Chapter 3: The Wedding

Corinne looked at her own reflection in the mirror. Just minutes earlier, Renée, Viveca and Aramina finished helping her to prepare for her wedding. And now, there she was, carefully observing every stitch on the wedding dress. A white strapless dress with white jewels on the bottom part of the skirt. Viveca's designs never fail to impress Corinne. She loved it.

And it seemed like Miette loved it too, as the kitty looked at Corinne with a pleased expression on her face. Or at least that's what Corinne assumed.

"Can you believe it, Miette? That someday a country girl like me would become a musketeer, and then... the queen!" She turned around, letting the dress turn gracefully around her waist.

"Meow!" Corinne's kitty seemed happy for her beloved owner.

"Just one thing I never expected…" Corinne said, stroking Miette. "I always thought my prince would be the one saving me when I'm in distress, not the other way around."

Miette gave a loud meow. Corinne laughed.

"I hope you're right, Miette."

Suddenly Corinne heard someone knock on the door. "Knock, knock". She quickly put Miette down and straightened herself up.

"Come in, please." She said, and immediately realized her visitor. "Mom!"

"Corinne, my little girl" Corinne's mother stepped closer and hugged her. "Look at you. Your father would be very proud."

"I know he is." Corinne smiled, reminiscing the happy times spent with her father.

"Just one thing…" Corinne's mother looked skeptical. "Will you be happy as Queen? You know being the Queen comes with privileges and also many responsibilities."

"Mom!" Corinne laughed, trying to assure her mother. "I'm seventeen now. I know what's best for me. Don't worry about me, I'll live a happy life. Louis loves me and I love him too. That's all that matters."

"Well, I just want you to know that I love you very much and no matter what you choose, I'll always support you, Corinne. You always make me proud."

"Thank you, Mom. I love you too." She hugged her mother once more.

"Now… Let's go. The groom is waiting for you."

And so she walked Corinne down the aisle to the wedding arch. Louis was standing there. In his eyes, he saw no one else but a beautiful bride walking toward him. She was like an angel that heaven sent to him to protect him and show him what love meant. He felt lucky fate brought them together.

"You look beautiful, Corinne." Louis whispered to her as she came next to him.

"Thank you." Was all she could say, as she felt happiness overwhelming her.

Among the guests, Corinne's friends were admiring her.

"Doesn't she look beautiful in that dress?" Viveca complimented.

"Stop it, Viveca. We all know you designed it, it's very beautiful, thank you." Renée quickly replied, avoiding another hour of listening to Viveca praise her own design.

Then vows were exchanged, and the happy newlyweds left the palace as the wedding guests continued to look at them with admiration.

Louis took his bride to the front garden where there was an enormous floating balloon decorated with white and pink flowers. Corinne immediately realized this was part of the "Wedding surprise" prepared specifically for the bride.

"No, there's no way I'm crashing the third time." Corinne protested when Louis invited her on the balloon ride.

"Come on, you don't want to do this in front of our guests, do you?" Louis asked her with a wide smile.

Corinne turned around. Dozens of people were looking at her with an expression that said "What are you waiting for? Jump in!" Finally, Corinne gave up.

"All right, all right. But just this time. I'm getting altitude sickness." She sighed and let Louis pull her on the flying machine. Louis heated the inner part of the balloon and it slowly ascended. Below, Corinne's friends and the rest of the wedding attendants were waving at them.

"So… where are we?" Louis turned to her when they were already high up in the sky.

"We're on a floating balloon, something I'm getting sick of" Corinne avoided the question. "A perfect place."

"Yes it is." Louis leaned forward to Corinne and caressed her. Then their lips met. The kiss wasn't long, but that was enough for them to feel the passion long held back by their different social status. In a moment, they felt like fireworks broke out everywhere in their body. A feeling of euphoria.

"Oh, that is so romantic!" Aramina's romantic heart was fluttering as she watched the happy couple slowly float away in the sky.

Suddenly something fell from the sky into her hands. Corinne's bouquet! It seemed that she just threw it from the balloon.

"Oh, you got the bouquet!" Viveca said. "That's good news, right?"

"Of course!" Renée added. "Viveca, looks like we'll have a lot to do in the near future."