And WHEN Was The Wedding? – Chapter 5

A/N #1 – This story was inspired by VIDZ's excellent JAG fic Wrong Impressions, and will be structured in a fashion similar to his fic It's The End of the World – told from several different viewpoints. As such, some dialog will be the same between stories. This marks the conclusion of this little arc, and I thank everyone who has taken the time to review the stories, including Sirius7, Elanquest, nantucketbreezes, and OldSFfan. Thanks, ladies and gentlemen. Hope this last chapter lives up to the rest. – robertwnielsen

Disclaimer – As always, I don't own these characters...either Bellisario or Universal does. But since they don't take the characters out to play anymore, I do every so often. I just have to remember to put them back when I'm finished with them. For purposes of continuity, this story arc will take place a few months after the S2 episode Flight 093 is Missing. – robertwnielsen

Summary – A simple slip of the tongue causes panic for Caitlin...but at the same time, could it allow her to make her dreams come true?

Chapter 5 – Marella

It was just an ordinary just like thousands of others I'd been through...and thousands more I had to look forward to...until the phone rang. As personal aide to Michael Coldsmith-Briggs III, or "Archangel," as he's more popularly known, I hear a lot of crazy things...especially where Stringfellow Hawke and his friend Caitlin O'Shannessy are concerned. I swear...those two have more chemistry than just about any couple I know...except maybe Michael and me...or at least, they would, if Hawke would just get his thumb out of his ass. Along with his head.

Don't get me wrong—I know all about the "curse" Hawke thinks that he has on him—the curse that everyone he loves, or might love, will die, and I can even understand it somewhat—Hawke lost his parents when he was twelve, to a boating accident up on Eagle Lake where he lives, then he lost Kelly, his high school girlfriend...then while he was in 'Nam, String and his brother Saint John went down on the same mission—except that didn't get picked up. String did. And finally, Gabrielle Ademaur, one of our operatives, who had become Hawke's lover, and then was murdered when Michael was forced to send her to Libya after Angela, our operative there, was murdered at the hands of Airwolf's creator, Charles Henry Moffet.

But, the only one Hawke might have had any fault in was Gabrielle. But even that one, for Pete's sake...Hawke wasn't seeing Angela...and she was still murdered. And I can't forget what Moffet did at Red Star during that weapons demo with Senator Dietz—Michael and I lost a lot of good friends that day, and Michael wound up losing his left eye, and walking with a permanent limp after that—and, of course, Michael did save my life that day, when he dove on top of me after Moffet started firing at the base. I think that's when I first fell in love with him. And...something Michael told me recently was nagging at the back of my mind...he had mentioned how Caitlin's plane had been hijacked when she was flying to Texas for her sister's wedding, and how Airwolf had managed to locate the plane, underwater, and direct rescue teams to the crash site. That's got to count for something, I remembered saying to myself after Michael told me that. If Cait hadn't known Hawke that day...and if Hawke hadn't gotten Airwolf the minute he heard about the plane going down, she'd be dead right now, along with everybody else on that plane. But, if I know Dominic Santini, he's mentioned that to String...a few dozen times, at least, I said to myself, then added, more like a few thousandtimes at least...per day, knowing Dominic Santini like I do.

Suddenly, I heard Michael's voice, loud and clear, since he'd left the door to his office partially open. "AND WHEN WAS THE WEDDING?" he roared, then burst out laughing. I have to admit...I'm wondering who the heck called Michael, and whose wedding they might have referred to. If it's who I think it is...then I'll be collecting on a bet I made with Michael recently.

I have wanted a puppy for the longest time...and Michael has been fighting me every time I bring it up. For some strange reason, Michael has never been very comfortable with dogs, except for Hawke's blue tick hound, Tet—but I think that's because Tet basically ignores Michael whenever we go to Hawke's cabin. Now, how Tet acts around women, especially when we have skirts or dresses on, that's another story entirely, and I'm not in the mood to go into that right now. Although, now that I think about it, I've never seen Tet do...what Tet likes to do...with Cait, but then again, Caitlin wears a skirt or a dress about as often as Michael wears blue jeans...which is to say, not very often.

But, the bet I made with Michael is simple—if, or rather when Hawke finally figures out how much he loves Cait...and how much she loves him...then we're going to adopt a puppy. Michael has taken the opposite attitude, of course, saying that if Hawke doesn't do anything, then the subject of a puppy is going to be dropped—permanently. But, I'm not too worried about it. I just know I'm right. Call it woman's intuition...or whatever. And it's not like I haven't dropped hints to Hawke about the way Caitlin feels about him. I think he knows...deep down inside, wherever his heart is, that she has feelings for him that are more than just friendship. And, I also think that if he stopped feeling sorry for himself for a few minutes, Hawke might realize that he has the same feelings for Caitlin.

Just then, I heard Michael buzz me. I brought myself out of my reverie and hurried into his office.

Yes, Michael?" I asked, sweetly.

"Get me Judge Ronald Clevenger," Michael said, and something about that name rang a bell. I know that name...I'm sure of it.

"Ronald Clevenger?" I asked Michael. "Where do I know that name from?"

"He was part of the FIRM's legal counsel until three months ago, when he retired from the FIRM and became a judge," Michael said, and I immediately recognized the name—and remembered something about his retirement party. "Guess he felt like hearing murder and divorce cases would cause him less stress than hearing about our constant legal issues. He still has his security clearance since Zeus figured he would still be useful from time to time." What the heck would Michael need, or want, with Ron? I asked myself.

"Michael...what was that comment you made a few minutes ago? Whose wedding?" I demanded, and I think he could already see the wheels turning puppy dog names over in my head. Then, Michael realized we had left the door partially open, so I heard the majority of Michael's conversation, even though I still didn't know who it was with...although I had my suspicions.

"Marella," Michael began, and I could tell he was not completely comfortable with what he was about to say to me. Finally, he continued. "You won't believe who that was on the phone. Dominic."

"Santini?" I asked, and was overjoyed when Michael nodded. Trying not to betray how excited I was, I continued, "whose wedding was he talking about, for heaven's sake?" I had a feeling I knew...but, I wanted to be sure.

"Cait's," Michael said, and my eyes lit up. I know Michael saw it, because he immediately cringed. "Now, Marella, don't get too excited. Caitlin was having one of those...discussions with her mother that we've heard about...and I guess things got a little too personal, and Cait blurted out that she had eloped with her best friend."

"But—I thought that Hawke was..." I stopped, and suddenly realized what this could mean. "Oh. I'll...I'll get Judge Clevenger for you right away, Michael," I said, turning on my heel and all but flying out of Michael's office, making sure that the door was securely closed as I went. All of a sudden, I put two and two together—and came up with the reason Michael wanted Judge Clevenger. Or at least...the reason I think Michael wants to talk to Ron. He wants to know if –I mean when—Ron can marry Hawke and Caitlin.

