A/N: Something completely AU and OOC but i had the idea from some time ago, and i couldnt be bothered to create some characters of my own, so i took the all time sweet heart darlings whiach i love and voila, a new little two shot for my peeps. Oh yea, only been beta read by me, so bear with me.

Naruto belongs to kishimoto-san.

R&R if you please.

As the clock ticked 7 a.m. he lashed out and knocked his cheap superman alarm clock to the ground and let his arm dangle out from the edge of the bed. He yawned and sat up, running a hand through his bed hair and down his face, feeling his bear studs scratching against his rough skin of his hand.

Mornings sucked.

As he woke up and went out to piss, he pulled down his batman boxers and decided that he might was in need of a shower as his smell quota was rather high. After shower he got out all butt naked as god had created him and he pulled on a pair of tighty whities and his cargo knickers and a star wars t-shirt – and he was ready for work. He just needed his coffee which he could take with him in his "momma!" trademark cup.

As he walked to his shop in his flip flops and his coffee mug, he could feel the sun shine down hard on him already and he decided that today he was going to keep the shop door open. Well he had to, he couldn't afford an air conditioner and therefore all windows and doors in his shop were open all summer.

He was 32 and he owned a comic bookstore. He had unlike his friends a job he loved and a place he could call his own. His uniform consisted of what ever there was in his closet, and he couldn't remember the last time he wore a tie. Normally you would like his friends have a job where you actually were paid, though you wouldn't love the work, but you would have money. Normally you would like his friends, by now have at least a girlfriend if not a whole family.

Normally you would by now be a little bit more happy and settled in your life.

As he unlocked the door and walked in, he sighed as he looked around. The place was nice, some things could definitely use a bit of paint, but the shelves were clean and the shop overall was a very clean place. But, because there was a but, he didn't feel all that psyched about it anymore. Was it because he had grown older and his passion for comics were gone? Hardly. His collection at home was almost the same as in the shop. Was it because he didn't really have money to hire someone? Well it could be a part of a problem there actually was just a tad bigger than that.

He wanted to have someone to share it all with. Preferably a cute girl with huge tits. Though that might have been his dick, rather than his heart there wanted that.

He just wanted to have someone to talk to and share some sweet moments with. His friends did stop by almost daily - almost, but he was still alone most days as in the meaning that he didn't have anyone to confide in, talk about meaningless stuff but also how he was feeling etc.

Normally when you were in his position, one there reminded himself of the comicbookstore guy from simpsons – though he weren't fat, then you would only have one of two options;

You didn't date. Period.

You would try and hook up online.

If by any struck of luck you actually did manage to go on a date with a girl, then she would either be so ugly that you yourself feel like damn brad pitt, or she was a manga fan. Either of the two, and either way it was usually a lost cause, as it was two worlds never meant to meet. If she were to be so ugly you felt like crying then of course it couldn't work, though beggars can't be choosers.

If she was a manga fan, then you would fight too much because your fandom was like nemesis towards one another. Some have of course worked out, but most times manga and anime girls in real life are very hard to handle for a marvel fan.

And it never succeed to get any other type of girl than these two, because you would as a nerd have a name that would signify your passion like "Trooperlover" or "falconpunch84" some completely unattractive names followed by a braced face.

Yea you would have your problems dating when your biggest passion was dressing out as captain America on Sundays and attend huge gatherings were you would hang out with other people also in their captain America costume. Somehow it wasn't a turn on.

Love was not a friend of comicgeeks.

But now having had the bookstore for almost 10 years he was used to it, sadly. He lighted up a cigarette he had taken from his package on the counter. He smoked as he turned on the lights and carried out the boxes of new comics he had to price and so on.

He was totally against smoking in the start, as it was a store there sold paper things and the smoke would dye the comic books an ugly yellow color, but 5 years of being VERY single then even something like THIS was something he could compromise with.

He had a stable base of clients and he would sometimes go to conventions, if he had the money and he also sold some things online on his site or e-bay. So the store was okay but not shining like some huge as prada universe.

The only thing he did however use a very significant amount of money on was the blockbuster store. He had an account there that could document his almost abusive rental of porn vids. Most with women with big tits, but occasionally he would throw in a new one like, lesbo porn or gay porn for the sake of diversity.

