Tori's POV

I stared at Beck and Jade enviously. How did Jade get Beck? She was the mean and dark one, and Beck could have any peppy nice girl he wanted. Like me. Right now, Me, Andre, Cat, and Robbie (and Rex) were sitting at lunch. Cat was talking about some random crap he brother did, Andre was playing on his keyboard, and Robbie and Rex were arguing. Me on the other hand, I was looking over at the table where Beck and Jade were sitting alone. Jade was drinking coffee, and Beck was staring at her like she was the only person in the world. His arm was around her, and every now and again he would kiss her temple. All I could ask was, why Jade? She never did anything nice. Why love her?

Jades POV

I'm sitting at lunch with Beck. Just Beck. He got me coffee, two sugars, and now we were just sitting at the table embracing each other's presence. I really did love this boy, although I'm not exactly sure why he loves me. My most common line is "So you want to break up with me?" I say that because I give him the opportunity to set himself free from me. They say if you truly love someone to let them go. Yes! Jade West feels sappy emotions and listens to retarded love quotes. I don't let ANYONE know I do, but yes, I do listen. I looked up from Beck's chest, and saw Vega staring at me…or Beck…what does she want, I glared at her, but she didn't seem to notice, so she must be staring at Beck. Bitch.

"Hey Jade?" Beck asked.


"Tori is staring at us."

"I'm aware. Why are you looking at Tori? Am I not enough to look at?"

"No! Jade. I love you, you're beautiful. I was just listening to Cat from over here and she stopped mid-sentence so I looked up to see if she was okay, and Tori's sitting next to Cat so I saw Tori and she was looking at us but when I looked up she looked down, and yeah."

I glared at him. He was cute when he was trying to explain himself.

"You're lucky I love you," I said.

He leaned down to kiss me, softly, and then pulled away. But that wasn't enough to make Tori jealous. I could see her still staring from the corner of my eye. I pulled Beck back (Beck back, ha, say that 10 times fast…oh god I'm turning into Cat) and shoved his lips against mine. I pulled myself onto his lap and started grinding him.

"Mmm…Jade not here," He whispered.

"Yes here." I said as I shoved my tongue into his mouth. He groaned but gave in. "Mmkay. I'm done." I said, climbing off his lap. Tori had left. Wonderful. Beck is mine Tori, and he always will be. Beck put his arm around me and kissed my temple. I leaned back into him. Life is good.

Tori's POV

I was watching Beck and Jade make-out, it was absolutely sickening. I got up, and went to the bathroom, nobody at the table bothering to ask why I was leaving. Everybody at this school thought I was perfect. They thought I had everything. Well, I had everything I didn't want. I wanted Beck, the one thing I couldn't have. I looked in the mirror and fixed my make-up and hair. I wanted to look good for my next class, where I had a short skit to perform with Beck. I was a romance, but he it didn't have a kiss in it (Well it did but Jade made Beck take it out). At least he would get to look at me intensely. Beck took his acting seriously. I pressed a finger to the back of my throat, and threw up my lunch. I didn't want to look fat. When I was ready to go I turned to the door, only to find Jade staring at me. Crap.

Jades POV

"Hey babe, I'm going to go to the bathroom, see you in Sikowitz's," I said as I gave Beck a kiss goodbye.

"Love you!" He called, I turned around and gave him a smile.

I walked into the bathroom quietly, because I heard someone gag inside. There I had it. Tori Fucking-perfect Vega was anorexic. She turned to leave, but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

"Now miss skin and bones, what do we have here?" I taunted.

"Don't tell anyone!" She begged.

"Nah, now, who you getting all prettied up for? All pretty and skinny," I added the last part smelling the throw up.

"No one, well I guess everyone, but no one in particular," She looked around nervously.

"Uh huh. And this had NOTHING to do with the fact that you have a love scene with my boyfriend next period? Good thing I took out the kiss, otherwise he would taste your puke, thank me later Vega."

"Look Jade, I don't get how he likes you, honestly, he could do so much better. I mean, your all bitchy and dark. I like him, and I know deep inside, he's sick of you." And with that she stormed past me. That's okay. I thought, letting her go as I clicked off the tape recorder. Beck has his proof, and don't count on him loving you deep inside. I knew Tori liked him, but Beck said I needed proof for him to not be her friend. Well, I got it. He's mine Vega, he's all I have left, and I am sure as hell not losing him.

OKAY, Jade is not the bad guy, and that will be revealed. I'm going to make Tori the "Bitch" in the story. Please tell me if i should continue! R&R please, i'm not sure if this is good! I promise lots of bademance in the future! Again, R&R!

Love you guys!
