All recognizable characters belong to their respective owners (Cartoon Network, Disney, Stupid Fox). For a prompt on YJ_Anon_Meme.

"Stop, evildoer!"



"Um. Okay?"

Wally dropped a raccoon plushie on Kaldur's head, and then zoomed back over to stand beside Robin, who was wearing a fox on his head. A fox in a familiar cowl.

"Squeak!" Wally said, brandishing a bunny. Wait, yes, a Robin bunny. Kaldur looked down at the raccoon who had fallen into his lap, and sure enough, it had bandit-mask markings. He cracked a smile. "No!" He said, standing up and placing the raccoon safely on his shoulder. "You can't stop me!"

"We'll see about that!" Robin proclaimed, posing heroically. "Robin-bunny! Go!"

"Squeak-squeak!" Wally answered, and then dashed forwards.

Kaldur hopped up onto the arm of his chair, letting Wally zoom past him, and then he jumped at Robin, who declared, "Bat-Kick!", positioning his fox just so.

Superboy's teddy bear had a Superman shirt on, which was pretty expected, all told. Artemis had tied a green mask onto her cat, and string to the leg, using it as a projectile. M'gann's fluffy, floppy dog had a habit of appearing from thin air, and then disappearing again.

So Robin was perched on Kaldur's shoulder, trying to alternately wrench the raccoon away or put it in Bat!cuffs, and Artemis was trying to hit Wally with her Evil!Ninja!Cat, but Robin!Bunny just wouldn't stand still. M'gann has given up on trying to fake out Superboy, and was now trying to distract him with a flying dog, and he jumped around, batting at it with his Super!Bear.

"Time out!" Robin called. "Side switch!" He and Wally immediately started attempting to beat each other to death with stuffed animals, so Kaldur rescued Robin via Water!Coon. M'gann landed next to Artemis, and they both threw their animals at Superboy, who ducked behind Wally.

Red Tornado stepped into the room, and everyone reacted on instinct, pelting him with stuffed animals.

There was a moment of silence, and the Tornado just turned around and walked right back out.

The team retrieved the animals, shrugging, and Robin called, "Side switch!"

It turned into a free-for-all, but no one really minded.

Batman slipped down the hall, only to pause when he saw the Flash, Black Canary, and J'onn lurking in the doorway to the den. He ninja'd up behind the other heroes, standing right behind them and waiting until they noticed him.

The Flash nearly jumped out of his skin, but he still said, "Shhh! Quiet!"

As if Batman was one to make noise. He slunk forward, peering around the others to find out what was so interesting.

Wally and Robin were asleep, sprawled as much on each other as the couch. Robin was clutching a teddy bear wearing a shirt, and Wally had a cat with a green mask and a highly-distressed leg laying across his chest. Superboy sat on the floor, watching nothing on tv with a fox dressed in black flopped on his head. Kaldur was reading in the armchair, a Bunny in a mask tucked into his lap, and Artemis and Megan were seated on the smaller couch, Artemis asleep as the Martian girl braided her friend's hair. A rather soggy raccoon and a floppy dog were perched on the archer's lap.

"Is that a Bat!fox?" Dinah wanted to know.

"And a Robin!Bunny and a Super!Bear," Batman confirmed. "I was wondering where those went."

J'onn smiled, and the Flash slid Batman a sideways glance. "You mean...?"

"Hush," said Batman primly. "You'll wake the children."