Sunlight shown in through the window, lighting up one of the bedrooms in apartment 2J. Katie Knight groaned as the sun hit her face, signaling the start of a new day at the Palm Woods. "Katie, honey! Time to get up!" Mrs. Knight called from outside her door. "Yeah yeah, I'm up!" Katie answered grumpily from behind a pillow covering her face, trying to shield it from the blinding rays of sun. She heard her mother walk away and sighed deeply. Today was the day that Kendall, Carlos, Logan, and James got back from their 2 year worldwide tour and apparently Mrs. Knight was freaking out. Katie could hear her making a bunch of noise in the kitchen, so she decided to go and help her before she broke something. She reluctantly got up from her cozy bed and went over to her closet. She really wanted to impress the boys with how grown up she was now. They left when she was just turning 16, and they would be coming back to an 18 year old Katie Knight. She wanted to show James most of all. For as long as she could remember, she had a huge crush on him. Although she never admitted it to anyone. She knew that nothing would ever happen between them, but she still wanted him to notice her. She searched for a minute before hearing a big CRASH from the living room and hurried up. She finally decided on black skinny jeans, a flowy pink floral see-through shirt with a black tank top underneath, and black 3-inch high heels. James was close to six feet tall and she was still pretty short. She then curled her hair into soft waves, but kept her side bangs straight. She applied only a little eyeliner and mascara to make her eyes pop. She added light pink eye shadow and blush and took a look at herself in the mirror. Happy with the way she looked, Katie walked into the kitchen to help her mother.

One Hour Later

The band was to arrive any minute and Katie was sitting at her desk, her chin resting in one hand and the fingers of the other hand tapping on the desk top. Finally, the front door opened and the apartment was filled with a lot of laughter and talking. Katie's head perked up when she heard them and smiled. The first one to greet them was, of course, Mrs. Knight. She pulled each boy into a hug and gave them cheerful smiles. "You're home! Oh, I missed you so much!" She said to Kendall with tears in her eyes. Kendall just rolled his eyes and said, smiling, "Mom, stop crying! We're supposed to be happy, remember?" She just laughed and pulled him in for another hug. Logan smiled and said, "Ah, it's good to be home." Then Carlos spotted the swirly slide and ran over to it shouting, "Swirly!" James looked around the apartment and said, "Where's Katie?" They suddenly heard another voice not belonging to anyone in the room. They all looked over to see Katie leaning against the doorframe leading to her bedroom. Kendall's eyes grew wide, Logan stood frozen, Carlos stumbled out of the swirly slide, and James dropped his bags to the floor. All he managed to make out was, "K-Katie?"

Well, what do you think?

Should I continue?

I know it's an overused plot, but I really wanted to write a Jatie story!

At first I didn't like this couple, but now I TOTALLY support it! XP

Please read&review because I would love to hear what you think! Thanx!