Note: Hi guys! So, if you're reading this that means that you probably read More Than Just Learning Horror, and if you didn't read MTJLH, you should otherwise this will be a great, jumbled mess. So go check it out…THAT MEANS YOU! Hehe…Sorry. I ate too many Rev Velvet Cupcakes before writing this… :)

"I'm so glad that that creepy field trip is over," shuddered Tori.

"That was horrible," agreed her new crush, Andre from the seat next to her.

"At least you guys didn't wake up in a wedding dress two sizes too small," Jade whined. "Seriously, that was some scary chiz. Those mean nurses had to cut it off me."

"Those nurses were very nice," said Beck sternly, putting his arm around his bitter girlfriend.

"Yeah, of course you'd say that," snapped Jade. "Because one of them was hot."

"Oh yeah, which one?"

"The tall one with the long fingernails and the big b-"

"She had a hairnet!" Interrupted Beck.


"Around her eyebrows!"

Everybody cracked up, even Jade.

Everybody was eating lunch at the Asphalt Café, and they were all mostly recovered from the deathly trip into the haunted theater that Sykowits and Layne had arranged. It had happened a week ago. Thankfully, they were all okay. Jade had not been seriously injured because of the lightning, but she had to stay in the hospital overnight.

She did not like that.

At all.

Beck had lost a lot of blood from a wound on his head, and needed to get a blood transfusion, but otherwise he was unscathed. Worse than getting hurt, he needed to listen to Jade complain about doctors. But, he loved her anyway.

Andre and Tori had become closer, being the only two who had stayed unharmed, or in Cat's case, possessed. Tori was still a bit shaken up and paranoid, but she was becoming better.

Robbie had to give up Rex, as Rex had become…well, let's just say that Rex got a little bit dirty. He was dealing surprisingly well though.

Cat still had no idea how scary she was in the haunted theater when she became possessed. All she knew is that she got panic-stricken gazes every time she sang the 'rain rain, go away' song.

"The field trip wasn't that bad," said Robbie.

"Yeah, of course you'd say that," said Jade. "You got to kiss a girl for the first time."

"It wasn't the first!" Argued Robbie.

"Your grandmother doesn't count," said Jade, without looking up from her sandwich.

Cat giggled, and Robbie blushed.

"I've kissed girls before," Robbie blustered. "Trina, and Cat, and-"

"Loser," Jade fake coughed.

Jade missed Rex a little bit too. Nobody was there to be sarcastic with her.

"Don't be mean Jade," said Cat, poking Robbie's stomach gently, before giggling. "Robbie's not mean to you."

"His dorkiness irritates me," said Jade, snuggling into Beck who kissed her forehead.

"He's not a dork," said Cat, throwing her arms around him protectively. He grinned and kissed her on the cheek.

"Gross," muttered Jade, looking back at Tori and Andre. But, Andre was feeding Tori French fries as she sat atop his lap.

"Ugh, couples everywhere," moaned Jade. "That field trip changed everything."

Jade didn't really know how right she was…

Later, as Cat Valentine walked home with Robbie, she started to feel funny.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Kitty Cat," said Robbie walking her up the driveway to her house. The sun beat down on their heads and gravel crunched beneath their feet.

Robbie let go of Cat's hand and smiled at her. She smiled back, but started to get dizzy.

"I'll see you later Robbie," she said quickly. She ran up the steps and into her house. She had just slammed the door shut and leaned on it when her heart started pounding. She didn't feel like herself. Cat slid down the wall slowly and closed her eyes.

That's when sweet Cat blacked out.

And Evil Cat returned.

Note: I changed Bad Cat to Evil Cat because…Well there's really no good reason. I'm just difficult! So, if I should continue let me know, kay? Because if I'm writing this for no reason I'm not gonna bother!
