Hey everyone…*hides in shame* God, I'm soo sorry for not updating and having this story on hiatus for so long…College and real life just got in the way and I was unable to write or even post anything. Honestly, I'm so sorry everyone. I still thank you for reading my story and for all the favorites I received during my absence. I'm trying to get back into writing again as I'm taking a semester off of college, and I hope to get more done. I cannot promise regular updates, but I've been writing the next chapter and it is almost done currently. This story is a work-in-progress, and sometimes there's just no inspiration. Anyways, I digress, Thanks to everyone who has stuck with this story and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

As soon as they are safely back in their room, Wolf whirled to face Snake Eyes before beginning to pace in front of him. "Brutus is planning something…They never send Nightshade out unless it's top priority. It was always me, Nightshade, or Storm Shadow they sent out whenever they needed something done well." She halts in her pacing, her eyes widen, and her breath hitches in her throat. Snake grabs her shoulders and holds her. "Christine…What's wrong?" She doesn't answer. He shakes her gently. "Love, what is it?" Almost mechanically, she answers. "Me…They want me…I know too much; I've defied them; I beat their nanites; I know everything…" She looks up, her eyes meeting Snakes own for a moment, before she steels herself, her face going blank. Snake Eyes worriedly watches her. "I have to meet Cobra befor-" The loud blaring of a siren cuts her off before she can finish her sentence. "He's here…" She whispers.

Snake Eyes watches her worriedly for a moment, before going to grab his weapons. Wolf goes to grab her weapons of choice from the many in Snake Eyes room. Two katanas become strapped to her back, two sai to her hips, and her own favorite gun; a Glock 37 that she nearly always had on her person, gets strapped to her right thigh. She also has several knives hidden on her body already. Luckily, she still wore the black body-suit she had designed in the Order, so she didn't need to change or don any armor.

Wolf and Snake Eyes slipped from the room, searching for the threat that had managed to sneak into the base. The two ninjas split up as soldiers from the Order swarmed the halls. Wolf ran into Ripcord fighting a growing mass of soldiers, alone. She drew her katanas, slicing down as many as she could, fighting towards her friend. While it hadn't been long at all since she had been with the Joes, she felt at home. As if she had known them for all of her life. It certainly was much better than being with the Order. All of her anger at the Order, from everything they had done to her, poured out as she fought alongside Ripcord. When all the soldiers lay dead, she sheathed her katanas, the blood of the soldiers dripping down the scabbards. Ripcord glanced at her. "What's going on? This came from out of nowhere!" He panted, having been fighting alone from nearly immediately after the siren sounded. Wolf scanned the area, one hand on her gun, just in case. "I'm nearly sure Cobra sent Brutus to "collect" me..Well, either him or Storm Shadow…" She pulled a small device from a hidden pouch on her person, and tossed it over to Ripcord. "Make sure that gets to General Hawk immediately. I need to find Snake Eyes." He nodded and moved off with the device.

