Sooooo, yeah this is second chapter of Ruler's of the Sea, reason is that not many of you saw any action except for a few things so I'm gonna rectify that with this chapter.
ALSO to the event of me having my old fics adopted do NOT think I've given up on being an author because that's just plain crazy because it is NOT true! I will still keep updating the current fics I have that did NOT get the Author's Note.
Also about the harem...that's still in question but all I can say is that Yes; Naruto AND Kushina are together as for other girls...secret :P
There's not much else to say so I'm just gonna get on with the story...
Naruto: Ruler's of the Ocean
Chapter 1: Return, Family and War
Complete and utter silence filled the once war-torn battlefield that were once occupied by battling pirates and Marines. Only now every single one whether they be marine or Pirate were now utterly shocked to there very core. Even the fleeing Whitebeard pirates that heard the name's stumbled in shock at hearing those two names. The one who mostly fell to the ground in pure surprise was Marco himself, who had looked back disregarding his captain's orders only for his eyes to widen completely.
'I-it can't be...N-naruto and K-kushina! It was said they died long ago when roger was executed!'
That was the same thoughts running through a number of people that remembered the duo. More so, that being Sengoku, Garp, and the Admiral's; Doflamingo himself was eyeing the now revealed duo with a now clearly seen serious expression that never is seen before on his face. Mihawk though was looking at them both with something akin to respect clear in his eyes; his eyes flickered briefly to the revealed Kushina as a smirk crossed his face.
' two have appeared once more...wonder what chaos you'll bring this time...'
Kuma being completely cybernetic now could only stare at the now revealed Uzumaki's in nothing more then a slight surprised expression. Though his eyes did flash in recognition of sorts; Hancock though must have been the strangest one for she was not only stumbling toward them in shock but, tears trailed down her glistening eyes.
'I-is it...t-t-those eyes...there the same ones...'
She couldn't help but, stare the now revealed Uzumaki's mainly Naruto himself but, the woman beside him healing Ace and Luffy of there wounds. She did though freeze up when the male uzumaki cast her a gaze that made her just freeze on the spot. Seeing those sapphire orbs just made the un-shedded tears fall from her face. His small smile just warmed her heart and her entire being.
Kizaru and Aokiji were trying there best to not just pass out in sheer shock; right before there very eyes was the two people they never dreamed to see again. The very people that made even them tremble in there boots. They could still remember what the two did on that day and even then it still haunts there deepest darkest corners of there mind. There fellow Admiral Sakazuki knew too well for he was there also on that day when the two appeared...
So much death followed soon afterwards...
'By kami...they haven't aged a day since then...'
Sengoku and Garp though were having the toughest of times staring at the two people they never wished to see again, more in Sengoku's case for he himself knew these two were much more dangerous then any pirate in history seen before. The only person to come to there level was Roger himself and that was pushing it in itself...
They couldn't help but, gaze at there faces once more and just seeing them made there very souls cringe in terror. Garp himself didn't hold anything back and just looked down solemnly which naruto noted yet didn't pay any heed.
Finally whitebeard was well, despite his massive injuries and his imminent death all he could do was grin, grinning like a madman, a man of old age yet his eyes just gazed at those two with both respect, yet excitement which ran down his very soul. Honestly just looking at there faces made him see behind them the grinning face of his old rival roger looking at the marines with just pure killing intent...
'I can definitely die in peace knowing these two are here to protect the new age and bring into a completely new era...with them leading it...I have no qualms with dieing...'
Looking at the two did he see not only had they not aged a day since he last saw them but, they looked even better then he's ever seen them before. He couldn't help but, marvel there features as he remembered them when he was younger and in his prime. In the day's when he was much stronger and agile, in the days he could have wiped marineford off the face of the map easily...
With Kushina, with her hood completely off showed her angelic face and vibrant red maroon long red hair that which resembled flowing liquid blood. Her heart-shaped face that which looked like the face of a Goddess that with beauty none could ever possibly compare. Her wrathful yet gentle violet eyes remained the same as always that seemed to calm the most rageful monster but, glared at could make your very heart implode from within. Her milky smooth porcelain skin glistened showing how smooth it was compared to others. Her hands glowing with green energy as they healed the two teen's of there injuries her smile in place that looked like a mothers smile which confused the two boys.
Then came Naruto, a man whitebeard had come to respect yet fear like he did Kushina but, not on the same level. A man his own rival Roger respected without question and followed him to the ends of the ocean's. His long spiky golden black streaked hair that fell past his neckline and to his shoulder-blades with it covering most of his ears and the bangs shadowing parts of his eyes yet it seemed much longer but, was hidden by the cloak. His tan almost bronze skin glistened in what sunlight could pierce the darkening skies. His signature sapphire piercing orbs that looked like they could stab you and tear out your soul if you annoyed him but when angered could literally make you drop dead where you stood. The slit's in his eyes only gave him that more fearful expression yet they were softer and warm when they gazed toward both the healing Ace and Luffy.
'' worries just rest and let Jinbe carry you two out of here...'' spoke the blond confusing the two even more yet jinbe himself just stared at the two in a more concentrated manner. His eyes glazed over as they tried to remember something...
Something important...
''W-w-who are you guys...W-w-why are you helping us?'' asked the suspicious Ace, he had grown up to know people didn't help you without a cause. Even in the midst of war he stuck to this and would forever, though he blinked when the man suddenly turned around before he placed both his hands on both his and luffy's head making them blink confusingly.
