Okay everyone, these are just a few little shorts, all nice and sweet. All of them are from Percy's school life. I'll make each of these till the end of the school year before the Titan War. I hope you enjoy.
Percy had come into the car in tears. Sally was just applying some makeup when she heard the door slam, and a little boy sobbing. The little boy was her baby, Percy.
"Percy!" Sally said. "What's wrong?"
"I hate it here, Mommy!" Percy sobbed. "All the kids are mean to me, and I didn't even do anything!"
Sally had known something like this would happen. Poseidon had told her that half-bloods in modern society always had a hard time in school. But in kindergarten? How could kids be so cruel at such a young age? Sally had hoped that her little Percy wouldn't be picked on, because he was such a sweet little boy. It hurt her to see him like this.
"Percy," she said soothingly, "What did the other kids do?"
Percy hesitated. "Well-"
Percy launched into his story. It was the beginning of class, and he was making a drawing of himself and his mommy. One of the other kids took his picture and called him a baby, saying, "Aw, does the poor little baby miss his mommy?" And he had torn it up. Percy had started to cry, and the teacher had to come over to calm him down.
Later, towards the end of the day, the same kid had come over to his desk as Percy was packing up his stuff. He took his backpack, and dumped all of the contents onto the ground.
"Hey!" Percy exclaimed. "Why did you do that?"
The bully pushed Percy to the ground and said, "I don't like little babies. You're a little crybaby, that's all. I don't like kids like you." Just for good measure, the kid kicked Percy in the stomach. Then he ran off.
"A-and that was only one of them!" Percy cried. "Others didn't even try and make friends with me, they just watched it all happen!"
Sally reached over and hugged her little Percy. She could feel his tears dampening her shirt. Sally's heart wrenched and she just wished she could blow all of Percy's hurt and pain away as easily as she blew the bubbles in his hair during baths.
"Percy," Sally said. "Look baby, everything will be okay. That kid doesn't know what he's talking about. You're a big strong boy, and you'll be a hero someday. For now though, you're my hero. And you remember that."
Percy smiled a teary smile. "I'm Mommy's hero!"
"That's right! Now, who wants some cookies?"
"I do!" shouted Percy.
Somehow, I just know he'll be a hero. Sally thought. The greatest of all, and no one will pick on him then. For now, though Percy's my hero. And that's all that matters.
Well, that's the first one. Hopefully I'll be able to update the other stories as well as this one. Thanks for reading!