Wolf headed for the training room, almost sure Snake Eyes had gone in that direction. She begins an easy, effortless trot in that direction, slowing at the sight in the opened armory. A few Order soldiers were in there, tossing things to each other, raiding it for more weapons to help their fight. She threw one of her daggers with silent accuracy, taking down the soldier closest to the door in a matter of seconds. She quickly moved into the room, and had killed two of the remaining men before the other three could react. She had her sai drawn, and waited. Dark blood dripped down both sai to the floor, pooling beneath her hands. A single drop of the red liquid hung shining, on the tip of one sai, while she waited for the men to react. The one closest to the door cocked his gun to shoot, and she threw the sai that was in her right hand into his chest, killing him instantly. Changing hands for her remaining sai, she beckoned the remaining two soldiers closer, a slow grin sliding across her face. They charged her together, one firing off several shots from his gun, but missing as she flipped and whirled away from the flying bullets. The other soldier had an energy gun, and fired a single blast, hitting Wolf square in the chest. She flew back from the waves of energy, and flung her remaining sai into the soldier with the true gun, just before she crashed into a rack of large rifles. The rifles scattered everywhere as she skidded to a stop. Energy blasts could be survived, but bullets were far less likely to be walked away from so easily. The soldier she had thrown her sai into lay on the floor, dead. Wolf cracked a smile, as she struggled to rise, dazed. The remaining soldier held his energy gun level with her head. Soon, the cold feel of metal on her neck made her slowly raise her hands. "Stand up girl." He growled. She complied, and stood still for a second, before spinning around and driving one hand under the gun to shove it away from her body, the other hand giving a flat strike to the man's chest, cracking his sternum. The solider fell back with a pained gasp, clutching at his chest. Wolf irritably kicked him in the side as she walked towards where he had dropped the energy gun. She picked it up, and stepped on his wrist with one black boot to keep him still, before bending down and taking the hip holster he had for the unique gun. She felt the bone crack under the pressure of her foot. She strapped the holster to her own body, putting the weapon on her left side. She looked at him gasping for air and felt no sympathy. Her face was impassive as she watched him struggle to breathe, just staring for a minute. After another moment of observing him flail about, she retrieved the dropped gun from the soldier she had killed earlier, and shot the gasping man in the head, watching as he went limp in death. Her eyes held no remorse as she drew her sai from the chests of the two dead soldiers. She wiped the thickening blood from her weapons with a clean cloth from a ransacked drawer, and then placed them back in their holsters. She grabbed a compound bow and two quivers filled to the brim with arrows. One was a standard quiver, which she slung over her shoulders, careful of her katanas, while the other was a hip quiver, designed for more practical use. Well, for how someone like her could shoot, anyways. She attached that one to the opposite hip of the energy gun, and ran from the armory towards the training are, where she was nearly sure Snake Eyes had gone.

Wolf reached the training room quickly, killing any and all soldiers from the Order that she met along the way. At that point, she had acquired several more energy guns, and a string of flash grenades. Her slight frame was covered with weapons, though she still moved with hardly any effort. The weapons draped over her gracefully, like a deadly waterfall. She evaded the groups of people fighting, making her way towards the only empty catwalk, and from it, got into the ventilation system. She used the flash grenades she had pilfered earlier to distract and daze the Order soldiers so the Joes could gain the upper hand.

A shuriken embedded itself into the metal next to her left knee, and she glanced down out of the open vent. "Hello, Storm Shadow…" She breathed softly, and slipped from the vent, to land lightly on the balls of her feet in front of the ninja decked in white.

"Fang." He tilted his head to her briefly. "Shadow." Wolf nodded in return. He always was one for the formalities. He drew one long sword and held it in front of him, staring straight at Wolf. She drew her Katanas, their tips lightly brushing the floor. She waited for him to speak. "You know why I'm here Fang." Storm Shadow said quietly. "And you know why I can't go back, Shadow." She replied softly. "Can't or won't?" He raised an eyebrow in challenge. Wolf shrugged. "Can't, won't, take your pick. I will no longer be their plaything, and I refuse to ever become so again." Shadow nodded, sighing softly. "So be it."

He immediately lunged for her, and Wolf brought up her Katanas in an 'X' to block. His sword stopped inches from her forehead. "You're getting slower, Shadow." Wolf smirked as he jumped back to avoid her swords. She just narrowly missed hitting his chest, only catching the edge of the white fabric. He struck back quick as lightning and managed to graze her right cheek with the tip of his sword, forcing her head to the side. She glared at the ninja, and began to fight in earnest, trading blows with him. Wolf didn't hear any of the other people fighting around them, so intent was she on her battle with Storm Shadow. Their battle wore on, and soon, when Wolf whirled to at his throat, he wasn't completely able to escape her blades. Her Katanas hit his chest instead, drawing a deep red mark into his skin. Blood welled over, quickly staining a portion of his suit a deep red. A strangled sort of sound bubbled from his throat. "You...You hit me…" Storm Shadow said in disbelief. Wolf grinned slowly. "That I did…" She purred. "You never did pay enough attention when Master had Snake teach us." She jabbed at his already wounded pride, and the enraged ninja lunged for her. A new pair of blades sprouted from behind her and stopped Storm Shadows own an inch from her neck. Wolf tilted her head up and smiled. "Hey Snake! Was wondering when you'd get here." Snake Eyes nodded to her, and taking a forceful step forward, pushed Storm Shadow back using his swords. As Snake Eyes took her place, Wolf left them to their fight, slipping away to see if anyone else might need her help. She looked back once, watching the two ninjas fight for a moment. White and Black. Yin and Yang. Still two sides of the same coin. She smiled, if a bit sadly, and turned her attention elsewhere.