A few minutes later, I buzzed Michael. "Judge Clevenger's on Line 3 for you, Michael."

"Thank you."

I knew I could get myself in a whole lot of trouble for what I did next, but I couldn't resist. My curiosity wouldn't let me leave it alone. I quietly put my extension on speaker, muting the microphone so that my voice wouldn't carry over the line, and listened in on the conversation.

"Michael? Michael Coldsmith-Briggs, how the heck are you?" Ron demanded. "To what do I owe the pleasure of this call? Don't tell me, lemme guess—one of those secret agent friends o' yours got himself—or herself—tossed in jail, and you need my help to bust them out. Am I close?"

"Not even," Michael said, laughing. "Actually, I need a favor. You owe me one...or five," Michael said, and I could tell from Ron's reaction that he recalled every time he'd told Michael he owed him one. "You think you'd be able to squeeze a quick marriage in before next Thursday?" I could hardly contain my excitement, but I knew I had to. If Michael figures out what I'm doing out here, I'm a dead woman. Not to mention, unemployed. Just then, I heard the judge start to speak again.

"'s what, Friday? Let's see here..." There was a long silence, I guess while the judge looked over his calendar, then he said, "Looks like I've got Tuesday, or Wednesday wide open. No cases, nothing. You planning on tyin' the knot with that aide of yours?" Now, I really had to bite my tongue. Darn near bit it straight through, as a matter of fact. Don't get me wrong...I want to be married to Michael as much as I think Caitlin wants to be married to Stringfellow...I just wonder if it's ever going to happen. And even though I had slammed the door to Michael's office closed, I sure as heck didn't want Michael to know I was listening in on the conversation.

Michael laughed and said, "No, Ron...not yet, anyway. You remember a guy named Stringfellow Hawke?"

"The one who has that high-tech copter of yours? Sure, I think you've mentioned him a time or two...he works with quite the attractive young lady, you said, am I right?"

"Oh, for the love of God!" Michael said, and I knew the reason Michael was so angry. "You're old enough to be that young lady's father, Ron...Hell...for that matter, so am I." And you sounded like Caitlin's father just then, I said to myself.

"That's funny, Michael," Ron interrupted. "I didn't think Caitlin—that's the girl, right?—was that much younger than Marella." I knew Ron was teasing Michael not only about his age, but about the difference in age between Michael and me.

"Yes, Ron...Caitlin is the girl...but for your information, Caitlin told her mother earlier this week that she'd eloped with her best friend. Apparently Caitlin's mom has been bugging her about settling down and getting married for a long time now, and I guess Cait finally decided she'd had enough. Now, the thing is, I know for a fact that she considers Hawke to be her best friend, so..."

"I think I understand, Michael," Judge Clevenger said with a slight chuckle, and I had to swallow a chuckle of my own, especially when Judge Clevenger added, "So, you're finally gonna get Hawke married, huh?" Yes, I said to myself triumphantly. We're going to get Stringfellow Hawke married. Then I had to add to myself, if Hawke goes along with this...and there's no guarantee that he will. Just then, I heard Michael speaking again, and pulled myself back into the conversation.

"There's one other thing, Ron," Michael said, and by the tone of his voice, I figured Michael wasn't too sure about what he was thinking of asking.

"What's that, Michael?" he responded.

"I'm going to need some...creativity with the dates on the marriage license," Michael said hesitantly.

"Because of Cait's mom, you mean?" Ron asked, and I got the feeling he knew what Michael was wanting.

"Yes, Ron...we have to make it look like Hawke and Cait were married two weeks ago, so that if Cait's mom gets curious..."

"Say no more, Michael," Judge Clevenger interrupted me. "I'll handle everything."

Michael breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thanks, Ron. Now I owe you one."

"I'll send you a bill," Ron said, laughing. "Talk later, Michael." And just like that, the connection was broken, and I turned off the speakerphone. I figured Michael was calling Dom back, and that the relationship between Hawke and Caitlin was going to be the main topic of conversation.

I couldn't help but worry the more I thought about what Michael was planning to do. Don't get me wrong—if it works, I get my puppy, and Hawke and Caitlin get married. But, I remembered hearing about what happened when Michael told Hawke about sending Gabrielle to Libya. If Hawke doesn't go along with this...a fat lip could be the least of Michael's worries, I said to myself. Finally, I walked into Michael's office, resolving to play dumb as long as I could.

"Would you care to tell me what that was all about?" I asked as I walked back into the office.

"It's a long story, Marella," Michael said, as he stretched out his bad leg. "But, since we've got the time..." He proceeded over the next few minutes to explain exactly what Dom had told him had happened between Caitlin and her mother.

"Oh, my," I said, shaking my head. "I can only imagine what Hawke's going to do when he finds out."

"He knows already," Michael said, and I heard him stifle a chuckle at my expression. "Apparently, he and Dom were sitting outside the office while the conversation/argument was going on. Cait was so nervous when she heard her mother was on the phone, she forgot to close the office door, so Hawke and Dom heard the whole thing."

"What happened?" I wanted to know.

"Well, as soon as Cait said that she'd eloped with her best friend, Hawke dropped a wrench right in the middle of the hangar floor. Of course, Cait's mom heard it, and demanded to know what the noise was. I don't think Caitlin expected Hawke to hear her say that to her mother...and I know she wasn't expecting Hawke to drop a wrench like that," Michael finished.

"So, what were you calling Judge Clevenger for?" I demanded, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice...and failing miserably.

"To see if..." Michael hesitated, and I knew he was thinking about our bet. "To see if there was any way he could marry Hawke and Caitlin before Cait's mother gets here next week."

"So," I said as I moved towards Michael, a malicious gleam in my eyes, "are you admitting defeat?" I perched myself on the edge of Michael's desk, crossing my legs in a manner that was highly undignified...not to mention completely inappropriate for an office setting...but at the same time, I knew Michael would find it extremely alluring. He always has loved my legs, I said to myself as I leaned in to him.

"Not...quite," Michael said, and I knew he noticed my expression, even as I noticed how he was admiring the shape of my legs. "I mean, we still don't know whether Hawke actually will marry Cait...but at least this way, if that's what he decides to do, we'll have the bases covered," Michael said.

"Ha," I sneered, grinning, as I already had a particular breed of pup picked out. "Better start dog-proofing the house, Michael," I said, brushing my lips against Michael's.

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch, my dear," Michael said, standing up. "We've got a lot of work to do, and not much time to do it in...and besides, as I've told you before, we don't know what Hawke's going to do. Do we still have..."