The youngsters there did look at him funny though, but he was a client who paid a lot of money every month so they were probably used to pervs like him.

Coming to think of it, he hadn't had sex for 3 years. The epiphany of this of course meant he quickly lighted another fag and made him incapable of moving for 5 minutes, as he got even more depressed than he had been recently.

He sat down on a box and scratched his hair loose from the band and tied it up again, letting his smoke dangle from his plum lips. His bearstuds were itching a little, as he should probably have shaved this morning but his job didn't however demand such a high maintenance of himself.

Maybe he should go and rent a hooker? Hell maybe indulge himself in two.

As the day progressed and he got through some of the boxes and sold some comics and what not, he was surprised to see a new face which he could only describe in a way that said it all.


The guy didn't seem to know what he was looking for, actually he didn't look like he even knew what kind of shop this were. A place where jabba the hut and Tin Tin were bigger idols than the Jonas brothers and Rolling stones. In here almost everyone had a WOW account and everyone knew everyone, if not from the store then by network nights where they would hook the laptops up and share and trade comic books.

This guy oozed of money but ignorance. It was a weird cocktail actually.

"can I help?" he said as his smoke number 8 of the day dangled from his lips and he sat behind the counter checking out his mails on his laptop.

". . . " the new guy just looked at him in a way he interpreted as appalling, like he had shit on his face and the other knew it, and he just walked out after giving an indifferent glare.

"weirdo." He said and flicked his smoke over his little mountain of ashes on the counter, and decided that he was in need of more coffee.

The funny thing was that the same thing happened the next day. He had woken up and done the exact same things, though he did shave for once, and after he had opened the shop and it had been open for a few hours the new guy came again.

This time he looked a little longer at him, before he left. It was just plain creepy and weird. The guy didn't seem so old, maybe 16 or 17, you can't ever tell with the youth these days, and his hair was pitch black and so was his eyes. His skin light, despite the radiating sun and his clothes were mostly shirts and a pair of slacks.

He looked very handsome, but his behavior was very weird and somehow unfitting for a person like him.

The guy began being a regular but he never bought anything, he just wandered around and giving him a glare before leaving. It had been like that for 3 weeks until he one day came in when it was raining unusually hard and long, and he was soaked to the bone and his hair was clinging to his face.

"here." He handed him a towel he usually used for cleaning the shelves, and handed it to the other, earning a glare of huge mistrust.

"I aint gonna bite kid, you should know that by now." He said with a smile, as the other lowered his gaze and took the towel and dried his hair.

"So you have been here every day for the past few weeks, but you never buy anything, is there something you are searching for? I might have it in the back or be able to get it." He stood across from the boy and looked at him as he dried the tips of his hair. The rain had made his shirt cling to his body, which he now could see was slim and defined by muscles.

He must be an athlete was what he was thinking as he lit a fag, he had tucked behind his ear.

"You know they aren't healthy." He blinked as the brunette spoke, the towel draped around his neck.

"hahaha. . . well no they aren't but it's not easy to quit old habits." He inhaled and smiled from the chuckle he had as the boy sounded surprisingly serious and his voice deep.

"so whats your name?" he said as he offered the boy his chair behind the counter to relax on.

"Sasuke." He himself had gone after a box of comics he could sit on. He hardly ever had company so he only had one chair in the shop.

"ah, that sounds Japanese though, you from overseas?" He flicked some ash from his cigarette, while the boy was just sitting and looking at him.

"yea, my parents moved here from Tokyo" he spoke heavy, and the other couldn't help but find it cute in such a frail boy.

"well my granddad was also from japan, so my name is also Japanese, oh right you don't know my name. Its Naruto." The other blinked a little surprised at the information.

"yea I know I don't look anything like a Japanese, but my dad is American so I inherited most of his genes and voila here I am, all ¼ Japanese." He laughed as he could hear how silly this conversation really was.

"I thought maybe you would have been more into manga then" Sasuke said as a matter of fact, as all he knew from childhood was all the manga's he had stored in his room.

"well maybe. But I haven't ever really fancied the way they draw and such, and I also want to help American cartoonists as I find their work more appealing in some way" he inhaled again, letting the smoke escape through his nose.