Her gaze landed on Scarlet fighting a losing battle with six Order soldiers. Wolf spun one of the energy guns in her hand, a whirring noise accompanying the motion, and fired three shots in succession. It took out all six soldiers that had been surrounding the other red-head. Scarlet nodded her thanks as Wolf tossed the energy gun towards her, catching it with ease. Wolf quickly moved off, stalking up towards an empty catwalk. From there, she launched herself up onto a metal support beam. After concealing herself in the shadows, she drew the bow she had taken earlier and began shooting down Order soldiers all around the room.

When she had been in the Order, she'd been forced to learn how to be proficient in as many weapons as possible. Katanas remained her favorite out of all that she knew how to use. That knowledge now worked to her advantage as she dropped Order soldiers left and right. Nobody and nothing could touch her, as she was too high up for energy blasts to reach. Anyone that tried to get closer to her, soon found themselves falling back to the ground with an arrow or a Shruiken protruding from their body.

Soon enough, she was down to the last few arrows in her second quiver. She had taken to shooting only when part of her team was in mortal danger. She left Snake Eyes alone, as he was still locked in a fight with Storm Shadow. She knew that it was something she couldn't interfere with, so she concentrated on keeping Scarlet safe. Duke and Anna were nowhere to be found as of yet. Ripcord soon showed up, and he began fighting alongside Scarlet, giving her the support she needed.

Wolf went back to watching the battle between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow. Suddenly, an arrow attached itself to the beam she was standing on. A ticking sound made its way to her ears. "Oh shit…" Wolf ran along the beam and launched herself off, aiming for a nearby hanging rope. She swung to the catwalk just as the area she'd been standing on exploded in a shower of sparks.

She dodged the few pieces of steel that hurtled her way easily, running along the catwalk before skidding to a stop when a lone figure swung up a few feet in front of her, landing with a heavy thunk. "Hello, dearest Fang…" Wolf hissed angrily and drew her bow, nocking it with the last arrow. Her right eye twitched in annoyance as she stared at the man before her. "You…" She muttered. The man loosely held an ancient-looking battle axe in his left hand. He wore a body suit similar to Wolfs' own, though designed especially for his hulking mass. Light brown hair fell across his dark eyes when tilted his head towards her. "You've been a bad girl…Cobra wants you back." Wolf growled at him lowly. "I'll never go back, Brutus." She still had her bow aimed at him. The man only twirled his right hand, the hook glinting as it spun. "More fun for me, then." He grinned and lunged for her, battle axe raised, and she loosed the arrow, dodging his blow at the last second. She grabbed the railing of the catwalk and used the momentum gained from dodging his blow to swing her body around behind him. She kicked the back of his knees, making him stumble away from her, before she whirled on her heels and fled. Wolf ran, vaulting over obstacles and dodging people and weapons while Brutus just plowed straight through. He chased her out of the training room and down several hallways, finally beginning to catch up when the red-head slipped into a room at the end of a long, deserted hallway. He grinned, knowing she would be trapped.

He entered the room, shutting and locking the door behind himself. He arrived just in time to see her disappear into a forest-like area. He stalked towards it. "Come out, come out, wherever you are…" He sung maniacally. "Cobra wants you back, darling. Though he didn't say what condition you were to arrive in…" Brutus grinned maliciously. There was a rustle in the bushes to his left, and he whirled, axe raised. He slowly advanced towards where the bush had rustled, and parted the leaves with his axe. There was nothing there. He spun around, growling low in his throat. "Fang!" He hollered. "I know you're in here! I will find you!"

Wolf listened to him bellow, before looking back to the wolves gathered around her, and tilted her head, uttering a half-growl. The two lighter colored wolves huffed in return, and ran off into the underbrush, barely making a sound. The remaining black wolf stared at her in silence. "Ready Nero?" She whispered. He nudged his head against her side. "Lets go." She ran with him through the trees, beginning the hunt.