"Yes, Michael," I said, moving off Michael's desk and returning to my usual business-like behavior. "I still have that information in the files. Don't worry about it," I said. I knew Michael was concerned about whether or not we had Hawke and Caitlin's measurements, and I knew they were still in the Personnel files. We keep records like that on all field personnel, in case we ever have to provide clothing for them on an assignment, and of course, we had to make alterations to the Airwolf flight suits. "If...or should I say...when the decision happens, and we find out that Hawke proposed to Cait...I'll be ready." I turned and walked out of Michael's office, swaying my hips ever-so-seductively as I walked. I know that drives Michael insane...which is why I did it.

All the same, I couldn't help thinking back to Ron's retirement—Cait and Hawke went together, ostensibly as "just friends"—but when I saw the two of them walk in, Cait on Hawke's arm, I have never seen a woman look that much in love. It looked like a scene right out of and old movie—or out of one of those novels I enjoy reading—and the more time they spent together that night, I became convinced that even though he doesn't show it, Hawke has feelings for Caitlin that are more than just friendship.

When we didn't hear from Dom over the weekend, I began worrying that maybe...just maybe...Michael was right. By Monday morning, I had begun to accept that things weren't going the way I thought they would. And, I'd been worried about something most of the weekend—what if Cait decides not to marry String? I mean, I thought I knew how Cait felt about Hawke, from what Michael told me about the time she helped rescue him from East Germany, and from times I've seen the two of them together, but I was suddenly worried about what might happen. Just then, the morning satellite photography came in, and I noticed something...or rather, someone, who looked familiar. I'd seen Saint John's picture, of course, in the files...not to mention at Hawke's cabin. And although the face in this photo was several years older than the pictures I'd seen before, there was no mistaking the features. Michael has to see this, I said to myself, relieved that there was something developing that would take both Michael's mind, and mine, off the issue of the potential wedding.

I charged into Michael's office with no fanfare or warning. "Sir, you have to see this," I said, slamming a set of satellite recon photos onto the desk.

For a moment, I thought Michael was looking at a picture of a ghost. And, I think he thought he was, too. Finally, he said, "Saint John. Goddammit, Stringfellow was right. I don't believe it, he was right all along!"


"Never mind, Marella. Never mind. Do we have coordinates on Saint John's location?"

"Right here, sir. And the Enterprise battle group, along with the Wasp and the Essex, is within three hours' sail time, conducting exercises. Shall I...?"

"Immediately, Marella. Send these photos, along with new orders, to the captains of both battle groups, and the Wasp. Instruct them to prepare for stealthy extract when in range. Damn...let's bring Saint John home!" Michael shouted, and I hurried out of the office again, to carry out the orders.

Once I had alerted all three ships' captains as to the situation, Michael called me back into his office.

"Yes, Michael?" I asked when I walked in.

"About...what we discussed on Friday," Michael began, and I could tell he was feeling extremely uncomfortable about whatever he had to say—which, I have to admit, made me curious as to exactly what Michael was referring to.

"Yes?" I asked, knowing the excitement was shining in my eyes.

Michael simply sighed, slumped his shoulders in defeat, and mumbled, "You win."

"What?" I demanded, as Michael had lowered his voice so far that I think Stringfellow is the only person on this planet who could have heard him. "Could you repeat that, please?"

"Dammit, Marella," Michael hissed, increasing the volume of his voice, "I said, you win. I had a message from Dom when we got here this seems that the wedding is going to happen on Wednesday," Michael said, and I beamed at him, the smile of a triumphant woman.

"Yes! I knew it!" I shouted, and was glad that the doors to Michael's office were soundproofed, and this time, fully closed. I hadn't been that excited since the mission that Hawke and Dom flew into Russia, unarmed, to rescue a defector and his family. "Don't worry, Michael," I said sweetly, "I'll take care of everything else that needs to be done. And then..."

"Yes, Marella," Michael admitted, again in defeat. "Once they're...married...then we can pick out the puppy you want."

"Thank you, Michael," I said as I wound my arms around his neck. "Trust me...everything is going to be fine." I gazed lovingly into Michael's good eye, and hoped fervently that he believed me.

To say I was surprised when Michael asked me to call Zeus, the head of the FIRM, would be a gross understatement, but, at the same time, I knew why Michael wanted to talk to him. With Saint John on his way home, the agreement we have with Stringfellow no longer applies. But Airwolf, in their hands, is the best intelligence and field tool we've got. Well, Michael will make Zeus see reason, I said to myself, having complete confidence in the man I loved.

In the meantime, I busied myself getting things ready for the wedding. On my lunch hour Monday afternoon, I went to a local jewelry store that I frequented and picked out a gorgeous wedding band set, having both Hawke and Caitlin's ring sizes in the files. We'd taken them when Hawke and Caitlin started working for us, so that we would have them, ironically enough, in the event that they were ever sent on a mission which required them to pose as a married couple. I knew Michael had been trying to find a mission like that, practically since the day I had met Caitlin, a few months previous, after she helped Hawke and Dom rescue Michael from East Germany, since both Hawke and Dominic were injured on a flying stunt. Caitlin took over the Electronic Data Command Center, after Hawke gave her a short training on Airwolf's systems. Now, we'd be using the information for real. But I couldn't help asking myself...if we had found a mission that had required Hawke and Caitlin to pose as a married couple...would he have agreed to it? Would Cait have agreed to it? And...could that have been the kick in the ass Hawke needed, as opposed to that phone call from Cait's mother? I suppose it's irrelevant, now...but I still wondered.

Later that afternoon, Michael told me that his conversation with Zeus had gone much better than he had anticipated. Yes, it had nearly degenerated into a heated argument, but Zeus finally understood what Michael had been trying to explain for a long time, and what he and I already knew—that Airwolf, in the hands of the Hawkes (I figured, Caitlin was only two days away from marrying Stringfellow, so there was little harm in referring to them as a married couple) and Dominic Santini is the best field tool the FIRM has. So, at least Hawke doesn't have to worry about the FIRM trying to get Airwolf back. Now, another agency, that's another story entirely. But now, maybe Zeus will leave Michael alone, and let him do his job.

The next morning, I was startled when I walked back into the office after getting a cup of coffee, and found a man who seemed to be only a few years older than Hawke standing there. "Excuse me. I was looking for...Michael?" Of course, I knew he was cleared—the strange man was wearing one of our VISITOR security badges. But I still wondered what was going on as I buzzed Michael and said, "Sir, there's someone here to see you."

"Fine. Send them in," I heard, and buzzed the door open, ushering the stranger inside, then walking back to my desk.

A few minutes later, my intercom buzzed again. "Marella. Would you join us in here for a moment?"