''Well...our names are what that dude with the fro said, my names Uzumaki D. Naruto and that there is my lovely wife Uzumaki D. for why we're helping we really need a reason to help out our own family?''he said with a grin that looked so identical to Roger's own it made those slightly shiver.
Though when those that heard this went completely silent; they having trouble of what they just heard family? These boys had family other then there fathers and garp himself; many question's popped into those that didn't know of Naruto or Kushina but, those that did there eyes just widened so greatly they would have popped out of there heads.
''W-what?'' sputtered smoker as he gazed at the two his eyes widened so greatly his cigar forgone long ago onto the ground, his finger pointing shakily at the duo, fear clear in his eyes. Tashigi herself couldn't say anything for she was too hypnotized at the sight of the two, and of how the man just kicked an admiral of Akainu's level like it was child's play. Though looking at his face did her cheeks slightly heat up thus making her look down trying to hide her flushing cheeks.
'W-w-whats wrong with me?'
Garp frowned before looking down as to not see the scrutinizing gaze from Sengoku nor the betrayed look Kushina and Naruto was giving him. He was feeling the ultimate guilt crashing down on him when he felt there glares on him. He was sure if he looked up he'd be on the receiving end of two very pissed pair of eyes.
With the two brother's all they could do was gape up at the two who looked at them in amusement, there jaws comically on the ground or in luffy's case fallen and stretched far beyond that. Did they hear right? They were family? How so, they only had garp as there grandfather, and they only knew of there respective father's names other then that how?
''H-how...'' uttered luffy ace too shocked to speak, hearing this Naruto just ruffled luffy's hair making him blink confusingly before he looked back up at the gathering marines, admiral's and Whitebeard himself.
''Don't worry you and Ace will know later right now you two need to get out of here...we'll be handling this from now on...'' and before the two could say anything, naruto quickly knocked them out in the neck making fall forward into Kushina's arms. Then she gently walked up to the shocked Jinbe, gently she gave the fishman a smile.
''Jinbe-san do us this favor and get those two boys out of here, we'll protect your long have we been away from the two...go and take them on Trafalgar Law and his submarine he and his medic's can heal the get going...'' she said making the fishman just give a slow nod before placing the two over his shoulder before speeding forward which he was followed by the Whitebeard pirates.
Seeing this the Vice-admiral's spoke, ''Straw Hat Luffy and Fire-First Ace are getting away after them!'' but when Naruto heard this he frowned, before Sengoku or the Admiral's could even utter a word. The blond man just vanished before appearing in front of the charging marines, them being over 100 Officer's and Vice-Admiral's. Then without warning did he just glare at them letting loose a good pulse of Haoshoku Haki (Haki of the Color of the Conquering King) thus in a swirl of wind and a pulse from naruto did the marine's and those that were in the line of fire just drop dead there brains nothing but, mush.
Looking up at those that saw this did Naruto just let loose a glare that made another pulse blow from his body cracking the very ground causing a crater. ''You marines aren't going wanna fight you fight us!'' he said before brought down his leg stomping the ground making it shake and tremble before the shock of all and the amusement of Whitebeard did an upheaval of both earth and water shoot up into the air in the area where more marines were chasing after Jinbe.
Looking toward kushina did he give a nod making her nod as well before the two gazed back at the stern Sengoku who was now standing in front of the ruined execution platform. Garp beside him who was wearing a stone firm expression as well, the surrounding marines now looking at them brandishing there weapons. Kizaru and Aokiji in front of them as well both wearing a serious expression as well more of a fearful one though for Aokiji in his case...
Then there was the Shichibukai, looking at them did Naruto and Kushina give most of them a deadly gaze except for Mihawk and Hancock themselves. Though Kuma himself was just gazing down at them with his now monotone expression. The Shichibukai standing at the sides of the two admiral's. Staring down there enemies, did the two Uzumaki's gaze at there side to see Whitebeard looking at them with a sense of amusement yet a type of sorrow as well.
''Why are two of you legend's like yourselfs back was thought you both died...'' spoke the emotionless Sengoku, Naruto just gave him a small glance before clenching his fist, infusing his haki did he send an all around pulse of haki knocking out some of the weaker minded marines killing them on the spot and making those that had experience just pass out from the sheer pressure on there minds.
''You should know by well as garp...on that day...we warned the both of you...if any of our family was threatened we would seem's none of you idiots took us seriously...well your gonna pay for well as your pathetic World Government.'' spoke Kushina as she glared at Garp the most as Naruto just stared at the stone firm yet pale Sengoku.
''That's right...and since this is a'll be fighting us you best be ready...'' muttered Naruto, his piercing azure slitted eyes staring them all down making some take a few steps back or in Smoker's case tremble. Though to there whole shock did Naruto just vanish once more...
Only for a painful cry to sound the area, looking where it came from they saw the Admiral Akainu hunched over with naruto's fist embedded into his stomach. The two being near the fleeing pirates, more precisely near the fleeing Jinbe and the two brothers. Sengoku could only grimace when naruto grasped Akainu by has face before he slammed him into the ground causing a crater.
''The first one to this fool...The truly begins!'' with that not waiting for Akainu to reply did Naruto pull him back from the dirt before coating his fist with his Busoshoku Haki making it blaze up with a azure aura before he just punched the Admiral in the face. Somehow the man's face just caved on itself as a muffled scream of both Pain and anguish was heard from the muffled Admiral.
