Chapter 6: Ratchet's Alone time

Written by: Astraea Maehanla

Ratchet sat in his med bay. The only conscious person in the room, but that didn't mean he was alone. He cast a glance over to the still unconscious body of Aerinella still lying on a berth/. The machines hooked up to her beeped with a steady rhythm.

"I wonder what will happen when you finally get up." He whispered out to her, knowing he wouldn't get a reaction. Or at least that's what he had assumed.

He took another scan to confirm his readings. They were accurate. She could hear hm. As he spoke her brain output increased with activity. She was listening to him even now. He was shocked and yet so pleased at the same time.

"Well then," He started up, walking closer to her. "I should take advantage of the fact that I now have a captive audience." He chuckled

But he wasn't sure where to begin. No he was.

"I am terribly sorry I caused this. I should have been more careful, but I was being stupid." He took her slender hand in his own. She was comfortingly warm. "You certainly are a beauty. I wish I could know more about you. Something tells me we would make great friends. Maybe more." He whispered the last part to himself as he brushed a fallen piece of raven black hair from her forehead. He breathed her scent in once before releasing her hand and moving back to his work station.

"I'm going to find out more about you. And I know just who to ask." He reached across his desk for the phone. He knew Prime was with her friend, if not both then at least the shoe throwing one. He dialed the number carefully. He was a tad bit nervous about this.

"Hello Optimus." Ratchet spoke as soon as Prime answered.

"Yes Ratchet?" Prime was surprised the medic had called him. It wasn't like it was something frequent or anything. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"I knew you were with Aerin's friends and I want to get to know more about her, so I thought I'd go to the best source possible. Her best friends." The medic said simply, waiting for a reply.

Meanwhile, Marcus and the rest had arrived to where they had found Daleva. They were currently following her in groups of two. Stalking through various aisles, trying and failing to stay hidden.

Daleva turned her head slightly to the left, looking at some random recliners and spotted Geoff. She was furious. She spun quickly around on her heels and up to Bee.

"Hey you want to help me with something?" She asked him sweetly.

He said nothing but nodded carefully. Her psycho grin appeared in a flash. She glanced around her to make sure at least one group was watching her and then she crashed her lips to Bee's. She felt him stiffen in shock but then he kissed her right back.

That oughta show 'em. She thought maniacally to herself.