Interested in a Sequel? We've got one. Read!

Thank you so much for everyone who read/reviewed and showed love for this story. It was my baby and it got me to where I am now as a writer! On to the next.

Light Up The World


Rachel POV

"Finn!" I call when I walk in the door to our brand new apartment. It only took us a week to unpack and I put Noah to work on hanging pictures and painting the rooms. Chris's room is green with a lion theme that Finn and Noah picked out.

"I'm in our room." He calls back.

I walked past the kitchen and see Noah stirring something over the oven, "Hey Berry!" He says with a wave and I nudge him in the back.

"I told you not to call me that." I say with a laugh.

Noah turned to me and stuck the spoon he was stirring with in my face, "Once you start calling me Puck like everyone else, I will stop calling you Puck. I don't want anyone here to hear you calling me Noah and have that turn into a thing."

I roll my eyes and push the spoon out of my face, "Okay, Puckerman."

"No! Not Puckerman! Puck. I'm serious Rachel." He says sternly and I attempt not to laugh.

"Okay, Puck." I finally say with a smirk.

"What are you guys doing?" Finn asked from behind me. I turned to look at him holding Chris who is reaching his arms out for me.

"I'm being scolded on calling Puck the correct name." I walk over to Finn and Chris and take Chris into my arms and reach up to kiss Finn. "I got all your school supplies for tomorrow. The bag is by the door. Are you excited?" I ask him with a big smile.

He kisses my cheek "I am so excited." He says with a grin. "And Chris is excited too. He's going to meet new friends and have a great first day, huh buddy?" He directs towards Chris, tickling his belly. I notice he has on his wedding ring.

"You decided to wear the ring?"

"It still bugs me, I have a rash in between my fingers." He complains, "But, I looked it up, and it says that after a while the rash goes away and your finger gets used to it, but I have to wear it all the time in order for me to get used to it."

I laugh and take his hand looking down at the ring. The word Faithfully engraved on the side, and match it up with the Forever Yoursthat is engraved on mine. I smile down at our rings as the memory of our ceremony comes flooding back.

"And Rachel, do you take this man, to be your lawful wedded husband? For better or worse? In sickness and in health? For as long as you both shall live?" The priest asked me and I am looking straight into Finn's smiling face. The smile hasn't left his face all day, ever since I told him I would marry him.

"I do." I squeal out with the widest grin I think I've ever had. My cheeks hurt from all the smiling. I look behind Finn and Noah and Chris, Chris grinning from ear to ear and my heart has never felt so whole.

"Forever yours." Finn says in a hushed voice.

"Faithfully." I say back with a small giggle because I hear Chris giggling behind Finn from Noah tickling him.

After we exchange the rings, and sign the certificate, Noah, Quinn, Finn and I went bowling to celebrate. He was still in his suit and I was still in my white summer dress, which looked ridiculous with the shoes. When don't stop believing comes on we all sing it loudly and Finn and I dance in the middle of the bowling alley. Noah and Quinn take our lead. I think about the past year and I think about my life with Finn. I am happy.

"I love you, husband." I say up to him.

"I love you more, wifey." He says down to me kissing my lips lightly before hugging me tightly and I feel every worry wash away from me in that moment.

"I will never forget this."

Chris's cooing in my arms knocks me back to my senses.

"do do do" He keeps saying. Finn's face lights up.

"I think he's trying to say 'Da-Da'" He whispers to me before getting on his knees so he is eye level with Chris and pointing to himself. "Da-Da" He says over and over with a big smile. "Da-Da and Mama" He says pointing to me.

"Da-do" He says once before finally letting out the words we're all waiting to hear. Even Noah has stopped cooking and is biting his lip in anticipation.

"Da-Da!" Finn prompts.

Chris puts his hands on Finn's face and smiles widely, "Da-Da!" He screams pinching Finn's nose.

"Yes! Da-Da!" I say in a high pitched squeal and I drop to my knees too and we're holding Chris between us who is screaming 'Da-Da' over and over again.

Puck joins us in our celebration for a moment until he hears his water boiling over and I have never been so proud.

"You did it, Chris!" Finn says picking him up, "You said your first word."

Chris looks at me and back and Finn and keeps saying 'Da-Da'. He must know he did something right. Finn's glow doesn't go away for the rest of the night, and rightfully so. Puck tries to get him to say "Puck-Puck" for about an hour after dinner before giving up and we just laugh and hope he doesn't learn Puck's name too soon. It'll be way to close to other words that I never want to hear come out of his mouth.

Our little family is pretty damn perfect.