"Yes, Michael?" I said, totally professionally, as I walked back into the office.

"Marella, this is Saint John Hawke," Michael said. My jaw dropped, and I noticed Michael smiling as he said, "Would you help me explain to him about Stringfellow getting married?"

"Well, Saint John," I said, "Michael's right. Stringfellow is getting married. You see..." And for the next hour, Saint John listened as Michael and I told him the story of how String had met Caitlin O'Shannessy, and they were getting married.

"I can't believe it," Saint John mumbled when the story was finished. "My kid brother...getting married. This girl...Caitlin O'Shannessy, you said? She must be quite a girl. I mean...after Kelly was killed, I didn't think String would ever get that serious about anybody again."

"Oh, she is," Michael answered him. "Take our word for it." Once again, I found myself wondering just how strongly Michael felt about Caitlin. I fought my concern down, though, knowing that Cait was going to marry Hawke tomorrow.

"Now, Saint John...," Michael was saying, "Stringfellow doesn't have any idea that we've found you...and, I'm going to try to keep it that way until tomorrow. What I'd like to do is..." and Michael outlined what he thought Stringfellow might say regarding his brother and the wedding, and the best time for Saint John to make an appearance.

"I like it, Michael," Saint John said, grinning. "It'll sure be good to see String again...and Dom. I can't wait until tomorrow morning."

"Well, we've got you set up at a hotel near here, and of course, we'll help you find a permanent home," I said, knowing it was the least we could do for Stringfellow's brother, "so, Michael and I will take you to your hotel, and then we'll be along to get you, and the judge who will be performing the ceremony, in the morning," Michael said.

"I can hardly wait," Saint John said, smiling, as he, Michael, and I left the office for the day. That night, I must admit, I had as difficult a time sleeping as I imagined Hawke and Caitlin were both having.

When we picked up Judge Clevenger, and then Saint John, on Wednesday morning, I wasn't sure who was more nervous – Michael, String, or me. We flew to the cabin, and dropped Michael, Saint John, and the judge off, while I flew back with Lauren, along with my assistant Jacqueline, to pick up the bride.

Finally, I had arrived at Caitlin's apartment building, and buzzed her.

"Yes?" I heard Cait's voice.

"Morning, Cait," I said through the tiny speaker. "You ready for this?"

"As ready as I've been for anything in my entire life," Caitlin said, and I could tell she meant it.

"Well, come on then," I said, and I thought I sounded almost as anxious as Caitlin was. Guess I'm thinkin' about getting married to Michael, I said to myself, then added sadly, if he ever gets around to asking me.

"Something on your mind, Cait?" I asked a few minutes later, as my assistant Jacqueline and I met her in the lobby.

"Is it that obvious?" Caitlin responded. I suddenly got the distinct impression that her tone of voice when she answered the buzz was just an act—she's worried about something, I said to myself as I studied her face. Now that I see her, I'd say Cait's more nervous than anybody, including me.

"Yeah," I said, smiling. "You look like a woman being led to her execution...not someone who's about to marry the man she's dreamed of for a long time. You're not..."

"NO!" Caitlin insisted, far more sharply than I had expected. "No, Marella," Caitlin repeated, and toned her voice down, even as she laughed softly. "I'm not having second thoughts about marrying Hawke. And, I'm sorry I laughed just now...but when you said I looked like a woman being led to her execution...that's how I felt when I got the phone call from Mom that started this whole mess!"

I laughed and nodded, then said, "Don't worry about it, Cait. Apology accepted."

Caitlin smiled at me and said, "Thanks, Marella. know how much I love's just...I'm..." When Caitlin let her voice trail off, I knew exactly what was on her mind.

"OH," I said, and smiled knowingly. "You're worried"

"Yeah...and, Marella, I'm sorry I snapped at you just now," Caitlin admitted, finally realizing that it was just the three of us standing there, and she could be open with me about what was making her so uncomfortable. I finally looked at my watch and said, "Listen...the wedding's not scheduled for a few hours yet...and I think you need to talk about some why don't we go back to your apartment, make some tea, and have a little 'girl talk?'"

"I think...I'd like that," Caitlin said, smiling, and led Jacqueline and me back to the elevator. Once we were in the apartment, Caitlin quickly put on a pot of tea and sat at the kitchen table with Jacqueline and me.

"Before I forget," I said, turning to the other woman, "this is my assistant, Jacqueline, and she'll help you get ready with your dress, hair, makeup, anything you need. Jacqueline, this is Caitlin O'Shannessy...soon to be Caitlin Hawke," I said, and Caitlin smiled and shook Jacqueline's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jacqueline," Caitlin said...and I knew she meant it.

"Same here, Caitlin," Jacqueline said, then added, "and congratulations."

"Thanks," Caitlin said, smiling.

"So," I said, wanting to continue the conversation we started in the lobby, "I gather by what you said before hasn't happened yet for you, and tonight with Hawke would be..."

"Yeah," Caitlin said, embarrassed. "Tonight'll be my first time. I'm still," she said, and I saw her cheeks darkening as she continued, "'s scary."

"Well," I said as I gave Caitlin a friendly smile, "I wouldn't worry too much about it. Personally, I think sex is a wonderful stress reliever, and given your job with us...and with Dominic, I would think you're under more stress than you let on...but, I think Hawke will understand...just don't force anything, and I'm sure you'll be fine. And...don't worry about it. I understand. I suppose if I was still a virgin, and about to get married, I'd be nervous too."

Caitlin smiled and said, "Thanks, Marella. You've almost been like another sister to me...I'll never forget it." Just then, she heard the tea kettle whistle, and quickly took it off the stove, turned it off, and fixed cups for all three of us.

"It's my pleasure, Cait," I said, patting her hand after she sat down. "And, I want you to know something—I'm very happy for you today." I was hoping my expression didn't betray my feelings, but I should have known better—Caitlin's too smart a girl to miss a detail like that. Sometimes, I wonder why Michael didn't try to recruit her as a field agent for the FIRM.

"Hey, Marella," she said, noticing my expression, "things are gonna work out for you and...whoever."

"It's Michael," I replied. "Michael and I are...together. We live together, actually...and," I said, and I knew Cait could see my face turning red, "we...we made a bet on you two."

"You did what?" Caitlin asked, and laughed. "I'm sorry, Marella. I just think that's extremely funny, that you and Michael made a bet about Hawke and me. What was the bet?"

"Well...I've been wanting a puppy for the longest time," I said, and I knew Cait could see the smile on my face. "And so I bet Michael that if you and Hawke ever got together, that he'd have to buy me a puppy."

"Well, just do Hawke and me one favor," Cait said, smiling at me, "let us see the pup after you get it."

