mostly use the positive energy, so I thought it would des-destroy you. It s-seems I altered your DNA to accept the negative energy-I don't know what the side effects are…" Sonic flew up to the doctor in one fluid motion, and lifted him off the ground by his collar.

"Is there any way to reverse it? TELL ME!" Sonic began shaking his prisoner. Suddenly, he seemed to realize what he was doing. If I kill him, I'll be stuck like this forever-but is that really so bad? Yes it is! Why did I think that? Sonic fell to the ground clutching his head. Who are you?

I'm your worst nightmare Sonic. I'm the one that you call on when something is to awful to do…I've just never been able to communicate with you before… when you transform into Dark, it's only a smidgen of your real power…you could thank the doctor for opening the floodgates. Before long, I will have complete rein. Just stay angry…I'll take over. No more pain, no more fear, just you and me against the world.

What do you want from me? I want everything back to normal! I don't want to hurt anyone!

If that's what you want…I'll show you what happens when you use only the positive energy…when we leave. Let the doctor capture us. Tails and Manic will come rescue us. You'll see…

Stop this 'us' stuff. Okay…I'll see the positive energy soon…I just hope you're right…

Sonic spoke to Robotnick as the terrified doctor struggled to get up. "Okay, 'Buttnick. Take me."

"W-what?" His eyes popped open. This was nothing like Sonic. He would have usually escaped by now.

"You heard me. I don't want to hurt anyone, so cage me. I only ask no experiments, or I will break out of whatever you're holding me in and personally take it upon myself to kick your butt until its black and blue."

Maybe there were some mental side effects…but 'no experiments' means I can still study him! "All right, Rodent, you have a deal." Robotnick agreed, a wide grin spreading across his face.

Sonic sighed and slowly held out his glowing black wrists. This goes against every principle I ever had… as Robotnick snapped on the sleep cuffs and the hedgehog tumbled into unconsciousness, he had one last sane thought. I hope I'm doing the right thing…