Chapter 1: The beginning

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom of Gardania, there lived a young girl named Blair, who had a dream locked inside her heart: To be a princess. After years and years of dreaming, she finally got an opportunity to go to Princess Charm School and learn to be one.

One day, Blair decided to confront her parents with the matter. She went into the family's kitchen.

-Mother, Father-She began.-I would like to tell you that...

-Yes, sweetie?-Blair's mother raised her eyebrow, studying her daughter.

Blair took a deep breath.

-I...I would like to attend Princess Charm School, Mother.

-Oh, Blair... The school will cost us a fortune! And isn't it for princesses only?-Blair's father frowned. Both parents were looking at her, seemingly skeptical.

-Please, just let me explain-Blair tried to keep calm.-The school's also open for normal citizens, Father. And in fact, they offered me a full scholarship. We won't have to pay for the school.

-You applied for Princess Charm School?-Blair's mother asked.

-And got a full scholarship?-Added her father.

-Yes Mother, yes Father. Will you allow me to attend Princess Charm School? Please?

Blair looked at her parents with hopes burning inside."This is my once in a lifetime chance to be who I want to be. Please say yes, please let me attend it..." Several seconds passed, but to Blair, it seemed like that moment lasted for centuries.

-Well, I suppose it's a good opportunity for her, don't you think?-Blair' father talked to her mother.

-Of course. Maybe they'll finally teach her some princess manner.-Her mother smiled gently.

-Wait... Does that mean you agree? I can go?

-Of course you can go, Blair! It is an honor to be attending Princess Charm School.

Blair wanted to jump around in joy.

-Oh, thank you mother, father! Thank you so much! I won't let you down!-She hugged her parents tightly.-I'll go pack my things!

Blair ran out, but got too excited and stumbled upon the doorstep. She nearly fell on her face.


-Blair, sweetie! Are you all right?-Blair's father helped her up.

-I'm okay! I'm... I'm okay.-Blair quickly got up and left the room in embarrassment.

Blair's father shook his head.

-Blair's still Blair.-Blair's mother laughed.

-I really DO hope they'll teach her some princess manner.-Blair's father said, walking back into the kitchen.