But soon Sakazuki, just shot off like a rocket from naruto's fist before he just hurdled past the shocked Sengoku before he slammed right into the devastated Marine HQ right into the Kanji for 'Justice' thus shattering it all to hell. Reacting quickly did naruto just appear once more beside Kushina the woman giving him a smile to which he returned. Turning there attention back at the shocked Marine's did both Naruto and Kushina grasp there cloaks before speaking.
''Now...lets begin!'' with they pulled there cloaks off, revealing themselves to the world once again. And what they saw made Mihawk just grin and both Garp and Sengoku frown...
With Kushina, she was dressed in a form fitting crimson tank top showing her developed bust, and her mid-drift. Below this was skin tight black trousers that went past her knees and stopped there. Crimson flames licked the bottoms of the trouser's as a golden sash wrapped around her waist with a small end hanging from the left. Her long maroon hair fell below her lower back and to her butt, with her two long red bangs framing the sides of her face which were held with purple hair clips. On her feet was a pair of open-toed sandal's oddly similar to Luffy himself. On her left hip though was a katana of sorts, at first it looked normal by other people but, to swordsmen of the greatest quality...
It was simply majestic yet deadly all the same...
It was simple with a black sheathe with a crimson outline, a Spiraling dragon could be seen going around the sheathe being pure golden. The guard was a Golden color with the handle being a blood red crimson. The pommel being a somewhat unique skull and crossbones.
Finally around her on her left hand on her ring finger was in fact a wedding ring showing her unity with Naruto...
Speaking of Naruto, when his cloak came off did it show himself full out in his own clothing. Standing a good 6'2, he had a simple black muscle shirt which acted like a second skin showing his ripped chest and rock hard 8-pack. On down he wore black cargo pants with many pockets. On his feet were a pair of pitch black pirate boot's with the bottom of the pants tucked inside. With his cloak off now his hair could be seen fully showing his long mane of golden black streaked hair that covered the most of his back. Finally like Kushina he too had a weapon placed in his sash but, it was a Sabre with it larger then normal ones. The sheathe was a pitch black with a golden outline, upon the handle it was a striking crimson with the guard being pure golden.
Upon his wrist's was an log pose, and on his left hand and on the ring finger was himself a ring showing his unity to Kushina.
Last was around his neck was a necklace of some sort with a silver skull pendant that seemed to glow as the battle was about to start...
Slowly pulling out there weapon's did Naruto point his toward the enemies before speaking, ''Now...Your battle is with us!'' and with that the two charged at the marine's admiral's...
With Jinbe and Trafalgar
Upon coming to the Submarine, did Jinbe be relinquished of both Ace and Luffy before they were rushed to the medical bay for immediate healing. As they did both former Shichibukai and Supernova stood outside on the deck of the submarine watching the battle take place. And what they saw shocked Trafalgar and Jinbe; it honestly scared the two more so Law himself at how easily the blond haired one was able to take down an Admiral and with such ease like he's been doing it for years...
But even that wasn't enough for when he let loose his haki it made them stumble or fall to there knees. And they weren't even targeted or even in the range of it's radius just the mere shockwave sent them rolling. All they could do was watch as the two charged into battle with the marine's and admiral's resulting in a massive clash sending another shockwave with the fodder marine foot soldiers into the swirling winds of each clash.
''W-w-who are these people...'' muttered Trafalgar, his eyes watching the scene before him, his body all but, trembled and flinched with each clash. The very ground around crater with each attack made, screams of the dieing marine's sounded the area as more were sent flying by the massive shockwaves.
''I don't know...but it was a miracle they came...if not we'd be in even more trouble...thankfully with there interference Ace was saved I can only thank them immensely for this...'' said the fishman. Trafalgar just nodded as he gazed down at the battle happening before his very eyes. The word Power that he knew was nothing to what he was seeing now. The very ground was trembling and cracking, the sky itself was ripping themselves apart from each clash. The pacifista's were utterly decimated like they were nothing more then mere target dummies.
Truly it was a mind blower to Trafalgar as his very reality was on the brink of shattering at the unbelievable sight before him. He could only wonder how the other Supernova's would react to these people...
'Forget that...the whole Pirate origin would be shaken at this...'
Jinbe himself was in deep thought as he gazed at the two battling Uzumaki's something about them and something Neptune and Otohime told him and Tiger before there leave made him frown,
'Tiger, Jibe...remember these words...if you two ever and I mean ever come across two people that have the middle initial of D. and have the mark of Oceanus and back to fast as possible...'
'You see Jinbe-kun...Tiger-kun...these two people...are very important people to us and the whole aquatic race...there very good friends of ours...and of our children...please we ask you...if you ever happen to come across them...ask them to visit us...'
Jinbe frowned remembering those words as he gazed at the battle happening before him; his eyes fixated on the two uzumaki's. That is before something flashed back into his mind...
The Words spoken by Garp when him and Ace were in impel down.,...
'The Ruler's of the Sea shall only rise up once more when they are thou called upon; when there family is threatened will the two Ruler's of the Ocean appear once more'
''By can't be...'' stuttered the now wide eyed Jinbe; the fishman stumbled back trembling all the more, he had to grip the railing to balance himself as the overwhelming shock came over him. Trafalgar looked at him confusingly yet he too would have been shocked if he knew the realization Jinbe just came to...
'And to think...Ace and Luffy...are related to those Neptune's trident...what will happen now...'
If only he knew the titanic Maelstrom of change was coming and it was gonna sweep in all in its path before pulling them into the new era...