"You've got a deal," I told her. About this time, Jacqueline looked as if she had a question for Caitlin.

"So, where did you meet Hawke?" She asked, and Caitlin turned to me with a questioning look.

"It's okay, Cait," I said reassuringly. "Jacqueline has a security clearance, and she's read over the Airwolf files, especially about your situation back in Texas. But, why don't you give her a few of the details?"

"Sure," Caitlin said, and spent the next few hours describing how Hawke and Dom had saved her from that crooked sheriff, then, how she had come back here to California looking for him after they left. Jacqueline laughed when Cait told her about her thoughts when Hawke smiled at her, and said, "Well...I've only talked to Hawke a few times...but he never smiled at me that way!"

Then Jacqueline noticed Caitlin's expression, which looked decidedly uncomfortable. "Caitlin," Jacqueline began, and I could tell she was worried about something. "I know I said I've talked to Hawke a few times...but, they were all business. I don't..."

"Hey, it's okay," Cait said, smiling at us. "After all," she said, and her smile turned decidedly mischievous, "I'm the one that's gonna be married to him!" We all laughed again, and I could see the tension easing out of Cait's body. Then, Jacqueline asked about the comment that started this whole scenario moving.

"Well," Cait said, "that's kind of a funny story. See, my mom has been buggin' me to settle down and get married ever since the hijacking...I was flyin' home for my sister's wedding, and the plane got hijacked...but Hawke and Dom saved our butts. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Mom called and started buggin' me about getting married, and she was sayin' all kinds of mean things about String...and finally, I just couldn't take it anymore, and blurted out that I'd eloped with my best friend...which was an out-and-out least, until today," she said, smiling at how things had all worked out.

Suddenly, I got the impression Caitlin was feeling a whole lot better about this whole thing. It appeared that she'd decided not to let her anxieties about sex ruin this day. I immediately noticed her change in expression. "Now, that's the Caitlin O'Shannessy I know!" I said, when Caitlin's face split into an ear-to-ear grin. "You ready?"

Caitlin took a deep breath and said, "Yeah. I'm ready. Let's go!" Caitlin grabbed her dress bag and followed Jacqueline and me out, and, after locking up the apartment for the last time, the three of us got back in the elevator and went downstairs, then after Caitlin turned in her keys and said good-bye to the landlord, we walked out to our helicopter and headed for the cabin. A short time later, we had landed on the dock, and I looked around, wondering where Hawke and the rest of the men were.

"I sure hope Michael's gotten them out of the cabin," Caitlin said, after we got out of the helicopter and walked up to the front door. Lauren, Michael's pilot, had already taken the chopper and landed it not too far away so the dock itself would be clear for the ceremony, then came back and joined us.

"I'll check first," I said, and pushed open the door just wide enough for me to slip in. A few seconds later, I opened the door wider. "Coast is clear, Cait. Come on in." Caitlin walked inside, turned to me, and, with a smile, said, "Thanks."

"Don't mention it, Cait," I replied and smiled back at her. "It was my pleasure."

Once we were all dressed, Jacqueline fixed our hair and makeup...and Judge Clevenger and Saint John walked into the cabin. The judge quickly introduced himself to Caitlin, then walked down to the dock where String stood waiting. Saint John remained quiet as he lined up with me, and I wondered if he'd forgotten to introduce himself to Caitlin. Then, we got the "high sign" from the judge, the small violin quintet that Michael had hired began playing, and I took Saint John's arm and walked towards them.

By the time Dom gave Caitlin's hand to String, I could see her makeup was ruined, and saw the tears streaming down her face. But then, I looked at Hawke, and I noticed his eyes were full of tears. He and Caitlin smiled at each other, and turned to the judge, who began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved," Judge Clevenger began, "we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Stringfellow Hawke and Caitlin O'Shannessy. From what I've been told, these two young people have had a long and...interesting journey to get where they are today." String and Caitlin looked at each other, and I could imagine the thought running through their minds, because I was thinking the same thing—You have no idea.

I could see Caitlin and Hawke both hold their breath when I heard the judge say, "Any person who can show just cause why these two should not wed...let them speak now, or forever hold their peace."

Finally, he continued. "Stringfellow Hawke, do you take Caitlin O'Shannessy to be your lawful wedded wife?" I saw them silently release the breaths they'd been holding. Truth be told, I don't why they're so nervous, I thought to myself. There's nobody here who would have said anything to stop this wedding...especially me.

"I do," Hawke replied, smiling.

"Caitlin O'Shannessy, do you take Stringfellow Hawke to be your lawful, wedded husband?"

"Yes. I do," Caitlin said proudly, and String could see the tears shining in her eyes, and I knew I saw tears in his eyes, too, as the judge took the rings from Saint John.

"Stringfellow, take Caitlin's ring, place it on the third finger of her left hand, and repeat after me: With this ring..."

"With this ring..."

"I thee wed."

"I thee wed," String said, as he slid the ring onto her finger.

"Caitlin, take Stringfellow's ring, place it on the third finger of his left hand, and repeat after me: With this ring..."

"With this ring..."

"I thee wed."

"I thee wed." At this point, as I saw Caitlin slide the ring onto String's finger, I could see String's eyes were filled with tears. And I have to admit, mine did, too, as I imagined what it would be like when it was our turn...Michael's and mine, that is.

"Stringfellow, Caitlin...I now pronounce you husband, and wife," Judge Clevenger said, and I had to stifle a laugh as String pulled Caitlin towards him, and claimed her lips with his own, just as the judge finished. "You may now...continue kissing the bride." Saint John, Michael, Dom and I laughed as the couple kissed. Finally, they separated, as Judge Clevenger announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce...Mr. and Mrs. Stringfellow Hawke!"

"Congratulations, Hawke...Caitlin," Michael said, as he shook String's hand, then gave Caitlin a friendly peck on the cheek. "I know I've said this before, but...I never thought I'd see this day. And may I say...Mrs. Hawke," Michael said, and I noticed Caitlin blush slightly, "I don't think I've ever seen you happier."

"Thanks, Michael," Caitlin said, blinking back tears of joy as she gave Michael a quick peck on the cheek in return. "I can honestly say that I've never been happier, than I am right now."

"And I second that," String said, and I knew he was talking about the fact that he was married to Caitlin, as well as having Saint John home. "I think that for the first time in a long time, I'm truly happy. Thank you, Michael," String said, and wrapped the master spy in a huge hug. I had to admit...I don't think I'd ever seen Stringfellow Hawke so happy as he was right then. Meeting Caitlin was the best thing that could have ever happened to Hawke...even if he didn't know it at the time.

"You're welcome, Stringfellow," Michael replied.

