On Earth But Here With You .

Hey this is the second chapter!yay!sorry it took so long, but here It is...oh and I don't own the vampire diaries show or the characters...except Ashley she is me, and xyueuchihax owns also cowrites this with me...so...enjoy...review please...we need reviews to keep writing .or I do, they make my day, keep me happy, and as sane as an insane person can be...anyways, too much talking. Heres the story..


Damon didn't usually drink so early in the morning, yet he found himself chugging down glass after glass at the grill, with Elena watching him, he face saddened by his despair..

Courtney was sitting at the bar woundering how the hell she ended up here.

"Oh, it's the Random chick from last Night." Damon smiled while Elena rolled her eyes."How do you do?"

Courtney noticed Damon and Elena "Hello Damon. Hello Elena"

"Umm...sorry, who are you?" Elena asked, trying to figure out if she knew this girl from somewhere.

Courtney does a mental face slap. "Elena we have a some classes together thats how I know your name. And my name is Courtney. I just recently moved to Mystic Falls."

"Oh so now you tell me your name?" Damon asked," When I'm too drunk to likely remember it."."

Courtney rolled her eyes at Damon. "Who said I was telling it to you? I was telling it to Elena."

Damon smiled lightly, shrugging,"Tusche."

Courtney rolled her eyes and trys to ignore Damon knowing it would ** him off.

."Elena?" Damon asked, ignoring Courtney.

"Yes, Damon?" She asked

"Do you want to know where she really comes from?" He asked, glancing between the two girls, his eyebrows raised.

Courtney said this so low that Elena wouldnt hear her."She won't beleive you Salvatore."

"Then I guess we'll just have to test that theory." Damon said.

. Courtney shook her head

. "She watches us on tv." Damon said, looking at Courtney the entire time.

"What?" Elena asked, shocked.

. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Ashley woke up, feeling lightheaded, her memory of the night prior a bit it was a dream, she knew, and hoped full heartedly it was as she weakly opened her eyes.

Stefan just came back in the room with blood on his lips. "Good morning, Ashley."

"Hello, Stefan." She Said, Backing up until She was pressed against the headboards. She Bit her lip in Fear.

Stefan smirked at her fear and slowly approached her bed like a predator stalking its pray.

"Stefan." Ashley warned,"Calm down. You're better than this."

Stefan laughs darkly. "How would you know Ashley?" he appeared on the bed next to her

"Because I know you, Stefan.I've seen the pain on your face every week on my television. And I've only wished to help you." Ashley reached out and nervously touched his check, biting her lip. "Please let me help you."

Stefan grabbed her hand and moved it away."I don't need or want your help."

Ashley sighed, frustrated at Stefan. " Well that's too bad for you. I'm helping you whether you like it or not."

Stefan laughed darkly"Good luck with that."

"You'll find I can be stubborn" She said, clutching her teeth together in frustration.

"And so can I." He pushed Ashley down and licked her neck before biting into it.

"Stefan!" Ashley called out, pleading with him." It...aack!" There was a grugling sound before Ashley's entire body went limp.

Stefan stopped feeding from her. "Sh*t I took to much." he then Bit his wrist and put it in her mouth

Ashley just lied motionless in Stefan's arms. Barely breathing, her breathe hoars and weak.


okay, thanks for reading, all I can say is that I beg of you to review.