With Coby and Helmeppo
''W-what on this...'' uttered the petrified Coby, him and Helmeppo were hiding among the dead bodies of there former comrades. They knew this battle that was happening now would kill them from just the mere shockwaves from the battles. No matter what kind of training they went through they were not and never will be ready for this. Seeing two people...two people alone fight against the World Government's strongest.
''I-I know and that golden haired guy...h-h-he tossed Admiral Akainu around like he was nothing...what are these people...are they even human!'' muttered the equally horrified helmeppo. Coby just kept watching at the battle as more bodies of marines flew past them some dead, some dismembered and some downright torn to pieces...
''These...these people...are not human...there monsters...''
If only he knew how true that statement was...
With Smoker and Tashigi
On the battlefield in the rear line with the other Vice-admiral's was smoker gripping his Sea-stone made Jutte as his eyes glared upon the two people that made him feel the true meaning of fear; a feeling he has never wanted to feel again. He still remembered what those two did on that day.
Leaning to the left did Smoker dodge an incoming marine soldier being blasted by the resulting back-lashing winds. Looking upon the closing in Uzumaki's did smoker let loose a curse,
''Dammit...they haven't gotten any weaker since that day...just who how monstrous are they?'' he spoke making his second-in-command Female swords-woman look at him in confusion. The woman had a hard time not falling to her knee's in the sheer pressure of the haki being released. Though she couldn't help but, be amazed by the two Uzumaki's swordsmanship, with but a swing marine's were lifted from the ground and sent into the air of the chaotic winds.
Those that tried to repels them were decimated that's all she could say, swords, katana's, hell even the Akuma no mi (Devil Fruit) user's they had were nothing before them. When she heard Smoker's words though did she grow curious of them even more then she already was,
''What do you mean Captain? What have these two done in the past?'' smoker just glanced her way before looking back at the battle at hand. Brandishing his jutte did he just walk forward before speaking, ''These people Tashigi...are the ones that committed the Massacre of the Tenryubito and are the ones responsible of taking Gol D. Roger's Body from the Government's hands on the day of his own execution...'' he said making the young swords woman's eyes widen greatly.
Anyone and everyone in the Marine's knew of the Massacre at of the World Nobles; it was an event that shook the entire world when two unknown assassin's appeared on the day of the attack on Mariejois. Those two assassin's were unknown at the time with only those of the higher-ups knowing. But it was on that day over 100 World Nobles were killed; brutally murdered and dismembered...
It was the bloodiest day of the World Government history as the blood of the Nobles was spilt on the grounds of there very own city, the slaves they kept locked up spitting on there dead corpses as they got out of there...
But the one about Roger's body being taken away...that confused her...
'And why did Captain's eyes turned fearful at that...?'
With Naruto and Kushina
Blocking another attack from marines did Naruto swing his sabre making them blow away from him. He ducked under another swing before he delivered a quick jab to the marine's stomach pulverizing his stomach and shattering his spine from just that. Spinning around did he slam his foot once more into the ground causing another upheaval appear only this time of pure seawater.
It shot up from the ground like a giant pillar, a geyser of sorts it shot straight up into the air taking with it countless marines...
''Aisu Kai:Ryōirahoko (Ice Block:Partisan)!'' shouted a voice naruto knew well enough as countless upon countless ice spears appeared before shooting toward him. That is until he heard another voice making him smirk,
''Yasakani no Magatama (Eight Shaku Curved Jewel)!'' a soprano like voice shouted as between the incoming ice spears did countless beams of light appear as well. Seeing the incoming attacks did naruto just smirk before he pulled his sabre outward before slamming his other hand on the ground before shouting,
''Busoshoku: Bodiāmā (Color of the Armaments: Body Armor) right before the attacks hit him did his body just be engulfed in a fiery blazing aura of gold...
''Nice try you two but, you'll need to do better then that...'' said Naruto as the ground around him was nothing more then a gigantic crater the size of which could have taken out small battleship. Yet not a scratch could be seen on him, his sabre gripped did naruto look up at his two attackers to see both Admiral's Kizaru and Aokiji before him the latter of which adorning a serious expression while the former was as usual laid back yet a serious glint hidden by his orange tinted glasses.
''Seem's even are monstrous as ever...Uzumaki...''spoke Aokiji sheets of frost and ice surrounding his body partially but, not overly so. The very ground around him froze up as the freezing air surrounded the area. Kizaru himself just took a step forward before speaking,
''It's been a loooong time...'Bloody Maelstrooooom'~'' spoke the light man in his usual manner. Naruto himself just smirked at the name given to him. That is before his hand shot up stopping a kick from Kizaru, him not moving an inch from the attack but, the area behind didn't for it was all just blown away in the aftermath shockwave.
''Your still one to jump in head first huh Borsalino?...Fool...'' and before the Admiral could react Naruto had already jumped into the air delivering a roundhouse haki infused kick to the man's chest resulting in him hurdling right into a couple of marineford buildings. Once slamming into them did Naruto take his sabre and gather his haki into it making it flame up into a golden aura before swinging it toward the location Borsalino hit.
''Busoshoku: Kenjutsu: Kattingu tsuki (Color of the Armaments: Sword Style: Cutting Moon)!'' and with such speed and accuracy did the golden aura from his sabre just solidify and upon end swing did a giant arc of golden haki shoot off from him, it was such a height it split the sky itself ripping apart the clouds and tearing the ground up like it was butter. Marines in the way of the attack were cut clean through showering the ground in blood and gore.