I could tell Caitlin's curiosity about Saint John was quickly getting the best of her when she said, "Um...String? There's someone here I don't know." It wasn't my place to say anything, so I kept quiet, even as I said to myself, Boy, are you in for a shock.

"Sorry, Caitlin," String said, and I could see him shake his head. "Caitlin Hawke, meet my big brother...Saint John Hawke." Saint John gave Caitlin a quick peck on the cheek and a warm, friendly embrace.

"String? This is Saint John?" Caitlin asked him, and Dom had to stifle a chuckle.

"I was rescued about three days ago, Cait," Saint John answered her. "And, from what I see, it appears I arrived just in time." Turning to String, Saint John said, "Well, little brother...I have to say, your taste in women has definitely improved from what I remember. I think I'm safe in saying this...Mom and Dad would have approved."

"Thanks. I think," String said, laughing.

"String," Caitlin said, and pulled him closer to her, "even though I've only just met him, I think you can take Saint John's word for it. I trust him," she finished with a wink at her husband.

"Well, that's a ringing endorsement, if I've ever heard one," Michael laughed, and noticed the rest of us joining in.

"I think you're right, Cait," String said, and we all laughed again.

"And what about me?" Michael demanded.

"Sorry, Michael," String said as he hugged Caitlin close to him. "You're right, too. Cait's endorsement is everything I'll ever need," he added, turning to kiss her yet again.

"Good answer, Stringfellow," Michael replied with a smile, and winked his good eye at String.

"Well, Saint John, it's a pleasure to meet you," Caitlin said. "I've heard a lot about you from String."

"Caitlin, I look forward to getting to know you better," Saint John replied, smiling at his brother, Caitlin, Michael, and me. "And may I say, welcome to our family."

"Thanks, Saint John," Caitlin said in reply.

Finally, after several rounds of congratulations and hugs, Michael and I decided to leave the newlyweds, along with Dom and Saint John, and return to the office, and then, home. Michael glanced over at me and noticed tears in my eyes.

"You okay?" Michael asked me, concerned.

"Yes, Michael," I whispered, and I had to wonder if Michael believed I was positive about it, but I continued, "I'm okay. Just...that was so beautiful today, Michael. Thank you." At the same time, I want my own be Michael's wife. I want that more than anything.

"Well, Marella, thank you for your part," Michael said to me, and we were both thankful that Laura was doing the actual flying, so Michael and I could talk. "Those bands you chose for Hawke and Caitlin were...exquisite. And, so was Cait's dress."

"Thank you," I replied.

"By the way," Michael said, and I knew something had been bothering him ever since the wedding, but he didn't want to mention it, "thank you for taking Hawke and Caitlin's ring sizes...although, how you did it without them knowing, I'll never figure out. Dom asked me how we knew them...I told him how frustrated I was that I hadn't been able to find a mission that would have required sending Hawke and Cait posing as a married couple...but I suppose that's all moot now," I said, smiling at Marella.

"Yes...I do remember how frustrated you got that you never found the right mission...I'm also glad we were prepared with that information for today—and, most important of all, I'm glad things all worked out for the best," I sighed, and I think Michael could tell my mind was already on the pup.

By the time we landed back at Knightsbridge, I had recovered my composure and gone back to badgering Michael about the pup. I had already been in contact with a breeder for the past two-and-a-half months, a man who was a former FIRM employee, and I was looking at a white German Shepherd puppy, part of a litter that was reaching the age where they could be adopted out. From what the breeder had told me, the pup's parents were both pedigreed, which should make training a lot easier. I had chosen a white pup, figuring that would make our lives easier, since it wouldn't mess up our clothing. By the time we had returned home, Michael knew I wasn't going to let him off the hook. I quickly called my friend David, and he agreed to meet us at his home in an hour.

"David said he could meet us in an hour," I said as we left Knightsbridge to go home.

"David?" Michael demanded, and I chuckled at his reaction.

"Yes, Michael, David," I said, patting Michael's knee. "David Richmond, breeder of White German Shepherd pups. He said we could meet him at his house in an hour, if we wanted to." I smiled at Michael and said, "You're so cute when you're jealous."

"Jealous? Me?" He floundered, but I think he realized that he had come off sounding extremely jealous. "You're right, Marella. I was jealous, and I'm sorry," Michael said.

"It's okay, Michael," I said, and I was reminded once again why I loved this man. "I forgive you," I said, smiling at him.

When we arrived at the Richmond house, I knew Michael could tell how excited I was – I usually waited for the chauffeur to open the back door before I got out, but today, I opened the door myself, and sprang out of the back of the limo before the chauffeur had even opened his door. "Hi, David!" I shouted, and I think Michael was wondering just how well we knew each other.

"Hi, Marella!" David shouted back, and waved. He walked up to me and gave me a friendly peck on the cheek, similar to the one Michael gave Caitlin at her and Stringfellow's wedding. I sure hope Michael isn't feeling jealous, I said to myself.

"David," I began, turning towards Michael, "this is Michael."

"Glad to meet you, Michael," David said and they shook hands. "So, you're the guy she's always talking about?"

Michael looked at me, stunned, then back to David. "She talks about me?" He asked.

"Every time she's been here, for the past two and a half months," David said, and grinned. "I knew from the first time Marella came to me talkin' about a puppy, that she only had eyes for you. That's all I've been hearing...'Michael' this...'Michael' that..." He grinned, and pulled Michael aside and said, in a tone and volume that even Stringfellow Hawke would have difficulty hearing, "You are one lucky man, Michael. Don't forget that. And...may I make a small suggestion here? Marry that woman as soon as you can." I only happened to hear him because I was standing right beside Michael.

"Don't worry," Michael promised him as he looked at me. "I won't forget how lucky I am...and, as for marrying her...I'm planning on it," he said, and smiled at David. David said, "So...I gather you won the bet, Marella?"

"Yes," I replied. "Stringfellow and Caitlin Hawke are now officially married." I allowed a satisfied, almost smug expression to cross my face as I said, "And, here we are."

"Well," David said, walking over to a large, open-topped playpen in the backyard of the house that held a constantly moving pile of small, white puppies along with a larger dog that stood in the background, one I assumed was the mother, "these are the pups that I've been telling Marella about. As you can see, they love to play. They're all ready to adopt...of course, they may need some training, but Marella already seems to have that figured out. And," he said, handing Michael a stack of papers in a folder, "here's the pedigree on their father."

"Very impressive," Michael read. "So, White German Shepherds aren't officially recognized by the AKC?"

"No, and that's a darned shame," David said, "because as you can see, they're beautiful animals. Oh, before I forget," he said, handing me another folder, "the mother's pedigree. We have pedigrees on both parents. Most good breeders do," he added.