Sasuke looked at Naruto and how he sat totally relaxed on his little box and let his cigarette dangle from between two fingers as he looked back at him.

Naruto was 16 years older than Sasuke, he found out, and also that the brunette enjoyed the American cartoons but he just didn't know what was good to read yet, so he just looked around. Being the owner of his own comic shop Naruto of course recommended some classics for him to read and what there was new and upcoming.

The rain still fell heavy outside and the sky was a dark shade of grey and the streets deserted as Naruto finally locked up the shop and Sasuke headed home with some comics he had bought in the end.

Since that time Sasuke only ever visited when it was raining, which Naruto found weird as everything else about the boy, but he let him visit as rainy days meant very few customers or none at all. Sometimes weeks could go by other times only days, but every time it rained the brunette would stop by and they would talk about japan or the newest comic which Sasuke had been reading – Naruto knew them all anyway.

One day where the rain was falling like cats and dogs he stood and priced some comics on his shelf until he saw Sasuke come running into the shop all drenched to the bone just like at their first meeting. The boy was just plain ignorant of his own well-being.

As he stood and dried his hair a lightning hit outside not so far away and a small shudder went through Sasuke's body, but he didn't move from his spot by the door where he stood with Naruto's towel.

"damn not lightning… it always interferes with the power" and as by a magic touch a lightning lit up the sky and the power went inside the store, leaving it in complete darkness.

"Sasuke are you okay? I am going to find a flash light, hang on." Naruto walked around the shop and hit his foot on some boxes a couple of times until he ended up not finding the flashlight, as he had taken it home with him the last time the power went.

"can't find the flash so I guess we have to wait and see when the power will be back." Another lightning hit and Sasuke's hair stood on end, though he still didn't move from the spot.

"come on over here and sit down Sasuke, there is no point in standing there as we don't know how long the power will be out.." Naruto sat down on the box and lit a smoke in the darkness and as he could hear Sasuke wasn't moving, he lifted a brow and inhaled.

He said to Sasuke to come over again but the boy stood unmoving.

Naruto loosened his long hair from his hair band and sighed before he got up and walked over to the other, standing right in front of him.

"don't tell me you are afraid of lightning." And as another electric charge lit up the sky Sasuke grabbed hold of the blond's shirt and yanked him close. Naruto blinked a few times as could feel the brunette bury his face in his shirt.

He put a hand on his shoulder gently and felt the boy's body tremble, he scratched his hair and smiled. Some things you just didn't grow from, like he himself had always and always would despise snakes.

"hey, why don't we go and si-"

As he was about to say the last few words, he could feel a cold hand touching his cheek, and even if it was pitch black darkness his eyes shot up in surprise as the hand continued into his long hair, brushing it with slender fingers.

And though he wasn't afraid of anything at the current moment his body didn't react and he could feel how soft and thin lips touched his own and how a tongue came and licked his lips, which he opened up, and felt how Sasuke's tongue caressed his own slowly and almost timid.

His own cigarette taste was overpowering any other taste, but even so he could taste the slightest bit of something bitter. He felt how the brunette's other hand sneaked around his neck and even though he should have thought about the one he was kissing was underage and a boy none the less, he didn't.

Naruto just let the kiss run its course and felt how Sasuke's fingers played with his hair, and he even let himself drape a hand around the brunettes body, while he held his lit cigarette in the other.

A small but cute moan left Sasuke as he felt how Naruto took hold around him and pushed their bodies closer, intensifying their kiss which had grown from the timid and careful one into one of want, heat and pure and utter lovely friction.

As the kiss ended, Naruto looked at the other through the darkness.

"go home." He said, and walked away to smoke the last bit of his cigarette.

Sasuke stood in the darkness and looked at the likewise dark flooring. He left the towel on the counter and ran out and into the rain.

"fuck." Naruto pulled in his hair, still being able to feel how Sasuke had brushed through it. What on earth was the boy thinking! This wasn't some game, something you just did when you were afraid or something you just did for the sake of doing it.

He was even twice the age of himself. Who on earth would find an old man like him attractive, though that realization did sting a bit.

When he finally had smoked the last of his cigarette, the light came on again and he sighed.

Love wasn't for comic geeks.