Aokiji cursed not being able to stop it in time but, also couldn't help but gaze in slight amazement at the giant haki attack. It still reminded him all those years ago of this man's danger level and of what he could if he was serious...
Those that saw the battle between the three could only gape in pure shock as the two admiral's being held back by one man. The strongest besides Sengoku and the Gorosei themselves. Tashigi and Mihawk marveled at the sight of the giant sword slash heading for the admiral for it was plainly just to hard not seeing it since it was slicing the very 'Heavens'...
Borsalino himself exploding out of the building only showed signs of surprise when his eyes widened behind his glasses...
Another titanic explosion rocked the battleground it lighting up the sky and the giant sphere of destruction vaporizing all in its path. The clouds parted way as did the ocean from the attack. Marine foot soldiers could only run in terror as the sphere of chaos pulled them up vaporizing them utterly and completely.
'''' uttered Tashigi as she gazed at the fiery sphere of destruction surprise yet amazement clear in her eyes. Her hands trembled with both fear and excitement at seeing such an attack. Smoker seeing this could only shake his head at his subordinates taste in weapons and techniques.
With Naruto, he suddenly ducked under a kick from Aokiji cratering the ground in front of him. Reacting quickly did he do a handstand before delivering a kick to the man's chin; but the admiral acted before delivering a quick jab at Naruto only for it to be caught by Naruto's hand.
Spinning did naruto spread out his legs before kicking Aokiji multiple times like a pin-wheel. That is before he jumped up before delivering a kick to the man's abdomen making him cough up blood before he skidded back a few feet. Rearing back his hands making them be coated in ice did the admiral shout,
''Ryōirahoko (Partisan)!'' he shouted this time unlike his last ice attack the spears were much more refined and numerous in number. Throwing his arms outward did they shoot toward Naruto who drew his sabre before in only a master Swordsmen could do parry each spear making them pierce the ground around him.
When he saw them all gone did he look up only to see Aokiji up in the air this time gathering more ice into his arms, ''Aisu Kai: Bō Kiji Kuchibashi (Ice Block: Pheasant Beak)!'' and the same attack from ace came down only it much bigger then before. Seeing it coming down on him, Naruto just grasped his sabre in his left hand before clenching his right fist making it blaze with his fiery golden haki.
''Try something else...Busoshoku: Taijutsu: Hasai-ken (Color of the Armaments: Hand-to-Hand: Crushing Fist)!'' and with a swing did Naruto's blazing fist impact onto the giant ice bird, a silence followed before suddenly the bird just cracked before it shattered as a golden beam of haki blasted through melting the ice complete with it still going up into the sky shooting a hole through the clouds.
'Damn...still as powerful as ever...' aokiji mentally grimaced as he looked at his slightly scorched left arm. He was able to get out in time from taking the full brunt of the attack but, it still got him on his left arm. Looking down at the man did the Admiral let loose a small frown as he landed back on the ground.
''Your still as strong as ever...I see old age still hasn't caught up to you...'' he spoke, naruto just gave him a smirk before his eyes looked to the right. Right then did Kizaru appear beside Aokiji, not dead as some marines believed but, wasn't unscathed either. His suit was burnt very much so and his admiral's mantle was completely gone. His chest adorning a giant cut that was bleeding out.
''Mooosh Moooshhh!...this guy is still monstrously powerful as eveeerrr~'' spoke the Admiral. Naruto just gave a small shrug while Aokiji just nodded in agreement with his fellow admiral. Finally the two set there sights on Naruto who stood there undamaged and unscathed; finally taking it full out did Aokiji speak,
''Aisu Sāberu (Ice Saber)'' and right then did a giant sword of ragged ice appear in Aokiji's hands it long as himself in height. Then Kizaru slammed his hands together before separating them.
''Ama no Murakumo (Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven)!'' then like Aokiji did a sword of pure light form in Kizaru's hands. It as tall as himself; brandishing it out along his fellow admiral did they stare down there enemy.
Naruto watching the two form there own weapons shook his head before pointing his Sabre toward them, the ground cracked and cratered around him as his haki slowly surrounded his body in a fiery blazing golden aura. Glaring at the two admiral's did he speak,
''Alright kids...come at me!'' and they did with three charging at each other did they all swing as one...
With Kushina
On the other-side of the battlefield as another explosion in the battle between Naruto and the two admiral's. This one making Kushina look its way as she swiped down another group of marines; that is until she felt a presence behind her. Looking over her shoulder did she to her slight surprise Dracule Mihawk himself grasping his Kokutō Yoru (Black Sword "Night").
Kushina smiled when he saw the excited look in Mihawk's eyes with his grin in place unlike his usual emotionless look, pulling her katana out it glimmering through the smoke and winds of battle. ''Well Mi-chan seems you've grown since the last time I saw you...'' she said making the swordsmen twitch at the name. Brandishing out his giant sword did he speak,
'' best be ready to fight...cause here I come...'' he said then he without warning did Mihawk disappear only for him to appear in front of Kushina mid-swing...
