"Have fun getting your money taken away." Emma confirmed, at her usual sitting spot on Jay's kitchen counter.

He stood between her legs drinking his beer and laughing.

His buddies, Spinner and Sean standing behind.

"It's just poker with the guys." Jay said, jestering to them and then eyed the poker table where Marco sat, "Who invited the gay kid?"

Emma rolled her eyes, sometimes… she had to admit, Jay was still Jay!

"OW!" he then laughed after Emma hit his arm.

Sean answered Jay's last question, "Ellie… Marco's always been attached to her freakin side." He rolled his eyes and opened his own beer.

"Whose watchin Cook?" Spinner asked.

Sean answered, "That Mia girl, their 'play date' friends…. she had to watch Effy anyways."

"Hi guys I hope you didn't mind I brought Marco and another friend." The red head said, coming over. All the guys gave her looks but Emma nudged Jay again.

He sighed and spoke, "No not at all, just let Marco know it's not strip poker." He warned.

"Where's your other friend?" Spinner asked, noticing she said two, it was only Marco?

"He's coming." Ellie insisted, and they walked over to the poker table in the middle of Jay's Tv room.

"you let all these guys hang around her?" Jay asked Sean, he'd never with Emma?

"Yeah." Sean shrugged walking off.

Spinner stopped beside Jay, "Swear he does not actually like that girl." He confirms about Ellie and Jay chuckled nodding.

The front door opened with Ellie letting someone in.

"Jesse?" Emma spoke up, seeing a certain someone step in. He had on black little sunglasses, had dark jeans on, a built body, tall, dark features and a great wide white teeth smile.

Swear he was older than all of them.

"Emma!" the guy cheered back, passing Ellie who blinked and saw him run to Emma, hugging her.

Jay stood beside Spinner a bit confused, squinting his eyes at the scene and clenched his jaw.

"Swear she does not actually love you." Spinner joked to Jay, and shut up at his glare.

"What are you doing here?" Emma laughed, stepping back. This was Jesse! From Rehab!

"Oh he's beautiful." Sean taunted Jay in the background, coming back to stand with the boys.

"Who wears sunglasses at night?" Spinner looked at his watch and added, "It's 9 oclock!"

"You guys know another?" Ellie asked with an awkward laugh between Emma and Jesse.

"Rehab buddies." Smirked Jesse with Emma.

Jay glared at Sean and Spinner before going to stand beside his girl.

Jesse coughed awkwardly seeing everyone staring at him and explained, "I was a coke head… stories from the newpapers really got to me. I'm a reporter."

"A coke head, what a winner!" Spinner said excitingly to Sean. Sean laughed quietly with him.

Emma felt Jay's arm slide around her waist and then pointed at Jay to Jesse, "Jay once struggled with it too."

See? They had one thing in common…. Maybe they could be friends?

"The husband." Jesse said nodding at Jay and taking off his glasses.

Guy looked even more like an asshole.

Jay would glare at Jesse but he was too busy glaring at his little wife for the moment.

"Heard tons about you." Jesse insists.

"Wow… they know another." Ellie said going over to Sean and crossing her arms.

Sean gave her a weird look and said, "So?"

"Come on everyone!" Spinner cheered, sensing the tension and went to the poker table with Marco, "time to play!"

And that night, Jay took much pride in taking 200 from this 'Jesse'.

Everyone was exiting the door for the night and Ellie called over her shoulder with Sean, "Night!"

"We're catchin up, here's my number ok?" Jesse said to Emma before leaving, passing a white card to her.

"Thanks Jesse." Emma laughed and closed the door, "bye!"

She turned and saw Jay still sitting at the poker table, shuffling cards in his hands over and over.

"Rip that card up." Jay ordered, not even looking at her.

"What's your problem?" Emma asked, sensing more madness then usual.

Jay threw the cards on the table and stood up, "And where do you get off telling strangers my problems?" he yelled at her.

Emma jumped and he softened but couldn't even look at her.

How could she do that?

Emma sadly spoke, "Look, I'm sorry… I'm just use to being totally honest now, it's what they taught us in rehab."

"Rip it…up" Jay said slowly, shifting his eyes to finally look at her.

"Fine!" she exclaimed and all he did was nod and go back to the bedroom. She scoffed.

If Jay knew Jesse's romance troubles right now? He wouldn't be so jealous.

That's it!

Emma ran back to the room.

"He likes a girl." Emma said, crawling on bed where he laid and opened his eyes.

She straddled his hips and he bit the end of his tounge, "Is her name Emma?"

"nooo." She confirmed, giving Jay a look, "He actually loves her, a lot… but she's with another man. Their not married or anything but he said she seemed serious with him. Said it was half the other reason to snorting the cocain"

Jay still couldn't look at her and bit back, "Married or not, he should back off if she's someone elses."

"I'm trying to tell you something." Emma declared, putting her warm tiny hands on his face, cupping it and moving it toward her so he HAD to look at her.

He finally softened and nodded, so she leaned down and kissed him lightly. He gave her a slow peck too and it turned deeper, sliding her tounge in and massaging it with his.

He sat up a bit more and she sat her butt on his lap, he ran his hand through her hair and held the back of her head, kissing her harder.

They pulled away, like usual, breathless. Emma whispered, "I love you."