Of course, I already knew how beautiful these pups were, having seen them every day for the past two and a half months, but even Michael had to admit David had a point about the beauty of the puppies. One pup in particular seemed enamored with Michael – he would disengage himself from the pile and scratch at the side of the pen, trying to get out whenever he stepped close, and when David reached into the pen and pulled the pup out, the little pup jumped right into Michael's arms and started licking his face.

"Michael!" I shouted, laughing. "I never realized..."

"Me neither," Michael said, finally having gotten the dog to calm down long enough so that he could cradle him in his arms. "But he seems to like me."

I came over and scratched the dog behind the ears, and he licked my hand. "He's perfect, Michael," I whispered, tears coming to my eyes as I watched the dog with Michael.

"Good choice, Marella, Michael," David said. "That little guy's probably the smartest pup of the whole litter. Good judge of character, too," he added, and I looked at Michael and grinned.

"We'll take him," Michael said, and I grinned even wider. David quickly produced a leash to put the pup on, and we walked back to the house with David, and I held the leash, so that Michael could fill out the requisite paperwork, and pay for the dog. The dog wasn't cheap, at $1250, but as David said, that's what you pay for breeding.

"Pleasure doing business with you, Michael," David said as we finalized everything. "You're gonna love that little guy. Marella think of a name for him yet?"

"Not that I'm aware of," Michael said as he handed me the dog, and watched me cuddling the pup, "but I know she's been thinking about it ever since we made the bet."

"I wanted to ask you about that," David said, and I think Michael was a little surprised. "I mean, Marella told me some of what the bet was all about, but I got the feeling she left out some details."

Michael hesitated, and I knew he wasn't sure how much of the story he could reveal to David. Finally, David said, "Michael...don't you remember? I used to work for the Personnel. I think I even read the files on Hawke and...Caitlin, isn't it?"

"Yes...and now that you mention it, I do remember your name," Michael answered, and I could tell he was relieved that they could discuss at least some of the specifics, without breaking a multitude of rules. "Caitlin O'Shannessy...I mean...Caitlin Hawke, now. Quite the lady, I must admit." I have to admit, I felt just a twinge of jealousy at the way Michael said that...but, I knew that Caitlin was Hawke's wife now.

"You sound kinda taken with her yourself, Michael," David said.

"Just an old man's fantasies, I guess," Michael replied, laughing. "But, if I were 20 years younger, Stringfellow Hawke would have had more than a little bit of competition for Caitlin's attention." I can't say that I was completely satisfied with that comment, but I chose to ignore it.

"How'd Hawke meet her, anyway?" David wanted to know.

"He was down in Texas and ran into her there,"Michael said, and I had the feeling he was deliberately trying to stay away from the details about Hawke's time in Pope County. I guess I can't blame him, I said to myself. I don't even remember what David's clearance it's probably better this way.

"Anyway, a few months ago, Cait came back to California looking for him, and wound up working with him at Dominic Santini's charter service," Michael said. "Spent the better part of the last year and a half trying to get Hawke to realize how much she cared about him. I personally didn't think they'd ever get this far."

"Which is why you and Marella had the bet, right?" David asked, and Michael nodded. "So Caitlin was arguing with her mother, and blurted out that she had eloped?" David asked, and Michael and I could both tell that David didn't buy it.

"That's right," Michael affirmed. "Ever since Caitlin was flying home for her sister's wedding, and the plane got hijacked, her mother has been badgering her to settle down and get married, and I guess Cait had finally had enough. From what Dominic tells me, he and Stringfellow were sitting in the hangar, and Cait had left the office door open, so they heard the entire conversation. When Caitlin said, 'I eloped...with my best friend,' Hawke dropped a wrench on the hangar floor."

"Yeah, I heard about that hijacking...I'm glad nobody got killed," David said. Then, he added, "I'm surprised Hawke didn't drop on the hangar floor," David laughed. "Hearing that kinda thing, especially if it's coming from a girl you have feelings for, can cause a man to faint, you know."

"Stringfellow's a little sturdier than that," Michael said. "But, Dominic called me and told me the whole story, so, I arranged a quick ceremony for them."

"Well, I hope things work out," David said, and I had to agree with him. "So, when does Cait's mother arrive?"

"Tomorrow, I think," Michael said. "I don't know if I'll hear how the visit goes or not...I just hope things go okay."

"I wouldn't worry about it, Michael," David said. "These kinds of things have a way of working out for the best, you know?"

"Yes, David, I think I do know," Michael replied, and for some reason, I knew everything was going to be all right. All the same, I have to admit I expected a call from Dominic on Friday morning telling me that either Cait or Stringfellow...or both...were in the hospital. Finally, I allowed David to put my new pup in a carrier, although I would have preferred to hold him all the way home. We thanked David once again, and were on our way.

"Thank you, Michael," I said as I snuggled into his side. "I'll never forget this."

"You're welcome, Marella," Michael said as he wrapped an arm around me. "I suppose...I suppose I can get used to a dog around the house. Might be fun, even."

"Oh, I think it will be," I said. " case I haven't said it lately...I love you." I said it partially to express my gratitude for my new friend, but also to express just how much I loved him.

"I love you, too, Marella," Michael replied. "I will always love you." Then, he realized what had happened in the conversation with David. "Marella," he began, and I knew he wasn't sure about what he was going to say, "I want you to know something. When David said I sounded kind of taken with Cait...that in no way meant that I love you any less. Yes, I did say that if I were closer to Hawke's age, he might have had competition for Cait...but, the key word is might. You know that..." I interrupted with a passionate kiss, thankful that Michael had raised the privacy shield in the limo before we left.

When we separated, I said, "Yes, Michael. I know...Besides, Cait's with Hawke now, which means," I said, a particular gleam coming to my eyes, "that you are all mine...and," I added, "I am all yours."

By this time, we had arrived home, and brought the pup inside. We had set up an area in the basement for him, complete with food, water, and a "doggie bed," which he recognized and crawled right into, after a quick snack and drink. As we watched the little animal sleep, I said, "Have you thought about a name yet?"

"Marella," Michael whispered to me, not wanting to disturb the dog, "He's your pup. I think you should name him."

"Thank you, Michael," I said, "but...he chose you, so I think you should at least have some say in it," she added.

"Well...if you insist," he said, and the expression on my face told Michael that yes, I "insisted."

"Well," Michael said, not wanting to wake the dog, "maybe something like "Eagle," or "Arctic," he mused, watching to see if anything got the dog's attention. "Or maybe something more fun?"

"Well," I said as I remembered something from the past, "We are both Star Wars fans...remember? You took me to see "Return of the Jedi" for our first date."