''Sorry mi-chan but you should know better then to go before a woman...especially me...'' and that's the only warning Mihawk got before Kushina kicked him in the stomach before slashing down at him. Sensing this, Mihawk quickly blocked the attack, only this time the resulting clash cratered the ground where he stood. Looking up did he see the amused eyes of Kushina; this seemed to anger him thus he kicked off the ground before he speaking,
''Kokuto Issen (Black Blade Single Flash)!'' he said and with a swing and his hawk eyes glaring at Kushina did a green compressed air arc come toward Kushina. Seeing this Kushina quickly brought up her katana before smiling, re-opening her eyes did she speak,
''Don't take me for a weakling Mi-chan...Ittoryu: Doragonkurō: Ryū no kasai suwaipu (One Sword Style: Dragon Claw Style: Dragon Fire Swipe)'' and right before Mihawk's eyes did Kushina's katana just be engulfed in flames before she swung down making a giant arc of flames shoot toward his own attack but, to his surprise the giant arc separated and formed into three fiery dragon talons the first of which cutting right through his own Kokuto Issen.
Seeing the two others coming did Mihawk just cut them both in half making them separate before impacting onto the surrounding marines burning and incinerating them. Turning back ignoring there screams of pain did he just stare at Kushina to which she stared back...
''Lets see who's the best...Sensei...we can finally find out who's the better swordsmen...right now!'' he said to which Kushina just smiled before shaking her head. Gripping her katana making it once more be engulfed in crimson flames did she speak, ''Sorry Mi-chan but this is a battle...I'm gonna be taking...'' she said before her eyes just turned into pure flames as the crimson maroon hair billowed in the raging winds. Making them oddly look like her hair was pure flames as well...
''Very better be old student...'' and right before Mihawk's eyes did she just disappear. Mihawk cursed before bringing up his sword...
Another sound of steel hitting steel erupted only this time a shockwave erupted from the whole area. Fire and stone blew outward in a spiraling whirlwind; within was the clashing swordsmen and sword-woman. Clashing multiple times at speeds none could possibly decipher except for only one other person. The ground around gained slices from there attacks or just shattered from the pressure of each clash.
Blocking another attack did Mihawk flip into the air before speaking, ''Kokuto Arahoshi (Black Blade Heavy Star)!'' standing onto his sword did he come down his blade aiming straight toward Kushina.
The woman seeing this rolled back just in time as the sword slammed into the ground thus causing it to split apart. Taking this chance Kushina brought her fire engulfed katana and swung forward, ''Ittoryu: Doragonkurō: Ryū Sprial no kurō (Single Sword Style: Dragon Claw Style: Dragon Spiral Claw)'' suddenly three spiraling dragon claws come off her swing shaped in fire spiral toward Mihawk.
Seeing this the man quickly pulled out his sword before he swung his sword downward clashing with the claws. The attacks struggled with small shockwaves ripping through them, the ground cratered with each one before finally...
An explosion ripped the area apart, a giant flaming sphere erupted once more incinerating the nearby foot soldier marines. As it grew as did it in width; that is until it slowly stopped before it too exploded in a fiery hurricane. Melting the ground as it did in cooling lava; in the center of the explosion area was both Kushina and Mihawk Kushina normal and unscathed as ever but, unlike her Mihawk was a totally different story.
His clothes were all but burned but, still hanging onto his body, his wide black feathered hat was now completely gone as was his plain dark cloak completely gone as well. His body was slightly burned as well but, not overly so but, the most damage was his sword it being slightly chipped in a few places. Upon realizing this Mihawk's eyes just flared slightly in anger.
''Dammit! Sensei use your true power quit using these parlor tricks!'' he shouted at his former sensei, Kushina hearing this just let out a sigh as the haki induced flames she created suddenly disappeared and replaced with it was Kushina's eyes now changed from a pure violet flaming orbs with them now being sharp as the sharpest sword able to pierce the very fabric of reality itself. Gripping her now normal katana yet no where near normal did she speak in a tone only reserved for those of the highest order of both Killing and Skill...
''You child have no authority over are still the impatient little brat form back is time I disciplined you...!'' and before Mihawk could even utter a word. A flash of silver appeared before over his left shoulder blade did a slash appear with it spurting out blood.
''Agh!...'' he grunted that is before he caught another flash from the corner of his eyes this time he acted, gripping his sword and swinging it toward the direction of the flash did he speak,
''Kokuto Saku (Black Blade First Day)!'' and with it he quickly swung downward about to clash once more. They did only this time was Mihawk being glared at by the very eyes of Kushina but, her violet orbs now sharp and deadly as he remembered. Pulling back before swinging once more did this time...
There clash once more causing a hurricane of wind and debris to appear only this time, the ground itself cratering with small cuts, marines near the clash were cut into nothing but, ribbons. The blood swept into the air painting the hurricane a crimson red as the organs fell to the ground.
Kushina disappeared only to appear a few feet in front of Mihawk this time she placed her katana In its sheathe but, once Mihawk saw it slowly being drawn did his eyes widen in shock. It only got worse when Kushina gave him a smirk so deadly yet cold and speak in a tone that it sent shivers up his spine,
''You better do something quick Mi-chan...or you will die in this next attack...''
''Shit!'' he cursed before he grasped his yoru did he pull it back before he swung it once more with all the strength and speed he could muster; doing so he spoke,
''Sekai Ichi no Zangeki (The Strongest Slash of the World)!'' with that he swung sending a giant arc of compressed high speed air toward Kushina. Yet the woman just smirked seeing it coming her way, they both ignored those that got in the way of the attack. Building's, and marines alike were cut cleanly through the slash of compressed air...
Seeing it coming Kushina smirked before quickly draw her katana and in a flash she spoke, ''Busoshoku: Shāpu: Sekai ichi nashi Zangeki (Color of the Armaments: Sharpen: The Strongest Slash of the World)'' and in just that flash did the same arc of high speed compressed air appear only bigger...
Much bigger...
It like her husbands attack shot through the top part splitting the skies itself and cutting into the ground only this one was tearing through the ground and the water beneath the very island! As it closed in on Mihawk's own slash the island part that was cut was slowly titling deeper into the ocean this part being mainly some of marineford's populated housings.
Once the two attacks clashed though...
It was expected that another explosion would erupt but, instead shockingly enough Mihawk's attack was'cut' clean and through like butter it separated thus cleaving parts of marineford's base in two. Kushina's attack still holding strong; seeing it come toward him Mihawk only had time to hold up his yoru to try and deflect it.
Once it was within range Mihawk held firm with his yoru before him and when he felt the slash impacting onto him he grit his teeth and glared his eyes at the attack. He skid inch by inch which grew feet by feet till he was skidding back and back without stopping. That is until he stomped his foot into the ground before holding his ground stopping himself completely.
The attack grew more and more seeing as it was being blocked, though seeing it get stronger Mihawk closed his eyes before he heaved with all he had to counter the attack. That which resulted in Kushina's strike shooting up into the air completely cutting the clouds themselves before it disappear but, also in result was something that made Mihawk drop to his knees...
His Kokuto Yoru being held firmly in his grasp was missing half of it's blade with it being a few feet from him...
When he felt someone in front of him he slowly turned to see Kushina looking at him and his broken sword before shaking her head. She slowly placed her katana back into its sheathe before she picked up the end of his yoru that had been sliced off before she placed it beside Mihawk. Looking at him did she speak, ''You did well counter my second strongest attack is no small feat I give you that...that is why...if you help me and Naru-koi...I shall restore the Kokuto Yoru...after all...I was the one who made it...'' she said with a smirk.
Mihawk slowly just looked at her before looking at his broken blade and only blade he had in his possession. Looking toward, his ex-sensei all he could do was smirk, ''I seem to have no choice huh?'' which Kushina just grinned in a very similar manner to one Monkey D. Luffy.
''You got that damn right, ''ttebane!'' with that she disappeared once more as Mihawk grasped the other end of his blade before giving out a chuckle despite his defeat. Remembering a marimo haired swordsmen did Mihawk speak,
''Seems your not the only one that needs training...Roronoa Zoro...Seems I have much learn...''
With Naruto
Standing in one a of many countless craters among the battlefield was Naruto with two more only them lying face down on the ground. He himself was unscathed as he was slowly sheathing his sabre after cleaning off the remaining blood. His clothing unscathed as well but, his face had the blood of his enemies and as did his clothing. No tears or such but, the blood of his two enemies was splattered among his clothing and skin.
Looking down at his defeated enemies did he let out a bored sigh, unlike him both Aokiji and Borsalino were nothing more then bloody smears on the ground, literally so. There admiral mantles both gone as were parts of there upper and lower clothing. Slashes and gashes from his sabre showed among there chests, arms and legs. Borsalino's sunglasses long shattered as was Aokiji's headgear as well.
They lay there on the ground pooling blood, unconscious as not only the slash's and cuts but, from broken to shattered bones were out of place in there bodies. Fractured ribs, shattered collarbones, broken legs and arms...
Seeing the two down and seeing his wife done with Mihawk did Naruto glance up at both Sengoku and Garp where whitebeard was, that is before he slowly glanced up at the marineford base; he analyzed it a few minutes before he narrowed his eyes.
''Seems we got some visitors...'' with that he disappeared heading toward Whitebeard.
With Sengoku and Garp
During the the battles between Naruto and Kushina, both Sengoku and Garp had tried to intervene but, Whitebeard stopped them from even trying. He knew it wouldn't change the outcome no matter how much the two tried to fight, even if he was gonna die...
Those two were end this war...gaining a victory for the Pirates all over the world...
Standing in front of both Sengoku and Garp, the severely wounded Whitebeard grinned at them. Seeing there frustrated expressions made it all the more appealing to him, at first he thought the war would have been lost with ace's death but, those two appeared. There was only one way for them to appear like they did and he inwardly thanked Shanks very much.
Looking at the two did he let loose a bellowing laugh, ''You two are in trouble now...even if I won't stop those two from coming at you and with the full force of the entire ocean upon you and the whole World Government...'' he said ignoring the blood pooling from him.
Sengoku the ever prideful marine would have growled at him if it weren't completely and utterly true. If there was one thing he and the whole Gorosei feared it was those two and there awakening all the more solidified there fear. Nonetheless he and garp stood before Whitebeard him in his Golden Buddha-Buddha form and Garp's un-restrained strength.
''That's right, after all Garp here is taking duty over his own family...and Sengoku here is overlooking the sins of there very nobles they protect...'' said a voice that made both marine's eyes widen in shock as both Naruto and Kushina appeared at Whitebeards side thus making the giant pirate grin all the more.
''Y-y-you...'' uttered Garp as he stared at the two people he hoped to never see not out of spite nor anger but, out of his own sin's against them and the betrayal he committed. Naruto just gave him a non-caring glance before focusing his attention on Sengoku though Kushina glared at him with enough killing intent and haki that it made him take a step back while flinching.
''Uzumaki D. Naruto...Uzumaki D. Kushina...I never would have thought you two were still alive. Seem's I should have taken your words all those years ago more own pride blinded me...'' muttered Sengoku as he stared down at the two people that made even the famed Pirate King Gol D. Roger look small in comparison in power...