"Oh, no," Michael said, and I could tell he was resisting the temptation to say 'I have a very bad feeling about this.' "You're not seriously considering..."

"Yoda? Look at him, Michael...with those ears," I said, and we noticed the dog's head perk up.

"Yoda," Michael said, and the dog jumped off the bed and ran over to him, trying to jump into his arms. Michael picked him up and scratched him behind the ears, and I even had to admit, the name did fit. "And, he seems to like it...Well, Yoda," Michael said, shaking his head, "welcome to our family." He barked quietly and snuggled into Michael's chest.

"I don't believe it," Michael said, "but I think he likes it." Michael carried Yoda back over to his bed and set him down, and we both noticed he curled right up and went back to sleep.

Quietly, I turned off the lights in the basement, and we went upstairs.

"Of course, you know the problems little Yoda's going to cause...personally, when he gets trained," Michael said as we walked into our room.

"Well, Michael," I said, a mischievous look on my face, "we'll just have to make sure that when we...want to be alone, like the lady said, that Yoda's got other things to occupy him. But now," I said as I reached for him, "I do believe it's time for me to...collect on the rest of our bet." I knew what Michael was worried about – that Yoda, being a trained and pedigreed dog, would try to retrieve and bring back any article of clothing that might be tossed around the bedroom. But, with Yoda calmly sleeping downstairs, I proceeded, over the next few hours, to show Michael exactly how much I loved him, and in the process, squelch any doubts he might have had about Yoda interfering in our personal lives. Finally, I snuggled tight against Michael's body as he wrapped me in his arms, and we both drifted off to sleep.

Three Weeks Later...

"So, this is the dog, eh, Michael?" Stringfellow Hawke asked. We had invited Hawke and Caitlin over for dinner a few days after they returned from their honeymoon, and they had happily, and graciously, accepted.

"Yes, Hawke," Michael said, smiling as he handed out glasses of wine, "this is Yoda."

"Yoda?" Caitlin and Stringfellow both asked at the same time. Caitlin glanced down at the dog again, and remarked, "It's the ears, String. It's gotta be the ears."

"I'll take your word for it, Caitlin," Stringfellow replied as he watched the dog bounding around the living room of our home.

"Oh, you," Caitlin admonished her husband. "Remind me to show you The Empire Strikes Back tomorrow night." They had received a VCR and television as a wedding present, so Caitlin was determined to educate Hawke on some of her favorite movies. And, like both Michael and me, Caitlin was a Star Wars fan.

"Well, Michael," String was saying as we moved to the dinner table, "just don't let little Yoda too near Tet, if you bring him up to the cabin with you. Tet might mistake him for a rodent, and eat him by accident." I pretended to be horrified at String's pronouncement, but I could see the grin on Hawke's face.

"By the way," Michael said, turning to Caitlin, "how'd the visit from your mother go?" I was curious to know as well, and walked over to where the three of them stood.

"Mom couldn't be happier," Caitlin replied, beaming. That grin is going to need to be surgically removed, I said to myself. But, I wouldn't dream of suggesting it.

Caitlin went on, "Mom even apologized to String for all the bad things she said about him," and I could see Stringfellow smile at that comment. "I have to admit, I wasn't expecting that."

"That makes two of us, Cait," String replied as he took his bride's hand. "I was pleasantly surprised when Maggie apologized to me." I could tell String was relieved that his relationship with Caitlin's mother was on more positive ground, and I knew Caitlin felt the same way.

"By the way, String...Cait," Michael said during dinner, "I...have one other surprise for you. I would have liked to have Dom here, since this concerns him...but I've had a talk with of a few days ago, Airwolf is all yours." To say Caitlin and Hawke were shocked would be an understatement. In fact, I thought one of them would faint, but they didn't. Now, if Dominic were here, I'd be giving him CPR, and yelling at Michael to call an ambulance, I have no doubt, I said to myself.

"You''re serious, Michael?" Hawke finally said. " ours?"

"Yes, Hawke," Michael said, "on the condition that you continue doing what you're doing, and flying Airwolf when we need her. I finally managed to convince Zeus that Airwolf, in your hands, is the best field tool we've got. And, albeit grudgingly, he agreed with me, and has decided to leave me alone, to do my job." Michael smiled at both Caitlin and Stringfellow.

"Thank you, Michael," Stringfellow said, then added, "and we'll be sure to let Dom know."

"Hawke," Michael added, "this doesn't mean that another agency, like the CIA, NSA, or even the Department of Defense might not continue looking for Airwolf...but, I can now run official interference for you. Just do us a favor, Stringfellow...take care of that bird for us."

"You've got a deal," String replied as everyone finished eating. "I don't think Dom would have it any other way."

"You're probably right," Michael said, smiling, as he and Hawke walked off.

I decided to ask Caitlin about the issue we had discussed on her wedding day, and when Michael walked away with Hawke, I saw my opportunity. I walked over to where Caitlin stood and said, "So? What happened?"

Caitlin gave me a strange look, then the memory of our conversation at her apartment came back to her. " was just like you, wait," she said, casting a loving smile towards Hawke, "it was better."

"I told you it would be," I said, smiling as I gave Caitlin a friendly embrace, then we went to rejoin Michael and Hawke.

"And what were you ladies conspiring about?" Michael asked as he reached for my hand.

"Oh...girl talk, Michael," Caitlin said as she slipped her arm around Hawke, and he slipped his arm around her in response.

After dinner, Michael insisted that we all have a glass of champagne. What is going on in his head, I asked myself as he maneuvered me into a chair at one end of the living room. I didn't have to wait long to get my answer, fortunately.

"Stringfellow, Caitlin, I wanted you to be here to witness this," Michael said as he reached into the pocket of his jacket, bringing out a small maroon velvet box. As soon as I recognized it for what it was, I let out a short squeal when Michael opened it and revealed the engagement ring. As he got down on one knee, he looked into my eyes and said, "Marella...will you marry me?"

"Yes, Michael," I whispered, knowing my eyes were full of tears. "Yes. Of course, I'll marry you!" I said, and allowed him to slip the diamond ring on my finger, then pull me to my feet and kiss me. At that moment, with my closest friends there with me, I have to say, with all respect to Caitlin, that I felt like I was the happiest woman on Earth.

"Marella, don't let me forget to..." Michael started, and I knew what he was going to say.

"I'll call Judge Clevenger myself, first thing in the morning," I said, smiling. And this time, you'll be able to tell him that it's our turn, I said to myself, staring at my ring.

And, after the Hawkes had left to go home and we put little Yoda to bed, I proceeded to show Michael just how happy I was, and how much I looked forward to becoming his wife. Thank you, Michael, I said to myself as I felt his arms around me, and felt sleep claiming me. Thank you for everything.