Glaring at the man did naruto speak, ''Yet look at what its come brat for not only trying to kill our own family we have come to beat the words and sense into your heads. Your Admiral's aren't gonna be able to do anything as well as your other Shichibukai...You've lost either way Sengoku...'' spoke Naruto as he glared at the angerful eyes of Sengoku.
''That may be true...but me and garp are still here!'' he shouted before he brought down his palm shooting out a golden shockwave but, before it could hit them Naruto shot out his own palm it blazing with his own haki thus is stopped the attack nullifying it completely...
''Unfortunately...we've got other matters to attend'' with that naruto appeared infront of Sengoku before delivering a punch of his pure raw strength into Sengoku's stomach making him completely wide eyed before keeling over. He didn't go flying for he had stood his ground but, the Marineford base didn't get the same protection for it was once again hit by a shockwave only from naruto's pure strength did it shatter as it fell apart.
Sensing garp coming from his right, did he spin around in the air blocking a punch from Garp with his knee as the shockwaves from the punch flowed behind him. He glared down at the solemn Garp before grasping his face before kneeing the man in the face gaining a painful moan from the man before spun him around before throwing him into the ground.
Upon impact did the ground just crater beneath him getting yet another painful grunt from the man. He tried to move only to have a katana pointed at his neck; looking up did he see Kushina ready to strike him down then and there. Her foot firmly set onto his chest making him unable to move even if he tried he'd be on a one end trip to his death bed...
''You stay right where you are...traitor'' she said spitting the word traitor out like pure poison. Garp seeing it was futile and hearing Kushina's words just laid there unmoving while he just let the tears he's held back flow down...
With Naruto, he looked back at Sengoku to see him gasping for breath as blood leaked out from his mouth. His fist imprint still in his stomach; though once he felt that again did naruto glare once more but, not at Sengoku but, to the marineford base...
''Alright you rats...if your gonna keep hiding...then I'll flush you out!'' and before anyone could stop him, Naruto appeared in front of the Marineford base his clenched fist blazing with his golden haki. Upon swinging his arm did Naruto speak,
''Busoshoku: Kyōka: Jishin-ken (Color of the Armaments: Strengthen: Earthquake Fist)!'' right then before Whitebeards shock did naruto punch the building only for it to shake and tremble as a real man-made earthquake shook around it. It only took a minute but, that's all that was needed before right then and there before everyone's eyes...
Did marineford just collapse the earthquake within it and under it tore it apart literally; it just fell in on itself with the outer walls falling apart cracking and falling as it did so. Pulling his fist back did Naruto and Kushina glare up at the figures that could be seen from within the falling Marine HQ. The one that Naruto and Kushina really cared about though was the person in the middle of them all...
Standing upon the falling apart was Marshall D. Teach or some would know him as 'Blackbeard' but, right now the man was adorning a shocked expression especially when he found the two pair of glaring azure slitted and violet orbs staring him down.
''Teach!'' shouted Whitebeard, glaring at the man that had not only caused mutiny on his ship but, also got Ace in all this trouble to begin with! Garp and Sengoku despite Naruto and Kushina looked up in anger at the man who had caused all of this...
'' he's the one that Shanks told us about...'' muttered Kushina as she glared at Blackbeard and his crew. Naruto himself just let loose his haki making his body just erupt in golden haki it shot up into the skies itself and enveloped the whole of marineford and its island in a golden light that which could be seen from all across the grand line.
It was like God's Torch of vengeful flames...
''So this the one that not only put my grandson's in such a position...but he also scarred me and Kushina's second son...this brat is the one that scarred my second son? You...shall not leave here alive!'' Naruto's wrathful words echoed all around the island with a shockwave by itself. The haki golden aura around erupted like a volcano as his hair just billowed in the self-made winds of power.
Clenching his fists did naruto let loose such a glare that it sent the petrified Blackbeard into hysteric's not his normally faked ones but, true fearful hysteric's. He had angered a father and Mother and he shall pay with his Blood!
Outskirts of Marineford
Upon the pirate ship called Red Force, did the whole crew see the golden aura of light erupt from Marineford among them did Shanks let loose a frown. Him and his crew ready to back up both Whitebeard and those he had called upon. Yet he knew they wouldn't need it he couldn't help but, worry for the two.
Though seeing the golden aura of haki erupt from the island it lighting up the sky itself seen from all over the Grand Line and the New World made him frown all the more...
'' angry...''
WOOO! There ya go guy's an action packed battle and War :D Unlike canon I can tell ya that :P. Bet it was a shocker to hear Naruto's proclamation and the other information on some of there past revealed eh?
Anyway I got a bit creative with Haki as you can see and hoped it inspired One Piece writer's about Haki and its usage :P I've read up on it and added a little of my own into it soooo yeah :D
ALSO! NOTE I am NOT bashing Garp because personally I respect him but, that respect is overshadowed with his deeds, he couldn't protect ace for his duty overwhelmed his sense of protecting ACE HIS ADOPTED GRANDSON! Family should ALWAYS come over ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! But like I said am NOT bashing Garp for future chapters will show his change...
Hope you guy's liked the Chapter and as you can see...Blackbeard is about to get his ass BEATEN!...XD Just like marine, the Admiral's and Sengoku got there asses handed to them on a silver Platter...
AND YES The necklace around naruto's neck is the same one that Shanks put in the bottle!
Anyway that's all for now Till Next time!
TDKN-is Out!